PC 05-26-87CITY OF CUPERl':i:NO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA 10300 Torre Avenue Olpertino, CA. 95014 "" (408) 252-4505 l..UNlJ.I'ES OF 'lliE RfilJ1AR MEEI'ING OF '!HE PI.ANNING ~SSION HEID ON MAY 26, 1987 MeetinJ Held in tbe Interim council Qi.am.hers I 10500 N. De Anza Blvd. SAUJ'I'E 'ID 'IHE FT.AG; ROLL CAI.L: Canmissioners Present: Vice C'lai:rwanan Sorensen Commissioner Adams Commissioner Claudy Corranissioner Szabo 7:00 P.M. . Staff Present.: Robert Cowan, Director of Plarm.ing & l.)evelopoont Steve Piasecki, Assistant Plrumin:j Di.rector Mark Caughey, Associate Planner Glen Grigg r 'I'l.affic Eng'ineer Peggy M. Cocker, Attorney APPROVAL OF MINl1J.'ES C:;m. Ad.ams asked that it be added to the testi:moriy of Mr. Wilrmler in ITEM 3, Page 7, that he stated that the site had been sola to tlw ~ owners within the last year and a half. MJI'ION: cam. Szabo, to approve the Minutes of the Regular Meetin;J of May 11, 1987, as a:roorrled. s1;xnND: C'om. Adams VOTE: Passed 4-o· FOSTroNE.fENTS OR NEW AGENDA. ITEMS: -None WRI'ITEN OJMMUNIC'.ATIONS -Letter from George and ~ Harris ra:;rarding ITEM 2 • ORAL COMMUNICATIONS -No.1e CDNSENT CALEND.l\R -Nooo ITEMS REM'.JVED FROM OONSENI' CAI..ENDAR -None -1- t· PUNNING CXM1ISSION MINUrES Regular Meeting Of .May 26, 1987 PAGE 2 Fe -520 FUBLIC HEARINGS: ITEM 1 AppHcation No(s) AJ;:plicant: Property OWner: I..ocation: Parcel Area (Acres) : USE PERMIT (13-U-87) l3-U-87, 8-'IM-87 ~ 14-Eb,-87 &lwin ana_ca.ro1 Fg£__ers==w=i=e=l~--~~~~-sama ____________________ _ ]2lst sid o .12.Q_eti._ no;:;:t~lm_fil:_erru.e::::...... _____ . b_l __ To construct a 7 unit single family planned davelopment. TENTATIVE MAP (8.ltf.M-87) To ISUl:.x:1ivide 2 parcels into 7 pa:rcels with lot sizes rangirq fran 6,700 sq. ft, to 19,400 sq. ft. FIRST HEARING ENVIRONMENTAL DEI'ERMINATION: Negative Declaration T.ENl'ATIVE CTTY <XXJNCIL HEARlNG DA.TE: June l, 1987 (a:m:nmED FR:M THE MEETJNG OF MAY 11, 1987) ~t'~;:e..2!?,n°!=ation; Mr.. Piru:"...ecki presented the revised site plan, not.ii~ that the Commission had asked the Applicant to add.ress the follc:wirq: -Build.irq mass -Size of units -Set.backs to be maintained as R-l setbacks -Yield be lim.i.ted. to four or five units -.Maintain a minimum 10,000 sq. ft. per lot -calculation of slope density formula and completion of r.ite de.."1.<3ity calculations based on elimination of the street He reviewed tlle charqes made by the Applicant and noted.: -Reduction of number of units from &.-'Ven to six -Reduction of size of units and rl'l.l111bar of garages -Modif icati0n of setbacks -Build~s ha·Je been stepped back -Addition of larrlscape screen.inc; to shield the BlacJ<ber.cy Fann area Staff felt that the revised plan met the a:>ncerns raised: the Applicant had been asJ<ed to consider further lowering of the building pads for uni ts backeci up to the slope area arrl to give the City develq:ment rights to the slope area easterly of the 284' contour. He noted that the Tentative Map had not yet been modified an:.:'l. i,.,'OuJ.d have to be continued. ·,'• PrANNING o::t-MISSION MINUl'r:'J Regular M'eetirq of May 26, 1987 PAGE 3 PC -520 !TIM 1 (Cont'd) Applicant's Presentation: Mr. Roc;Jer Griffin, Paragon Df>..signs, reviewed d1anges made in the revi~oo plans as presented above arrl added: -Elhninaticn of the noose tha'.:. created privacy intrusion to adjacent neighbors -Reduction of square footage of liv~ space in excess of 8,000 sq. ft .. -M:Nirq the banes a significant d.i.sta.noe fra.t the hillside witJ1 the exception of hemes on rats 2 am 3 -Elimination of pole type. const..."1.lction -I.andscapirq of nu.tive plant materials proposed for areas urder the decks He stated that the net acreage was 2. 