FAC 03-22-88 FINE ARTS COMMISSION Regular Meeting Tuesday, March 22, 1988 Cupertino City Hall--Conference Room MINUTES CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:04 p.m. by Chairman Nancy Steele ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Arden, Bingham, Ettinger, Roslund and Steele Commissioners Absent: Rivera Staff Present: Donna Krey Harry, Hollimon, Ramsay, APPROVAL OF MINUTES FOR Feb. 23, 1988 MEETING In the section on Discussion/Approval of Grant Awards, the minutes were amended to include the wording, "and Arden abstaining" on the vote relating to the Euphrat grant award. Also corrected was the location of the Abhinaya School of Dance performance from Monta Vista Recreation Center to Monta Vista High School Auditorium. Ettinger moved to accept the minutes with these amendments; Hollimon seconded and the motion carried unanimously. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS There were none. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS Bingham spoke of a that $80 of grant money Commissioners agreed to project is completed. letter from artist Alice Freund reporting to the commission would be left over from the Freund-Chatwell project. tell the artists to account for the money after the STAFF REPORT Krey thanked commissioners for attending the annual Commissioners' Dinner and reported on next year's budget process. Using input from the FAC budget subcommittee, she explained how each project would be categorized. Commissioners asked for slight changes in funding items. Ramsay suggested that $150 be added to the FAC budget for professional membership dues. The proposed budget stands at $21,100, excluding wages and insurance benefits for staff. Also included in the budget draft was $2,000 for video productions coordinated by Channel 53, but Krey explained that this item was only in the event that the finance director recommended each commission carrying its own video budget. EVALUATION OF NELSON VISIT Commissioners agreed overall that the !1arch 16 workshop by Richard Nelson was successful, and Roslund reported that the project went over budget by about $148, not including the cost of video production. (The amount does include the $300 rental of video equipment.) Commissioners expressed concern about the total production costs incurred by Channel 53 ($695) and asked how much the FAC budget would have to bear. Krey responded by saying the Channel 53 budget would not be able to absorb the total cost, but that she would report back to the commission when she found out about the breakdown of costs. Commissioners reported that many positive comments were expressed from the community for the Nelson workshop and indicated their desire to present programs of this type for the community regularly. DISCUSSION OF RECOMMENDATIONS FROM GRANTS SUBCOMMITTEE Hollimon reviewed recommendations for the next grants subcommittee, including FAC Minutes March 22, 1988 modifying the application to include progress reports midway through and a section on how the applicant would evaluate the project. Recommendations also included a suggested timeline following application deadline and establishing a rotation system for subcommittee membership so that all commissioners have an opportunity to serve on the grants subcommittee. DISCUSSION OF NEEDS ASSESSMENT DISTRIBUTION Commissioners spoke of various ways the assessment form could be distributed throughout the community. Hollimon suggested taking every 10th name in the local phone directory and mailing out the form for the purpose: of receiving a random sampling. Commissioners also agreed to make the forms available at various public sites, such as City Hall, the library, the Senior Center and Chamber of Commerce. Krey indicated that she would include in the May Cupertino Scene a notice about the assessment forms being available. Commissioners also agreed to print the forms in different colors so that they would know from which source the forms were returned for evaluation. The subcommittee was asked to return to the commission with a plan for distribution. REPORT FROM ARTIST RECOGNITION SUBCOMMITTEE Harry gave details on a recognition reception for an artist to be selected annually for "excellence in the arts." The award will be presented this year in September, but beginning in 1989, an awards banquet will be held. The award will be a two-inch medallion cast in bronze and mounted in a cube of granite or lucite. Arden reported on one-time costs for die. A contest for the design will begin in April and the winner announced in July. Nominations for the artist to be recognized would be solicited from the community and a screening committee would chose three nominees for recommendation to the FAC. All FAC members would select the winner at the August meeting. DISCUSSION OF LEADERSHIP COURSE FOR COMMISSIONERS Steele explained that the City Manager was eager to incorporate a pilot program on leadership for city commissioners in Cupertino and asked commissioners to give input on committing 12 hours to the project. Commissioners expressed concern about the large time committment and also indicated that the program may be re- dundant for some of them who had already had leadership training. Krey said this particular program was aimed directly at public and non-profit agencies and that it dealt with such things as role-defining, interaction among commissioners and with staff and council, etc. Commissioners agreed the best time for the greatest number of them would be the first two weeks in June, two nights a week for three hours each. They set the dates (Tuesdays and Thursdays) for June 7, 9, 14 and 16. Krey said she would inform Mr. Quinlan. DISCUSSION ON ARTIST WORKSPACE IN CUPERTINO Ramsay proposed the idea of exploring a project that would encourage developers and the city to dedicate certain areas/buildings as artists' workspace, such as programs in existence in Santa Cruz, San Jose and San Francisco. Hollimon motioned to establish a subcommittee for the purpose of looking into such a plan and Arden seconded. The motion carried unanimously. Appointed were Ramsay, Arden, Roslund and Steele. DISCUSSION ON INTER-CITY PARTNERSHIPS FOR ARTS PROJECTS. Ramsay presented the idea of establishing partnerships with neighboring cities for various arts-related events, such as a Mummers Festival. Harry moved to form a subcommittee to explore the possibility and Hollimon seconded. The motion carried unanimously. Appointed were Ramsay, Steele, Harry and Ettinger. FAC Minutes March 22, 1988 REPORTS FROM COMMISSIONERS Arden brought the commission's Artist Registry to the meeting for viewing. The file contains information about local artists and samples of their work. She also offered to set up a weekend date for commissioners to view the Rodin exhibit at Stanford University. Bingham presented Sunnyvale's Master Plan for public art and asked Krey to include copies in next month's FAC agenda packet. Harry offered information to commissioners concerning an April conference in Sacramento sponsored by the California Confederation of the Arts. Hollimon reported on a California Arts Council meeting that she had attended. Roslund reported on a culinary benefit for Project Look, sponsored by the Palo Alto Cultural Center and said she was planning to attend. Steele reported on the student field trips to the Euphrat Gallery that the commission had supported through a grant. She said the program appeared to be very successful, from both the Euphrat's and schools' view. She also reported on an art show at Tandem and the fact that the Art in Public Places subcommittee would report to Mr. Quinlan that week on art in City Hall. Hollimon made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:05 p.m.; Bingham seconded and the motion was approved unanimously.