FAC 10-22-91 FINE ARl'S a:M1ISSICN Regular Meeting---{)ctober 22, 1991 CUpertino City Hall Conference Roan A MINl1I'ES 1. CALL 'IO ORDER The ræeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairperson Ettinger. 2. ROLL CALL Cam\i.ssioners present: Ettinger , Robledo HolliIrDn, Jelinch, Pizer, Lerner, Catmissioners absent: Harry Staff present: Dorothy Cornelius PLEI:GE OF ALLEGIANCE QJai.r Ettinger introduced Mary Ann Howard fran the City of CalrpJell. 3 . APPROVAL OF MINl1I'ES a. Regular meeting of SepteIttJer 24, 1991 It was IIDVed by Can. Pizer, seconded by Can. Robledo and passed with Can. Hollilron abstaining to ðH?roye the minutes with page 3 arrended to shl::1.1 that a possible surcharge would be for use of the piano at the Quinlan Center and that the special eyents subamnittee had been asked to assist with the fonnation of the Friends of the Arts. 4. ORAL CXMoIDNICATICNS Lauralee Sorensen, Council merri:Jer, addressed the amnittee regarding the fifteenth anniversary of Cupertino's sister city relationship with 'lbyokawa. 'lhis will occur in 1993. She stated that the City wanted to present 'lbyokawa with a magnificent gift, an original, unique piece of art depicting the two cities. It will also be Toyokawa's 50th anniversary as a city. CUpertino did not wish to spend IIDre than $5,000. Counc. Sorensen said she would also be speaking to the Library Cœmission. Perhaps cable teleyision could do a yideo of the Cherry BloSBaD Festival which they could also present to Toyokawa. The City wants to present a major gift in the fine arts area. She will be addressing the Sister City Catmittee and is going to suggest that the chair foDll a steering amnittee -1- consisting of representatives fran the Fine Arts Calmission, the Library Camlission, the Chamber of Camerce, Cable Television .Advisory Cœmittee, EupI1rat Gallery, schools, and possible service clubs. A gxxi size for the cx:mni.ttee 'to'Ould probably be no IIDre than ten people and \\'OUld probably be fonœd in spring or stmrœr of 1992. This item will be placed on the agenda for the Noyarœr meeting. 5. WRITl'EN CXMoIUNICATIOOS Sculpture Magazine Art in Public places, Santa Fe Confederation of the Arts, San Dieg:> EupI1rat Gallery - free-hand San Jose Synphony benefit concert Office of CUltural Affairs brown bag lunch Brochure on art glass A letter fran Kathy Nunes informing the Cœmission that the Cherry Blossan Festival had received an international award. Architecture, Art, and Plarming Magazine Arts Council survey 6. STAFF REPORl'S City Clerk Cornelius infonœd the Cœmission that upon checking the contract for the mural, it was discoyered that the City is required to naintain the mural. In ackli.tion, she had contacted James sealy regarding his grant. Mr. sealy returned a check for $625.00, along with a letter explaining that he had been unable to cmplete the project as he had been robbed and his equipænt taken. City Clerk Cornelius also reported that the Fine Arts Camlission had $5,000 remaining fran last year's budget. This IIDney has been put into a reserve account and may be used for a special project approved by the City Manager. 7. OLD BUSINESS a. "Mars" statue in foyer - Mr. Jelinch will contact Chris Boisseyain regarding extending the loan of the statue. b. Friends of the Arts Breakfast - Can. Ißrner said that Saturday, Novaiber 23, 9:00 a.m., is the tentative time for the breakfast. The plan is to have a continental type breakfast catered at the Quinlan Center, with funds cx:ming fran the =ent budget. '!be Clerk will contact Quinlan Center regarding use of a:roan. Chamber IllE!llÌJers will be inyited, as well as IllE!llÌJers fran the Fine Arts League and people on the mailing list of the Euphrat Gallery. ~tely 25 people 'to'Ould be expected to attend. Council IllE!llÌJers and cx:mni.ssioners will also be inyited. c. Target Grant - Chair Ettinger has not yet heard fran Target Stores regarding a presentation. -2- d. $5,000 budget itan rea:mnendations - Can. HollinDn expressed a preference that this reserve account not be used for purchase of the piano, but for a special event, possibly a joint program with DeAnza College or saœthing to enhance the Library. It oould be used to built a ooncrete pad for a large outdoor sculpture on a fiye-year loan or loan to purchase plan. Another possibility is to use it with the spring grants. . . 