FAC 01-28-97
City of Cupertino
Regular Meeting
January 28, 1997
At 7:39 p.m. Diane Ikeda called the meeting to order in Conference Room A and
led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Commissioners present: Beard; Elwell (incoming); Ikeda; Lerner (8:27 p.m.);
Mohan; Mohr; Sievert; Young. Staff present: City Clerk Kimberly Smith;
Recording Secretary Dorothy Steenfott.
Sievert moved to approve the minutes of November 26,1996 with correction to
page 3, item G, "r" in library; Mohan seconded. Motion carried unanimously
with Lerner absent.
City Clerk reported on a thank you letter trom Free Shakespeare in the Park, and
showed a photograph of the billboard sign on Stevens Creek Boulevard which
gave recognition to the City during their performances. She also reported on a
letter which was received trom Bob Keys to update the Commission on the status
of his project to photograph people and events at Memorial Park. City Clerk
distributed a newspaper article related to the four seasons orchard for their
Election of chair and vice chair.
Young nominated Sievert as chair; Beard seconded. Motion carried
unanimously with Lerner absent. Mohan nominated Young for vice chair;
Beard seconded. Motion carried unanimously with Lerner absent.
Chairperson Mary Sievert presided and the commissioners said farewell to
Diane Ikeda and thanked her for her service on the Commission.
January 28, 1997
Fine Arts Commission
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Consider advanced planning for second annual Sing-Along/Recital and
Cherry Blossom Festival events.
Mohan and Young reported that the Cherry Blossom Festival will be held
on April 12 and 13 this year. Young stated that she had spoken to the
Festival coordinator and was told that if the commission has something to
give her by February 7, the Commission can be included in this year's
plans. Young also reported that she had contacted the school district to
see how any Commission events could be incorporated into their
publications. The school district representative stated that flyers are the
preferred method of advertisement. Young will check on room
availability and display tools. The Commission felt that all participants in
the children's art exhibit be awarded ribbons and perhaps one prize to each
grade. At 8:27 p.m., Lerner was present. City Clerk will call the trophy
shop for ribbon prices and check on the date of Family Day to see ifthe
exhibit can be held at the same time. The Commission agreed to a $100
limit on expenses. Sievert and Mohan will work on Sing-Along plans.
Report trom Mohr regarding content for promotional items.
Mohr distributed an address list for places she thought would be good for
distributing information on special events. Commissioners agree to write
down their ideas for the copy on the flyers to publicize grants and fine arts
Consider budget request for FY 97-98.
City Clerk reported that there is $7,750 left in the grants budget. She
stated that according to the City Treasurer, there will be no rollover of
funds this year. Special Events has a zero balance due to the Shakespeare
donation. City Clerk asked the Commission ifthey had any changes to the
amounts for fiscal year 97/98. City Clerk recommended they submit a
budget request for the same amount as last year, and if there was a special
event in the future that would require more money, they could request that
of Council. Sievert suggested moving some of the grants money to the
special events fund since there are events scheduled for this fiscal year.
Young moved that $1,000 be moved to special events; Sievert seconded.
Motion carried unanimously.
January 28,1997
Fine Arts Commission
Page 3
Invitation to Commissioner's dinner on February 7.
Clerk reported that the Commissioner's Dinner will be held on February 7.
This year out-going and incoming Commissioners are invited to attend.
Selection of ad hoc committee for grants.
Beard, Elwell and Young will participate in the ad hoc committee for the
next grants cycle. City Clerk reminded the Commission ofthe suggestion
to allow the distinguished artist to participate in the grants process and by
selecting ftom the awarded recipients the one they'd like to have given in
their name. City Clerk will contact Brother Aspell to invite him to attend
the Fine Arts meeting in March.
Status of Stevens Creek Specific Plan and development ofproposal(s) for
uses at the Four Seasons Orchard.
City Clerk updated the Commission on the status ofthe Stevens Creek
Specific Plan. During the January 21 City Council meeting it was
decided that the Symantec building will have some kind of art, but it will
be privately owned and the City will not have input on its selection. City
Clerk stated that the Commission needs to submit a recommendation on
the "public" activity for the plaza area in the Four Seasons Orchard. She
stated that the ideas should be written down before input is requested ftom
the Planning Commission and City Council. She also stated that unless the
Commission submits what they envision for the site in writing, the plans
for the orchard will go through as they are currently designed. Sievert
distributed a worksheet for commissioners to provide what they envision
for the space in the Four Seasons Orchard. She asked the Commissioners
to return their worksheets in one week. Sievert will then compile the
information and give to City Clerk for distribution in the February packet.
Discussion developed regarding a budget for this project. Beard
referenced a plan underway in the City of Richmond. He stated that the
City of Richmond expects to spend $30-40,000 in consultant fees, have a
timeline of three to four years for completion, and will be spending up to
$400,000 for the entire project.
January 28,1997
Fine Arts Commission
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Status of "Art in the City" directory of exhibition space.
City Clerk updated the Commission on the artist directory. Three
responses were received and they are all interested in participating in the
paid ad. She requested input ftom the Commission on finding a "catchy"
headline for the paid ad. Elwell will contact the Metro to see if they can
donate some space for the ad.
At 10:33 p.m., Lerner moved for adjournment; Young seconded. Motion carried