PC 04-27-87' · CTIY 01'' aJPERI'rno, STATE OF CALIFORNIA 10300 Tol:'.'rEl Avenug OJpertino, Cl\. 95014 ~ (408) 252-4505 MINUl'ES OF 'IlfE Rm.JI.AR MEET1NG OF 'IHE PI.J.\NNil\G o::MM.ISSICN HELD ON APRIL 27, 1987 Meetirg Held in the Interim Council O'l.ambers, 10..,,JO N. De Anza Blvd. SAllJ1'E lO 'ffiE FI.AG; IDIL CAIL: Ccmnissioners Present: Clai.nnan M~ckanzie Staff Present: APP.ROVAL OF MINUrES Vice Olai.rwanan Sorensen Ccmnissianer Mama a:mni.ssioner Claudy O::mnisaioru?..r Szabo Mark caughey, AMOCiate Planner Glen Grigg, Traffic En;Jinee.?: 'Peg:;r.{ M. Cocke:r:, Attorney Son:la Bimendyk, Planner II 7:00 P.M~ cm-. Mac.J\enzie requested that on Page l, ~ of Minutes of Marcil 23, 1987 1 to read, "Passed, can. Cl.audy abrt:a..ining 4-0-111 can. Sorensen requested that on Page 5, th.iJ::d para.graph to read, " ••. traffic would egress onto Mal:y Drive." IDI'ION: Com. Adams, to aw:rova th.a Minutes of. th.a Regular Meet.in:1 of April 13, 1987, as subn.itted. SECOND: cam. Claudy VOI'E: Passed 5-0 .ITEM 4: A}?I:>lic.ant ~ witrxlrawal of a>;:plication WRITI'EN CXM1UNICATIONS -None ORAL o::M1UNICATICNS -None ITEM l~ Application 9-U-83 {Revised) -Seven Sprin:;;s Ranch -Extension of Use Permit. -1- PI.ANNING CllfMISSION MINUI'ES Regular Meeti."YJ of April 27, 1987 PAGE 2 PC -518 CONSENT CAI.ENn7\R (Cont'd) MO'I'ION: can. Szabo m:::ived to adopt Consent Calendar. SECOND: can. Adams vorE: P-assed ITEMS REM1V'ED FRCM <XlNSENT CAIENI:IAR -None PUBLIC HFARIKGS: IT.EM 2 ~licatian No(s) Applicant: Prcperty OWner: Location: Parcel Area USE PERMIT (3-U-87) 5-0 To cxmstruct a l,! .. 00 sq. ft. addition to an exist.inq gas station and to c.parata a convenienoa store with liquor &ales; a.loo to continue di.spensin'J of gasoline and repair of cal."s, rod to operate on a 24-hoor basis. VARIANCE (l-V-87) Fran OJ::di.nance 1154 to allow :reduc..tions in the annmt of reiqull'Ed lardscapin;J. FIRST HEAF!.lliG CDN"I'llit.1ED ~ PI.ANNING rofilSSION MEET'.mG OF 3/23/87 EN\IIRCINMENTAL DEI'EFMLNA'.J.'ION: Nagative Declaration TEN"'.J\TIVE CIT'l OXJ"NCIL HEARING DATE: May 4, 1987 Staff Presentatioru. 'l11e General Planning and Zonirq classifications for this site were consistent for the Use, p.rovided the variance requested was granted. He reviewed the backgram:i of this awlicatio11. ':r:'he prin:::iple issue was an inta:i:pretatian ....>f the FAR policy pertaining to service stations. '1he 4',:>licant had prepared a Trip Generation study; which demonstrated that the service statiM, even with expanded uses and floor are.a, wc:W.d not exceed the 16 trip per aci:a standard. Unique to service stations was the dete.r.m.ination that traffic generation had :nrire to do with pri~ offered at the station arrl the number of carq;et.ing stations within the vicinity. ' : '.) ~ ·. 1·'; · PI.ANNmG <XHilSSION MINUI'ES Regular Meetirq of April 27, 1987 PAGE 3 PC -518 I'I'l::'°M 2 ( C'.ont Id) Mr. Om:,;Jhey stated that since an ltdjace:nt vacant lat ocW.d be zoned residential, the Af.plicant had :bel!ul asked to prepa.t"e a noise iixpact study. 'Iha 2. 