BPC 02-18-04 I- CUPEIQ1NO THE REGULAR MINUTES OF THE BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN COMMISSION Wednesday February 18, 2004 City Council Chambers Cupertino City Hall 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino, CA 95014 MINUTES ATTENDANCE Mr. Joe Walton, Chair, called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. Staff: Mr. Goepfert Commissioners: Present: Mr. Joe Walton, Ms. Julia Fu, Mr. David Greenstein, Mr. Geoffrey Paulsen, one vacancy Citizen: John Brazil, Bicycle and Pedestrian Coordinator, City of San Jose; Ann Ng, resident; Susan Brain WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS - None APPROVAL OF MINUTES - January 21, 2004 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - John Brazil gave a brief overview of a San Jose program, Street Smarts, a public media campaign, headed by Linda Crabill, which is a traffic calming program within the City of San Jose through public education designed to change behavior. The program has been partnered with other cities, counties and the CHP to further the public outreach. A general discussion followed. Vice Chair Greenstein motioned to recommend approval by the City Council to proceed with this program, seconded by Commissioner Paulsen. Staff will prepare a staff report to City Council for this item. OLD BUSINESS - I. Regnart Creek Trail- Chair Walton gave a briefing on the status of this item. Mr. Goepfert informed the commission that the next Bicycle and Pedestrian Commission meeting, in March, would be a public meeting. A general discussion followed regarding the maintenance elements of the trail. Vice Chair Greenstein reminded the commission that there was interest in having representatives from the public safety and teen commissions be involved in the development of this trail. Mr. Goepfert will survey the other commissions for a possible joint meeting or have representatives attend a regular Bicycle and Pedestrian Commission meeting. 2. Mary Avenue Footbridge ~ Mr. Goepfert updated the commissioners on this item. Construction will begin in summer of 2005 and complete it a year later in 2006. The last of the grant applications, the BT A grant, was awarded in the amount of $600,000. There will be a formal meeting with Caltrans, Division of Structures, to get their final approval within the next month. The total current commitments for this project is $7,050,000. 3. Stevens CreeklRegional Trails - Chair Walton gave a briefing on the status of this item. Ms. Brain handed out information regarding community bicycling and walking and multiuse trails. A general discussion followed with Ms. Brain providing a brief on the history of Friends of Stevens Creek Trail. 4. Walk/Bicycle to School- Review of survey questions to be handed out at local schools. General discussion followed regarding the logistics of handing out and retrieving the surveys to elementary and middle schools. 5. Pedestrian crossing concerns at intersections - This relates to the current changes to the Draft General Plan. Vice Chair Greenstein provided a brief this item, followed by a general discussion. Commissioner Paulsen made a motion, second by Commissioner Fu to have Vice Chair Greenstein carry forward a recommendation to Council when they review the General Plan amendment that the circulation amendment retain it's pedestrian and bicycle friendly provisions, approved 4-0. 6. Bicycle and Pedestrian Guidelines - See item 5 NEW BUSINESS- I. Election of Officers for 2004 a. The new officers are as follows: Chair - David Greenstein Vice Chair- Geoffrey Paulsen 2. Selection of Secretary to the Commission ~ To be on a rotating basis. 3. Bike-to-Work Week May 16th - 22nd and Bike-to-Work Day, Friday May 21st - Commissioner Walton spoke on this item recommending that there be a focus on Bike to Work Day. A general discussion followed. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business or public comment Chair Walton adjourned the meeting at 9:33p.m. The next Committee meeting will be on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 at 7:00 p.m. in City Council Chambers Respectfully submitted, j}; ;;ar ¿Ø