FAC 10-25-88 FINE ARTS COMMISSION Regular Meeting -- 7:00 p.m. October 25, 1988 cupertino city Hall -- Conference Room MINUTES CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Nancy Steele. ROLL CALL commissioners Present: Steele, Arden, Ettinger, Hollimon Commissioners Absent: Lerner, Ramsay, Harry Staff Present: Krey, Frausto Guests Present: Jim Jackson, Board member, Euphrat Gallery Jan Rindfleisch, Director, Euphrat Gallery Trish Klein Dorece Graves APPROVAL OF MINUTES FOR SEPTEMBER 27. 1988 REGULAR MEETING Arden made a motion to approve the minutes with the following corrections: change the spelling on the word "from" in the last paragraph first page, change the words in the first paragraph last page from California Arts Council to Confederation of the Arts; in that same paragraph add the word "each" after the $ amounts; move quotation marks on the last page. Ettinger seconded and the motion passed unanimously. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS ~ Jim Jackson, board member of the Euphrat Gallery gave a presentation r~~arding long range monetary support for the gallery from the city of Cupertino. They would like support of $2,000 for the coming year which may rise into an ongoing commitment of up to $5,000. The commission agreed to put discussion of an allocation to the Euphrat on the November agenda. Hollimon passed out information for the Santa Clara County Arts Council in support of Measure "A." Ettinger made an announcement that she will be included":: in the next edition of "Who's Who in American Women." WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS Steele said they have received a copy of the mural ad confirmation from "Art in America" and "Artist's Magazine." The commission has also received its first letter requesting mural information. STAFF REPORT Krey announced the next Civic Service Awards will be held at Tandem on Oct. 27 at 7:30 p.m. On Oct. 31 a certificate of appointment will be given to Robert Lerner at the council meeting and the Artist Recognition Award will be on the next City Council agenda as well. OLD BUSINESS DAVID ALLEN APPROVAL commissioners agreed to ask David Allen to speak at the December 27 ~ting . REVIEW OF MEDIA GUIDELINES Krey reported that she met with Randy Hagihara, the new editor of the Extra section of the Mercury News. She told commissioners to get in touch with her if they have any questions regarding the media. Fine Arts Commission October 25, 1988 . F-TIEW OF COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENT/ROTATION SCHEDULE A prelimenary discussion was held and commissioners talked about deleting certain committees. This item was continued until the November meeting. CALENDAR FOR THE YEAR This item was continued until the November meeting. NEEDS ASSESSMENT Ettinger and Hollimon reviewed the changes suggested by City Manager Quinlan for the needs assessment survey and made some changes to the survey. A prelimenary date for mailing will be January. The committee will hand out pages for addressing in December. Surveys will be distributed through random sample mailings and to the library, city hall and Flint Center. Each survey area will have a different color for coding purposes. Needs assessment will be on the next agenda for review and approval by the commission. ART IN PUBLIC PLACES GUIDELINE CHANGES Commissioners discussed a proposed change to the Art in Public Places guidelines. Hollimon made a motion to change the wording of the Art in Public Places guidelines to read: "Art in public places is defined as any visual art displayed for one month or more," instead of "two weeks" or more and Ettinger seconded. The motion passed with Steele, Ettinger and Hollimon voting in favor and Arden voting against. Arden said the change "didn't sit well" with her and wondered if the commission should have more c-trol over art displays in various facilities. NEW BUSINESS DISCUSSION OF FACILITATOR Steele brought up the idea of bringing in a facilitator to help the commission set goals. She contacted two facilitators and got information on prices and presentations. The commissioners decided to work on goal setting and then possibly, after the needs assessment is completed, bring in a facilitator. REVIEW AND EVALUATE AWARD DESIGN Commissioners discussed the design now that it has been completed. Some of the questions brought up included whether to keep the current design, commission a new design, enlarge, add elements or have a new design contest. The continuity of the award would be broken and expenditures to commission a new design would vary between $50-65 for design work and 10-20 hours to complete the design. The design mold for the current award can be duplicated--the costs would be for casting and purchasing the marble. This item was continued until the November meeting. CHOOSE DATES FOR NOV. AND DEC. MEETINGS The November meeting will be held on November 22 at 7:00 p.m. The December meeting will be held on December 27 at 7:00 p.m. These are regular meeting dates. C~ISSIONER REPORTS ~-She showed the commission a Cupertino Chamber of Commerce newsletter which listed the grants that the F.A.C had given out. Fine Arts Commission actober 25, 1988 ~'missioner reports continued ~__inaer-She attended the seminar called "Rediscovering Gold" which was held in San Mateo. She reported on the sessions she attended. Hollimon-Met with the new Executive Director of the Arts Council of Santa Clara County. The Director said she was interested in three areas: l}increase financial support for the arts (Measure A), 2}technical assistance to arts organizations (business volunteers for the arts), 3}networking and advocacy for the arts. She would also like the cities in Santa Clara County to collaborate on the arts. Tandem and Apple have designated the Arts Council as an area for employee pay deduction contributions. ~-Arden reported that notices are going out to galleries, artists and museums regarding the mural project. Ramsay will give a report on the arts conference she attended at next month's meeting. California Arts Commission is holding a meeting for those who would like to give input on their guidelines on November 17. The Confederation of the Arts will be in San Jose in March focusing on local arts agencies. San Jose city Council commissioned a Arts 2020 Task Force report on~art in Santa Clara Valley which will be availa~e after November 29. ~-She also attended the San Mateo seminar. She reported that the Mayor Pro tempore from Santa Barbara may come to cupertino to speak at a City Council meeting. She also spoke about the events that occurred at t~ seminar and the meetings she attended. The City of Los Altos had t ir rededication of City Hall. ADJOURNMENT Ettinger made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:50 p.m. and Hollimon seconded. The motion passed unanimously.