FAC 11-22-88
Rs]Ular MeetilY:J - 7:00 p.m.
November 22, 1988
QJperti1'XI City Hall - Ccnference RealI
'Ihe meetin¡ was called to order at 7:02 p.m. by 01ain0an Nancy steele.
Commissioners Present: Arden, steele, E:t:tinger, Hollimon, Ramsay, Harry,
Lerner; 7:20 p.m.
staff Present: R:rey, Frausto
Guests Present: Jim Jaclæon, Jan Rinifleisch, Katherine Tobin, Helen
Lewis, ~t Gallery
Oral ocmm.mi.cations chan;Je E:t:tinger to "included" not "honored." Page
three cl1aJ'ge "20/20" to "Arts 2020 Task Force report." Arden made a
motion to approve the minutes as corrected. E:t:tinger seoon:led am the
notion passed UI'IéU1ÍID::AJsly.
steele anI'nI11Ced that 44-awlicants have awlied for mural paclœts.
Hollimon anI'nI11Ced that the mid-project report has been received !ran
Mental vo .
R:rey reported that the City Camcil a¡:proved the Art in Public Places
guideline cl1aJ'ge !ran two \<leeks to one m:mth for p¡blic art. City Manager
Quinlan will retixe on Dec. 20. A ocmm.mi.ty dinner will be held in
Board member Jim Jackson addressed the CCIIIIIIission regardi.nq an;¡oin;
=netary su¡;p:¡rt !ran the city bJdqet for the ~t Gallery. Jackson
said they recognize that not 1IIJCh can be done this year s:in:Je the bJdqet
is in place. He su;¡gested the ~ look at what fun:1i.n;J am SUR?Ort ather
ocmm.mi.ties have given to the arts am ask what it \«IUld take to SUR?Ort a
program like the ~t.
R:rey asJœd if any ather fun:1i.n;J has been cbta.ined !ran ather cities
am organizations. Director Rinifleisch said it is hard to obtain ather
fun:1i.n;J until the hane base city canes in first. R:rey asJœd abaJt the
grant fun:1i.n;J received in the past !ran the CCIIIIIIission am whether they
consider this as su¡;p:¡rt !ran the city. Rinifleisch said grants are
su¡;p:¡rt, but the ~t \«IUld like lO1'Ç term fun:1i.n;J for operatin;¡
expenses. Camnissioners asJœd questions regardi.nq the use of fun:1i.n;J am
the accountability factor. Board member Katherine Tobin stressed the need
for heme base su¡;p:¡rt. O1airman steele then asJœd the CCIIIIIIissioners for
discussion on this matter. Arden said she \«IUld a!:istain !ran disa.1ssion
am votin; so there is no conflict of interest as a ~t board member.
November 22, 1988
Beginnin;r discussion, Hollinm said she "-'OOld consider ~
f1.1n:1in,; for the Eu¡:tlrat Gallery to the city c::o.mcil. She based this on
the charge fran the city c::o.mcil to foster, eooourage an:i assist the
realization, preser¡ation an:i advancement of fine arts for the benefit of
the citizens of 0Jpertim. "0Jt of the 11 activities that the c::o.mcil
suggested for the camnission, there are seven that 'Nalld fit givin;¡'
~rt to the Eu¡:tlrat Gallery in some form," she said. She is not in
favor of usin;¡' grant l\D'IE!Y to ~rt ODJOin;¡' fun:tin;r. She said it is
appropriate to recamœnd the use of l\D'IE!Y !ran the city's general furd.
For the future, she suggested eooouragin;¡' the city c::o.mcil to set aside
the hotel tax for arts activities.
Han:y eID:IUI'aged pmlic relations of the Eu¡:tlrat Gallery an:i said she
is in favor of :r:ecc:mtIe1'Xi fun:tin;r to the city c::o.mcil. Han:y also said
local support is an iJ!portant step toward outside fun:tin;r.
Ramsay agreed that the Eu¡:tlrat is a unique facility, ~d1. shculd be
~rted by the city. She was unsure of how they shculd be suworted.
She suggested a grant to the Eu¡:tlrat as in the past for a specific proj ect
and later inooz:p:>rate as an ODJOin;¡' project. She 'Nalld like to see some
=nay go towards p=tion of the Eu¡:tlrat.
Ettin;¡'er said she does not believe the camnission can deliver as much
as the Eu¡:tlrat is requestin;¡'. She is ccmni tted to the grants process an:i
sees these as financial ~rt fran the city. She agrees the Eu¡:tlrat is
admirable, J:ut she does not agree that it is mere Ÿo'Orthy than other
organizations. To be equitable, she 'Nalld not recamœnd the city c::o.mcil
~rt fun:tin;r for the Eu¡:tlrat Gallery.