7 decibel average inc:r~ in tl1s auit.iant lEMal wu.ld not be perceptible; however, th&.re ~ ha sann point swroe. ~. The Envi.ronmental ReView Ccmni.ttee ~ a limitation of the ~.of Operation from 7:00 A.M. ~ 11:00 P.M- He rci:.ed the slight discrepan.c). ~ zonirq code parkil'q standa:ttls an:J. the 13 parking spaces pl:OVided. '!be main conoam of staff' was adequate parking space for cust:ane.rs of the conveni~..noe market1 in addition, staff :reocmnended that thia nort:hermcst drivaway be closed at an awror:>riate ti.ma. Ha reviewed oon::::erns of 'ASN: and suggested a minor amendment to address the issue. Sa.rt:h S<lr8toga-sunnyvale Lan:Wcape Plan was ravi~; staff S'UCjgest.00 the addition of 6 ft. of lnrdsca~inq. E>tbibits wm:e p:r:es.ent,ed. can. "."..laudy stated he would not vote. in favor of this Application \tlhich inclu::led the sale of alcoholic beverage.a. Ma. ~ reviewed legal info:cnation regan:lirq the denial of an application whet'l tha Jiwlicant was not present. 8 'Iha Applicant was not present. e 'Iha Public Hearing was then opened.. 'Ibai::e we.re no speakers. MJI'ION: can. Claudy moved to close the Public Reru:in9 SEOJND: COO\.. Sorensen VOI'E: Passed M'JI'ION: C'.om. Cla~J ll'OJ'ed the granting of a Negative Daclru:ation. SECX:lND: can. SOrerl.'3erl VOI'E: Passed 5-0 5-0 MJrION; cam. Claudy rrorod t-.; .reoc:mnero approval of AJ;:plication 3-U-87 subject to the Fin:.ti.n;Js a.rd sul:x::aooluaiona ot this·Haarin;J·and the Staff P.eport, Corditions l-91 COr.dition 10 m::xilf-.1..ai to delete referen::::e to 11 alcoholic beverages." Ms. COCker :oot.ed p.ltential legal challangess reqardirg denial of an Application on the basis of aloctiolic bave.rages1 can. Claud'J offered to witb:lraw his Motion on the qrourds that he would not vat.a in fa.vm-of any setvioe i:.tation sellirq alcdlolic beverag:as. can. Szabo oor.IC'Ul.Ted, makirlq the Find.Lrg that the sale of alcoholic beverages wa.s ina:i;;pr~riate to this site. can. Sorensen concurred. 01r. Mackenzie suggested that s.tnce the camrniasion was the rr~iccrrmending b:x1y on this Application, that the ~ion be roadi9 am for.warded tlw the City camcil for oonsider.dtion. • PIANNrnG o:::t1MISSION MINUTES Regular Neetin:;J of April 27, 1987 PAGE 4 PC -518 rrEM 2 (Cont'd) MJITCN: cc.m. , Claudy m:::Ned to recaranerri approval of Awlication 3-U-87 subject to the 1''.i.rdin:Ja arrl subcooolusions of this Hec.rin;r a.rd the Staff Report, Corrlitians l.-91 Coro.itietl 10 modified to delete reference to "aloo."lolic bavw.""ages~" ma3d.n;J tha Fi.rrlirg that' the sale of alcoholic beverages was inappropriate. ~ acticn taken b'f the a:mnission to foster or ~ m:ire convenierrt: drivirq an:\ dri.nkin':J was inawropriate. can. Szabo arocnied tri~ M:ltion to read, 11 .inawi·opdate to this site." coniltioo 11, irours Of o;perat.ion amerded to 7 :'oo A.M.-11:00 P.M; Con.:U.tions 12-20. SE<X>ND: can. Szabo VOl'E: PaS!;ed 5-0 1Cl'ION: Co.a. Sorensen moved to rao::mnend apprcMtl of Application l-V-87, · pe.,.. the J.r.de.l Resolution. cam. Szabo VOl'E: Paa6ed 5-0 ITEM 3 Application No(s) Afplicant: Property owntx: I.ocation: Parcel Area (Acres) : USE PERMIT (6-U-87) 6-U-87 g00_.tt_-FA,--'8.,_,7'------ ~il oil Ooxporation Same To operate a 150 sq. ft. snack shop at an existin:J service station, to oontir1t1e dispensing of gasoline arrl repair of cars, arrl to openite on a 