PC 04-13-87• CITY OF aJPERI'1NO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA 10300 Torra Avenue Cupertino, CA. 95014 ~ (408) 252-4505 mNUl'E'S OF 'IBE REGUIAR MEEITNG OF 'IHE Pil\NNING c:x::MMISSION HEID ON APRIL 13, 1987 Meetirr,J Held in the Interim C.ou:ndl Cllambers, 10500 N. Da Anza Blvd. SAI1J.I'E TO 'IHE I·'1.AC; Commissioners Present: Cba.i.rman Mackenzie Vioe Chairwanan Sonmse.n Ccmmissiane.r Adams camuiosione.r Claudy canm.issioner Szabo 7:00 P.M. · Staff Present: Robert Cowan, Director of Planning _ Develq:mient St£...rye Piasecld, Assistant Plannirq Direct.or Gloo Grig;r, Traffic EngineP.r Pegg'j M. Coc:ker, Attorney APPROVAL OF MINUTES MJ.ITON: c.om. svrensen, to ar.pl:"'O\llit the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of March 23, 1987, as aul::mitted. SECX>ND: Cam. Adams VOI'E: Passed, cam. Claudy ab;taini.ng .ii.-0-1 MJITON: o.:mi. sorensen, to aw:rove the Minute.<; of the Regular Meeting of March 25, 1987, as mtl::m.i:ttad. SECDND: Cam. Adams VOI'E: Passed, (.hr. Mackenzie, can. Claudy ~ 3-0-2 F06"TPONEMEN'IS OR NEW J\GiENDA ITEMS: IT.EM 4 : Applicant riequa.st.ed remaval of 1 tern fran calerrlar pe."Xilng aband.onment proceedirqs. IDI'ION: cam. Claudy moved rexoova.l of ITEM 4 from calerrlar. SE'CX>ND: can. Adams Va:r.E: Pa.":ised WRrITEN C01MIJNIC'.ATIONS 5-0 air. Mackenzie noted letter fran Ms. Deborah s. Ne.lson, Planning Director, City of Los Altos dated April 3, 1987. -1- PIANNll'Ki a:t1MISSIOO MINCJ!'ES Regular Meetin.3' of April J '.l , 1987 PAGE 2 PC -517 ORAL Cll'1Mt.JNICATIONS -Nana ~ C'.AUNDll.R ITl!M J.. At=Plication 32-U-85 -El ca:mino Hospital-Extension of Use J?annit. ID!'ION: ecn. Claudy movoo to adept Q:lnsant calendar. SECOND: o:m. Adru1.s VOl'E: Passed RJBLIC HEARINGS: rr.rn: 2 Application No(s) Applicant: Property owner: IDcr-itian: Paroel Area (Acres) : TENTATIVE MAP (4-'IM-87) To subdivide 1 parcel iJlto .?. pai:cels with lot sizes of 5,670 sq. ft. J?IRST HEARING ENVJJn-l'MENTAL ~IW: categorically Ex.elTlpt **PIANN.I;NG cn.n.rr.ssION ACTION rn~ tr.h1LESS AP.PEA.I.ED** 5-0 §B~Qili. Mr. Piasecid re\riewa:l the applicatic1n and noted. that the property ·was zoned Planned Davel~ with residential intent. He suggested th.a Canmdssian include a Corditian ~that tile Applicant apply for a Use Permit to establish setback. an:i hP .. ight regulations to govern future additions to, or m:dificatian of the fJXisting hr...ll:lleS on these properties. He c:alled att.e.'"lt..ian to Carditian 12, l.rffi;'?ss!Egress ~~ an:i recamnerx:1ed that the cartun.ission retain this Con::lition of Approval. 'l1le Applicant declined the q:;porbl.'1.ity to speax:. M'.J.I'ION: 0.":Ull. klaros llDll'ed the F\lblic Hearings be closed. SF.roND: can. Dzabo 5-0 ), ~· ' ' ~' ' .PL.ANNING o::MiISSION MINt11ES Regular Meetinj of April :w, 1987 PAGE J -K! -517 ITEM 2 (cont'd) can. Adams roted that tha AWlicant. ill.d. not rcqusst renx:11rdl of cor:dit.1.on 12 an:i stated that ha was favorable to the Application as p:rese.nted. SECX'.JID: VOI'E: I'l'.EM 3 O::an. ,.\dams lDO'lOO ~ of Aa"tl.ication 4..IJ.'M-B7 per cxmclUS1ions and subOOnClusions of this Hearing am the Staff ~, Conditiaria 1-12; 'With the addi'l.:...1.on cf condition 13 ~the .AJ.:plicant to cbt:ain Use Parm.it a.ppn?Va.l esta:blish.irq sat.hack at'Xi height ~ prier to Final Map a~. o:m. Sorensen Pas5ed 5~ Application No(s) AR;>liCdnt: Property OWner: location: Parcel At"ea(Acres): TENrAT.IVE MAP (?