FAC 11-28-89 FINE ARTS COMMISSION Regular Meeting -- 7:00 p.m. November 28, 1989 Cupertino City Hall _ucl, c(W J!~/ MINUTES CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:01 p.m. by Chairperson Deborah Arden. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Arden, Ettinger, Ramsay, 7:11 p.m. and Lerner arrived at 8:50 p.m.) Commissioners Absent: Steele Staff Present: Krey and Robinson Guests Prsent: Jan Rindfleisch, Euphrat Gallery Tobin, Euphrat gallery board member. Hollinger (Harry entered director and Katherine APPROVAL OF MINUTES FOR OCTOBER 24. 1989 REGULAR MEETING Arden requested that the spelling of Katia LaCoste be corrected on page 3 under Harry's report. Ettinger asked that "committee brochure" under old business be clarified to read "business relations committee" brochure. Hollimon noted that on page 1 under old business the first sentence should be ammended to read, "Hollimon requested that commissioners who are liaisons to cities get names and addresses of mayors and art commissioners to her." Hollimon further requested that line 2 of page 3 be changed to read, "...she noted that she obtained the city specs for hanging a banner. The cost of a banner to meet these specs would run between $600-$700." Hollimon also requested that the spelling of Gloria Woodlock's name be corrected under her report on page 3. Ettinger requested that the wording of her report on page 3 be changed from "noted that those" to "asked if those" and from "can pay" to "could pay." Ettinger moved that the minutes be accepted as corrected. Ramsay seconded and the motion passed unanimously. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS There were none. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS Arden presented the agenda from the Los Gatos Art Commission meeting. She also presented a letter from Joanne Tanner suggesting that the city obtain a piano for the new community center. She gave the letter to Krey who will forward it to Parks and Rec Director, Steve Dowling. Other facitlities in Cupertino were mentioned that have pianos. Ramsay suggested that businesses in Cupertino might be willing to underwrite this purchase. STAFF REPORT Krey submitted updated mural photos from T. Scott Sayre and noted progress is going well on the mural. Sayre would like to install mural Jan. 12, and will bring two workmen with him to install and it. She reported that Channel 53 continues work on their mural documentary with 9 reels of tape so far. Krey submitted a book of J. Stuart Johnson's sculpture to the public art committee. She also noted that if the Sobrato development passes council they will be required to include a piece of public art in it, which will go through the Fine Arts Commission. She presented a sample brochure for the FAC. that the drape OLD BUSINESS Artists Awards: will be continued in Jan. Mural Dedication: Moved to Committee Reports. Art in city Ha11 -- Loaned Art Po1icy: Arden noted that this agenda to empower the committee to arrange for loaned art for dedication. This will be discussed under the mural report. is on the the mural NEW BUSINESS Euphrat Gallery: Director Jan Rindfleisch passed out a press kit on the Euphrat Gallery. The gallery recently received publicity from Metro, Artweek and the San Jose Mercury News. She noted that the gallery received five awards during the past year. She said that the gallery has been awarded $10,000 in Getty funding as well as a grant from the California Arts Council. She noted that due to the earthquake the gallery will be allowed to keep the same rating which will guarantee funding for next year. Activities the gallery is planning for the coming year include an "Artist over 60" exhibit, a collector's exhibit, three student shows and a fund-raiser. The gallery is also planning a "Drawing from Experience" exhibit and would like to have a lunch for Cupertino City Hall staff at the end of January. Special programs at the gallery include a pilot program with Vargas School. New positions at the gallery include Director of Special Programs, Patricia Alvers, and Education Coordinator, Trish Casper. There is currently a full-time assistant position open. Funding has been received from the Cupertino Educational Endowment Foundation and the gallery is putting in a proposal to Sunnyvale that will ask them to meet Cupertino's contribution. Other funding has been received from Hewlett Packard and other local companies. Committee Alternates: Arden noted that a number of committees have been "left short in times of high stress" and that there is a need for standing committee alternates. Harry suggested coordinating committees. commissioners agreed that when the committee chairmen need more help they can