24-hour basis. FIRST HEARING o::NI'INUED FRCM PI.ANNING a:MMISSION OF MARCH, 23, 1987 ENVIRONMENTAL DEI'ERMINAT.ICN: Neqati ve Declaration TENT.U"IVE CITY c:a.JNCIL HEARING !:ll\TE: May 4, 1987 ~~ Ms. B.:!.nne:rxi:irk reviewGd the ~ Use Permit and stated that Staff rrlied on the Trdffic study sul:::mtitted with the pravicus Appli~tion. Staff ooncluded that this App1 ication W-dS consistent. with tha Gener.al Plan, zonir.q an:! pcirkin;r requi.l-ements. Ms. Binnen:fyk noted that. the :major ccsrlCP..rn of this Afplication was ·too request for 24 hour cperation. She cited numerc.us letters of p.rot:r.>..st and a petition receive:.'l. A noise study in:lica.ted that duri.rq lat.a evening hours, ti'..e station co1..1ld exceed the City's maxilnum pel.1ni.tteel noise leveL Noise mitigation InP ..... "\SU.reS were cormidered to be inadequate; therefo~, staff reco.mme.n:ied denial of the request for 24 hour operation. Minor site wrovercento:i for the snack shop we.re suggested. ... ii 1 '' • PI.ANNING cnlMISSION filN1n'F.S Regular Meeting of April 27, 1987 P1'lIB 5 PC -518 ITEM 3 (Cont'd) Ms. Binnen:lyk reviewed the security feat.urea sh~ on too J!.Wlicaticn. &?P~o:t's Presel1tatiQm Mr. Larr.y Izzo, F.obert H. 12e Associates, noted t ... he security measu.t"le.1 were installed for late evening hool."S of c.peration. He was aware of the opp:>Sition to the p~ 24 hour cperat.ioo. He reviewed revised landsc:apirg plans a.rd statoi that plans in c::arpliance with the revised buildirq OOLia would be cal\')leted. Ms. sartlra 'I\Jl:lba, Mobil Oil :Represe;ntative, stated that cun"'etltly the snack shq;> was open to the p.lblic. She noted that 7:00 A.M. -11:00 .i?.M halt'S of operation were restrictive arrl reduced thtair ab.Uity to oompete with other :WS.ineas. The i'Ublic Hearirq was then opened. Mr. carloo Corona, Mobil oil station Deale.r for~ years, st.at«! that a 24 ha.ir operation was nei.ther econanically feasible rX>r safe, He .was reqvllv.d. by lease with Mcl:>il oil to provicW a 24 hour opnratian1 he personally installed necessary surveillance equipnent at'Xi ext.1.-a lightil-q . for tha safety of e::rployees, many of whan livli in the neighbol:bood. · He cited problems with security, vandalism am loitering1 !30!00 employees felt they had to keep a gun on the p~.s. In respors.ae t.o questions of the commissioners, he stated that the 6:00 -7:00 A. M. was an important time for l:Alsiness. Mr. Walt.er T. Whlt.kiy, · 1 Preaident, CaJht.ty Wood H~me.rs Association, stated that the Association was in cauplete agrea:rent. with Staff recammerrlations th.at the 24 hour operation not be approved. He rated the impact of .increased noise levels and other nuisances. He had no reasi:.m. to· believe that operation of the st.."l.tion between 6: oo -7: oo A.M. wc::Ul.d inconvenience the naighbo:rhood. M:>TION: O::m. Claudy IroVed t.o close tOO Public .Haar.i.rq. SECOND: C'.an. Adams vorn: Passed 5-0 can. Sorensen favored 6:00 A.M.