04 or 2. 94 residences pt:>...r acre. He noted the trees currently on the site, those to be re:tOCJVed and stated that no oak trees wtllid t:>e removed. With regard to traffic concexns on Scenic Drive, he felt that this street would not be a short cut for o::muuuters. only Lot 6 'YKJUld be slightly less tlut the 10,000 sq. ft. required. He cited the 1980 Zoning Ol:dinanc:e. t'ipplicants were not opposed to the request that the City control devel~..r.t on the slope witi1 tho m:xilfication that if in the future, the.re was a change in the use of Blackberry Fann, . that the dsvelcpoont rights be restored to the original property owners. Cam. Adams asked if the Applicants would a.ccept an additional CO:rrlit.1.on of Approval ensurirq the protection of tM oak trees alOll.',1 the uppei· edge of the property prior to can~ of oonstruction; Applicanb<l we.re agreeable to such a Cbn:iltian. 'I'he Public Hearing was tlw.r. opened. Mr. F.oy Adzich, Scenic m'.w. I CUpertino, roted the numb9r Cf two-story houses in the develoµnent, questioned whether the lots had lliJable 10,000 sq. ft. lots, arrl added that there was no cul-de-sac to serve these hOUS(:>.S. Ms. Jeannie Gallant, 10335 Scenic Blvd., Cupertino, noted t..."'Clffic, noise an::i visual impacts of the proposed develqm:mt; she asked for consider-ation of an additional access road Mr. Richard Shoe.nhair, 10285 Sc.e.nic Blvd., CUpertino, noted the character of the neighborhood arrl stated that usable land for the developnent was minimal. He noted the proxbnity of Lota 5 ar.d 6 to adjacent houses, lack of rear yard space arrl aslced for furt..her reduction in the number of units. Mr. Fhil Sdlasker, 10317 Scenic Blvd., OJpertino, notOO. the change to the character of ttLe neighborhood arrl dispJted the concept of average lot size. He noted the visual impacts of the propose:l developmP.nt. Ms. M. Gallant, 10335 Sa:mic Blvd., Cl.lpE>..rtino, asl<OO that the proposed two-story home across frr.Jm her haoo be cha"}:Jed to a one-sto1y home; in response Mr. Griffin reviewed proposed landscape scree.nirq arrl access to ~e property. );.. PLJ\NNJNG.a:t!MISSION MINlJTfS Regular Meet.i.ng Of May 26, 1987 PAGE 4 FC -520 ITEM 1 (Cont'd) 'Ihe Public Hearin:] remained. open. I can. Claudy noted improvement .in the revised plan but 'WaS not favorable to the pi-cp::;ised 6 units and ~estoo t.hat the private street be ccnotri.1ct00 on the crest of the .hill, with 5 houses built beb-.-een the private ~t and tivl :?."ear of adj aoai ;t prcpe1.i:y to approximate a stan:lard development format. In addition, the dCM!1 slope prc!Jerl.:y would be a cc:mm:.m crwnershlp. can. Szal:..:> noted di.fficulties of infill devalopnent; he favored develc:pnent urrler t.l-ie same gu:l.delines as btposed en the surrourx:l.llq area arrl noted that the prop.?Sed developoont basicany oonfor.me:.i to existirq guidelines. can. Adams noted that he had previously favored 4-5 units. He concurred with canments made by Com. Claudy. Can. Claudy clarified ·that he u.nderst.aod that these houses ~d overlook the :road; however, this wouJ.d be a private road. Vioe""°1air asked the can. Claudy' a suggest.h."'l1 be reviewed by Staff nnd suggested a continuance of the .i\pplication. Mr. Griffin stated that th.a above had been reviewec:l: Applicants, felt that such devel~""lt would not t.ake advantage of t.i.e view arKi ~d place the new home..c; adjacent to existirq homes. He askocl for a decision on the revised plans submitted. can. Claudy concurred rega~ pr.iva.cy iwpacts; however, the city had developed a policy regardirq this property and such would ensure a developnent in conformjty wi t.h R-1 zoning. Mr. Richard Gallant, 10335 Scenic Dr., Cupertino, irted current parking problems arrl questioned the inipact of this devcJ .cp.n.ent on park.int;. IDl'ION: Corn. Claudy nmred to close the Public Hearirr;. SEOJND: cam. Adams VO'I'E: Passed 4-0 M:JI'ION: COfn. Claudy moved the granti.rq of a Negative Declaration .. SEO)ND: C.arn. Adams voru: Passed 4-o M.)l'ION: Corn. Claudy roved tu recx:::mmen:i de.nial AppHcation 13-U-87 subject to the f in1ings and r:.1..tbconclu."'!icins of this Hearing and the St..aff Report, addJnq the F.Lfrl.inj tl1.at the plan as presented was not. in sufficient l·acc;..,rd with tlle zoning onilhances governing thfa prope.rt.y in that it does not cllJ the maxirrum a:rr.ount to protect the wate:..shed ta.-rard BlacJroe.rry Farm a."'d t.11at tJi.e de . .nsity is g:r-e,~ter than can be justified given the buildab.le l::i.nd of the property. SE<XlND~ Com. J\danJs VOI'E: Passro, can. Sl.:abo opposed J-1 .9 ' PIANNING o:MMISSION mNUI'ES Regular Meeting of May 2E. 1987 PAGE 5 ~ -520 rr.EM i (Cont'd) MJI'ION: Can. Claudy no-..rect to recommer.d denial of 8...IJ:M-87 in conjunction with the recamnerrled denial of Application 13-G-87. SECOND: Covl. Adams vorE: Passed, cam. Szabo disst>J1ting 3-1 . ITEM 2: Application No(s) Applicant: Property owner: Location: Parcel Area(Acres): USE I~ (16-U-87) ].8-U-87 Bahlnan X;i--m,,_qgg_--:--:~~~~~~~~~~~~ Trust_~of the West: Southea....c:rt corngr o! st~§Il§ Cr-ee.f; Bou.J-~ arr,;l Portal"-""'k~~~en~u=e~~~--~~~~~~. N&_ To operate an eating establ.ishrnant within an ex.istirq 920 sq. ~. tenant spa.ce of a retail r.enter, with 10 seats, t'WO E1l\l)loyees and incidental take-out ~ice. FIRST HEARlliG ENVIRONMENTAL DEI'ERMINATION: categorically Exempt TENI1\.TIVE CITY O::XJNCIL BF.ARING DATE: JI.me 1, 1987 (CONTINUED F.RCM 'IRE MEEIT'ING OF MAY 11, 1987) $ta ff ~'?.entation: Mr. caughey drew attent:i.on to the letter from Mr. am Mrs. Harris in support of the proposed manageioont plan for. the Cent.er. 'Ille application was continued from the preceding Planning Camn.ission meeting to allow the applicant to prepare a plan correcting problems with existing focxj service tenants. In addition, Staff was asked to rep:Jrt on compliance with existing Use Permit c.on::litions ard the extent of take-cut focx:i service offered at the Center. Staff felt that the :management plan was little changed from present controls: compliance was voluntru:y with n>gard to existing lessees and depe.rrled on on-management contractors for actual oversight, He nota:l the Planning' Director's letter of September 29, 1986, describ:l.rq constraints on use of the rear service corridor; he reviewtd location of existj.ng takeout fcx:id vendors an:1 noted the policy that outdoor seatinq areas at orchard Valley Marketplace were not counted for purposes of parldn:;J trips, He presented .Mi9.ru2 from the Staff report: 1) A!