PC 03-23-87• CJ.T'l OF aJPERr:mO, STAl'E OF CALIFORNIA 10300 Torre Avenue CUpertino, CA. 95014 -(4C8) 252-4505 MrNtJI'ES OF '!HE REX.1tJIAR MEETmG OP THE P1ANNING a:MllSSICIN HEID ON MARCH 23 I 1987 Mee'tin:J Hale.! in the Interim council ~' 10500 N. De Anza Blvd. SAWI'.E 'IO '.IEE FU..G; ROLL CALL: · cammissioners Present: dlll..U:man &"lCkenzie Vice Olairman Sorensen Commissioner 1-ldaios O;>mmissioner Szabo 7:00 P.M. Staff Present: Robert Cowm, Director of Ph"21nirt;J & Developoori.t stave Piasecki., Assistant Planning Diract:or Travioa Whitten, Assistant City :Eh';;ineer Peggy M. Cocker, Attorney Mark caughey, Associate Planr>.er .\PPIDVAL OF MINUTES . ~ Minutes of the Rsgular Meet.irq of March 9, 1987, the follMn;J adcUtions were requested: Chr. Mackenzie asked that on Page 12, stsff ~rtat:J.Qn.w. second sentence to read, 11 Cl'lr. Mackenzie que.'3tionsd whether ••• 11 cam. Sorensen noted that the'· Mee~ began and was adjourned to 7:00 P.M. cam. A.dams clarified that an Page 9, IDI'ION: , Condition 1 to read, 11 •• with the south area be:i.n;J the secor.daxy fill area. " MOI'ION: Com. Szabo, to approve the Minutes of the RecJular Me:etir.q of March 9, 1987, as amen:l.ed. SEOJND: cam. Adams VOTE: PasS0'1, Com. -Claudy abs_taining . 4-0-1 -Item No. 3: SRI Sexvices -St.aft requested l oonth rontinua:nce -Item No. 4: MobU Oil Co:rporation -Staff requested l n:nith continuance MOl'ION: Com. J\dams moved to Continue Items 3 and 4 to April 29, 1987, Meetirq of tlw Plann.irq commission SECOND: Com. Sorensen VOTE: Passed 4-0 PIJ\NNING.a:MfiSSICH M.:rnl'Jl'ES Regul.ar Maetin;r Of March 23, 1987 PAGE 2 PC ·-515 WRI'lTEN W1MUNICATICNS -letter frcm city Att::.lmey's Office on Noise C'..ontrol (infomatio.nal) -Latter fl:an City Attorney Kilian,. Enfo.l'.:'Ceillal1t of o:n:iltions of Approval -~..r form Donald and Patricia Y. senuta, regru.'"d.i.rq Item 7 ORAL ~CA.....'T'Ia-lS -Nona r.rm l Application NO ( s) Applicant: Propru:ty ~= I.ocaticin: USE PERMIT (l-U-87} To expan::l an existing auto dealer 1 s b.lsinesa offio:-...s and I:P...novnte the existin;J facilities and site, including new auto display ani storage areas. Fm.ST HFJUUNG OON.rnruEO EN~ DE'l'Ere1Il001ION: Ne;ative Declaration 'lENTATIVE CITY' a:xJNCIL HEAHING or.TE: March 30 1 1987 (CD1'.'TINUED FF!:M 'llf.E MEEI'IlKi 01'~ Ml>..ROi 9 I 1987) Staff Pm,c;e.ntgtioru Mr. Piasecki noted that this Item "WaS con'dnued to resolve c::onoerns acidresP..ed. };:;y staff and residents; in addition, the issue of FAR policy arrl its awlicat.ion of policy to the proposed storage garage: Ha summarized the isues as follow: -f,8B__B2li_gy: 9. 8 trips per acre will result fran the proposed e:xpan..c;;ion, well bP..low the 16 trips per acre standatd adcpted by the Ccanmission ani City council in the Extraordinary Usr:i FAR Policy. -Acces§_ to ~Jm._Rd.: Consideration given to a left turn pocket; a cor:dition to alllcw widening ,the driveway for two way access WdS presented PI.ANNillG o::l1M.ISSION NINUl'ES RegUlar Meeting of March 23, 1987 PAGE 3 PC -515 ITEM l (COnt 1 d) -~J;:t: Applicant was directed to address this issue. Mr. Piasecki noted for the record that l::>atwe11 January 1st ard Feb:rua:i.