FAC 09-04-96 1. 2. City of Cupertino FINE ARTS COMMISSION Special Meeting Minutes September 4,1996 CALL TO ORDER At 7:43 Diane Ikeda called the meeting to order in Conference Room B and led the Pledge of Allegiance. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL Commissioners present: Beard; Ikeda; Lerner (7:47); Mohr; Mohan; Sievert (7:45); Young. Staff present: City Clerk Kimberly Smith; Recording Secretary Dorothy Steenfott. 4. NEW BUSINESS A. Stevens Creek Specific Plan Public Art City Clerk Kimberly Smith gave an overview on the purpose of the special meeting. During the July meeting an ad hoc committee of Young, Sievert and Beard had been formed to draft a proposal to City Council regarding the process of selecting an artist and overseeing the installation of the landmark art at the comer of Stevens Creek Boulevard and DeAnza Boulevard. The City Clerk explained that a major art selection had not been done recently so she reviewed the process with Planning Director Bob Cowan and City Manager Don Brown. The major concern from Bob Cowan was that the project might be delayed by the search for an artist since the implementation of the Stevens Creek Specific Plan has already taken longer than anticipated. At the July meeting, the City Clerk had suggested that the commission consider asking council for specific direction and an estimate of the dollar amount that Council will allocate for art. The result of that was a draft report to council which was included in this evening's backup materials. The commissioners expressed concern that only a small space would be left for the art, and they also felt that the landscaping should be part of the public art. The City Clerk stated that the Symantec proposal was going before City Council and Symantec would be a participant in the cost of developing the corner of Stevens Creek Boulevard and DeAnza Boulevard. For that reason, this was not the best time to submit a proposal to council about the selection of art for that location. City of Cupertino FINE ARTS COMMISSION Special Meeting Minutes September 4,1996 1. CALL TO ORDER At 7:43 Diane Ikeda called the meeting to order in Conference Room B and led the Pledge of Allegiance. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL Commissioners present: Beard; Ikeda; Lerner (7:47); Mohr; Mohan; Sievert (7:45); Young. Staff present: City Clerk Kimberly Smith; Recording Secretary Dorothy Steenfott. 4. NEW BUSINESS A. Stevens Creek Specific Plan Public Art City Clerk Kimberly Smith gave an overview on the purpose of the special meeting. During the July meeting an ad hoc committee of Young, Sievert and Beard had been formed to draft a proposal to City Council regarding the process of selecting an artist and overseeing the installation of the landmark art at the corner of Stevens Creek Boulevard and DeAnza Boulevard. The City Clerk explained that a major art selection had not been done r~cent1y so she reviewed the process with Planning Director Bob Cowan and City Manager Don Brown. The major concern from Bob Cowan was that the project might be delayed by the search for an artist since the implementation of the Stevens Creek Specific Plan has already taken longer than anticipated. At the July meeting, the City Clerk had suggested that the commission consider asking council for specific direction and an estimate of the dollar amount that Council will allocate for art. The result of that was a draft report to council which was included in this evening's backup materials. The commissioners expressed concern that only a small space would be left for the art, and they also felt that the landscaping should be part of the public art. The City Clerk stated that the Symantec proposal was going before City Council and Symantec would be a participant in the cost of developing the corner of Stevens Creek Boulevard and DeAnza Boulevard. For that reason, this was not the best time to submit a proposal to council about the selection of art for that location. September 4, 1996 Fine Arts Commission Page 2 The City Clerk said the commission may still want to respond to the mayor's memo asking for their input about a sundial for that corner. The commission agreed to send the letter (a draft was in the backup) to the mayor and also to invite Community Development Director Bob Cowan to the next meeting so that they could ask questions about the anticipated timelines, plans for the corner, and how the commission could participate. B. Grant Request From Payvand Cultural School. The City Clerk reported on Payvand School's request for a grant. Beard expressed concern regarding breaking the grant cycle. Commission agreed to review this during the grant cycle. City Clerk will contact the school with the Commission's decision. C. Selection of LocationÆvent for Presentation of Plaque to the Distinguished Artist of the Year. City Clerk reported that distinguished artist of the year, Brother Joseph Aspell, S.M., was congratulated. She asked the Commission for suggestions on a location where the plaque could be presented. She will also call Brother Joseph to see if there is an event at the Marianist Center where the plaque could be presented. Another option was to present the plaque duriI¡.g a city council meeting. 5. NEWS ARTICLES Ci¡y Clerk reported that the Shakespeare in the Park performances of Love's Labor Lost were very successful. She suggested that the Commission send a letter'to recognize it. 6. ADJOURNMENT At 9:25 p.m., Lerner moved for adjournment, Beard seconded. Motion carried unanimously. The next regular meeting will be September 24,1996.