-11:00 P.M. l'lOUrS of operation; oonseni.ru.e reached by the Camnission that such hours were a.oceptabl.0. MOTION: can. Soran.sen m:Ned to grant a Neq-a.tive Declaration. SEO:>ND: can. Adams VOI'E: Passed 5-0 'f( l'..' • PI.ANNING <XM"1ISSION MINUTES Regular Meetitq of. April 27, 1987 PAGE 6 'PC -518 ITEM J (Cont'd) -• ' t _. -~.l~~ MJTION: can. sorensm movoo to recanav.:md approval of Application 6-U-87, subject to the Fi.n:linJs and subconclusions of this Hearin; am the Staff Report, · Conditions ' 1-2; Corrlition ·3 modified to read 6:00 A.M. -11:00 P.M; Corxiit.ions 4-12. SEO:>ND: can. .Adams 'llCf.I'E: Passed 5-0 M:YI'ION: Cctu. c.laudy moved to sel'il a Mirn.rte Ol:Uer to the City Q:luncil stat.irq that the Ccmnission a:.nsider a 6: oo A.M. open:l.n; hoor. for the prevJ.OU3 SRI se.tvia!S case (3-U-87) reasc;'\able for tha Use Permit under oc.:msideratian. SEO:'JND: can. Adams Application No(s) At;plicant: ~QI.mer: Location: USE PERMI'l' (16-U-87) To operate 3,200 sq.ft. Karate studio in an e.x.i..stin:;J <:ihopp:lrq cent.er. FIRS'l' HEARil'lG ENV.m:>NMENTAL DETERmNAT!ON: Cata;Jorically Exerrpt TENTATIVE CITY ro.JNCIL HEARING Dilt.'l'E: ~y 4, 1987 sta_{L_~tation: Ms. Binnendyk reviewed the proposed A},-:plicatlon and. citoo the 31 parking s!J<i.ce deficit at this sh.opJ;:linq center. Sha roted the results of a recent park:l.ng study and ccmmented that ":he AJ;:plicationwas for a tcmp::>rru:y use. Applicant's Preserrt:ation: Mr. I..ar:ry Yamaoka stressed that the proposed use would be temporary. I-:ca re:::poryjed to questions of the Commissioners. 'Iha Puhl ic Hear:l.n;r was then qxmed. '!here were no speakers. ID!'ION: com. Szabo IOCJVErl to close the Public Hearing. SECXJND: can. Sorensen VOI'E: PasSfxl 5-0 eonsensus reached that use Pemit be awrovect to October 1st. IDI'ION: can. sorensen m:wed to :r.ecumt'P..rrl approval of AppHcation 16-U-87 · subject to Fin:lings ard conclusions o:" this Hear:i.n;J, Cor:rl:ltions 1-2; Canilt.ion 3, rrcdified to read, 11 0c'tl.coer 1st;" Condition 4. SECOND: cam. Szalx:i Passed ~.; PI.ANNrnG a:ffUSSION MTian:ES · Regular Meeting of April 27, 1987 PAGE 7 PC -518 ITEM 6 Al={llication No(s) Applicant: Prq:lerty OWner: Location: Pru:cel Area (Acres) : USE PERMIT {9-U-83 (AMElIDED)) ... ,., -. '•'·-··· Revisioo of a previously ~ use pannit for a 408 unit Planned Residential develcpnent, to modify provisions relating t.o ze:i:'O lot line house placement, and Puildirq height limitation. F.IRSI' HFARmG ENVIRCNMENrAL ~CN: Negative Declaration TENl'ATIVE CIT'l COUNCIL HEA.-:tlNG OM.'E: May 4, 1987 ~: Prese.ntatimi. Mr. cau;hey reviewed the directive of the City ccuncil on holding a Public He.a.ring on matters of de..let.irq zero lot lines on units a.rd the daletion of raf~ to height limitation on units in. interior portions of the project; in addition, Staff revLeiwed tha bad.room count as requested by Councilmember Gatto. With regcu:d to the deletion of the zero lot line foma.t, Applicant.a wa.lld derronstrata that by rearrangin;t lots in a u~re conventional format they had in fact, i.nc:reased the rear yard. area. staff was satisfied with the proposed fonnat. With ~ to height adjustment, Awlicants were proposing an alternative method of satisfyirg prior constJ~aints by .::::anblnin] both one and two story elements in every dwelling. Mr. Caughey called attention to a:1rxiltioo 4; these guidelines would ai;.:ply to the 5,000 sq. ft. units only. lm.P.li.cant 1 s PresentatiQill Ml:. Jim Jackson noted that with regard to traffic impact, the proposal contained. 