-y 9th, the.re were 9 false alarms. St.cl.ff m.qJested a COniltlon requirin;J camprehensiva evaluation of noise impacts, including the alar.n system,· a.rd possible solutions. -Lightirn ilipact: COrrlition proposed requirin;J a phot...crmetric study. -I.an;Lsgu?jn;;J: Applicant has been directt.Ad to address this issue -~: Staff re.::anmeJ1ded that 6 additional customer parkin;J spaces be provided. A carrlition :rec:c:moeni.'3 that if a parking deficit oocurs, the Use Permit mz.y be subject to future review by the COnun.ission. -~~.ire on Alyea I2r,: Staff. was advised by the City ·Attorney's Office that a eon:liticn prahibi'dn;J test drivin:;J on residential streets was difficult t.o enforce; thus, staff sug:rested ameOOed worciln;J to the proposed can:iltion: "'Iha Applicant shall take all reasonal:ile :measut"E!S to disooorage test driv.irq a11d te&tirq of vehicles on residential streets, i.e., any street not identified as a COillll'.lercial or arterial street in the OJpert.ino GenP..ral Plan." -Haz~cus Ma.ter:i.als Stohf!~: 'The Applicant's penn.it for storage ard use of hazat'dous materials is on file with the Central Fire Disb.·ict. -Root' ~: Applic.ant wishes to "pa.int out" existi.~ roof equipment 'Ille C.cmm.ission previously considered the closure of Alves Dr; the Public Wor>r.s Dept. has nvt yet evaluated this :matter, l'l.CMCVer. ecm. M.ams asked the ;\Wlicant to address the issue of lights on the north edge of the body shbp build.IDJ whic.h :!.rrt.n.rled on :residential. areas; can. Szabo concurred. :filmlj..cant's Presentation: Mr. Ken Abler, project architect arx:l representative of the CM'lf'.XS, addressed the follwing issues: -Traffic: Service area egress will be i"'edi.rected onto Stevens Crook Blvd; he had Ix.it un::ierstocd that the driveway needed to be widened. Mr. Piasecki clarified location where a minor modification was required to facilitate two-way ingress/egre..":'iS. Can. lldruns .favored an exit onto st.evens creek Blvd. available to customers. Mr. Abler stated it was the intention of the ownern to W"Ork with residents regardi.n::J t:L"affic prd)lems. Demonstration ~....s did not include Alves Dr; ha offered to furnish the specific roote ur;on request. Employees C'3.t.¥;ht speed.in:; on stelling Rd. or Alves Dr. we.re subj e:::t to d.Lsmissal • -Additional Par)drg reguJ.rgrr.ent: Applicants have no objection -~..c;;;,!2,ing: 'Iha pro'ject will be revised to pro<.ride 15 ft. landscaping Be.nn.s as required; however, lan::lscap:ing alon;r the north ~a11 was not possible du.e to J.os..c:; of space. He noted Ul.at trees plant.eds alan;J this wall have since died frcm lack of maintenance. 'Ihe owners are UI'lW'illilY::J to replant this an>..a. {. . r: i '· PI.ANN.rnG U'l1MISSICN MrnUrES Re;jular Me.etirq of March 23, 1987 PAGE 4 FC -515 ITEM 1 (Cont'd) -~lar al~: lie cancun-ed tl:iat tha noise was an unpleasant sourd. In the cpinion of the owners, however, these alarms were n:>t due to system malfunction, b.rt: to intruders who escaped prior to police arrival. owners are rm agreeable to use of a silent alarm-·they have no deterrent valua and a oonf-rontation between p.'.')lice and an intJ::u:ler might result in a loss of life. Alternative audible signals OJUJ.d be .i.nvestiga1 .. ad. Use of a beeper :pag:in:f system 'l.llC\lld also ba considered. -~: staff 0 s request for a ooise ~study was excessive. ~ lJ.gh:jj,m: A J_:hotometric: stu:iy will be completed after Use Permit approval. O.m:."el"l.tly, lights a.re :improperly pcsitioned, ard will be adjusted. In a&:iltion, the~ have offered to ruy wind.cM blin:?s or shades for residents who oonti..nue to experience 1ightirq intrusion problems. •• ~: 'ill.a facility will be used for car storage by parkirq atten:.lants, and is rot available to the public. With regard to the Model Resolution: -15. ~.Jml request that new car canopy be Wilt in