-'IM-87) '1'o subdivide 1 parcel .into 14 pw.-cela with lot sizes raminq f.tu11 7,500 sq:. tt:. to 9,200 sq. ft. FIRST HFMU'.NG ENV!FDNMENrAL DETEFMrnATIOO: Ne:ra.tive Dac111ration TENTATIVE CT.IY o:tJNCIL HEARING DATE: April 20, 1987 s~.ntation: Mr. cowmi present.eel a site mp, notirq there were no major specimen trees: he cited Staff ooimnents regru:d.inJ the number of Monterey Pines that WP_xe diseased He :recamr.P....nded i.rdividual cmners determine the extent to which existing, heal.thy trees might be i."et.aine:l. bpgligant's Pre.~&nt..atiQDI Mr. Tim San.dis, representing the Applicant, accepted the prop:·"W conditions and reqµ,P.sted that the land owru~'s name be use:l as the street name. Ha stated for the recor.d that in ordf>....r to obtain downstream. overlarrl flCM for drainage, conrlemn.atian p~.:fB would be na.eded. He r.ot:.ed thP.t flatness of the lan:i in the ezu;t-to-west direction. '!h:la issue has. booJ1 di."".cussed with the Public Works Deparbnent; prope.rl.-y own.ers impacted by storm dr-dina.ge will be notified. 'lbe Public Hearir~ was then opened. :Mr •. Janes .Bckien, 10525 Meteor Place, Cupertino, stated that he OJ?I.)OSeel any ard all c:r.."OSSing of his prcperty with an ease:m!mt. In response to air: Mackenzie• s question, l'-1r. cowan stated thnt th.a Publ.:Lc Works Departxr.er1t was raviewin..J this situation arr.I, alternative solutions. PU\NNING CXM1ISSION MIMJ1'ES Reqular Mootin;J of Apri! 13, 1907 PAGE 4 PC -517 ITEM 3 (Cont'd) Deputy City Att.ornay a:x::k.er n:Niewed the leg-al process for oarle.mnation of property. Ms. I):)rothea Donio, 21478 Meteor Dr., CUpert.ino, asked which Monterey Pines 'W'OU.ld be rem::wed; she stated that these trees we.re mature in 1970. In re::.1:J021SE! to further qusstions, Mr. Cowan reviewed setback requirements. Mr. Bill au:ger·, 10515 Meteor Place, CUpert.i.oo, asJced at what point would the camni ssion estruJlish the mix of one ard 'two-story homes allOWlGd? Ha stated that he did not wish to see the a:b.ix.·x:ir:;hare of the area changed· any lOClre than noc:e..c;s.ary an:l favored restrictions prohibitin;J two story hcmas. In response to further questions, OU". Mackenzie review?..Vi the zoning of the area an:l role of the Planning O:mm.l.ssion in such C"'pplications. Mr. Antl"'i..ony Woo;, adj ace:nt p~rty owner, asked that tree located too close to hi.a P.~"Y be :r;-em::ived. Mr. Bab OWens, 21458 Meteor Dr.' Cl.Jpartino, expressed his c.oncem :rega.td.ll'q pre.,....ervatian of the exiatl.ng neighborhocxi and favored restrictions pl.aoed on this davelq:;mant, es.pec:ially with regard to possible· tltJO sto:r:y homes beirq roil t. Ms. Pat B.u:"ger, 1051.5 Mrrrt:eor Place, CUpert.ino, concurred ~ environmental concenis already expressed ard aslc.ed the cominission to carefully consider these cancel..'11.S. Sha noted that the fl\mee.S alon;i the property line we.re deteriorating an:l asked that the davelo,per be required to replace these fences. Ms. Anna c. owens, 21458 M.etoor Dr., CUpert.ino, noted the privacy enjC'l'J~ in their back yard; she was o::i.noerned