FAC 10-24-89 FINE ARTS COMMISSION Regu1ar Meeting -- 7:00 p.m. October 24, 1989 Cupertino City Hall MINUTES CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. by Chairperson Deborah Arden. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Arden, Ettinger, Ramsay, steele, Hollimon. (Harry arrived at 7:10, and Lerner arrived at 8:07 p.m.) Staff Present: Krey and Robinson APPROVAL OF MINUTES FOR SEPTEMBER 26. 1989 REGULAR MEETING Steele requested the minutes be corrected on page 3 to show that the Fine Arts Grants will appear before the council on Nov. 6 rather than Nov. 2. Hollimon made a motion to approve the minutes as amended. Ramsay seconded and the motion passed unanimously. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Trish steinhardt was not present to speak. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS There were none. STAFF REPORT Krey reported on effects of the Oct. 17 earthquake on the city of Cupertino. Krey said that T. Scott Sayre called to affirm that the mural survived the quake without damage. Krey also reported that damage to City facilities totaled about $300,000. OLD BUSINESS Hollimon requested that commissioners who are liaisons to cities get names and addresses of mayors and art commissioners to her. Ettinger showed the rough draft of the business relations committee brochure and opened it up for discussion. Krey suggested that position titles not be mentioned to avoid the need to change the brochure on a yearly basis. Arden suggested that a half tone mural be placed on one panel of the brochure. She further recommended the use of McGrue Color Graphics in the Midwest as they do excellent, inexpensive work. Arden suggested that a section geared toward businesses be added. Ettinger stressed the need to keep the brochure grammatically consistent. NEW BUSINESS Steele reported that 12 grant applications were received. The committee recommended four grants: Hands on the Arts, $2,000; Cupertino Chamber Players, $1,000; Peter Thompson, $1,645; Julie Dalrymple's library mural, $2,500. Krey noted that cupertino should be recognized as a contributor by Hands on the Arts, and that this should be taken into consideration for future grant applications. Arden asked what the city Council's feelings are for next year's grant application, whether this will be a yearly request, and exactly how many residents of Cupertino are served by Hands on the Arts. The Cupertino Chamber Players, headed by Joanne Tanner, will do one performance this year, rather than two as last year. The grants awarded total $7,145, which includes two visual and two performing artists. Hollimon suggested that Peter Thompson and Joanne Turner perhaps could receive funding through Young Audiences. Harry said the status of that group was not known. Ettinger moved that the committee's nominees for grants be accepted, Ramsey seconded. Harry interjected that she needed to abstain from voting on one of the nominees, and Krey recommended that each grant application be voted on individually. Ettinger withdrew her motion, and Ramsey withdrew her second. Harry moved that the committee recommend to City council that they fund Hands on the Arts for the sum of $2,000 with the stipulation that Cupertino be recognized, verbally and orally in all publicity and that they get a written account of the numbers of people who attend the event from Cupertino. Ramsay seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Ettinger moved that the committee recommend to City Council that they fund the Cupertino Chamber Players; Hollimon seconded and the motion passed unanimously. Hollimon moved that the committee recommend to City Council that they give $1,645 to Peter Thompson for programs in schools; Ramsay seconded the motion. Harry abstained as the grant petitioners are members of her faculty. The motion passed with six yes votes and one abstention. Ramsay moved that council fund the Cupertino Public Library in the amount of $2,500 for a mural; Harry seconded and the motion passed unanimously. COMMITTEE REPORTS PUBLIC ART POLICY There was no report at this time. BUSINESS RELATIONS There is nothing further to report at this time. ART IN CITY HALL There was no report at this time. SPECIAL EVENTS Hollimon reported that Opera in the Plaza was canceled due to inclement weather and timing with the earthquake. All but two musicians were notified of the cancelation before reaching their base in Palo Alto. A date and location for rescheduling was discussed. Arden emphasized the need to reschedule within the next quarter so the coDllllitt.. will receive somethinq tC)r,the" funds expended. Hollimon will continue preparation for a future event, and noted that she '.1btained the city specs for han¡\ing a banner. The cost of a banner to, meet these specs ,"ollid rùa between $600-$700. Lerner emphasized the need. for publicity. ltrey said that with advance notice she will put an article in the CUpertino Scene and do a press release. Ramsay made a motion to make arrangements to reschedule Opera in the Plaza and approve an additional expenditure up to $500. steele seconded and the motion passed unanimously. ARTIST'S AWARDS The artist's awards will be discussed on the November agenda. ~ Grants have been completed. TELEVISION Steele will meet with Suzanne Orcutt and the subcommittee to discuss the television issue. ~ Thursday, Jan. 25, is the new date for the mural dedication. COMMISSIONER REPORTS ARImi Arden reported that the Euphrat Fall Art Education Reception was to be held Thursday, Oct. 26, from 4:30-6 p.m. She gave highlights of the Mayor's luncheon meeting: Parks and Rec made a bid to hold the pre-Olympic swim trials, curbside recycling has been a success, and she reminded the qroup of the Opera in the Plaza event. HABBï Harry reported on her trip to Georgia, stating that she found that in one county of 76 schools there were 79 art teachers. She also went to Katia LaCoste Gallery in San Jose. ~ Steele had no report. I&mœB Lerner had no report. HOLLIMON Hollimon reported that she has called GloriaWoodlock of the California Arts Council in Sacramento, a specialist in technical assistance on art coDllllissions, and needs to know when to schedule her to come speak to the commission. Members suggested the month of February. ETTINGER She mentioned that a brochure is available on museums around the country, and asked if those attending the San Jose Arts Conference could pay at the door. RAMSAY Ramsay reported that San Jose Cleveland Ballet has mini-subscription tickets for $32. She also mentioned that The Harlequin Gallery in the downtown Fairmont Hotel has a metal art piece that could be considered for city Hall. ADJOURNMENT Ettinger made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:55 p.m.; Ramsay seconded and the motion passed unanimously.