10300 Torre Ave, City Hall, Conference Room A
Thursday, March 17, 4:00 PM
Present: Meera Ramanathan, Gary Latshaw, Angela Chen, Vignesh Swaminathan, Anna Weber
Absent: None
Staff: Grace Schmidt, Erin Cooke, Misty Mersich, Cheri Donnelly, Lauren Dickinson, Katy Nomura,
Guests: None
1. Subject: City Clerk review of Brown Act and rules of order.
City Clerk Grace Schmidt provided a brief overview of Brown Act and rules of order.
2. Subject: Sustainability Division background and Climate Action Plan summary
Staff provided informational presentations and an overview of the City's various sustainability and
environmental programs, polices and services. This included; Safe Routes to School program,
residential and commercial energy and water conservation; residential compost, recycling and ReThink
Disposal programs; Green Biz and Green @School; Silicon Valley Community Choice Energy . Staff
answered questions from Commissioners, and provided additional information as requested. Staff
directed Commissioners to www.cupertino .org/green to access all city environmental programs and to to learn more about water conservation services, specifically.
Staff provided overview of the City's Greenhouse Gas inventory, Climate Action Plan and its
implementation progress to date. Staff answered questions regarding data sources, quantification
methods, and clarification of various greenhouse gas reduction measures.
Follow-up Items:
Staff to provide Commissioners with an Org Chart of Sustainability Division and the Executive Summary
of a CAP Progress report that is scheduled to go to City Council on April 19 1h.
3. Subject: Sustainability Commission Roles
Staff went over the role of the Sustainability Commission as outlined in the Sustainability Commission
ordinance no. 15-2132, and answered questions.
4. Subject: Chair and Vice Chair appointments
Commissioner Swaminathan volunteered to serve in the role of Chair, and Commissioner Chen
volunteered for the role of Vice -Chair. Action: Latshaw moved to approve the motion of appointing
Commissioner Swaminathan as Chair and Commissioner Chen as Vice-Chair, Ramathan seconded the
motion. The motion passed with a 5-0 vote.
Meeting was turned over to Chair Swaminathan to lead the remainder of the meeting. Chair
Swaminathan asked for any other new business.
Commissioner Latshaw asked for Commission support to share a letter for Council signature and will
share it with staff to distribute to other Commissioners.
Commissioner Latshaw shared information about a Cupertino resident involved with solar and noted he
would like distribute the information through staff with other Commissioners who might be interested
in learning more.
Commissioner Latshaw asked if Commissioners can have business cards. Staff to research providing
Commissioners with business cards and report back at the next meeting.
Commissioner Weber asked if the group could meet more frequently than quarterly. The group agreed
to meet monthly for the next two months (April and May) and then hold the regular scheduled meeting
in June and reassess the Commission schedule. Action: Commissioner Latshaw moved to host monthly
meetings for the next two months (April and May) and then hold the regular scheduled meeting in June,
Commissioner Ramanathan seconded the motion . The motion passed with a vote of 5-0.
Commissioners discussed the upcoming Earth Day festival April 30, 2016 and agreed to attend and be
introduced during the Mayoral Proclamation portion of the schedule . Staff to send out an updated
schedule to Commissioners when available.
Commissioners expressed interest in an update on new development projects in the City. Staff will look
into resources available to share with the Commissioners. Commissioner Latshaw let everyone know
about an upcoming Rotary Meeting in which the Oaks development team will present on their proposed
Commissioner Swaminathan requested information on how the City's Green Building Code compares to
State Title 24 Green Building Code and additional incentives offered by the City for buildings to go
beyond state requirements . Staff will research this further and provide information as it is identified.
Follow-up items:
• Staff to share key dates with the Commission following the meeting. Dates include :
April 13th -First Silicon Valley Clean Energy meeting (www.svcleanenergy .org )-5pm at the County
April 18th -Silicon Valley Clean Energy Community Leaders Training -6:30pm at Community Hall
April 21't, 2016 -Special Sustainability Commission Meeting -4pm at City Hall
April 30th -Earth Day Festival -11am in the Civic Center (between City Hall and the Library)
May 4th -Energy Upgrade California Home Upgrade Workshop-6:30pm at Quinlan Community Center
May 19-Special Sustainability Commission Meeting -4pm at City Hall
June 16th -Regularly scheduled quarterly Commission meeting-4pm at City Hall
• Commissioner Latshaw to share letter about Title 24 and heat pumps with staff, which will share and
circulate to other commissioners for individual input.
• Staff to research process and precedent for ordering business cards for commissioners.
• Commissioners to attend Earth Day event on April 30 1
h. Staff to send updated Earth Day schedule to
let them know the exact time of the Mayor Earth Day and Arbor Day Proclamations.
• Staff to look into providing an update on current development proposals/projects and City green
building ordinance information to commissioners.
ADJOURNMENT-6:47pm. Next Special meeting to be held April 21@ 4pm, @ City Hall.