FAC 02-27-90
Fine Arts Commission
Regular Meeting -- February 27, 1990
Cupertino city Hall
The meeting was called to order at 7:02 p.m. by Chairperson Roberta
Commissioners Present: Hollimon,
Ettinger, Doris Harry (Val Ramsay
at 7:10).
staff Present:
Deborah Arden, Nancy steele, sheila
entered at 7:05; Robert Lerner entered
Donna Krey and Susan Robinson
Arden moved to approve the minutes with the correction of Scott sayre's
name in the staff report; Lerner seconded and the motion passed
There were none.
Additional california Summer School for the Arts applications were
distributed to commission members and Steele will ask that a previously
made tape on the school run on Channel 53. The Fine Arts League
Newsletter and notice of the student gallery at De Anza were passed
around. The notice for the Conference on the Nature of Public Art in
Parks was also distributed. It will take place March 26-28 in Santa
Barbara at a cost of $132. The Multi-cultural Seminar in San Jose, March
3, was also noted.
Krey reported that no more tours of the community center will be scheduled
due to construction deadlines and that commission members are invited to
the dedication ceremony to take place March 30. The center will open to
the public April 2. She is working on the mural brochure and hopes to
have it completed March 12. sayre is looking into mural posters for the
city. Krey is waiting for a price on lighting for the mural from The
Light Source, which will come out of the city budget. She also noted that
Jerry Graham of Channel Four interviewed Sayre in front of the mural for
Bay Area Backroads. Artist Magazine is also working on an article on
Sayre. The April 29 special event has been approved for the community
center. Krey said that at the Monday council meeting a resolution was
passed on commission absences. Absences will now be calculated by the
calendar year, so that if commissioners miss three meetings in one
calendar year they must go before the council for a waiver.
Mural Dedication--Ramsay read her report of the mural dedication. The
budget will be attached to it. She suggested forming a mural committee.
Arden noted that several community organizations are interested in viewing
the tape, The Making of a Mural, and that the library would like a copy
for their permanent collection. Steele suggested that a critique be
written with recommendations for the next event. Each committee will
write comments and bring them to the March meeting.
Art in City Hall--Arden suggested setting up a schedule for loaned
art now that the policy is in place, noting that insurance still needs to
be worked out. Lerner suggested publicizing loaned art in the Cupertino
Scene. The commission agreed that they would like to continue art in city
hall and need a new proposal to the city. The Art in city Hall committee
will come up with timing and procedures regarding city participation in
art auctions should the city wish to purchase more artwork.
Discussion of 1990-91 Budget--Each committee will present a proposed
budget for its activities.
Request from Euphrat Gallery--The gallery has requested $5,000 for
fiscal year 90-91. The commission noted that the gallery has made a
$9,000 funding proposal to the city of Sunnyvale as stipulated in last
year's council approval but has not heard the results. Ramsay moved to
recommend to city council that $5,000 be allocated to Euphrat Gallery
above the regular grant amount; Steel seconded and the motion passed with
one abstension by Arden, who is a member of the Euphrat board.
Discussion of proposed mural poster--Krey said that Sayre would like
to have mural posters printed that would sell for $10-20 each. Arden has
a list of printmakers in California and will check them regarding the
printing of the mural poster. Krey noted that any profit from the sale of
the poster would revert to the city's general fund.
Ettinger passed out a letter to accompany the commission brochure. The
business committee will decide on the paper stock of the brochure and
would like the information printed and mailed out by April 1. Ramsay
moved that a standing committee, entitled the Arts Education committee, be
formed to investigate and promote educational possibilities for the
schools and community; Steele seconded. The motion and second were
withdrawn. Ramsay then moved that the commission form a standing
committee entitled the Arts Education Committee to investigate and promote
educational possibilities for the schools and community. Arden seconded
and the motion passed unanimously. committee members will consist of
Steele, Ramsay and Arden. Steele reported on grants, stating that panels
are in place at the McClellan Nature Museum and the library is ready to
finalize sketches. The television committee reported that commission
members have been invited to attend the Cable Television Advisory
Committee meeting March 7, at City Hall. commissioners discussed having a
copy of the mural tape available for members and others who wished to view
it. Channel 53 will provide a tape of the final version to the commission
and the library.
Arden noted the fund raising letter for Euphrat. Harry said that the high
school show will be at the Euphrat Gallery the end of April or early May.
Steele noted that the Bicentenniel committee is coming up. Ettinger
mentioned a call from a Los Altos sculptor regarding a presentation to the
Hollimon adjourned the meeting at 9:00 p.m.