that two story hemes would be bu:i.lt in this de:velq:ment, and wished to see tl"le character of the exiatirq ncighborhood preserved. Mr. J. Jhad, 10135 Meteor Place, eupert.i.no, cx:mc::urred with · above statements and added that trafffo on Metf..:.or Drive was a concern especially from. 7:00 -9:00 A.M. ID!"ION: can. Claudy IOCNed to close th.a Public Hearin;r SEo:JND: com. Ada.ms VOI'E: P-dSSed 5-0 Com. Szabo statOO that ha owned properly adjacent to the site under consideration rurl thP...refore wc:W.d a.OOtain from votir"q; he addeq. that he had n.'Jt received notioa of the Hearirq. ' ) t ,•·, PI.AN.NWG a:MMISSIOO l'11NOTES Regular Meetin;r of April l3, 1987 Pll.GE 5 PC -517 ITEM 3 {cont'd) COiu. Claudy noted that the decision reached on this awlication might reflect lack of consideration for the test:l..mony given; however, he ooted that the numbe.r. of units proposed were similar to the density all~. in the surroundin1 area. He cited R-1 zonirq gu.id0J.ines add.in;;J that 't:'lEI proposed devalop:oont was in Cx:lnformity with these guidelines. 0:1'1. h.ia:nls corD.lr:red. In response to C..an • .Mams' question, Ms. C.ocker stated that the Tentative· Map was :oot \lf.\.l\Utlly used as a vehicle. to control ~ f6m. Il1 response to questions C\ddressed fran the auru.~, Olr. Mackenzie reviewed R-1 zonirq Md ordinanc.es that ~ applicable in this situation; he n:Jted that R-1 zoning was the lOC>Gt awroPriate designation for this propert'j'. Com. Sorensen agreed with oamments made by other C'aumissioners a.rd concw.":red that traffic wwld eqress onto Macy Drive. Sile favored reb.tildirq of the fence alcn;1 the prope:rty line. air. Mackenzie noted that t.his <.ie'J.slopnent had atan:.tn"d, full· size lots and ~ged adjacent property owners to C'Cllil!liUilicau with the developer of this property to work out mutually agreeable solutions for privacy p-rotection. M:II'ION: Com. Sorensen ttOVed. to grant a Negative Declaration. SECXlND: Adams .5-0 Mr. 0:1.Nan suggested ('m'IS:ide.ratton of a 30 ft. street section; consensus reached to maintain the 36 ft. street standard. IDI'ION: o.::an. Sorensen :moved to reoc:mnend appxoval of .Afplication 7.J.IM-87 subjec.t to conclusions and mlbco.nclusions of th.is Hea!:in:;J and the corili.tions accampanyil-q the Staff Report. SECOND: Can. Adams 'VO'l'E: Passed, can. Szabo abstaining 4-o .. M1 ITEM 5 Application No(s) A[.plicant: Property Owner: LJ:>cation: .l::I;:.)~C-?7 ~and patric_ia Fd~--- s~ ··--~--9~.i;t;,heg.st co_m_er of Fhc.].r tap Cr~-- ~earc:r.e~~~-~~~~- FXCEPrION Fram Sa"tian 16 28.040 o:f Oniinar.ca No. 686 (Fence Ord.~) to allow a fence to encroach in the require.d side setback area. FIRST HEAR.Il'1G ENVIRONMENrAL DE'l'.EHMIN71'.rION: categorically Exempt **PLANNiliG C01MISSION ACTION FD{AL UNLESS APPEAJ..EDh* PI.ANNmG a::MMISSION Mrn•:.r.t'ES Regular Mee+-.ing of April 13, 1987 PAGE 6 PC -517 ITEM 5 (Cant't) staff wsentatJ.Qru Mr. Piasecki presented an aerial phatograF,h and an E>.Jdl.ibit f-~ the area of ~t. He added that this propeJ.ty was considered a "koy lot" and noted possible visual impac.ta on safety for i.n:Jress/o::JrOOS of vehicles rurl aesthetics. · staff felt that due to location of the driveway there wculd not oo a safety issue jn th.is awlicaticxi; tlle adjacent pn..perty owner had been made a'Wanl of tha awlication under o:::msideration ar.d did oot i: rlse con::erns. Staff, therefore, fel.t that the additional. ~t requested was ll!..iJxlr Md was consistent with the fence ordinance. ~~ Mr. Ronald Fairchlld stated that :the space under consideration was. cu..