Fha.se l. -18. Nois.9. Study; noted that roof equipment is included in thia 00(.."ti.on; noise due to roof equ:l.poont has not been addressed previ~isly as a p.lblic oonoern. -23. BQQf Mounted Em~~ noted requ.iremgnl: for ASAC review. Protrusions above the roofline a.re very miror; a roof screen would be more unattractive than all0tr.lng equipnent to be 1'painted out. 11 ; ~phs were presented. . -28. Garage: Enclosure of the north wall areas is not !XJSSible due to cede requirements. Mr. Abler disc'USSed the teclmica.l aspects of the bw.""glar alarm s.ystem. cam. Szabo rcl.ed that 1(2.y C1evrolet far excee:::led other businesses in inciden:::e.s of false alarms and suggested that imprcper equ.iµoent was responsible. Ha" cited cxu1Cern that false al.ams result in safety hazards for resparrli..ng officers an::l favored coniltioni.rq the proper maintenance of alarm systems. can. Ma.ms asked that proper repair ard maintenance of the system be derron.strated before issuance of the Use Permit. Mr • .Abler · stated that corrective :iooasures 'WOUld be taY..en and reasonable guidelines ... atJ.sfied.. ecm. Szabo suggested that 'K£'Y Cllevrolet used the iieighborhood as a watclidcx,r; to economize, area. alarms had been installed. He alsc> noted that lights were plaasd. at an an-;Jl.e to cover as large an area as ~sible, resu.lt.i.n.:1 .in overspill to the neighborhood. beyo.rrl. PT.ANNING CXl1MISSIOO' MINUI'ES Fs;Jular Meeting of March 23, 1987 PAGE 5 R:: -515 ITEM l ( O'.lnt' d) cam. Sorensen ooted onncarn regarding noise fran the bo:ly shop; Mr. Abler stated that he ur.derstood that the doors we:re open only when cars we.re bein~f brought. in or taken a.rt • . 'llle Public Heari.rq was then opened. Mr. I.any Burriesci, 20900 Jl.lves Dr., eupartinof noted his an:]e.r regardirq violations of too existinq Use Pera:.it ~ uxged the o::mnission to carefully consider the Awlication. He listed follc:w.!..rg ca.'lCe'l:'na: -T.raJ:fic violat..lons m"¥i speed.in:;J an residential streets, which will cause an accident; applicants have not worka::l to resolve this problem. -Burglar alarm sounded .at 6:00 A.M. ~y-the fourth.time in bMo weeks. To save incor..>y inadequate or ill;:n:q;ier equ.ipnent was in..">talled; the system is current.l:r in a st.ate of ~ di..srepair. -Lighting i.nplct. on secord story bedrooms of adjacent hemes. Issues eJq:>eeted to be ac'ldresse:l by tha Applicant 'Which were not: -"Ft>lish an::l get ready" caiqJy to have a solid wall to reduce noise ~ -Screened rrxif equipnent to prevent ooisa .imp&..t -Visual and noise ilrpact of the prt:p:)Sed parking struc1:::u.ra -Traffic would ~gress onto Mary Drive. Respon:Un;J t.o Chr. Mackenzie, he summarized existinq Use Permit violations ard. asked the>.se items be addressed before issuin:J a new Use Permit. Mr. Piasecki noted the 1967 Usa Permit was not specific about ll'\i?.l.I1.Y of the issues beirq voica:l by the speaker. · Mr. Emil Paul, General M.anagP.r Kay d:lev.rolet, stated t.:hat he had yet to hear a serioo.s ~laint fran adjacent residents. He noted the following: -.Denonstration ~te does not include Alves Dr. -Corx::em for safety of the children and willin:)ness to oork with residents to solve a:.-xy problems which arise. -Alarm system was well i:ese.a.rc.