100 bedroans less than previrusly .authorized. With regard to the siting of this project, the number of units nor the site plan had been cti.ar:qed. .Afplicants reque..'3t.Pd a deletion of the zero lot line con::ept an:l use of conve.n"':ional placement. He reviewed the 1985 AtJplicatior. an..i presented a ccrnparison of previoo.s plans ard tlw current prop:>sal. Ha noted the followfrg: -Front yard setbacks wel."'0 18 -20 ft. on proposed plan -Aroc>unt of private, rear yard space achieved t.lu:ough arqled lots -.lldditional benefits in the area in maintenanoe, drainage a.rd privacy -Visual oorrido:ra realized through angled lots -Orientation of wirrlows toward the south rather than to the north PIANN"IllG al'1MISSION MINUTES Regular MeetinJ of April 27, 1987 PAGE 8 PC -518 rm1 6 (Omt'd) Mr. Jackson reviewed height limitations arxl. presented a propoo.a.1 which wcW.d achie:v.a the same or greater reduction in height; a series of diagrams w..ra present.Ed. He noted the followinq: -Prcpose:l height would not exceed 26 ft. on arr:t unit -'Ille visual rorridon1 due to placement of the hanes -Roof coverage was urrler 40% of the t'WO story height limits -An:Jled homes beirq ~ were substantially smalleir in size than other homos bein;:J a~·ed in CUpacti.ro -Ohly 17% of land 'WOU.ld be rove.red. by build.irgs He prcposerl a cha.n]e in language for COn:iltion 16.a., to~' "No m:>re than 40% of the total roof area sh.all exoeed a height of 20 feet above grade." 'Iha Public Hearirq was then opened. Ms. Marie Akim, 21451 cblumb'lS, eupertino, noted the fOllc:Minq oonce.rns: -'Ihe size of these homes a. 4700 -5000 sq. t't. lots -Parkin:f impacts: she cib 1 ~les at other locations -Value and beauty of the property in question: she aak.ed that tiletile ha:nes be reduced in size so as to affect the selling price. She questiar'Viad whether roans planned as dens arxl. media roans ~d be turned into bedroans a.rd noted the two stocy elements .in these units. -Traff:i.c :!Jrpacts. Mr. Gregory Erickson, Architect, stated that the current calculation of square footage was significantly below the 1360 bOO.rooros permitted. Mr. A.ram Bassenian, AJ:r..hitect, state,! that in small lot detached projects, the major iSS\lP.s we.re pa:dd.n] ar.d street scape; tOO Z lot dealt with bath concerns. He felt t.i'1at an alternative laoo plan eould not achieve the densities that small lot detached projects could. Mr. Donald senuda, 1245 Weymoth Dr., Cupertino, noted th.at at a City co.men Meetin:;J the in::reased size of the homes was stated to be betweei1 400-!:iOO squc."'lre. feet; this equaled about. 64 new homes. Ms. Bartha Lyddon, daug:h:ter of the original owner, stated that the above O'.:mnents reflected tile concerns of he.r mother; she noted the changes in the cirigina.l concept fo:: the design of this propP.rty. M..