-rently tU'll.lSahle and noted th.at Rm: Lap Dr. was the busiest street in the subdivision. Hie answered ~ons addressed by the Ccmni.ssione.rs. 'Iha Public Hearirq was then opened. 'll'lsre were no speakers. :t-Dr:ON: a:m. Clau.iy1 m:wa:l to close ·the Public Heari."YJ. SEQ)ND; Cbm. lldalns VOl'E: Passed 5-0 can. Szabo notOO. the absce..l'JCa of safety problems and was favorable to the application 1.lnler consideration. can. Claudy stated that ha was considering abstaining fran voting on this Application since ha c.onsidered this :requas.t to be more appropriately a varia.r.ce. Ccm. Soren.sen CCfllTloonted that the proposal would improve the aesthetics of the neighborhoodi o:.nn. Adams concurred. air. Mackenzie was favorable to grantirq t.his request. M:TION: Com. Szabo lWVed approval of Jq::plication l-EXC-87 SEmND: cam. Sorensen vorn: Pasf,eci ITEM 6 Application No(s) Applicant: ~rty owner: location: Parcel Art;>..a (Acres) : REZONING (3-Z-87) . 5-0 2-V-87 ;_3-Z-87 arrl 1=2:.....-=EA"'"-"""8"""7 ________ _ .A.rrP..r;\,~.si~ineer .... im~--------­.. Toan and ;Reed Spg.rk.s }iorthwest corner of Santa I..uc~a Road and Merr~·----Q.24 gro§S 1'"'lun R2-4. 25 (Residential D.lplE?.x, ntln:l.raum 4, 250 sq. ft. par u¢t) to Rl-7. 5 (Singlc-fawily, Res~.dential, l'linilliU!!l 7, 500 sq. ft. lot size) or whatc..-"Ve>...r zone may be deemed appropr.iate by the Plannin..J caromission. PIANNING· Cll'1MJ'.S3Ial MINUI'ES Regular Meetir,q .:.l!. J..pril 13, PAGE 7 1iC -517 ITEM £ (Cont 1cl) VARIANCE (2-V-87) . I l9B7 Frau th6 rear setback ~ of the Rl {Sin':;le-family,. REisid:.'.,ntial ord.i.nan::e) • FIRST HEARING ENVIroNMENrAL OE'Imrm'IOO: Negative Dec:laratia1 T.ENrAT.IVE CITY caJNCIL HEARD«; W_TE: May 4, 1987 staff Pre.sent.at.iQm Mr. Ccwall present«l a site mp an:! reviewed t.tl.a history of the application. ne noted the diff:tculty of deval~inq the property urx1er consideration am stated that b'1a Api;>licant "WaS :L~-:.!esting a var.iarce :fran the rear ~ setback. Staff' ~..J app:oiJa! of the request for rezcni.n:] and the variance; he revi~ th.a F'inclli'qs to .'::e nade in grantin;J a variance. l\l;Plica.nt's Pt'esentat.iQD.;. Mr. Paul Tai, repn~q t..ha 4'PJ,.icant, reviewed the letter sumitted to the nla.nnin:'J Departmant dated March 24, 1987. In response to a quest.ion, ha e... 1ted that the existi.rq house would be del"olished. '!he Public Hearin;J was then opened. 'Ihe:r."G ware no speake.ra. MJ.l"IC'N: can. C'.laudy llDV'ed to close the Public Hearing SEOJND: can. l\danlS . 'VOl'E: Passed 5-0 a:m. Claudy stated that granting of a variance was justified; ecm. Szabo concurred. Com. Sorensen noted the creative use of a difficuJ:i.-: property to devel?p. 1'Vl'ION: o:.m. Claudy l!Y.)Ved th.a grantirq of a Negative Declaration. SECOND: Com. Adams VOTE: Passed 5-0 MJI'ION: Com. Claudy moved to recamme.00 approval of Application :3-Z-B'/ subject to the con::J.usions and r;ubconclu.