Meeting was called to order at 3:40 p.m.
Members Present: Dick Schuster, Cecilia Fu, Kathy Robinson, Joseph Coddingtom Sylvia
Members Absent: None
Staff Present:
Yvonne Kelley, Vera Gil
Others Present: None
Approval of Minutes:
Dick moved that minutes be approved as submitted, Kathy Robinson seconded.
VOTE: 5-0
Written Communications:
Oral Communications:
Sylvia Machamer made a motion that Dick Schuster attend the City Council meeting of
September 21~t acting as a representative of this committee in the Judy Chen application lbr
construction of town homes on Rainbow Drive. Cecilia seconded.
VOTE: 5-0
1. Discussion of Rehabilitation Program Strategies: Vera Gil stated that the purpose of
today's discussion is to come to a resolution with regard to the current program and make a
recommendation to Council. Ms. Gil stated that after a discussion with Bob Cowan and Yvonnc
Kelley, staff felt that the rehab account balance is not sufficient enough to take on a multi-unit
development, Staff felt that the new blight ordinance might be useful in those f~w areas
mentioned by Councilmember Station. Staff will also increase community outreach to
designated neighborhoods.
A discussion regarding the number of full-term versus deferred loans was discussed. The
committee had questions regarding the status of the deferred loans and if we are approving
anymore. Vera Gil explained that the Committee is no longer approving deferred loans, but il'an
applicant is financially unable to pay a fully amortized loan, the committee will reduce loan
payments for a certain period of time.
Dick Schuster asked about the grant that was given fur $5,000. Yvonne Kelley explained that the
Loan Committee had approved a one-time grant for an elderly person whose roof was in disrepair
and had no heat in the home.
Dick Schuster moved to continue program as is as well as increasing outreach and utilizing thc
blight ordinance to maintain specific areas in the City. Cecilia Fu seconded.
VOTE: 5-0
2. Silent Second Program: Vera Gil gave a update on the silent second program with regards
to funding and feasibility. Ms. Gil stated that the City could possibly fund 7 to 8 loans in thc
amount of $30,000 each for condos and/or town homes. Ms. Gil also infurmed committee that
Santa Clara County is also looking into instituting a similar program countywide therefore this
committee might want to wait until the County makes their recommendation.
3. Housing needs assessment: Dick Schuster stated that a few years ago the education
committee designed a brochure and worked on outreach to neighborhoods educating them on
affordable housing. Suggestions were made to update the brochure and re-circulate. Mr.
Schuster felt that the education of the public on affordable housing is tantamount to people
accepting affordable developments in their neighborhood. He also felt that a needs assessment
might be helpful in educating the public on affordable housing. After a lengthy discussiom thc
committee decided a needs assessment is not necessary. Instead more emphasis should be placed
on education.
Adjournment: To meeting of September 10, 1998
Kimberly Smith, City Clerk