Lamer said the city shculd offer support to the Eu¡:tlrat Gallery. He
'Nalld be in favor of recx:mnerdin;J fun:tin;r.
Steele said she believes it is iJ!portant to support the Eu¡:tlrat. 'lbe
Eu¡:tlrat coold <!R)ly for a grant each grantin;¡' period for specific
projects, J:ut they coold not rely on grants for cxmti.nuoJs fun:tin;r. She
'Nalld be in favor of recxmoerdi.nJ to the city c::o.mcil ~rt through the
hotel tax or some other way.
Krey asked if a hotel tax for the arts was proposed 'Nalld the Fine
Arts Camnission wish to be responsible for disOOrsement of funjs?
Camnissioners said there coold be a ccmnittee responsible for
disburselrent. Krey said staff will not ~rt the rec:at1I\Iel'XJtion because
it could not ccmnit the city to an ODJOin;¡' experxtiture when experxtitures
were addin;J up to more than revenues this year.
CClTanissioners discussed the issue of fun:tin;r. Ramsay made a motion
that the Fine Arts Camnission recamœnd to the city c::o.mcil that an æoount
of $2,000 for fiscal year '89-90 be J::ujgeted for the Eu¡:tlrat Gallery with
the ~ that this fun:tin;r be ODJOin;¡'. Hollmm seoanded the
motion. Ramsay, steele, Lamer, Hollmm and Han:y voted in favor of the
motion. Ettin;Jer voted against the motion an:i Arden abstained !ran
votin]. Krey will try to get this item on the Dec.U city c::o.mcil agema.
November 22, 1988
Harry said she feels that PJblic q¡inion has been fine about the award
'design. She prcp:ISEd that they oontinue the process ani keep the current
award design. camnissioners decided not to sperxi arr¡ more 1IDt'IeY, but
wanted to add a name plate to the award. Ierner made a motion to keep the
original design. Arden secon:Jed an:i the motion passed \JlIa!ilira¡sly.
Ierner gave all ocmnissioners a CX'PY of a camnittee assignmentj
rotation matrix that he develq¡ed. Camnissioners disCl1SSed the matrix an:i
the weight of each camnittee or project. 'n1e ocmnission decided to m::we
the Television camnittee fran a stan:iin;J camnittee c:ontinucus to projects
of fixed duration. Hollimon will begin to prepare a calerXlar for 1989,
she will place a list in the next agerœ packet for arr¡ additions by
ocmnissioners. Rotation of grants camnittee was placed on the December
agenja .
Miner ~ were made to the questionnaire. Needs assessment
envelopes will be braJght to the December meetin:;J for addressin;. 'n1e
surveys will go out in January.
Camnissioners defined the definition of fine arts as follows: Art
created primarily as an aesthetic expression, to be oontenplated or
enjoyed for its CMI1 sake. -Mayer
Commissioners agreed to ask D:ivid Allen to speak at the January regular
meetin; .
ARDEN- She reported that the chamber of CXIIIIIIat'Ce acx:epted art fran the
Fine Arts League to be displayed in their 1:uildin¡. they hired a new
executive director.
ETl'INGER- She passed aroond a san Francisco syn¡i1any holiday brochure.
HARRY- She wanted to make sure there 'N'OOld be no conflict of interest
with her Fine Arts liaison with the school district.
HO~-She reported on past an:i upcc:IIIirq presentationsjperfomances
of grant recipients. She received a midproject report fran lb1talvo. She
reported on a discussion with Greg Marshall, program officer at the Ccmun.
F'ourx3ation of santa Clara Camty. She also reported on a discussion with
Trish Steinholtz of the santa Clara Camty Arts cnmcil.
IERNER- Nat:hin;J new to report .
RAMSAY- She said the san Jose- Arts 2020 report will be released an:i
discussed in November. She reported on the CaliforniaCoofederation of the
Arts Conferen:::e she atten:1ed. On Nov. 17 the California Arts cnmcil
prtm:)ted a meetin:;J held with local arts agencies fran aroond the state.
California is one of the l~ on a list of states that pratCte the
arts. Ramsay will report on the conferen:::e at the January regular
meetin:;J. Ramsay gave Krey a tape to preview for 01annel 53 regardin;J the
California SUmmer School for the Arts. Ramsay brought 1JP the idea of
hostin; a meetin; for the California Arts cnmcil. 'Ihis item was placed
on the February agenja.
STEEIE- Nat:hin;J new to report.
Arden made a JOOtion to adjoorn the meetin:;J at 9:45 p.m. an:i Harry
secorX!ed. 'n1e JOOtion passed \JlIa!ilira¡sly.