<:>ions of th.is Hearing ai-rl the Staff Repol.t, SECX:lND: Can. So~.n ' VOTE: Passe::l 5-0 mrION: Com. Claudy moved to reo:tranend approval of Application 2-V-87. subject to the conclusions and subconclusions of this Hearing am the Staff Report; Firrlings as stated in the Model Resolution read into the record. SEOJND: Com. Sorensen VOI'E: Passed 5-0 OID OOSINESS -None. • PIANNJNG CQML..c;sICN MINUTES Regular Mootin;J of April 13, 1987 P.AGE 8 PC -517 NEW BJSrnESS ITll1 7 -o:mparison presentation "as built drawirigs" for the t'ollowin;/ b.tlld.in:3s: a) . Al;:ple build.in:] located at De Anza and st.evens Creek Eouleva:rd b) OJpertino Inn located at Horth De An.za am Freeway 280 9£\ft: ~ Mr. Piasecki presented exhibits and pboto;ra:Eils of the build.in:1s in quehtion. 'll1e caumission discussed. cons.idel.--ations for guidelines for future review of architectural drawings. Of particular oonce.rn we.re landscapJ.n::J remer:irqf.. Which ware un:re.:Uistic and presented a distorted view of t..'"'...'l developed site. can. Adans suggested requesting re:o:ieringa of lar.dscapin:J at a one yE".ar an:1 a five year intm:vaJ ... Perspective ru'd slw#ng shcmn on , thB drawings .wa.i; al.oo notea.' as a consideration. · can. CJ.audy noted the urban stylo b.lilclings in a subUl:ban set.tinq; in addition, these bJ.ild.irt]s w"ere i"lOt COt!m:ll11.y 'l..lse:i by the public arxi suggested that such build.in:]s be outwaro.l.y di:rectOO. th.rcu;Jh the use ot more inviting exteriors. I'l'EM 8 -Review of 5-Y'ear capital Ililp:ro\rernent PX'ogram ENVm:lNMENTAL IJE.T.ER1INAT.!ON: Negative. Declaration TENTATIVE CI'IY O:UNCIL HF.ARlNG DATE: May 4, 1987 ~12nl Mr. OMran reviewed the 5-yero: capital ImplxNement Program and respon::led to questions addressed by the c:amnission. MJ'I'ICN: o:m. 1ldams uoved to grant a Negative Declaration. SECOND: can. sorensen SEO:lND: Passed 5-0 MY.r!ON: can. Adams moved to recaami.en:i adoption of a Resolution Finding that the F'.iscal Years of 1987-1988 to 1990-1991 Capital Irrprovezoont Plan is consistf'.nt with the General Plan. SECOl:ID: can. Claudy SECOND~ Passed . 5-0 OIHER .ElJSilIBSS -None tJNFrnISHED BJSINESS -None PLANNING CXM-IISSICN MINfJIES :Regular Meeting of J\pril l3, l.987 PME 9 :EC -517 REFORl' OF PLANNING CXJ1M.ISSION -can. szaoo noted a sam:i Off card ~ a traffic haza.rd on Foothill Blvd./stevens Creek Blvd. Mr. Grigg st.a.too that th.a Traffic Division m.a reviewed this sitllo.tion and is t.ak:i.rq ~ to remedy aey haza.ni due to lack of visibility at this intersecticn. Varian Park lights are a'l 24 llOl.ll."S a day -can. Claudy requested infOl".lmticn ~ the new' Post Offioo Bl.tll~J.r:q -O:m. Adams asked regai;di.ng the street tl"'EleS on Blaney AW~. Ha asked al:Jo.lt lardscapin] Of1 '!Wilight ct. I prooeedinq wst;. -can. Sorensen asked tor infoxmation on a reoantiy app:r."OVed. b.tildin; in the Monta Vista area. REPORl' OF P.TJ\NNlNG D!REC'I'OR -written ReJ?Ort. mll':mitte:l. ADJOURNMENT: Havi:rq concl'Ude.1 its business, the P.lann:i.rq camnission adjc::urned at 9:25 P.M. to tile next Regular Y.ieet:ing of April 27 1 1987 at 7:00 P.M. ATTEST: /--· ~~/;,:~ APPROVED BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF April 27, 1987. ---; \ I ' ";_ ~ \ ' . A/~-Donald-Mat: entie, · ChaiE.n