>ied before installation; numeJ."'CUS bul:glaries occurred before i.nfutallatian of the system. He felt the system was .in work.in:] co.n:iit..ion. Cam. Szabo noted that cancer.ns of residents had not b..'er1 received. by Mr. Paul. Mr. Rd:::ie.rt Musetti, 20916 Alves Dr., CUpertino, noted on the following: -r.;:uestianed a left han:l tum lane onto Stelling R::.l. and suggested Alves Dr. would l:::eccma an erJroSS for increased traf'fic; he fa:vored a two way driveway on site or closure of Alve~s Dr. -Noise: 40% cpen requireme.'1t for tl'le garage floors noted; could allow for closure of oorth wall as staff suggests . . -Lighti..~ and audible noise prcblems: he auqgested that if the Weiss 1 li voo on Al Ve.'i Dr. prrolems Y.X:1Uld not exist. · -Burglar alarm system: viewed a slier.I:: alarm as mu.ch :more effective. -Cost of the c:han;es requested we.re a small pe.rcerrt:age of the cost of expa.'"!Sion arrl were minimal in comparison to the prof.its to ba derived. PI.ANNrnG a:M>USSICN MINt.JI'ES Regular Meet.in::] of March 23, 1987 PAGE 6 Fe -515 Ms. Janice Burriesci, 20900 Alves Dr., O.lpert.ino, su;Jgested that a rurglar cculd set the alann off, then waJ.t to a..tnplete t..ha theft until answered.. '!he pn>.sent al.arm does oot gc di.re..'"tly to the police station; neighbors call .in tile alarms. Ms. Cecilia Magnuson, 20899 Alves Dr., Cl.Jpertin::>, suggested that a sea.u:ity gu'U'd be hired. She ha.s sp:>ki?.n to Mr. P-dul_, YJho informed her that a new system wculd not be installed due to cost. r.rF.M i (c.ont'd) Mr. !any Burriesci resporrled to ::emarJ03 made by Mr. Pdtll.; speedinj cars an Alves Dr. hav:a J.{ey Cllavrolet logos an them. No solutions were offered.; he asked the O::mnissi.on to inteI:ve.na on bel'lalf of th.a nei.qhbom. Mr. Jim Jessup, Key Olevrolet employee ru'd O.ipe.rtino resident, noted that p.rOOlam with the alarm last S'Ulil!oor p;roloably had been resolved. He confirmed that the alarm had gone off in tile past fetW WtOOJr..s; it cannot be said whether or not perpet::ratom had set it off. He carmant.ed that the area is Gafe, perhaps due to the Sheriff's patrol. Mr. Terry Field, 21901 Almaden, Olpe.rtino, aoo employee of the dealership, reJteri:.ts:i that adequate alarm systems were important; he ootad that I<ey 01.evrolet had serious theft problems arrl. a system to provide for the safety of e.mpl;:,yees a.rd regidents is necessary. can. .Ma1PB proposed. tliat noise iv.ipact and light i.ll\}?ac..t surv~ys be required; he wccld not awrove the At;plicatian without. further .information. Com. Szabu c::oro.ir.red :t"egarding these ooncerns arxi sug:1esced the Use Pe.."11lit ~ corrlitioned. ,with regard to proper functioning of the alarm arrl that lightirq imp-.Jet on adjacent residsntial be limited. Com. sorensen con:::urn:a and noted thru."2 were several sources of noise impac.t. A foor week cant..irn.i.aoc:e was suggested 't::Jt.f Com. Adams. 01.r. Mackc.nzia ~; he wished to see revised plans, drawi."'l.JS am C?.xhibits shCMirYJ corrections to 4' problems cited. He noted that a car dP.aler .. :ihJp adjac:ent to residential nsighbnrhood is a nuisance; he was not favorable to all~ expansion of this l:usinesa until renovation of existirq facilities was ccmiplE.>txl am. operational difficulties were resolved. ecnn. Adams co.;lfinoo::l that the AJ::lplicant was ag:i.-eea.bl~ to the 15 ft. lancl!-"..capirq requirement on Stevens c:r.:eek Blvd. and noted con::em :i::-egard.ir.g lack of larrlscaping along the nor.th wall. In respon..r:;e to a qL1;1313tion, Mr • . 