feel free to call on another committee member at that time and that they would not further formalize the procedure. Arden reminded the FAC that the maximum number of commission members that can serve on any committee is three, as they can never have a quorum. COMMITTEE REPORTS PUBLIC ART POLICY To be discussed during the mural report. BUSINESS RELATIONS The commission reviewed Krey's FAC brochure and agreed to accept it after making minor changes. The commission would like the City Hall telephone number included in the brochure and a thicker paper stock used. The commission will research thicker paper stocks at the printer. ART IN CITY HALL This will be discussed under the mural. SPECIAL EVENTS Hollimon presented an interim report on the Opera in the Plaza event. Efforts to reschedule to Nov. 19 or Dec. 3 were not implemented, as Dec. was not good for the artists or the mayor. The committee recommends that the special event be held in the Spring in combination with the Artists Awards. This way, there would be an audience and the two budgets could be combined. Also, this may fall at the end of a West Bay Opera season, thus costs would be reduced. Arden questioned if city Council Chambers are still an alterntive. Krey noted that the lack of piano and stage would pose a problem. Krey suggested using the community center which will open in the spring. The commission set a tentative date for May 6 at the community center. ARTIST'S AWARDS To be discussed on the January agenda. GRANTS Harry mentioned that Peter Thompson and the Thompson Trio have a chance to get a 70% matching grant from the musicians union to do two junior high performances in addition to the elementary schools if a letter is sent from city hall. Krey will sign the letter when provided by Harry. TELEVISION There was no report. MURAL Ramsay reported that T. Scott Sayre has had news releases distributed to all the major national media. A second set of news releases will go out shortly before the dedication. Sayre will make remarks at the dedication and will help with the program cover. Ramsay distributed a copy of the timeline for the mural dedication and discussed the need for nametags and a guest book. Krey noted her concern with possible overcrowding in the city hall lobby. The commission decided to have food and drink distributed on trays by wandering waiters. The program for the dedication was discussed. The commission decided to order black ink on a cream or ivory background. The program will include a mission statement, member names, the program, the biography of T. Scott Sayre, acknowledgments, and volunteers. Krey will help with the inside of the program and requested that the commission get the information to her as soon as possible. It was decided that Hollimon will mail out the invitations the day after Christmas. Committee members mentioned that they found an appropriate sculpture for city hall at Katia LaCoste and a painting by Burt Humphrey. Harry moved that the commission contact the two art galleries proposed. Hollimon seconded and the motion passed unanimously. Lerner reported on the refreshment committee saying that Steele would like to be replaced. He said that Just Fresh will donate food for the dedication. The commission decided to go with deserts and drinks versus hors d'oeuvres. COMMISSIONER REPORTS ARDEN Arden had no report. HARRY Harry highly recommended the Arts in Education workshop at the California Confederation of Arts Conference stating that everyone should attend the conference even if they can only stay for half a day. She mentioned that arts groups need to be advocates for arts in their communities and promote arts candidates in the school districts. Harry submitted an art statement and suggested that the commission have retreats to exchange ideas from these conferences in the future. Hollimon proposed that a special meeting be held for attendees of the arts conference in the future. STEELE Steele had no report. LERNER Lerner had no report. HOLLIMON Hollimon reported on a multi-cultural caucus that she attended at the California Confederation of Arts Conference. She recommended that the commission think about expanding their multi-cultural mailing list. ETTINGER Ettinger displayed brochures on the ballet schedule and Flint Center yearly events, as well as a Creativity Unlimited newsletter. RAMSAY Ramsay noted a article in the San Jose Mercury News and reported on the California Confedertion of Arts Conference. She said the most enlightening presentation was by Jan Hutchins about the power of the press. ADJOURNMENT Harry made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:35 p.m. to December 19th. Hollimon seconded and the motion passed unanimously.