FAC 08-28-90 FINE ARTS COMMISSION Regular Meeting -- August 28, 1990 Cupertino city Hall MINUTES CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairperson Roberta Hollimon. ROLL CALL commissioners Present: Hollimon, Robert Lerner, Sheila Arden, Val Ramsay (Doris Harry arrived at 7:35 p.m.) Commissioners Absent: Nancy Steele Staff Present: Donna Krey and Susan Robinson Ettinger, Deborah APPROVAL OF MINUTES FOR JULY 24. 1990 MEETING Ettinger requested that the words "throughout the city" be deleted from the first sentence under new business. Ettinger moved to accept the minutes as corrected; Arden seconded and the motion passed unanimously. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS There were none. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS Hollimon passed out the latest edition of Sculpture Magazine and noted that the renewal has been received. She distributed Cal. Arts Council letters, an art poster and communications and a flyer from the Welch Choir. Arden handed out pictures entitled "The Foundling" and Krey distributed the final evaluation from the Thompson Trio and Arts Council of SC County annual summary. STAFF REPORT Krey distributed the new FAC bumper stickers and noted that she has distributed eight to ten grants applications and has heard announcements on the radio and in the newspaper. She noted that the lobby sculpture has been removed and that each Wed. on Ch. 53 an arts program from the National Gallery will be aired. She invited FAC members to introduce and localize the various segments and said that Heritage Cablevision now gets channel 53 on 35-B. She found the letter to rejected grants applicants for future use by the FAC. OLD BUSINESS Discussion of Heritaqe Parade -- Hollimon reported for Steele that the Fine Arts Commission will no longer have an entry in the Heritage Parade. Discussion of fund-raisinq -- Hollimon reported for Steele on the Fund-raising Committee meeting. They would like guidance from the city council on how to proceed with fund-raising in the city. At Krey's suggestion, they will ask Finance Director Blaine Snyder to attend their next meeting. Following this they will draft a proposal and then will approach city Council. Krey will ask snyder to attend the September FAC meeting. NEW BUSINESS Discussion of insurance on loaned art -- Krey reported on her meetings with Barbara Brown and ABAG noting that loaned art is covered under the city's property insurance but an independent appraiser is needed to evaluate the art. The city attorney will take out the wording stating that an artist must provide their own insurance. Goals Committee recommendations -- Hollimon stated that this committee will meet Sept. 26 and requested that Goals Committee recommendations be included on the next agenda. Discussion of private fundinq of public art -- Ettinger referred the commission to her document in the packet on private funding of public art. The commission reviewed the document and made content and wording suggestions. Some questions included whether donations of pubic art should be mandatory or voluntary and where the art should be located. Arden noted that the guidelines and criteria should be more specific. Krey noted that the Planning commission has only required public art of one developer thus far in cupertino and that the key is getting the commissions to work together. Krey will present information on private funding of public art in an oral staff report to the City Council at their next meeting. Discussion of cosponsorship policv -- Hollimon noted her discussion with Mike O'Dowd regarding parks and recreation's policy on cosponsorship. She referred commissioners to her draft of the cosponsorship policy included in the packet which contains sections from the parks and rec. policy. The commissioners reviewed the draft and changed the deadline to the lOth of the month for consideration at the next meeting. Lerner will develop the introduction for the cosponsorship policy and Arden will work with Hollimon to complete the application form to be included in the next packet. Hollimon requested that this item be included on the next agenda. Resolution for adoption of vision statement -- Harry referred commissioners to the vision statement resolution included in the packet. Harry then moved to adopt the resolution and have it sent to city Council for consideration; Lerner seconded and the motion passed unanimously. The resolution will go to the city Council meeting in two meetings. During oral communications at the Sept. 4 City Council meeting FAC members will make a statement regarding the vision statement and present bumper stickers to city Council members. Discussion of hostinq Arts Council workshop -- Hollimon noted that the Quinlan Center is available Fri., Sept. 21 at noon and requested the FAC's approval to host the City Connect Workshop brown bag lunch. Arden moved to host the Arts Council workshop in Sept.;Ettinger seconded and the motion passed unanimously. COMMITTEE REPORTS Public Art Committee -- Ramsay reported that the committee met to discuss the new proposal for promoting arts acquisitions to the city Council. She handed out a report from the meeting Aug. 21. Items discussed included developing a fact sheet on public arts support in Santa Clara Valley, publishing a survey for public art locations in the Scene and documenting public art in cupertino. Krey noted that surveys in the Scene have had a low response rate in the past. Other suggestions included developing a policy for business funding public art, developing a public relations program, arranging a montage on the FAC by Ch. 30, arranging a breakfast meeting with Parks and Recreation members and founding the "cupertino Friends of the Arts." The committee requested a list of Goals Committee members so they can send them a copy of the vision statement. Business Relations -- Ettinger noted the arrival of the bumper stickers. Before the next FAC meeting the committee plans to visit one or two businesses in cupertino. Art in City Hall -- The committee noted that the pictures have been hung and lighting is not up but is ordered. Grants -- Harry will mail flyers to former recipients. Krey sent out press releases on the grants and a copy of the flyer will go in the city Council packet. Development -- Harry noted a "Gifts to Share" catalogue. COMMISSIONER REPORTS Ramsay asked that a decision on who will attend the Cal. Confederation of the Arts meeting in Nov. be on the Sept. agenda. Ettinger showed a handout on how to contact congressional members. Harry reported that Sunnyvale is working on their arts 10 year plan. She noted that while in virginia she saw the Annenburg Collection and Jasper Johns exhibit. Arden stated that the Euphrat goals will go in the next packet and that Glen Rogers Perotto will set up a demonstration of printmaking for those FAC members who would like to attend in October. Hollimon reported on a water sculpture she saw while in Washington D.C., that there is no mayor's lunch this month and that she mailed in an NEA postcard to the President. She requested that sending a letter to legislatures and/or the President regarding the NEA be on the next agenda. ADJOURNMENT Ettinger moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:20 p.m.; Lerner seconded and the motion passed unanimously.