_Jprove the yogurt shop use permit with additional amplification of the May 20 1 1987, rear yard inc..nagement plan; 2) enlarge the sr.,ope of the application to tie the managE>..ment plan to the center as a whole rat.her than to the yogmt tenant; 3) continue the subject application for 90 days and test the effectiveness of the volurrtary rnanageme.nt plan before deciding the out.came of the ycg..n:t shop request. staff favored alt.eJ.TJative 2) to ensui."B permanence run enforceability of the proposed niani\gernent controls. PI.ANNING a:l1MISSION MrntJI'ES Regular Meeting Of May 26, 1987 PAGE 6 PC -520 rrEM 2 (cont'd) cam. Szabo ccrnmented t.hat there wei.""e probably no feasible alternatives to a voluntary management plan insofar as ex.istirq leases o:>Uld not be m:xiified to in::ltrle these restrictions fonnally. Discussion follewt'rl rec;a.ttl..irq the relationship of the i.nlividual terant leases to the center's use Pe.nnit corrlitions. In respon">e. to can. Szabo, Ms, COCker P.:xplained that any cx:>n:iit.i.ons :!.mposOO. on 18-U-87 run with the yogurt shop tenant; a condition requirirq future ame:rrlme.nt of ~ general use permit for the center could be aIJ""~ to the yogurt shop use pennit. · Mt". caughey an...."Mered can. Claudy that with the exception of Erik's Deli, all other take rut food vendors were located adjacent to the rear service corridor 'Which was gated. Mr. cowcm stated. that. staff had received no ccmplair1ts of Erik's Deli-only about those operators alocg the corridor. Applj,qm.!;' a Present:ation: Mr. Mark Wimmer, Manager, Ord1.ar.d Valley Marketplace, explained their efforts to resolve any problems with tenants or neighbors. He rm.ea. that a new consolidated refuse service wt:W.d be initiated. to ensure tbat dumpsters were plac.ed in an enc:losw:e. He reviewed the May 2Dth marageroont plan and noted that tenants have beeli acquainted wit.h the importance of keeping rear doors closed. In response to a:::m. szabo's question, Mr. Wimmer explained the circumstances under which existing lea..."'8S CO\..tl.d be a:roonded to address the issues contained in the management plan. Com. Claudy's SUl..Jgestion that tl1e yogurt shop Use J?el..--ntlt be issued for: a limited tiroo with a stipuation that the base use p€'Illlit be an'lel'lded to include permanent controls. cam. Szabo canmented that the proposed serving of ycgurt prOOucts in returnable cont.ainers seemed. impractical ; Mr. Caughey :resp::>rided. that applicants had been advised of the restriction on taJce out restaurants pr.ior to filing a Use Pcrrm:i.t. cam. Claudy concurred that the returnable container constraint was not a feasible solution. Mr. Wi.mrrer stat.00 his willin3ness to seek the amr->..n:ied base use permit for the purpose of sei;:uririg the management plan to tl:te complex. cam. Claudy stated that during' t..11.e bar,;e use permit Cll'OC>..rrlment hearirig, he wo1Jld advocate a prohibition on additional food. SP..rvic.e tenants at this Center. 'l'he Public Hearbig ·was then opened. Mr. George Harris, neigh}JorilXJ resident, noted that the Center's Use Permit did not allc:M incidental t.."