FAC 10-22-96 City of Cupertino FINE ARTS COMMISSION Regular Meeting October 22, 1996 1. CALL TO ORDER At 7:35 p.m. Diane Ikeda called the meeting to order in Conference Room A and led the Pledge of Allegiance. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL Commissioners present: Beard; Ikeda; Lerner (7:40 p.m.); Mohr; Mohan; Sievert; Young. Staff members present: City Clerk Kimberly Smith; Recording Secretary Dorothy Steenfott. 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Sievert moved to approve the minutes of the special meeting on September 4, 1996 and the minutes ofthe regular meeting on July 23, 1996. Mohan seconded. Motion carried unanimously with Lerner absent. 5. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Sievert reported on the mayor's breakfast. She stated that they had discussed a proposal by Mr. Bill Mannion of the Telecommunications Commission to video tape the reception for the Distinguished Artist ofthe Year. Mr. Mannion is not available on the day of the reception, but Sandra Beard is involved with helping the Access Channel develop arts programming so she will tape the event and interview Brother Aspen for the television program "The Better Part". Ms. Beard is developing a proposal for the Access Channel which may become a monthly art magazine. The Better Part is also interested in taping the Distinguished Artist of the Year award presentations armually to give more exposure to the distinguished artist program. Sievert also reported that the Mayor believes the Stevens Creek Specific Plan will be moving forward rather quickly. The Mayor did not promote any particular idea for the public art display. October 22, 1996 Fine Arts Commission Page 2 6. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS City Clerk reported that Euphrat Museum sent a thank you letter for the $4,000 grant. The museum also sent a packet of information for 1995/96, including publications and several newspaper articles. The shows for this coming year include two topics, family and land, and will involve a community participation event on November 21 which will be an outside project related to the environment and relevant activities for children. Ikeda distributed tickets she received from the Payvand School for the presentation of Avaz to be held Sunday Oct. 27 at 6:30 p.m. 7. NEW BUSINESS A. Presentation ofthe Stevens Creek Specific Plan. Community Development Director Bob Cowan gave a brief overview of the history of the Stevens Creek Specific Plan. The four seasons orchard concept was to have trees blossom at different times of the year. Cowan stated that he believed the four seasons concept has been adopted by the Council. In conjunction with the orchard there was to have some kind of public art. The designer, Michael Freedman, showed a sundial on the drawings, but the sundial was only an idea and was never meant to be locked into the plans. Cowan felt that the four seasons orchard concept was pretty well set in terms of design, but the understory (grass, concrete, etc.) has not been discussed at this point. Cowan stated that the City does not have the money to fully implement this project and the funds for the project would come from a combination of private development and City resources. Symantec has received approval for a 120,000 square foot, four story building. One of the conditions for approval was that Symantec, the original property owners, and the City will negotiate to finance the development of the orchard project. These negotiations will be concluded by the time Symantec has the permits for this development. It could be two to six months from now, but Symantec sets the timetable. Sievert stated that the Commission is interested in being involved in the next phase of the design for the Stevens Creek Specific Plan, particularly in discussions with the architect who will be designing the four seasons area. Cowan stated that the project will be publicly reviewed and approved. October 22, 1996 Fine Arts Commission Page 3 Cowan summarized his understanding of the next steps in the process based on tonight's input from the Commission: 1) hire an urban designer; 2) acquire funds, or make it part of the package, to have an artist work in collaboration with the urban designer to finalize this plan and all the details in the orchard. This should be negotiated over the next couple of months. Sievert asked ifit would help if the Commission did a ballpark estimate ofthe smaller items, such as the cost of purchasing benches and pavers. Cowan stated that would be a help to the overall process. Cowan stated that negotiations are going on with all parties involved. After the negotiations are concluded, a recommendation will go to Council. Cowan stated that the Commission can start now to decide how the space should be used from the Commission's point of view. Lerner will draft a letter to Bob Cowan summarizing the presentation given during the meeting. B. Discussion of city policies regarding art in public places. Sievert reported on research she had done on art in public places. She requested input from the Commission on whether to go forward with a proposal to City Council to change the general plan guidelines for public art. Members of the Commission felt that the Community Development Director had left room for the Commission to move forward to the next step of the planning for the Stevens Creek Specific Plan and perhaps the general plan doesn't need to be changed at this time. City Clerk gave an update on the current policy for public art. The Commission agreed to discuss ideas for sites that would be good candidates for public art at the next meeting. C. Report from ad hoc committee (Lerner, Mohr, and Sievert) recommending grants. Sievert reported on discussions that developed during the review of grant applications. The ad hoc committee felt that the guidelines for grants should be updated and certain areas emphasized so that more applications could be received. Mohr expressed concern that some of the grant applications were for organizations that are not based in Cupertino. She felt that money should be available to organizations whose projects are in Cupertino for residents here in the community to use and that some sort of support be available to those that are not based in Cupertino. Beard pointed out that it has always been a basic criteria of the Fine Arts Commission that grants be given to organizations that have something to do with Cupertino. October 22, 1996 Fine Arts Commission Page 4 Sievert suggested there be a cap on the amount given to anyone organization. City Clerk stated that the Commission has an agreement among themselves, and that City Council expects the Commission to support Euphrat Museum each year and now Shakespeare as well. She stated that there is not a fixed dollar amount. Sievert moved to grant $250 to Payvand although they requested more money, the main event was taking place out of Cupertino; nothing to DeAnza because they had received grant funds for the same project in April (The City Clerk was directed to ask for a status report on their project before they apply again.); and $1,000 to Peninsula Symphony (They had asked for $1,700 but the Commission requested further proposals for outreach efforts before granting additional funds). Lerner seconded. Motion passed with Young absent (9:40 p.m.). D. Review of Fine Arts Commission Deadlines. City Clerk reported on a spreadsheet she prepared to track scheduled events. She stated that the filing dates for the Distinguished Artist of the Year had been moved back one month to avoid advertising complications when the Cupertino Scene is dark in August. The Student Liaison Program has also been removed from the deadlines spreadsheet since the Commission voted to eliminate it. 8. OLD BUSINESS A. Report from Young on the status of "Art in the City" directory. City Clerk reported that the item would be added to the next meeting so that Young could be present and the Commission could decide whether they wanted to proceed with the project. B. Presentation of plaque to Distinguished Artist of the Year. City Clerk reported that the invitations to the plaque presentation for Brother Aspell have been sent. The event will take place on November 10, 1996 at 2:00 p.m. and families are welcome. C. Consider annual grant to San Jose Shakespeare Festival. The Commission decided to move this item to next month's meeting. October 22, 1996 Fine Arts Commission Page 5 9. COMMISSIONER AND LIAISON REPORTS Mohr reported that she attended the Arts Council of Santa Clara County. She stated that the two main items discussed were the types of facilities available and that some cities do not have art commissions. 10. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 10:14 p.m. to Sunday, November 10, at 2:00 p.m. for the Distinguished Artist of the Year reception to be held at the Marianist Center, 22622 Marianist Way, Cupertino.