FAC 04-27-99 City of Cupertino FINE ARTS COMMISSION Regular Meeting Apri127,1999 7:30 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER At 7:37 p.m., Janet Mohr called the meeting to order in Conference Room A and led the pledge of allegiance. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEIGANCE 3. ROLLCALL Present: Chairperson Janet Mohr, Commissioners Stephen Beard, Hema Kundargi, Carl Orr, Charlene Pai (7:40 p.m.), Rita Young, Absent: Mary Sievert City staff present: City Clerk Kimberly Smith and Recording Secretary Dorothy Steenfott. 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Beard moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of March 23,1999; Young seconded and motion passed unanimously with Pai and Sievert absent. 5. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 6. STAFF REPORTS City Clerk distributed a draft web page and described the title page and which sites each item is linked to. She requested that the Commission review the draft and submit recommendations for further descriptions. 7. NEW BUSINESS A. Select ad hoc committee for Distinguished Artist of the Year. Orr, Kundargi, and Pai formed an ad hoc committee to select the Distinguished Artist of the Year. April 27, 1999 Fine Arts Commission Page 3 9. COMMISSIONER AND LIAISON REPORTS Young reported that she attended the mayor's breakfast. Kundargi volunteered to attend the breakfast in May. Mohr reported on the National Endowment of the Arts conference. 10. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 p.m.