Meeting was called to order at 3:40 p.m.
Members Present: Sylvia Machamer, Dick Schuster, Cecilia Fu
Members Absent: Kathy Robinson
Staff Present: Vera Gil, YvoIme Kelley
Others Present: Mary Ellen Chell, William Wickwire
Approval of Minutes:
March 12, 1998 - Dick Schuster moved to approve minutes with the listed corrections, Cecilia Fu
add "Staff did not provide viable options" on second page, first paragraph;
add variety of way that staff could control options for controlling amount of funds;
Meeting adjourned to regular meeting of 5/14/98, should be changed to 4/9/98
Vote: 3-0
Written Communications:
Oral Communications:
3. Update on status of Cupertino housing programs: Vera Gil handed out an excel worksheet
showing the account balance from the housing fund which includes revenue from the Simms
House, Mitigation Fees, as well as expenditures. The balance is approximately 1.6 million. Vera
Gil presented a map of the City showing the affordable properties with the exception of the BMR
apartments. After a discussion of the properties and what the clientele consists of; the committee
was pleased with the number of units throughout the City.
2. Address letter from William Wickwire regarding SRO housing: Dick Schuster spoke about
Mr. Wickwire's dedication to providing affordable housing, more specifically SRO
developments within Cupertino. Mr. Schuster felt that this committee should seek out relevant,
available resources so that something like this might be developed here in the City.
Mr. Wickwire mentioned that the property located at the comer of Stevens Creek Boulevard and
DeAnza may be an ideal spot for a SRO development. Ms. Gil stated that the property is owned
and currently an application has been filed for development. This, in her opinion, is not an
appropriate site for an SRO development. Dick Schuster mentioned that First Baptist Church at
Miller and Phil Lane may be receptive to the idea of selling their excess property to a non-profit
developer for affordable housing. Mary Ellen Chell stated that although the need for an SRO is
great, the trouble might be with the community accepting a development proposal of this type.
1. Review vacant sites map: Vera Gil showed the map to the group and pointed out those sites
that might be utilized for affordable housing. The Committee spoke about all their ideas in
trying to secure affordable housing in Cupertino.
Vera Gil asked if the Committee would like to see the Hampton's on Wolfe Road. The
Committee agreed to use their May 13 meeting for a walk-through of the apartments. Vera
proposed that the June meeting be cancelled due to scheduled vacations of several of the
Yv0hne Kelley
S2~ia Macham~r, Chair
Kimberly Smil~, City Clerk