FAC 03-25-97 City of Cupertino FINE ARTS COMMISSION Regular Meeting March 25, 1997 1. CALL TO ORDER At 7:40 p.m. Mary Sievert called the meeting to order in Conference Room A and led the Pledge of Allegiance. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL Present: Chairperson Mary Sievert, Vice Chairperson Rita Young, Commissioners Stephen Beard, Marlene Elwell, Robert Lerner (8:00 p.m.), Shiela Mohan, Janet Mohr. City Staff present: City Clerk Kimberly Smith and Recording Secretary Dorothy Steenfott. 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Beard moved to approve the minutes of February 25 with the correction on page two to read "Yamagami's Nursery". Mohan seconded; motion passed with Lerner absent. 5. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS City Clerk reported on the CALAA Convocation. Commissioners Sievert, Elwell and Mohr stated they would like to attend all or part of the seminar. 6. STAFF REPORT City Clerk reported that there have not been any changes on the February 28 budget report. March 25, 1997 Fine Arts Commission Page 2 7. NEW BUSINESS A. Report and recommendation ftom ad hoc grant awards committee. The ad hoc committee of Beard, Elwell, and Young recommended grants of $1,200 for California Youth Symphony; $500 for Cupertino Symphonic Band; $1,050 for KKUP FM Radio; $1,500 for Cupertino Library Commission Website Graphics; and $1,500 for Cupertino Library Commission art book collection. Beard moved to grant $1,200 for California Youth Symphony; $500 for Cupertino Symphonic Band; $1,050 for KKUP FM Radio; $2,000 for Cupertino Library Commission Web site Graphics; and $1,500 Library Commission art book collection. Mohan seconded; motion carried unanimously. 8. OLD BUSINESS A. Review and approval ofletter to Community Development Director highlighting the Fine Arts Commission's vision for Four Seasons Orchard. Mohr reported on minor revisions she made to the Planning Director letter. Young stated that she felt the artwork theme should be family oriented. Mohan's concerns of restrooms, access for the handicapped, drinking water fountains, and parking will be added to the letter. Sievert will update the letter and e-mail it to City Clerk for distribution to the Planning Director. B. Review and discussion of content and graphics for promotional flyers, brochures, letterhead, event banner, ad copy, etc. Elwell introduced two consultants she invited to the meeting to assist the commission with planning a brochure to promote the fine arts events that are happening in Cupertino. Gidget and Elzzr suggested using a logo for the brochure. The Commission felt that since this would be tied to the City that the City's logo should be used. They agreed to provide an estimate to prepare the text for the brochure. March 25, 1997 Fine Arts Commission Page 3 C. Update ftom Mohan and Young on Spring Sing-Along/Recital and Cherry Blossom Festival milestones. Mohan updated the Commission on the progress of the sing-along and distributed copies ofthe brochure that Euphrat Museum has prepared for Family Day. She stated that the Fine Arts Commission is recognized on the brochure. The performances will be held in classrooms at Euphrat. Each group will perform for 20 minutes. Young updated the Commission on the Cherry Blossom Festival. She stated that the artwork will arrive at City Hall on March 28. The event will take place on April 12 and 13 at the Senior Center. Young stated that the Senior Center is available after 4:00 p.m. on April II to set up the art displays. Elwell distributed a list of companies she worked with that are donating prizes for the art competition. Young will check on when the art displays need to be removed. 9. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 10:05 p.m.