FAC 07-25-89 FINE ARTS COMMISSION Regular Meeting -- 7:00 p.m. July 25,1989 Cupertino city Hall MINUTES CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:04 p.m. by Chairperson Deborah Arden. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Arden, Harry, Ettinger, Ramsay, steele, Lerner, Hollimon. Staff present: Krey, Colgin. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FOR JUNE 27. 1989 REGULAR MEETING Steele requested the minutes regarding grants and television report reflect Arden's statements that Channel 53 spots were completed and that a grant article appeared in the Cupertino Scene. Harry made a motion to approve the minutes as amended. steele seconded and the motion passed unanimously. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS Arden reported that she had received a renewal for membership in the California Confederation of Arts. This was forwarded to Krey for processing STAFF REPORT Krey passed out information on the Asian Heritage Council Awards Banquet and the Tandem Exhibit going on until August 30, 1989. Krey reported that Tim Tyler will receive his mural entry via Greyhound Bus for $100, and that the city will pay for half of the shipping costs. Krey stressed the future need for the commission to try to ensure that artists stick to the original guidelines. Krey reported that Scott Sayer has signed his contract and has been to City Hall on several occasions to survey and measure the mural site. Krey said that the council has received the Business Committee's recommendations to read. Krey also reported that the City Attorney is at this time reviewing the guidelines for loaned art, and an opinion is expected shortly. OLD BUSINESS Arden distributed the updated telephone tree and a communication flow chart. NEW BUSINESS Ramsay requested that discussion of the mural dedication/celebration be continued until the next meeting. A celebration committee was formed, consisting of Lerner, Ramsay and Ettinger. The committee will to meet in the near future to discuss proposals for a mural dedication and report back to the commission. Ramsay again stressed her desire for an all-city celebration incorporating other Cupertino events. Hollimon expressed concern that several news articles quoted Sayer as saying Highway 101 would be part of his mural. Krey said she would let the artist know that 101 does not run through Cupertino. COMMITTEE REPORTS PUBLIC ART POLICY Ramsay reported that she had received two calls in regard to their art, for viewing in City Hall but is still waiting for attorney's legal document. loaning the BUSINESS RELATIONS Ettinger reported on a fountain in Los Altos that had tiles donated by large businesses. She felt that this was one way to encourage businesses to support the arts. Lerner will obtain a list of corporate members from the Chamber of Commerce. ART IN CITY HALL Hollimon suggested contacting John Mathias from the Euphrat Gallery on ideas for building a display case for the lobby. Steele said that Mayor Plungy would choose which artifacts would be placed in the case. SPECIAL EVENTS Hollimon distributed information on the Music/Opera in the Plaza. The special event is to take place on October 22, 1989, from 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. at City Hall Plaza. The West Bay Opera will be performing, and the proposed total cost for the event is $1050. Hollimon also proposed purchasing a banner if extra money is available in the budget. This banner would be placed above Stevens Creek Blvd. Krey offered to bring possible sample flyers for the event to the August meeting. ARTIST'S AWARDS Harry reported that the nameplates for the Artist Award had been delivered. The committee will continue researching options for the FUHSD award. GRANTS Steele reported that no grant applications had yet been received; the deadline is september 15, 1989. The committee received Judy Gregory's final evaluatiòn report from her recent grant. TELEVISION Steele reported that one television spot on Channel 53 had been done, and will be aired in a couple of weeks. Arden will be doing the next spot with artist Floy Zittin. H!.!BA1. Ramsay read a portion of Scott Sayre's contract and asked staff to check on the meaning of a statement regarding reproduction of the mural for non-profit agencies. COMMISSIONER REPORTS Lerner asked if the August meeting date could be changed since three of the commissioners could not make it. The commissioners agreed to meet a week later on August 29, 1989. ABt1EH Arden distributed a schedule of events and a list of Art Education Services from the last Euphrat meeting, and said she will attend the next Town of Los Gatos meeting. ~ No report. STEELE She will report on City of Los Altos and the Fine Arts League next month. LERNER He will attend the meeting at Sunnyvale next month. HOLLIMON, Hollimon reported that she had called the California Arts Council to ask about technical assistance, and found that technical assistance goes through the local partner, which is the Santa Clara county Arts Council. The California Arts Council cannot serve the cities directly. Occasionally training seminars are given that commissioners can attend. She also reported that she will get in touch with Gloria Woodlock and ask her to speak at a FAC meeting in October or November regarding the structure of local arts agencies and to help with board development. ETTINGER She reported that she had been to a studio called Creativity Unlimited in San Jose for the physically, mentally and developmentally delayed. The studio is having an open house on September 8,1989. Among the studios sponsors are the Fine Arts Commission of San Jose, and the Bank of America. RAMSAY She reported that the California Confederation of the Arts will have its meeting on November 16-18, 1989. ADJOURNMENT Ettinger made a motion t~ adjourn the meeting at 8:30 p.m. to August 29, 1989; Lerner seconded and the motion passed unanimously.