FAC 04-22-97 City of Cupertino FINE ARTS COMMISSION Regular Meeting of April 22, 1997 MINUTES 1. CALL TO ORDER At 7:40 p.m. Mary Sievert called the meeting to order in Conference Room A and led the Pledge of Allegiance 2. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL Present: Chairperson Mary Sievert, Vice Chairperson Rita Young, Commissioners Stephen Beard, Marlene Elwell, Janet Mohr, Absent: Robert Lerner, Sheila Mohan City Staff present: City Clerk Kimberly Smith and Recording Secretary Dorothy Steenfott. 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Young moved to approve the minutes of March 25. Elwell seconded; motion passed with Lerner and Mohan absent. 5. 6. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS Clerk reported that a letter and press release was received from Sandra Beard regarding a video tape of the Inside Art program which was shown on local cable television. Sievert moved to purchase a copy of the tape for $15 to place in circulation at the library. Elwell seconded; motion passed with Lerner and Mohan absent. The press release ftom Shakespeare in the Park was distributed to the Commission. City Clerk stated that this year's performance will be Much Ado About Nothing. The news release for the Distinguished Artist of the Year was also distributed. City Clerk stated that the application deadline has been changed to accommodate announcing this year's artist during the second Shakespeare performance. Santa Clara County Open Studio sent a survey request. Sievert agreed to complete the survey and will contact other Commissioners if she has questions regarding certain areas of the survey. Press releases for Shakespeare in the Park and Distinguished Artist, and agendas for each month's Fine Arts Commission meetings will be sent to KKUP. April 22, 1997 7. Cupertino Fine Arts Commission Page 2 NEW BUSINESS A. Budget status and distribution of remaining earmarked funds to Euphrat Museum. Jan Rindfleisch discussed the importance of the grants the Euphrat receives each year. She stated that many projects benefit as a result of the grants the Fine Arts Commission awards to the museum. She also stated that it is important to continue an ongoing relationship with the commission. Jan will be providing an event pro- gram for the coming year so that the Commission can make connections with for some of the special events the Commission plans during the year. Mohr moved to give $2,000 to Euphrat. Beard seconded; motion passed with Lerner and Mohan absent. B. Review of proposal ftom Gidget and Elzzr regarding contents and graphics for Promotional flyers, brochures, letterhead, event banners, ad copy, etc. Elwell reported that the proposal should be ready for the May meeting. She requested that Commissioners provide to her any ideas that they would like to see on the brochure so she can pass the information along Gidget and Elzzr. C. Evaluation ftom Mohan and Young on Spring Sing-Along/Recital and Cherry Blossom Festival activities. Request ftom Cherry Blossom Festival for grant funds ( original application was lost). City Clerk reported that the Cherry Blossom Festival grant had been lost. A new application was prepared and an acknowledgement postcard will now be sent to all applicants when they are received. She asked if the Commissioners were interested in granting some funds to the Cherry Blossom Festival from the left over money in this budget even though the two grant cycles for the year were passed. Young moved to grant $1,000 to the Cherry Blossom Festival. Sievert seconded; motion passed with Lerner and Mohan absent. Young reported on the student art competition. She stated that the competition went well and was pleased with the results. The Commissioners discussed several ideas for making the event better in coming years...These included: I) making the awards announcements in an area closer to the food section, 2) telling parents where and when the announcements are being made, 3) making the announcements in a separate area just for parents/relatives and the children, 4) starting the planning process earlier next year, 5) setting up an ad hoc committee each year, 6) doing only an exhibit instead of a competition, and 7) sending the cardboard backing to each participating school for them to mount the art work instead of the Commission doing it. Young agreed to prepare a tentative schedule with job assignments which will help in planning next year's event as well as helping future commissions plan for the event. April 22, 1997 Cupertino Fine Arts Commission Page 3 D. Distribution of CALAA convention materials to registered participants. Convention materials were distributed to Commissioners who were planning to attend the CALAA conference being held on April 25-27. 8. OLD BUSINESS A. Status report on Four Seasons Orchard and public art. City Clerk reported that the letter to Bob Cowan and the Planning Commission had been signed and sent out. City Clerk stated that the City will not be given the property as previously believed. It will remain private property and be permanently licensed to the City for its use. The City will be allowed to use this property, but anything that is done must be approved by the property owners. The space the property owners plan to donate for the public art is too small and Bob Cowan is negotiating with the property manager, Mark Kroll, to increase the size of this space. City Clerk stated that the RFP process for the public art can be started. Mohr stated that whatever art is approved should be something that will still be appropriate 20 years ftom now. 9. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 9:40 p.m.