FAC 08-23-88 FINE ARTS COMMISSION Regular Meeting August 23, 1988 cupertino City Ha11--Conference Room MINUTES CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:01 p.m. by Chairman Nancy Steele. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Steele, Commissioners Absent: Harry Staff Present: Krey, Frausto Guest Present: Nancy Hertert Arden, Lerner, Ettinger, Hollimon, Ramsay APPROVAL OF MINUTES FOR JULY 26, 1988 Ettinger moved to approve the minutes as written; motion was approved unanimously. Arden seconded and the ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Nancy Hertert introduced herself as an artist and resident of Cupertino. She was given an artist directory application. Robert Lerner, the newly appointed Commissioner, was introduced by Steele and gave background information about himself. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS Steele showed a letter the Commission received from Sally Stillman, '~,cutive director of the Djerassi Foundation, requesting information be turwarded to her about the FAC. STAFF REPORT Krey handed out the first draft of a media policy she prepared. The media guidelines were placed on the next regular meeting agenda for discussion. Krey had a discussion with Quinlan about the Art in Public Places meeting that is being set up to formulate guidelines for corporate public art. She said the next step is to talk with the Mayor to see if the Council wants to get involved at this stage. She will coordinate with the planning director to get the Planning commission involved. DISCUSSION OF POLICY ON SUBCOMMITTEES The Commission agreed to discuss this item out of order while copies of a report were made for the discussion of Mural Ad agenda item. Steele proposed that Commissioners rotate through the subcommittees just like the Grants subcommittee. Lerner suggested calling the subcommittees a different name to stop confusion; commissioners agreed. Hollimon moved that the following committees be designated as standing committees and that they have a rotation cycle of one committee member staying on and the other two rotating off once a year; these are those standing committees: Art Recognition Committee, Art in Public Places Committee, Business/ Community Relations Committee and the Grants Committee, which will continue to rotate every six months. Arden seconded the motion. Ettinger amended the motion to include Art in City Hall as a standing committee and Þ~en seconded the motion. The amendment passed unanimously. The original ion passed unanimously. Fine Arts Commission August 23,1988 .SCUSSION OF POLICY ON SUBCOMMITTEES Con.t The Commissioners agreed that the other subcommittees should be called "projects." Hollimon made a motion that the rotations occur at the time that the terms of new commissioners begin and Arden seconded. The motion passed unanimously. The commission put the discussion of who will rotate off on the January agenda. DISCUSSION OF MURAL AD Ramsay said David Allen, public arts coordinator for the City of San Jose, helped the Public Arts Committee formulate the Procedure for Soliciting or Commissioning a Mural for the City of Cupertino. Ramsay handed out copies of the Procedure. The adjourned meeting agenda will include a discussion on whether or not Allen would be asked to speak to the FAC on Sept. 27. The Commission discussed the Mural Ad and decided to leave it as written. The adjourned meeting agenda also will include discussion of a budget for the mural packet and advertising. commissioners discussed each step of the procedure. An addition to Step 2 will include a total cost of completed artwork with installation. Also, the wording will be reversed so "packet of information" will be sent, then "qualifications" will be requested. Step 3 will delete "previous performance," "Qualifications entries will be narrowed down to not more than five," and "request comments on initial selections." Step 4 will change to "select three finalists." Step 5 will delete the last line regarding reference to the honorarium. Step 7 wording will change to I1CFAC will apprise City council of three finalists." Commission asked that discussion of the Mural -formation packet be placed on the Sept. regular meeting agenda. Ramsay lHdde a motion to accept the "Procedure for Soliciting or Commissioning a Mural for the City of Cupertino" as amended by the commission and Lerner seconded. The motion passed unanimously. Ramsay also handed out a form for commissioners to write in locations for public art works and return to the Public Art Committee. DISCUSSION OF DEFINITION OF FINE ARTS This item was continued to the October agenda. DISCUSSION OF INTERFACING WITH LOCAL BUSINESSES Ettinger reported she received a call from Bob Rocket of the Cupertino Rotary, which is interested in Fine Arts. They will change some of their noon meetings to evening meetings and have artistic discussions or presentations. Artist directory will be sent to him by Arden. Ettinger handed out suggestions for FACjlocal business activity. Steele will attend a rotary meeting. commissioners agreed Ettinger should continue with what she is doing. DISCUSSION OF PROPOSAL TO CHANGE GUIDELINE FOR PUBLIC ART Ettinger said she met with the cupertino supervising librarian and they spoke about temporary art located in the library. She suggested that two weeks is too short for the art display. The Commission agreed to discuss guideline changes for the grants and art in public places at the regular meeting in September. ~INE ARTS COMMISSION August 23, 1988 ~~MMISSIONERS' REPORTS ARDEN Reported Chamber of Commerce Director, Kathy Myles is leaving and Euphrat will have a full board meeting on Sept. 14 at 5:30 p.m. to discuss its expansion. She passed around renderings of expansion project at De Anza and summary of past board meeting. The Euphrat has not contacted her regarding a grant. ETTINGER Reported Cupertino Librarian Wallace wants some assistance on how to affix the temporary art on concrete walls. The reference section of the library would like an artist directory. The librarian said any state or local art information that she receives from the commission she will display. Ettinger informed her of the grants that are available; she did not receive the g~idelines. Ettinger suggested that the Calabazas Library be dropped as a liaison; the commission agreed. HARRY Arden reported that the Art Recognition Committee will meet on Sept. 18 and the committe~, with Councilmember Barbara Koppel and artist repersentative Sal Pecoraro, will screen the nominations and select a nominee for the award this week. HOLLIMON --.sed around the Performing Arts Alliance calendar and the SCC Arts Louncil list of new board members. RAMSAY Reported City of San Jose is on a retreat. STEELE She handed out a copy of the letter she sent to Mayor Gatto and the city Council on the recommendation that there be seven commissioners. (This idea was approved by the City Council.) She spoke with Sharon Carlton from Los Altos and she will be attending their september meeting. On Sept. 7 at 2:00 p.m. commissioners may attend a tour of Tandem's corporate art work and display cases. The address is Tandem. Main Lobby, 10435 N. Tantau. Steele also passed out a summary of tasks/responsibilities of Fine Arts Commission. Discussion of summary will be on the Sept. regular meeting agenda. Also, on the Sept. regular meeting agenda will be discussion of liaison responsibilities. ADJOURNMENT Arden moved to adjourn at 9:10 p.m.; Ramsay seconded and the motion passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned to Sept. 7 at 7p.m. in the conference room at City Hall.