<:1. Marie Akim asJ<ed that the AfpJ.icants listen to the concerns of .the community for this property. IDITON: c.am. Claudy l'OC111ed to close the Public Hearirq SEO:>NO: Com. Szabo VOTE: Passed 5-0 Com. Szabo noted his c:once:rn regard.irYJ the increase in squ;rre footage due to potential traffic ~ct:s. • Pr.ANNING CCM{[SSION MINUrES Reqular MeetinJ o:r April 27, 1987 PAGE 9 PC -518 n'EM 6 cc.ont'd) can. Claudy cxmnented that naitlw..t· the number of be:h ·:.:x::m31 oor the number of uni ts had bem1 in:::rease.i ard the proposed uili ts were amru.ler than the typical ho.lse a.u:nmt.ly being ruilt in Cupertino. He felt that plans sul::mi.ttcd represented ill1provements over ptl!llious ~a. An agreement that no mo:t'Q than 40t ot any roof ru."'!!a <Xcl.d exc.aed 20 ft. wa.eJ rea£.onable. Cc.l!l. Adams noted that the et:m:nission had besrl di.recte:l to review tl18 issues of zero lot line and 50% limitation en t.he roofline on Ra..inbcM Dr; he felt that in tllSS6 area.a ch.arxJeS made were not detrimental. He stated that he 'W'Olll.d awrove the chang"es pxeaented. can. sorensen ooncurred arxi ooted the concerns addressed dur:irq the Public Hearirq; based on the p.n:pose of this review, she wcUl.d vote in favor of the propoaal un::ler consideration. Chr. Mackenzie differed !ran cp.iniais expressed above. Realignment of the haJses on the zero lot li.ns was acceptable; hclwever, oo was concernad about tlw prq,:osed expansion in size. Ha reviewed the 1985 decision am. noted that in the proposal under oonsidera:t."!.on 100% of tha units could have secx>nd story elements. He favored ti.13 zero lot line adju.stlriant rut wished to leava tha height restrictions and limitation on the l"ll.llllbElr of bedrooms in place. can. Szabo was favorable t.o the propo:!led design; hawmrer, he ~ed concern reqal..'d.i.n'J the .increased square footage a.rd questioned whether roans labeled c1ans would bec:aoo bedl:1"X:Wl1 Mi suggeeitcd a limitation on the allc:Mabla square footage. COnside.cation give."\ to a continuruioa of this · Application for fUrther considru:atic:'! of ths squ.are footaga on the 1985 Application. Ms. Cocker ~.st.ad that the AA?licant be allowed to address this issue. MJITON: can. Sorensen m:JVed to reopen the Public Hear.ing. SEO:>ND: can. h:1mm vorz: Passed Chr. Mackenzie asked to :r:eview the 1985 Use Permit; Mr. caughey ~tad the 1985 Barkus plan and nivi~ the 1982 Zc.~ Penn.it. Mr. Jackson reviewed his :recollectiomu lq:1plicant.a would t'ooept a limi ta:tion which stated that the tot.al project oot exr::eed a 10% incre..ase in square footage.· Mr. Erickson added thnt in listenin;J to the tapes of the Hearirqe of the Plan:nin:J Commission am City OJuncil since 1982, fairly implicit directions held been given in regard to dens, namely, that the devslqier design home offices Jn these units. Com. Szabo stated he would aC>OE:!pt a 10% increase in square footaqe; Mr. Jack.son s~ that the basP..line to be ccmputed by an equal distri- b.rt:.lon of the plans sumti tted. He asked tha.t a docislon be :i:e.ached.. • PI.ANNING a:M1ISSION MINUTES Regular Meetin:; of Api:il 27, 1987 P.b.GE 10 ~ -518 ITEM 6 (Cont'd) Mr. caughey suggested that Corrlition 4, A., to read, "Distrih.ttion of .chvellinq units by floor plan for 5000 type units shrill be subject.· •.