\ke out setVice and a.Bleed that any subsequent changes to tl1e use Pe:nni t for the center be made in formal Hearing context. MJrION: cam. l\dams to close the Public Hearing SECOND: Com. Claudy VOI'E: Passed 4-0 Vice-Ou-. Sorensen noted that the application was catF~orically exe."Tipt. PI..ANNnlG C01MISSION m:NUTES Regular Meetirq of May 26, 1987 PAGE 7 PC -520 ITEM 2 (Cont 1 d.) Mr. caughey suggested that a fornal amr.--I'ldmimt to the base use permit c:ould be processed within the next tllirty days with the applicant 0 s cc.operation, whid1 would save the need to approve the ~ shop on an interim basis. Mr. Wimmer asked that a decision be made on the awlicatio11. MJI'ION: Com. Szabo roc>va:l to rec:::cmt~ ay;:proval of Application 18-U-87 with the fin:iin3s an:l subconclusions of the staff report and. p.lblic ~in;, addinJ a Cbnclitioo lhrlitir.q the validity of tt.e Use Permit to six (6) nart:ns, with the Use Permit to became permanent if with.in t.hat six nx:mt:h period the use Permit for the Center was amended to inclUl:kl a management plan for the rear. sei."Vioe. area, relaxation of restrictions on take out food service, arid re.;,-triction of the numbe..c of food shops adjoinin.J the service y-ard; corrlitions 1-3; Corill.tion 4 amended to delete referen::e to incidental take out service; Conditions 5-6. SI:'.'O:>ND: Com. l\dams. Mr. caughey requested that the 6 IOC.>ntl1 provision for the Use Permit be list.Ed as a separate con:tition, and that the ~ to tl'la base Use Ptmnit be listed as part of Condition 5. 'Iba result is a total of 7 COnditions for 18-U-87. can. Szabo agrood to so state the final notion. VOI'E: Passed, can. Claudy dissa.nt.in;J 3-1 cam. Adams noted that he votro on this Item due to tile request of the Applicant for a df>Cision; hc:Mever, he felt that amardi'l'.3' of the. Master Use Pe.."11\.it would have been a m::ire appropriate action. cam. Claudy noted for the record tl1at he dissented was because it appeared to h:i.n1 that the restaurant :in quru.,,tion was a take-out operation, whicJ.1 would be in violation of the current Conditions of the Master Use Permit. ITEM 3 Application No(s) Applicant: Properl'Y owner: Location: Parcel Area (Acres) : 9-'IM-87 and 24,_,_-_.EA=---"""8..-7 _________ _ ~,~ino ~~-I _________ ___,_ Same -~~~~~~~~-~ East side of_Mary .Avenue~i.ma=te=lo...y, __ _ ~oo ft_. ™th of Meteo=r."-. ~P=l=a=ce=-,---­ h~net_ h~~ TENTATIVE MAP ( 9-'IlH37) To subd..ivide 1 parcel into 14 parcels with lot sizes rarq.irq from 7,500 sq. ~. to 9,200 sq. ft. FU~ST FEARING FNVIRCW-lr..:NTAL Dfil'EI~MINATION: Ner:rati ve Declaration TENTJ.'.TIVE CITY CXXJNCIL HEARING .D.lcrE: ,June 1., 1987 ";: PIANN:rnG CXM1ISSION MINUI'ES Regular Mooting of May 26, 1987 PAGE B FC -520 ITEM 3 (C'.ant 'd) ' __ ,,;" . .. :-. Stat'f Prese.ntat.Loru. Mr. ca,.,an reviewed the Application ari.Cl noted that it was being reheard due to :Urq;:>roper noticincJ, can. Szabo noted thz.t due to ownership of adjacent property, he would abstain fran votirq on th.ls At.:Plication. ~~ti&ru Mr. Tim samis, En:Jinae:rs for the developer, stated that the llrprcpar notici.rq was an ~ error an:i ·he apologized to the a:mrmissioo ani the p.lblic. He stated that there was no change in the Tentative Map an:i that applicants were agreeable to the corrlitions imposed. Ha reviewed the AJ;:plication and s~ted that harie!l cxmpatible with the exist.i.nJ neighborhood would be con..~. 