FAC 07-27-97 City of Cupertino FINE ARTS COMMISSION Regular Meeting July 22, 1997 1. CALL TO ORDER At 7:40 p.m. Mary Sievert called the meeting to order in Conference Room A and led the pledge of allegiance. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL Present: Chairperson Mary Sievert, Vice Chairperson Rita Young, Commissioners Stephen Beard, Marlene Elwell, Robert Lerner (8:20 p.m.), Sheila Mohan Absent: Commissioner Janet Mohr City Staff present: City Clerk Kimberly Smith and Recording Secretary Dorothy Steenfott. Guest: Paul Rickey, Art Scene, KKUP-FM Radio, P.O. Box 820, Cupertino, CA 95014 3. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Mr. Rickey, KKUP-FM Radio, gave the Commission an update on the Art Scene radio program which is produced weekly on KKUP-FM. 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Beard moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of April 22 and the special meetings of May 29, June 19, and July 10, 1997. Young seconded; motion carried with Lerner and Mohr absent. 5. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS City Clerk reported on several items that were received including a letter and program nom Shakespeare in the Park, an article on the Four Seasons Corner and a website e-mail regarding a theater program for community plays. She also informed the Commission that an announcement for grant applications has been released and a Seattle CD on public art has been ordered. 6. STAFF REPORTS City Clerk reported that there were no new reports at this time. July 22,1997 Fine Arts Commission Page 2 7. NEW BUSINESS A. Distinguished artist of the year selection: 1) Ratify the appointment of commissioners Beard, Elwell and Young to the ad hoc committee; 2) Receive report and recommendations ftom committee; and 3) Plan the presentation of the award at one of the Shakespeare performances in July or August or other event. Mohan moved to ratify the appointment of commissioners Beard, Elwell, and Young to the ad hoc committee; Sievert seconded; motion carried with Lerner and Mohr absent. Beard reported that the ad hoc committee met and discussed the outcome of their meetings and recommended that the commission appoint Sara Loesch-Frank. Sievert moved to appoint Sara Loesch-Frank as distinguished artist of the year. Mohan seconded; motion carried with Lerner and Mohr absent. City Clerk will notify the winner and arrange for the plaque to be awarded during the August 2 Shakespeare in the Park performance. B. Review of proposal ftom Eric Skoverski ofZantix Services regarding content and graphics for promotional flyers, brochures, letterhead, event banners, ad copy, etc. Elwell requested input ftom the commissioners as to whether there was a desire to pursue the possibility of creating a Fine Arts brochure before the designer is invited back to the meeting. Young stated she felt that it was an important item and that there is a need to make the Fine Arts Commission and the City more visible. Sievert suggested waiting to gain energy ftom the Four Seasons Corner publicity before moving ahead any further with content for a brochure. The commissioners requested that the itern be put on the agenda in September. c. Consider cancellation of regular meeting of August 26, 1997. The Commission agreed to cancel the August 26 meeting unless there was a need to have one due to Four Seasons Corner activity. 9. OLD BUSINESS A. Four Seasons Corner Update Sievert reported on the Four Seasons joint meeting with the Parks and Recreation Commission held on July 10. She stated that she felt this item should continue to be placed on the agenda and that the Fine Arts Commission should receive any copies of drawings that are produced as a result of the joint Fine Arts and Parks and Recreation sub-committee. Beard will contact Frank Jelinch to see when the Four Seasons ad hoc committee can meet. July 22, 1997 Fine Arts Commission Page 3 c. Status report on potential new cultural arts events and selection of ad hoc committee member(s) to work in tandem with members of the Parks and Recreation Commission. Sievert updated the Commission on ideas that were discussed at the joint meeting with Parks and Recreation regarding development of a community cultural event. Commissioners Elwell and Mohan agreed to participate in an ad hoc committee together with Parks and Recreation. Elwell and Mohan will contact Bob Hopkins and Steve Dowling of the Parks and Recreation Commission. 10. COMMISSIONER AND LIAISON REPORTS Elwell reported on the California Association of Local Arts Agencies (CALAA) convention. She stated that the convention was very interesting and that she was disappointed that there had been no mention of artists during the convention. Mohan reported that she had attended the Library Commission meeting. Web site graphics are currently on hold as well as the school competition. Mohan stated she will continue to represent the Fine Arts Commission during the Library Commission meetings. 12. ADJOURNMENT Lerner moved to adjourn at 8:45 p.m.. Elwell seconded and motion carried with Mohr absent.