FAC 11-24-98 City of Cupertino FINE ARTS COMMISSION Regular Meeting November 24,1998 1. CALL TO ORDER At 7:41 p.m. Rita Young called the meeting to order in Conference Room A and led the pledge of allegiance. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL Present: Chairperson Rita Young, Commissioners Stephen Beard, Hema Kundargi, Janet Mohr (7:50 p.m.), Carl Off, Charlene Pai (7:50 p.m.), Mary Sievert. City staff present: City Clerk Kimberly Smith 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Beard moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of October 28, 1998 with a correction to page 2 to read "interviews had taken place and Mr. Paul Lettieri of Guzzardo & Associates was selected." Off seconded and motion carried unanimously with Mohr and Pai absent. 5. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS City Clerk reported on a flyer from Shakespeare and an update received by phone that the play this year will be A Comedy of Errors. 6. NEW BUSINESS A. Consider cancellation of December 22 meeting. Orr moved to cancel the December 22 meeting; Young seconded and motion carried unanimously with Mohr and Pai absent. November 24,1998 Fine Arts Commission Page 2 B. Consider annual grant to Euphrat Museum of Art. City Clerk reported that the Commission had not provided a grant to Euphrat this year and recommended that $6,000 be granted. She also distributed a copy of the Proposal ofIdeas for Exhibition to the Commission. Beard moved to grant $6,000 to the Euphrat Museum of Art; Sievert seconded and motion carried unanimously. C. Begin plans for the 1999 Sing-Along at Euphrat Family Day (Dec. 5 is Scene deadline for notice in January issue). City Clerk reported that Jan Rindfleisch is very excited about having a sing-along and was glad to take over planning for the event. Any Commissioners interested in working on the project should contact Euphrat directly. Family Day will be held on Sunday, April 11. 7. OLD BUSINESS A. Status report from the Four Seasons Comer ad hoc committee (Sievert, Young and Beard) City Clerk reviewed changes that were made to the RFQ during a meeting with Commissioner Young. She stated that the dollar amount had been removed from page three where it was stated that finalists would be given an honorarium. An addition was made to page four of the RFQ requesting applicants to supply a description of their proposal for the project. Page two was changed in the last paragraph to read "metaphorical or literal illustration". Beard suggested that a change be made regarding the statement regarding placement of the artwork. He stated that it should read "the City's major intersection" rather than intersections. Twenty-five packets will be prepared for immediate mailing. The packets will include a brief letter, the RFQ, a draft contract, and the Cupertino Community Guide and Business Directory. The application deadline was changed from January 15 to January 29. B. Status report regarding 1999 Cherry Blossom Festival (Kundargi, Young). Kundargi reported that all the supplies for the banners have been delivered to the participating schools. November 24, 1998 Fine Arts Commission Page 3 c. Discussion of suggested activities for grants and review of amended application package. City Clerk stated that she changed page 2 to read "Specify the location(s) where the project will be shown or the performance given." She also reviewed the news release and added a statement reflecting the Commission's desire to encourage applicants to consider specific areas. City Clerk requested that the Commission review the goals and suggest changes if needed. The Commission decided that the information in the goals and guidelines is accurate and will be used as the basis for the web page. City Clerk will prepare a draft of the web page for Commission review. 8. COMMISSIONER AND LIAISON REPORTS The committee roster will be updated. 9. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m.