'Ihe Public Hearin..J was then opened .• Mr. J. Hauser, 21461 }'Tilford Dr., Olpertino, wanb.:rl to :Urpress upon the canmission and the builder that this parcel was surrc.iurrled by an est.ablishocl neighbo.rhoad a.rd cited the iriconveniences endured. by the current residents. He asked that the followirq concerns ba r.:onside.red: -L\lSt control -Noise control, especially on 'Weeks:rrls -current density ratio was 2-1 in favor of one story hanes~ he a..i:\koo that this ratio be ltk1.intaine:l in the develc.p:oont. -Traffic control at the intersection of Mar.I and Stevens c:reek Blvd. espec.ially at c::::amnute hours -Tree preservation -New hane architecture and pricirg of t.liessi hemes; request made t.hat any n£M development be 1consistent with· existing' neighborhood. -Height limitation of new hemes -Access to Mary Ave; he presented infonnation on a July, 1967 Application concerning the property ur:dar considerat.ion. Mr. ,Jack Birkholz, 21381 Milford Dr.., CUpertino, addres.sed the issues of noise control on wee.kerds and drainage. Mr.J.B. D.lsty Hhodes, 2J..391 Milford Dr., Olpertino, requested information on trie availability of the COde Enforoe.ment Officers on weekends run discussed tlie issues of gradin;J in relatior.ship to f er!Cf.".s. M.s. SUsan Silverman, 21431 Milford Dr., Ct.Ipartino, asked that the presE>.nt hOll'eONners have quiet weekends ard only the leas.t intrusive work. on this. project be carrpleted; in addition, she requested that two-story horoos back onto existin::,J two-story horoos Mr. John Flood, 10535 Meteor PL, CUpertlno, addressed traffic impacts. Ms. DJttie Donio, 21478 Meteor Dr., CUpertino, stated that a 10 ft. setback was unaccepb;\ble. " PIANN.mG CXl1MISSION MINUl'ES Regular Meetin;J of May 26, 1987 PAGE 9 ~ -520 ITEM 3 (Cont'd) Mr. Mark silvennan, 21431 Milford Dr., CUpertino, wished to preserve the et.in-ent quality of life 1th.J:a..lgh ii~ rear yaxd .setba~<S, height limitat.!.ons arrl. twp-story haneS abutting xistirq ™' story homes. Ms. I.ucille Pan'leSs, 21451 Milford Dr., CUpertino, 0Cl1U'lel'lted an the noise. inpacts an weekerrls. Mr. · IXm Silva, 21401 Milford Dr., OJpertino, questioned the Environment.al Assessment Procedure, Page 8. He noted that there were two tank.'3 on the property possibly containin;J diesel or gas fuel. Mr. cawan reviewed procedures for rem::Mll of hazardous material. Mr. sanils responded. that they had nc intention of workirq on weekerxls f such W'C'llld be aoceptable as a Condition of .Af:proval. He stated that dust would be controlled and that thm.."e. was l ft. differe.roe in elevation between the two ends of the cul-de-sac. He provided phone I'l\.llrlbars of the owner of Gerard Hares an..'l the irrlividual in charge of ·this project. In response to can. Adams• qlll*>tioa, he stated that thare might be as many as 10 two-st:o:r:y hemes. z.DI'"J:ON: SECDND: VarE: cam. Claudy oovoo to close the l?uhlic Hearir.g. Can. Adams Passed, Com. Szabo abstaining 3-0-1 · consensus reached that access to Mal.-y Ave. was required.. Commission note:.'