1\blP.r stated that conoe.rns regantin:J tln polishing area were highly int:lated 'cy the residents; trie Canmissioner asked that noise from this machine be addresse.d in a ooise i.."Iipact sb.ldy. Mr. Abler stated tli.at with the rorr..eptian of the b..irglar alarms, he felt tli.at all it.t:ms had been ad::h."ess'.ed; applicants had .indicated these corcen1S would be solved prior t-..o i.ssu.;,mce of Wilding permit for any portion of Phase I. He was unwillirq to accept a oantinuance; he would hO'wever, accept a o.:m:iltioned Use PeJ;mit an:1 requested. a decision fl:o:A the Commission. ' i, •, I 1 < l'( PI.ANNING o:t1MISSICN MrNlll.'ES Regula.:c Meeting of March 23, 1987 PAGE '1 PC -515 ITEM 1 (Cont'd) M.Jl'ICN: Can • .Ma.ms moved to clcae the Public HearJ:·:q SECnID: Com. Sorensen varE: Passed MJI'ION: can. Soreli!:'·.e.r1 lWVed to grant a Negative Declaration SECOND: Can. Szabo VOTE: Failed, Chr. Makanzie, c:a.n. Adams opposed 4-0 2-2 MDI'ICN: Can. hiams me.wed to ~");:} dErnial of. ~li.catian l-U-87 par cx:mclusions and euboonclusione of this Hearil~, with specific ref~ to Findin;s that irr...rua.ions into the adjacent residential fran 11Dk..e, burglar ala.nu B",/Stem, pa.gin; system, . lightirq ard traffic had not been addre.ased with solutions run that issues reganling roof erclosuroo, ~/egress on stevens Creek Blvd., stalling ru., t:rafflc an Alves Dr., adequate lwidscaping au the north property line had not been addressed~ SEO:lND: Ca:n. SorensP..n VOrE: Passed 4-0 IDITON: can. Szabo moved to sen:i a Minute OL'der to City Council l~ study of possible clooure of Alves Dr. SECOND: can. Sorensen \i'OTE: Passed 4-0 MJI'ION: o::m. Szabo moved to send a Minute order to the COda Enforcement Offioer to investigate t.ha btu:glar alarm system for pos,sible violations of City ordinances s~: cam. Sorensen vora ~ Passed 4-o Break: 9:00 -9:13 P.M. 01r. Ma.ckenziP-suggested con.sic1..aration of a ~inliation of Items 6 and 7. ITEM 6 Discussion of Letter from Collins Elemsntary School, March 3, 1987 IT.EM 7 Ji..pplication 9-U-83 (Modified) -Srwen Springs Ranch -Minor m:dification to previously aw:roved \.'!&. permit. J:.DI'ION: Can. Adams JOOVed to Continue It.ems 6 and. 7 t.o March 25, 1987. SECT'ND: cam Sza'bo 4-0 NOTE: Regular Adj~ Meetirq to be held at the temporary City Hallr 10430 So. DaAnza lli.vd. r at 7:30 P.M.' PI.ANNiliG a::MMISSICN MINUI'FS Regular Meetirq of March 23, 1987 PAGF. 8 PC -515 ITEM 2 JIWlication No (s) ?,_.,lu..•=-00"""4~·~1=2_._.0 ______________ _ An;Jlicant: Gity Qt_ QJpert1DQ location: ~it~:.-~--~~~~~~~~ Approval of Otdinanoe to amend selected portions of th~ Sign Ord.i..n:·mce (No. 7415), ccxlified as Title XVII of the Municipal O:x:la. FIRST HF.ARIN:; CJ.:'N'rnruED ENVIRONMENTAL ~ON: N~tive Declaration TENI'ATIVE CTJ.Y CXXJNCIL HEARING I.:ll\Il.:: April 20, 1987 (ccm'INUED F.R:M 'IHE MEEl'ING OF FEBRr..lARY 2::i I 198'7) .s~:i.m..t. Mr. caughey noted lett.P..rs frcm the Ol.ambel:' of CCmmerce of March 23, 1987, an:i Claar lake Detvelopnent, March 10, 1987. He reviewed t-.he staff Report am called attention to the followfn3' changes: -Topic A: No changes -Topic B: 5u;Jgest.ions fran the Cc:a:rmi.ssion were .ioc:orporated . into the text: namely, that only l:uilding ~ aigns be allowed for freeway orientated identification ~, an:l that. freeway orientated sign~ would c.c:m.tt as part of, and OCJt in a.dditicln to signs permitted on the pre.mises as part of the PlaJ1l"le<l Develop:nent Sign Program. -Topic c: Eiti.torial clarification as noted in the ·secorx:l paragraph . regard.in:J the number of prke displays per face. -Topic D & E: Topics combined per direction of th.a Ccmnission. He cl..isa.IDsed the Explanatory Remc!rks in this sectfon ru'rl presented the Ten"p:irary Sign Di.splay Options exhibit for review. O::>mctions rl1JtOO in B. to read, 11 •• :ioo,y be per.mi tt.ed •.. 