FAC 11-25-97 City of Cupertino FINE ARTS COMMISSION Regular Meeting November 25,1997 1. CALL TO ORDER At 7:44 p.m. Mary Sievert called the meeting to order in Conference Room A and led the pledge of allegiance. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL Present: Chairperson Mary Sievert, Vice Chairperson Rita Young, Commissioners Stephen Beard, Sheila Mohan, Janet Mohr Absent: Cominissioner Robert Lerner City Staff present: City Clerk Kimberly Smith, Recording Secretary Dorothy Steenfott 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Sievert moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of October 28, 1997. Young seconded; motion carried with Lerner absent. 5. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS City Clerk reported that written communications for the month were all included in the agenda packet. 6. STAFF REPORTS City Clerk said the September budget report was unchanged since no grant funds had yet been issued. She advised the Commission that funds had not been distributed to Euphrat this year, so rernaining funds in the budget will be discussed during the January meeting when new commissioners are on board. November 25,1997 Fine Arts Commission Page 2 7. NEW BUSINESS A. Cherry Blossom Festival - children's art display. Establish ad hoc committee, determine whether it will be a competition or exhibit. The Commission discussed having an art exhibit versus a competition. Young stated she felt that having a display would be much easier, especially with respect to the judging component involved with a competition. It was also suggested that a theme be established and discussion followed about the suggestion that a gift certificate or art supplies be donated to all the schools who decide to participate in the exhibition. The Commissioners concluded that a display would be better than a competition. Young and Mohr volunteered to work on the project and new members will be invited to participate. Commission members will be setting up the art displays on April 10. 8. OLD BUSINESS A. Update ftom Cultural Arts Event ad hoc committee (F AC members are Janet Mohr and Sheila Mohan). Mohan reported that she had contacted Bob Hopkins ftom the Parks and Recreation Commission. She stated that the Parks and Rec Commission had not accomplished much at this time. She also stated that Bob would be contacting Steve Dowling to establish a date to meet with the Fine Arts Commission. B. Report on Free Shakespeare in the Park performance costs. City Clerk reported that statistics have not been received. She stated that she had left a detailed message requesting statistics for the overall costs for the season for all cities, a breakdown by city, how much more is needed ftom Cupertino, and anything else the City can provide. . The Commission asked that a representative ftom San Francisco Shakespeare attend the January meeting. November 25, 1997 Fine Arts Commission Page 3 C. Update ftom Four Seasons Corner planning committee (F AC members are Steve Beard, Mary Sievert and Rita Young; P&R members are Frank Jelinch and Edye Stein). City Clerk reported that one person ftom both the Fine Arts and Parks and Recreation Commissions will be allowed to observe and vote during architect interviews. When interview times are available, Sievert will be the first contact and ifshe is not available to attend the interview, she will contact the rest of the Commission so that someone else can attend. City Clerk stated that the Commission can begin to work on the artwork portion of the project right now to be ready when the landscaping is complete. The Fine Arts members of the planning committee agreed to get together to begin work on the plans. D. Update on Cupertino Web Art contest. City Clerk gave an update on the web art contest. She reported that applications are available on the website as well as at City Hall and that there have not been any entries received so far, although there have been a number of inquiries about the competition. 9. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 pòm.