• 11 a) to beccme l); b) to .beccme 2) an:i c) to become 3). Corrliticm 4, :s. could then be ilrp::>sed which would establish the bas.eline calculation fonnlla :tor detennining the total square footage for oo.ch floor plan type. SUgg:asted woidin:;J, to read, "'!he maxinum square footage increase shall not exceed 10% of the b:l..."'le.line calculation for fi*1C'.h floor plan.11 'I.bus, th.a Use Pennit ca.lld be a:i:-;proved at this Hear.:i.rq. · Ms. Litton reiterated her corice:r:ns regarding the erosion of the ori9i.rlal inte.nt for this develop:oo.nt. Mr. Ar.am Bassenian noted the chan::Jes in desire of the buyers. MJI'ION: can. Claudy fOCl'lled to clcse the R£i:opt=>.ned Public Hearin]. SECX:>ND: can. Sorensen VOl'E: PassOO mr:rrn: Ct'."m. Clau:ly l'OCIVed the grc:mting of a Negative Declaration. SECOND: Can. Soren:.:;an VOrE: Pas::wd 5-0 5-0 IDI'ION: can. Claudy IOCNed to reccmnerd approval of Awlication 9-U~83 AlOO.n:1ed pe.r di.<;;CUS.sion at this Hearing, Conditions 1-2: Cbndition 3 to in::orporate the follO'Nirq word.trig, ''Non-ore than 40% of the total :roof area shall exceed a height of 20% above grade. 11 Corrlition 4, A., to read, "Distribution of dwelling units by floor plan for the 5000 type units shall be subject •••• " a) to becatie l); b) to l:lecaoo 2) an1 c) to b?.corne 3). e:.niltion 4, B. to read, "'Iha total square foota9e of the devel0f100l'lt for the angled lot lines and tl1J0 5000 units shall be oo more than 10% of the baseline for t . .ba 1985 approval was. 'Ihe basel:ino shall be defined by distril:utirq units of each type equally across floor plans as submitted at that time, totaJ.in;J the SG,'Ual:'e footage resultin:J from that, provided th~ is no proof to the contrary." carr.lltians 5-6; addition of a O.."'ll"Xlitlon 7 that the floor plans shown at this Hearing have mt been approved since it was likely thrJ:t many of them will have to be reduced in size. '!here iz no explicit approval of floor plans. SE::OND: Com. Szabo \/UI'E: Passe.d, Orr. Ma:.::Y..enzie opposed 4-1 BreaJ< 9:46 -10:01 P.M. OI.D EUSINESS -None. ~~ 11~ i~ .i ' ' t f ,. ( ·r .. • Pr.ANNING CXM1ISSION MINUITS Regular Meet.:irq of April 27, 1987 PAGE 11 ~ -518 • ~ -.. f' ' ii'" .,..,_ .. t -'._; .. :A..; ~!. ITEM 7 Awlicatian l-M-87 -Mr arxl Mrs. WU Li.eh Ho -Evaltu>&tian of cnnpliance with RHS zona height limitation. 'Ihe property is located within ths Ra.i..libow's End sulxilvision. ***PIAN.NWG a:H1'IS.Slai ACrICN FINAL UN!.E5S APPEAI.EO*** staff rrese.ntatiom. Hr. cau:JheY stated that the matter befol."'e the o:mnissian Wcl.61 an inbu'pretation of RHS zone height limitation had been mat with respect to tlw City's rec:wmtly adopt&i Ridgeline Hia.ight Policy. He reviewed. policy background a."Xl guideJJ.nes am noted that ~ was no specific mention of ti!Al l\Wlnl9.r in ~ich the helght lilni.tatian was to ba ~· Ho c..'tlled att.enticn to O};Jtions presented in the Staff Repor.t and reviewed the Jq:plication mxler oon.'3ideration. Applicant's~ Mr. Mic:haal Halm, Architect, revU:med too. bac:lcqrourd on tbs project a.rd p~b!d a series of slid~ and eadlibits. He noted the ~icular cons:ldarations of this propert.'1', the ~ floor plan and the laycut of the ait:a; th.a Hillside Residential Ord.ina.noe ard the Height Limitation Alternatives ware i-eviewsd. 'Ihe intent of the Ordinance was t.hi® ~tion of dflM'U~ oontormirq ·to site cx:mditiona, blerding with existing neighborhoods and providing i.nterestirq architecture with adequate laroscape screen:lrq. Ha asked that architects not be tied to an absolute height. lim.i:t:.atioo and :i:.