11 an::l in the fifth line, reinsert the "WOrd, "district" ... -Topic F: No charY;Jes in text -'l'opic G: No charqes in text -Topic H: Position of the 01.arnbex' of Commerce revie:wed on c. secorrl. paragra~. Olr. MacJrenzie questioned th.a 25% CCNerage of windi:Ms aJ.lowed; can. Adams noted ab.lse of window sigoo allowed in the area of size of these signs and lerqth of display. Examples were cited. He favored a smaller percentage of ooverage. -Topic I: No chan.3'es in text propcsed.. -Topic J: definition of a shq:pirq CP...ntf'.r ad:led.. Mr. caugh.ey c.alled attention to the Cbamber of Ca.moorce letter on 17.40.050, 3) and suggested a minor ch.an;Je in vx:ird.in:I, to read, •~ .•. A cha..--qe of faoe of a sin:;le tenant in a multi-te.nar1t sign shall not c~titute g:roun:1s for a d'larqe." -Tq:>ic K: signs at beverage rede.Jipti0!1 centers we.re reviewed. 'Ihe Public H£>.arin;r was th.an opened. Ms. Kathy Myles, Executive Director of the CUpertino Qiarnber of C'anrllerce, present.00 the report of ~ OJ.a:mbe.r. She commented on the proposed sli.dirg scale an:l n-..rt:.ed changes in t.'1e 0->amber's p<')Sitian on collection of dep::isits for banners and in Corrlitions fox· non-conforming signs. '1he 0ia."':!be.r favored bran:l idP..ntification .in pe.nnanent win.:.i.oH signs. PI.ANNING a:JvOCLSSIOO' MINU1'ES Regular 1'4'..eeti.n:f of~ 23, 1987 PAGE 9 Fe -!515 ITEM 2 (Cont'd) Mr. Herman H.ijmanA, President of the OJpert.ioo Chaml:x:u-of caumerce Md owner of Top Fw:nitu:re Shc:rwca.se, stated that signs 'WeJ:e a necessary evil. He strongly favored the placement of name bnmis on win:low signs arrl was pleac-00 that display of banners was allowed foor ti.mes durin;J tl'l6 year. M1.I'IOO: can. Adams l!XJ\'ed. to close the Public Hearir.q. s.EeaID: can. Szabo 'VOTE: Passed ll16 Canmissioo rev.iewe<l the Sign Ordina.n.ce: -Temporaey Signs: consensu.g reached -Slid..i.n; scale: canoonsus rea.c:hed 4-0 -Banners: Schedule for di.eplay of banners revie.w'ed; text amardment for paragraph o. ra-...ed. -winiow signs: Co'nsar!SUS reaci"..ed on 15% oove.rage of wJ.ndows. -Use of Bran.i Names in Wirrlt::iw Signs, C, seoor.d paragntJ;il to read in part, 11.Pel:1nanent W:irdow signs shall be limited to .business i~..ntification an:1 bran:i identif icatian massage oorrtent.~ -Non-o.:-:iform.i.rq signs to read, in part, "· •. A c:han;Ja of fa.ca of a air¥Jle tenant in a multi-tenant sign shall not. C01"lstitute groun:l.s for J.-ooification far a ?XJn-oonform:u~ sign." M11'.ION: can. Sorensen moved to grant a Negative Declaration SEO:JND: Com. Adams VOI'E: Passed 4-0 M:1.I'ION: can. szal:x> moved to reoarane.nci app.rov-CAl of amerrlment.s to Sign ordinance 746 per Staff Report. SECQID: a:m. Sorensen VOI'E: PaSl-Jed 4-0 ITEM 5 Afplicatian No(s) Al;'plicant: Property owner: r.o:::atian: Parcel Area (JV::res) : USE PERMIT (7-U-87) To canstruc..t 5 sinjle-family detached dwellil'XJ units. ~ (2-Z-87) From en (General C'amoorcial) to ro (Planned Davw.opn£>.nt with residential intent) zone or whatever zone may be deElrood appropriate by the Plannin:] Ccmniss.ion. PI.ANKCNG a.MITSS!CN MINCJI'ES Regular Meetin.] of March 23, 1987 PAGE 10 PC -515 ITEM 2 (ccnt 1d) FIRST HEARUJG ~ DEl'ERMI.NATION: Negative Declaration TENI'ATIVE CITY C.U.?NCIL HEARING DA.TE: April 20, 1987 ~ Mr, Cowan prese.ntP.d. a series of exhib.its ~"Xi noted the difficulty of davalc.pi.N;J this site. staff s~ the proposecl configuration ot fivf,S singlf;!