! that the Noise cr.cdinance dic.tated allowable noise levels arx1 permitted times of construction ::tctivities. Code Enforcement Offi~..rs could be contacted cr.1 weekends for violation.a of noise levels or dust. control. ('..entral Fire District was the responsible agent for control an:l/or rem::Nal of hazardous waste materials. With respect to protection uf the trees a Condition of App!'OVal 'WaS suggested b'j can. Adam'3 to protect trees during construction. · com. Clm.lC!y noted the issues of most conce.rn to residents, .1121W"-1y: one or ti'1o sto:cy houses, height arrl setback requirements, and the architecture aOO. pricirq of the proposed units were already deter.mined by the R-1 zonin:J. Speeial restrictions could not be impo&>d.. MJI'ION: cam. Claudy moved to recornmerrl granting a Negative Declaration. SECOND: cam. Adams vare: Pasaed, cam. Szabo abstaining 3~0-1 ' . MOI'ION: Com. Claudy moved to recomirend approval of Applkation 9..JJ:M-87 subject to the fir:dings and. s'l.lbconclusions of this Hearing and the Staff Report, Corrlitions 1-15; ~dd.ing a Cond.ition 16, st..atirq thrJ.t tree protection :measure.s be implemented at ca~ of . construction, inc:udir~ gra~ of tha site, for trees to be retained on the site; these measw..-es stJ.bjec:: to Staff approval. SECOND: cam. Adams VOI'E: P'dssed, cam. Szabo abstaining . J~0-1 I! ~· .PIANNmG CCM1!.SSION KI:NUI'ES ReqUJ.ar Mooting of May 26, 1987 PAGE 10 ~ -520 Break 10:28 -10:37 P.M. ITEM 4 ,f3-U-§7 an:J.~~-87 __ _ Application No(s) .Ar,plicant: ~~~f"'-'-W=a=tl;d.ns""""'-=---~---~~~ Property owner: I;:x::ation: PruX:el Area (Acres} ~~=....._-------~-~~~ Northeast co.mer of Pasadena arrl G,ranada Avenues ____ , ______ _ .! 11 net .24 gro§S USE PERMI".r (23-U-87) To construct a 2 stoi.y, 3, 700 sq. ft. office/ residential/retail builc'lin3'. FIRST HEARING ENVmONMENrAL DETERMINATION: Negative Declaration TENTATIVE CITY CUJNCIL HF.l\RlNG Dt'\.TE: June 1, 1987 §t<\fL_Pl:'es~tj,_C!).J. Mr. Piasecki review'Exi the .i'.pplication an:l presented a site plan. Staff suggested thrJ.t the three covered park.in:J spa.Ce.a be a minimum of 9 ft. in widt.h. In additicm, the Applicant was asked to address the :roaintena.~ of the northerly wall. He noted the Ol'l'2I parking space deficit an::l reviewed the options available t.o the Awlicant. &?Plic.ant's Presentation: Mr. Jeff Watkins stated that the proposed buildinJ would be an own?...r occupied office space and noted that the project was approximatir.g the point whE>.J."9 the amount of usable c:::ommarcidl space was becorn.ing severely limited. He stated that the prq:>erty allcwed a zero lot line and was providiI"¥;,J the prime access to adjacent property to the rear. cam. Claudy suggested a maintenance easement and added that a wooden sided building would require regular maintenance. Mr. Buzz Bryan, Ardu:tect., addressed the question of ID<:1.intenance of the northerly wall. Awlicarrts Wel"e agreeable to the covered parkirXJ suggested by Staff. In re.si;x.mse to Staff canme.rrt:s, they stated that the decision wa.:i to increase retail space on the do;.mstairs floor. can. Claudy noted that the lot arrl proposed design of the project were inherentJ.y not a zero lot line dP..sign an1 suggested that the l\;ryplicants secure a maintenance easement from the adjaoent property owner. Mr. CcMan suggested that Applicants be offer9d the option of a l ft. offset or obtainirq an naintenance P..asenent from the adj ac.ent property CMner. 'Ihe Public Hear~ was then opened. 