Stocklmeir Presentation for P&RC 5.5.16Stocklmeir Renovation by Cupertino Rotary Revised 5/1/16 for part-time use A Change of Plans Rotary had discussed a full time lease of the Stocklmeir property but after discussions with City staff and community members, we are scaling back We are now just looking to use the property about 10% of the week and leaving it to the City to use the property for other purposes for the rest of the week We will still take responsibility for the renovation Renovation Plan Rotary will make the house legally usable for meetings, including the having it code compliant for electricity and plumbing. Rotary will build ADA-compliant access to the building Rotary will add an ADA-compliant restroom Rotary will pay for all utility costs for the property Rotary takes responsibility for the Stocklmeir home normal maintenance and that of the garden area in front of the house and the garages behind it City Renovation The City will upgrade the sewer system as needed Rotary Use The City will allow Rotary to use the property for meetings for 15 hours a week. The rest of the week the City can schedule other groups or use it for City purposes. The City will allow Rotary to use one of the bedrooms and one of the garages full-time. The City will allow the Rotary Club of Cupertino to use the parking lot at the Blue Pheasant property under rules that avoid conflicts with use of the lot for the Blue Pheasant and the Blackberry Farm Golf Course The City will allow Rotary to drive vehicles back to the parking garage area of the Stocklmeir property. The City will allow Rotary to place a Rotary sign on the property.