-family dfJtachad unit...s CNer ·a cluster develq~.nt; a~licant requested :nxxilficat' .. an of set.back requi.rement:.s, Mr. eowan rci;.ed other issues of corice.~ ~ -oc::m\:)Qt.ibili.ty of tile developnent with the existing neighborhoa:i -relationship of project to the flood. plain (Deep creek Golf COUrse an::l MCClellan Ranch Park) · -massive appea.rance of the struct:ures, two to throo-sto:ry eleroent:s facing McClellan ru. were pi-oposed; ~est.Eld guidelines were reviewed -soften.i.ng ~of proposed structures - a required 20 ft. rataini.11.CJ wrul and the appearance of this wall. -condition of Z.k:Clellan ru. an:l safety hazards at this location l\ml~'!L Pr!}§~~ru. Mr. Bill Avery summarized the request for an additional lot (c::ur:i::?.ntly zoned OO'.IlfOO,"X!ial, 4 lots of record): a ro zonin;J was proposed. Ha noted benefits of the project as: -stabilizirq a currenr.ly unstable hill which results frcm uniercuttirq on the lc:Me.r part of McClellan Rd. and identification of a retaining wall type which aUCM'ed plantings -provision of substantial public iroproveiuents arrl infrast:r:ucture -identification and preservation of specimi::an t:r:ees on thA property -p:roviaian of uniform landscapJrq for the site and an att::.."active daveloµne.nt for the area. 'Ihe proposed plan was responsive to the exist.irq :"leighborhocd, prov:ldirq sin::jle family detached units. AWlicant conc::urred with deslgn concerns addressed by staff, SU:;Jgested COrilltions of Approval were acceptable with the exception of the required 20 ft. setback. Mr, Ron Enz I Project Designer/ c1.iscussed. c:han3'eB made il'l the CCJnceptual Develoµoont Plan. He roted constraints on the site ani. efforts to preserve the oak b.""ee with respect to I.ots l arrl 2. He falt that canpatibility with the f" .. x.istirq ooighborhocd had been achieved. Mr. Enz presented exhibits demonst ... ratirq the stepping dc:Mn the hill of buildings ar.d the projected 15 ft. building separat:Lon (i.n:::n:.~ to 20 ft. bet.ween two-atory elel11f.!llit:s), sensitivity t.o tha transitio."1 between opposite en:ls of the site. He adc1ressed tl1£1 relationship of proper~ buildings to the stxeet, and asked for a m.l.oor· l:\'~ductian in street width. l?articu1ar concern regard.irq p:reservation of the oak tree noted by cam. AdalDS; he nottrl for the reco:."d th.at build.ir¥js on I..ot l and 2 cn.il..d possibly be rer.luoed to e:rurure ret-... ention of tile Oak tree:. . Suggested \..X:lnil.n.J for O:Jr1dition 15, adding, "· •. shall identify apprr..ipriate short term and long term solutions to insu.r.e the survival of the oak tree, incluclirq t.ha n::duction of FAR of units 1 and 2 .. " He requeste:::l that an arborist review this site. Questions regarding street/sidewalk i.nrprove:o:errt:s arrl 1.ardscaping plans posed by Chr. MackP..nzie were aru:,iNered. PL.~ING a:HUSSIOl.J MINUI'ES P.egular Meetin'J Of March 23 1 1987 PAGE 11 PC -515 ITEM 5 (Cont'd} 'Ih.e Pliblic Hearirq was then opened. Mr. Bob HoxsiE'I, 22331 McClellan Rd., eupert.i.rY.