~ that the :policy be left as is to provide a project by projoct nwiew by the Plannin;J o:mmtl.ssion. Mr. Macklin ~LCJ, Bu.Utler, stated. that t.hA issue was th.ti in;mct on the canmunity am asked that t.ha Ccmmiasion oonside.i-the intent of the City council in March of · 186, when they p:rovidm guide.lines for hillside developnent. He rm '1. the guidelinaa arrl. stated that he believed the arc:hiUK::t had minimize:... cha ditimlption of t.00 hills:i.da ar'd a9k.ed that the camnission review projects on an irrlividu!.U basis. Chr. Mackenzie sununarized the is.sues as follows: -What did the Ordinance inten:1 to ad.:iress; ha noted that tllBrS alre..idy was an Ordinance in plaOEt. -'Iba question at this Hea.rir~ was an interpretation o:t an existin; Ordinance which was prescriptive. Ccmnissionem ~ with the abova ~· Can. Claudy rlOted that since the Coun::il did not specify whic.h Height Limitation Alternative wa,s to be used, the intent of the Cconcil lta.lSt ba considered; he reviewe:i other decisions of t:hs C'.amt.Lsaicn. 'lha natural average gradf.I approach was the xoost likely interpretat..1.on. o:xn. Szabo st..a.+.:Rd that the int...ent of the Ordinance was that th.a s~ was not to exceed a certain amc::mxt. can. Sot'E'..nsen COlYC'l.JI'red with the natural average grade inte:rpratation. Chr. Mackenzie concurred with the alx.:ive interpretation and atat.00 that he understood the 20 ft. heJ.ght limitation to be single story and cited the ·R-1 Ordinance. PLANNnlG a:::t1MISSION MINUI'E5 Regular Meet.in;J of April 27, 1987 PAGE 12 PC 518 ITEM 7 (Cont'd) Mr. Helm provided another intexp~tation of the above ard repeated his request for a case hy case :raview of project.a aM. ~onad 'Wey this AI;:plication had beccme the test case, A redesign of this project w:lJ.l . substantially increase llia.">S, t.U1.k a.rd scale of the prq.iC&"ld Wilc:tin;J. MJI".rON: O:::tn. Claudy to sand a. Resolution the tilfJ staff that tlle Plalmin; comwission firm that the avera.ge nat.Ural. grade ~ as defined in t:he Staff Repol.t of April 27, l.987, is t.'1.a pi:oper inteJ:pretation of the 20 ft. height limit on hillside st:ructu:res on prcminent ridges. SFO::ND: can. Sorensen vcr.re: Passed, can. szaJ:.xJ ~ 4-1 au:. Mackenzie :reviewed the courses of action available to th.a J\pplicant. RmlR1' OF 'IHE PI.ANNmG ca-lMISSION -Can. Szabo oommented an rl"EM 2, AWlication 3-U-87 an:i l ··V-87; he will recamnerx:1 to th.a City camcil consideratian of a policy requir!nI security procedures for Sfl.rV'ice staticns for tlw protection o.'f citizens. REroRI' OF 'lliE PLANNING DIREC'Jl?R -None. Mr. Prasad Nallanci:hi, Applicant, Application 3-U-87 a.rd 1-V-87 asked to address t.'"le ca:ranission on this AR,Jlication. The 01.itlnnan stated that the Public Hearing could not be reopened at this time. ADJOURNMElll': Havinq concluded its businass, tile Planninq coomission adjourned at 10:47 P.M. to the next: Regular Meeting of ~y 11, 1987 at 7:00 P.M. ATTE7'.~ . ~··· I / / /, / ·. --· / / / __ . /.~ // / . ,/c,, ~.'"/ (/I t. . / £'<:' Lj City Clerk ;/ I ' 1987: \ ~-