FAC 02-25-97 City of Cupertino FINE ARTS COMMISSION Regular Meeting February 25,1997 1. CALL TO ORDER At 7:40 p.m. Mary Sievert called the meeting to order in Conference Room A and led the Pledge of Allegiance. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLLCALL Present: Chairperson Mary Sievert; Vice Chariperson Rita Young; and Commissioners Stephen Beard; Marlene Elwell, Robert Lerner (8:30 p.m.); Janet Mohr. Commissioners Absent: Sheila Mohan City Staff present: City Clerk Kimberly Smith; Recording Secretary Dorothy Steenfott. 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Beard moved to approve the minutes of January 28,1997; Young seconded and motion passed unanimously with Lerner and Mohan absent. 5. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS 6. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS City Clerk reported that the Parks and Recreation Commission would like to meet with the Fine Arts Commission to discuss the possibility of presenting a film festival. The Parks and Recreation Director Steve Dowling had suggested a joint meeting in December and City Clerk informed him that the Commission does not meet in December and that perhaps another date could be arranged. Sievert stated she will contact Steve Dowling to get more information and report back to the Commission in March. In Mohan's absence, City Clerk reported that the annual Sing-Along/Recital will be held in conjunction with Family Day which is scheduled for April 5 ftom 12:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. City Clerk also stated that Pete Camarda of the Lions Club suggested a variety of trees for the Four Seasons Orchard to acknowledge the City's historical families. February 25,1997 Fine Arts Commission Page 2 City Clerk distributed a copy of an article she obtained on the Internet regarding art on the Internet. 7. STAFF REPORTS City Clerk reported that the discrepancy on the budget reports the Commission reviewed during the January meeting was caused by a recording error that placed money in the Fine Arts Commission budget that belonged to another account. She also reported on an e-mail she received ftom the City Treasurer regarding a carry over of $1 ,000 for the directory of exhibit space. She stated that this additional money needs to be spend by June 30 or it will be returned to the General Fund. 8: NEW BUSINESS A. Brainstorming session regarding the Four Seasons Orchard portion of the Stevens Creek Specific Plan. Elwell distributed a copy of some pictures taken in Baton Rouge that she thought might work well for the Four Seasons Orchard. She stated that she thought a fountain with colored lights for the changing seasons would be nice as well as boxes around the trees so people could sit in the orchard area. She also stated that she had spoken to Yamagami's Nursery who provided some suggestions of different types of trees that could be used well. Sievert distributed a draft letter she composed to Planning Director Bob Cowan. Sievert stated that she did not feel the Commission could move forward without a timeline and budget for the project. City Clerk stated it would not be appropriate to go to Council now and that what the Commissioners need to do at this time is put all their thoughts for the project on paper and submit it to Bob Cowan so that when the landscape architect meets with the City, all of the ideas will be in one package. At that time the landscape architect will draft a plan with dollar amounts included and Bob Cowan will present the entire package to Council to request funds for the project. Sievert requested that all Commissioners fax or e-mail their ideas to her and she will consolidate and revise the memo to Bob Cowan for the March meeting. February 25,1997 Fine Arts Commission Page 3 B. Commissioner suggestions for content of promotional flyers for Fine Arts events. Mohr shared some samples of flyers were drafted for her. Elwell distributed a sample brochure she put together and requested input ftom the Commissioners. C. Commissioner suggestions for Art of the City advertisement City Clerk updated the Commission on the advertisement. Elwell will contact a marketing representative to get some information on how to put a good advertisement together. Lerner will contact Bob Hopkins regarding a joint meeting with the Parks and Recreation Commission. D. Distribution of grant applications City Clerk distributed the grants applications to the ad hoc committee of Elwell, Beard, and Young. 9. OLD BUSINESS A. Report ftom Mohan and Young on Spring Sing-Along/Recital and Cherry Blossom Festival milestones. Young reported that she sent letters to the school principals regarding a children's art competition at the Cherry Blossom Festival and one school has confirmed interest in the event. She stated she has also contacted the PT A as well. Young stated that she thought at least two schools would probably participate and she requested that each interested school submit five entries ftom each grade level by March 28. City Clerk stated that the ribbons were very inexpensive and will not be a problem to obtain. Discussion regarding transportation of the art easels developed and City Clerk will check with the City's Facilities Department to see if there might a cost for this service. 10. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 10:01 p.m.