8. NEW BUSINESS a. Councilnarber Sorensen - Anniversary gift for the City of 'lbyckawa honoring 15 years of sister city relationship. Counc. Sorensen addressed the cx:mnission earlier in the meeting. b. Request for awroval to replace brass plaques on photos in hall. Can. HollinDn reported that she has received an estimate of $550 . 00 to replace the brass plaques. 'Ihere are 23 pictures. 'Ihe Catrnission then asked where they '<IIQuld get the IIDl1eY to CXIIplete this project. It '<IIQuld have to be authorized by Council. Can. Robledo stated that she will be meeting with lobuntain View Charmel 30 representatiyes next week regarding a video showing area art with a narration. Cities to be oovered '<IIQuld be lobuntain View, Sunnyvale, and Los Altos. 'Ibis '<IIQuld give the Cœrnission saœthing to show the Planning Cannission. If possible, the yideo will include art being created. Citizens will be asked how they feel about haYing the art. It will be a lO-15 minute yideo. She will also discuss this with the chair of CUpertino's cable teleyision exmnittee and with ...'upertino Charmel 30. GRANTS '!he $20,000 currently in the grant fund includes $5,000 for the Euphrat Gallery. Staff was asked to check and see when it is a¡::propriate to give it to them. Discussion follO'oNed regarding revising the grants awlication. 'Ihis will be placed on the next agenda. Not many awlications 'Ære received this round. '!he next round of grants will be prcm:>ted¡ notices will be sent to arts groups, as well as to previous awlicants who did not receive grants. (Can. Robledo leaves 8:35 p.m.) It was ltDVed by Can. Jelinch, se=nded by Can. Lerner and passed unaninDusly (5-0) to awrove grant rea:mnendations as suJ:mitted by the suba:mnittee . -3- c. d. e. f. Revision of the co--sponsorship form. By CX>I16enBUS, Camlission awroved amending the form to include a question as to whether or not there will be a charge to attend the function and, if so, hew ItUlch? Consideration of cancellation or change of date for Dec::eIIber 24 meeting . It was IIOVed by Can. Lerner, Se<Dnded by Can. Pizer and passed unanirrcusly by those present to cancel the meeting scheduled for Dec::a1ber 24. regarding grants awards Re<xIIIIIeI1dations to City Council (Discussed earlier in the meeting.) Setting time and place for interviewing awlicants for student representative to the Fine Arts Camlission. The sub-a:mnittee will interview all awlicants. 9. cmMITIEE REPORTS RohArta Hollirrcn - Can. Hollirrcn reported that photos of City ManagerS and Council rroentJers were axrplete. The 'Ibyokawa picture is framed and hanging in Quinlan Ccm11unity Center. A citizen does wish to donate a piece of art to Cupertino; hc7.1eyer, upon reyiew, it does not sean awropriate and the recx:mnendation is not to accept it. Jim pizor - Can. Pizor stated that in regard to the directories, he needs to contact the Library. Robert Lerner - Can. Lerner will talk with Parks and Recreation regarding charging for use of the new piano when it is purchased. Staff was directed to give him a copy of the letters sent to Rotary and Kiwanis Clubs. 10. cmMISSIOOER REPORTS AND LIAISOOS Chair Ettinger report on Art in the Library. Can. Hollirrcn reviewed the Mayor's Lunch. Can. Jelinch reported on a IDs Gatos juried Art Show co--sponsored by the IDs Gatos ArtS Camlission and Friends of the ArtS. Friends of the ArtS tried to raise IIDney to buy "Space Dance" and the artist has extended loan of the piece. Also, a new piece in the city cx:&Iplex was unyeiled. '!his is on a five-year loan. At 9:20 p.m., it was lIDyed by Can. Lerner, seconded by Can. Hollirrcn and P"'- """"""""y by _. -- to """""I the~ ~ æL ci ~ -4-