'I'here were no sr;>ea)<e.rs. r.mION: Com. Adams m::wed to close the Public Hearirqs :SECOND: c.om. Claudy V'JI'E: P'dSsOO 4-0 .. "';-·, ~ ,\· < ' ~ ...... " ' . ' PI.ANNING cx.M1ISSION HINtJIT.s Regular Meeting of May 26, 1987 PAGE 11 ~ -520 ITEM 4 (c.ont'd) M'.YI'IOO: can. Maroa TOCIVEld the grantirxJ of a Negative Declaration. s~: can. Claudy VOI'E: Passed 4-0 MJrirn: can. Adams noved to l-eo:mnoo.nd awroval of Al~lic.ation 23-U-87 subject to the finiings am aubconclusions Of this Hearirg Md the staff Report, Coniltions 1-17; Con:iltian 18 lOOdified to read, " ••• oonsistin;J of a mini.'Ul.lll1 of 130 sq. ft. of ext'!lmP..rcial and a :max:.irm.:rm of 1, 500 sq. ft. of office (or the reverse) •• ; " adding a con:iltion 20 to N.tdressing maintenarc.e of the north wall requir.in:J a one to one am. a half ft. offset or the securing of a maintenance E:.~ ~ Applicant can adjust the setbacks on Granada an:i Pasadena slightly to acccmam::tte tire square footage allONed by th.r.:. Use J?\O...rmi t, subject:. to Staff review and ar:provai. SECOND: com. Claudy VOI'E: Pa.<;Sed 4-0 ITEM 5 Application No(s) AJ::plicru:lt: Property owner: Location: Parcel Area (Acrss) : 24~2-:EA-87 Westfielq, Inoor:por:a=t~ed~~~--------~--~ Sarne Vallco Fashion Park; Perimeter Road ngrtherJ,y_ of Ettporiunt-<:a_t:Mell s;i.te~---.51 oot • 7.5 gross USE PERMIT (24-U-87) _To construct and operate a two-level parking garage serving a regional shoppin:J center. FIRST HEARlliG ENVIRONMENTAL DETERM:!NATION: Negative Declaration TENTATIVE CITY OJUNCIL HEARlliG ~: June 1, 1987 Staff Prese.ntation: Mr. Ccw.m reviewed. tlJB Application and noted that there wE're no significant .issues in terms of air quality or noise. He asked the Arch.1.tect to addrf>..s.s the traffic circulation patt£>-nis. ii . t ' Applicant's Presentation: Mr. Terry F'e.n~--c:., Vallco Fashion Park, presented diagrams showing natural grades of the site, sm:vice entrances a.00 traffic cir'-'"U.lation patterns arr.I answered questions addre.<:lsed by the Commissioners. Mr. Mark Hancock, Vallco Fash.ion Paxk, provided additional information. '!he Rlblic Hearirg was then opened. '!he.re were no speakers. PLJ\NNING ~ION MINUl'ES Regular Meeting of May 26, 1987 PAGE 12 PC -520 IT.EM 5 (Cont'd) MJI'IOO: can. Adams ll'Olled to close the Public Hearing SF.Wm: Can. Claooy VOI'E: Passed M:YJ.'ION: can. Szabo J1X1Ved tila granting of a Neqcitive Declaration SEO:lND: Can. Claudy -. '. ~ ~- 4-0 varE: Passed 4-0 MJl"ICN: Can. Szabo lOCNed t.o i-e~ approval of Application 24-U-87 sul:>j ect to the Fin:lings an:i eubcoriclusions of this Hea1:ID; a:rd the Sta.ff Report, Corditions 1-13; eordition ::i.4 amenc!ed to delete the final sentence. SErom: can. Claudj VOI'E: PasseC 4-0 OID BJS!NESS -None NEW WSINESS -None REPORr OF '!HE PJ:.N.INING o:t1M!SSia.J -can. Claudy noted that trash oontainm:s throughout the city are being kept inside enclosures to a greater degree rDN. . -Vice Chr. Sorensen asked for information on the Route 280 sou.rd wdlls. -Cam. Szabo noted conce.rn regardirrJ the visual impact of lan:Isr...apin;J on Foothill Blvd.. traffic. REFORl' OF 'IHE PI.ANNING DIRECTOR -written Report sul::m:dtt.ed ADJOORNMENI': Havir.q con::ltxlro its business, tl'le Plann.i.rq c:arumission adjourned. at 11:40 P.M. to the next Regular Meetin] of June a, 1987 at 7:1".JO P.M. Approved by the Planni.rg con:rmission At the·.. Re;Jularr" ing of June 8 <~~-\ -, ') j :, ' ' \ ,, ' . ' -.-,'· . ...:....::....~?·~--D.."lliitld MacJrenzie, C'l¥.uman v f 1987: .. It '