LIB 04-20-04 City of Cupertino Library Commission Regular Meeting April 20, 2004 1. CALL TO ORDER At 7:04 p.m. Janet Riddell called the meeting to order at Cupertino City Hall, 10300 Torre A venue, Conference Room A, Cupertino. 2. ROLL CALL Commissioners: Eno Schmidt, Janet Riddell, Kathy Stakey, Yuhfen Diana Wu, and Sheila Mohan. Citv/Countv Library Staff: Mary-Ann Wallace, Melinda Cervantes, and Carol Atwood Absent: None Guests: None 3. MINUTES Commissioner Mohan moved to approve the minutes from the March 16, 2004 regular meeting with Commissioner Schmidt second. Motion passed unanimously. 4. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None. 5. WRITTEN COMMUNI CATIONS The Keep Our Library Strong Steering Committee together with the JPA Election Committee will hold a meeting on April 27, 2004 to discuss the election results at the Campbell Library Community Room. 6. STATUS REPORT ON NEW LIBRARY PROJECT Carol Atwood stated that the library project is currently on time and on budget. Melinda confirmed the status. It was noted that the city has advanced funds on the purchase of the furniture and fixtures in the amount of $198,000. If reimbursement for this advance cannot be raised the library will be closed on Sundays (excess hours) for approximately one and one- half years while the Resource Recovery Fund is paid back for this loan. Melinda discussed several grand opening events that she was aware of. The Commission expressed their concern that they would like to be involved in the grand opening of the new library. The have not been notified as to their role in this event. Discussion followed. Carol Atwood will bring this concern to the next department head meeting for discussion and notify the Commission of the City's plan for their involvement. 7. CITY OF CUPERTINO LIBRARIAN'S REPORT Mary Ann Wallace gave the commission an update on March activity for the temporary library. A total of 174,971 items were checked out with 61,591 items (35%) on self-check machines. There were 28,508 visits to the library. Baby story times have started again and children's poetry week will be held in April. The Children's Librarians are also participating .3 in the discovery days at the local schools. There will be an all SCC staff meeting on 4/27 so the library will be opening at Ipm on that day. Mary-Ann distributed a three-year trend report, which Janet would like to send on to the Council monthly. Mary-Ann will send it to Carol where it will be attached to the City Council's weekly notes. 8. COUNTY LIBRARIAN'S REPORT This months JP A board meeting will concentrate on budget issues. Melinda stated that they are estimating lost revenue from VLF ($370,000), the PLF ($421,000) and a property tax shift, which would result in $2.6 million annually. In addition they are also faced with PERS increases. The budget does include some reductions beginning July 1 and they are assuming that Cupertino will not be funding Sunday hours next year. They are deleting vacant positions throughout the system and as of November 1st they will go to a reduced work week (Tuesday & Wed 12:30 - 8:30 and Thurs, Friday and Saturday 10 - 6). Eno stated that the Mayor had suggested that the County library system rotates the days that they are closed and that they staff Sundays as a regular day because it is the busiest day of the week. Melinda stated that the Sunday operations are staffed by "extra help staff' which need to be laid off before the regular staff. They will make a proposal to have Sundays as an extra day, staffed with regular staff now and if Sunday hours are chosen, an eight hour day will be exchanged for the 6 hour Sunday. IT and administration time will also be charged to provide Sunday hours. They have also been asked to look at fines and fees. They are proposing increases in this area with videos and DVDs at $1 per day fines and will modify the software to accommodate holds. First three holds are free and then it costs $1 per hold. Also, the new bookmobile hit the road on Monday, April 5th. Measure B did not pass and the Board is considering June 2005 as a special election to go back to the voters. The votes were there; they just didn't get the voters to the polls. 9. NEW BUSINESS A. Legislative Issues Breakfast - Will be on April 24th at the Stanford Park Hotel. Kathy, Diana and Mary-Ann will attend. B. Library Legislative Day - Melinda reminded everyone that this is April 21 st. C. Cupertino Community Congress report - Kathy Stakey commented that the community congress was well attended (about 100 people) and they played a budget game to educate the public on how hard it is to make budget cuts. 10. OLD BUSINESS A. Grand Opening Advisory Committee update - Janet Riddell stated that the Committee would be made up of representatives from the Friends, Foundation and other city staff. Rick Kitsen and/or Ralph Qualls will be contracting the Commission shortly as to their involvement. B. Special Emissary Status. Diana Wu has been appointed by the City Council at their April 19th meeting to be the city emissary for our sister city. She asked that a letter be prepared inviting HsinChu to the grand opening or our library in October. She will be leaving next Thursday and can hand deliver to the head officials. C. Review and Approve Goals for 2004/2005 - Janet handed out an outline of the goals for next year. Discussion followed as to whether the commission should use a survey to find out what potential schedules patrons would prefer. D. Fine Arts Liaison Subcommittee - Nothing to report. It was stated that there is no area to hang public art in the new library due to the extensive window space. E. Sister City Library - See lOB. F. Mayors Breakfast - Eno reported that Mayor James wants to have the commissions collaborate more on projects this year. There are three initiatives circulating on height, setback and density and the city has contracted for a study on these to identify all impacts. Budget discussions will take place on May 26, June 7 and June 21. An identity forum will be held on May 27'h at the Quinlan Center. She asked that the Library Commission educate the community on the library hour effect. G. Friends of the Library - Kathy Stakey stated that the Friends are very concerned about the space to store and put on book sales. They had a formal installation of officers with Kathy Stakey as president. H. Library Foundation - Eno Schmidt said that the financial statement audit has been completed by the outside CPA. Jack Hubby has gotten involved with the campaign. The committee has remitted $381,500 to the city. Kathy is requesting contributions of $500 each from all current and former commissioners. I. Calendar - The Committee reviewed the calendar and offered suggestions for changes. 11. AGENDA BUILDING FOR COMMISSION MEETINGS Janet distributed the agenda for the Committee to review. Discussion followed. 12. REPORTS BY COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Stakey reported that the library was extremely busy over spring break. Commissioner Wu stated that the State is offering grant money for libraries and Carol Atwood stated that First Five has grants for literacy programs. 13. OTHER 14. ADJOURNMENT OF THE MEETING The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m. ~Q.~ Carol Atwood