>, state:l that residents were not notified of tho ~. project prior to fllin:f of the application with the City; he presented letters fran area hal:ieCMoors ru'X1 a statement. Mr. Hoxsie stated that eoonanics 'WaS not a good reason to procee::l. Residents wish to see the R-1-10,000 zonirq an:i front setbacks of 20 ft. m.tlntaincd. He called attention to traffic hazards, ~of the hill arrl asked that a traffic stufy be catq?leted before clave.l.q;.mant of the prcpe.rt:y. lie rci:ed that deer walk across the site ard ~ conce:rn r~ the preservation of the Oak tree. Mr. Bob f!'en:lricksan, 10535 Mira Vista Ave., Cupertino, stated that traffic haza.."'tls on M::Cl.ellen F.d. pl'dti.bited his small children from playing in the front yard of his hane. He plans to appeal to the City to rt!Salve this traffic hazard before a se:doos :in::ident occurs. Mr. Jim Shaw, 10655 Clul:house In., cupertino, stated that he was not notified of this Af\?lication. He questioned. tho i roposed chang-a in character of the nf'.J.ghbortlOOd to higher density housirq; he s'lJbmitted a letter addressirq traffic hazards en McClellan Rd. ·Mr. Travice Whitten, Assistant City Erqineer, addresse:i the issue of McClellan Rd. arrl noted long tenn " ~a..i'1B for th.is location. 'ilia City will ensure that the proposed devP.J.q:m:mt will not interfere with the Widenin:;r of th.is road at a :future date. Ms. Rutl1 Mcl.ucki.e, 22393 McClellan Rd., eupert;ino, addt"eSSe.d. traffic cortJestian 'Which has :l.n::xeasOO. significantly an:l noted tn.e·noise from traffic in the prc:posed devel~. Mrs. Bal:bara Shaw, 10655 Cl~ In., Cllpertino, stated that_ the is.sue was the in~ity of the proposed lots, bikeJ.anes an M:Clellan I:id. that. exten:l for one block only a.rd t.he ca1!promising of at.an::la.tUs sat for the area. If she had known the abcNa, she would not have nx:ived into th.a area. Mr. Hugh 0-i.en, 22361 McClellan Rrl.., CUpe.rtbio, noted that Staff Report did not address traffic issue; this is ~18 primary issue. He reviE:wed tra..ffic hi121il::ds on MCC.lellan Rd. MO!'ION: o:im. Adams moved to close the Public Hear.ing SEmND: Com. Szabo VarE: Passed 4-0· Com. Adams was favorable to P...D designation an::l rmed concern for preservation of the oak b.:-oo. Proposed dr.:."'Ve..l.Ofl'O<:>..nt had not contributed to ctll.""l'."ent t.r-a:ffic problems; on the oontrcu.y it seerroo that problems were caused by non-residents spee:iirYJ t.hr:OXjh the area. 'l PI.ANNING a:J.MI:SSICN MINUl'ES Regular Meetin:] of March 23, 19137 PAGE 12 PC -51.5 rrEM 5 (Cont'd) can. Sorensen concur.Ted witl1 residents who spoke :rega:rdin;J traffic problems ard the inc:arplete bi.cycle paths; she concurred with can. Adanls regardi.n:;J p....~tian of the oak tree. She favored p:J.ace:ment of trees at the base of' the retainirq wall for visual relief arrl. ~'d the lack of sidewalk on Ut:Pll' Maclall;m M. ; can. Szabo concu.rred that the proponed davelq;::ment will not affec..'t the traffic prcblem. He 'NOUld vote foJ~ rOO:uoed setbacks for IDt l in an effort to prese:tve the Oak tree an:1 l.':O'ted tl'lat the change· to ID did not char.ge de.nsi ty in the proj act. ' O'lr. Mackenzie ~ with other Ctmniasioners. cnn. Adams suggeste:l the addition of a pu:ase to condition l5 j' 11 ••• which may irci.ude the size reduction vf units an I.ot.:s 1 card 2 or consideration of elimination of a wrlt.11 Mr. Co.iron 61¥:Jgestocl :i retf)Ol.t on this situation f:rcm an zu:t.lorist and noted that the site plan showed 1:uiJ.ding envelopes. cau. Szabo suggested that staff select the al:borist to mke a rep.art; the a::rmmission will further review this situation at that time the a.rt'Ori.st' a ~ is ready. IDI'ION: can. Szabo IDDV'ed to grant a Ne.gative Declaration SECOND: can. lldams VOTE: Passed 4-0 IDl"ION: can. Szabo m:rved to recommend ar:proval. of Application 2-Z-87 per Staff Report. SECOND: cam. VOI'E: Passed 4-0 IDTION: o:m. Szabo lllOVed to recamnend approval Of Application 7-U-87 subject to the find.in;a and co.r1'.:lusions of t.'tls Hearin'] an.i the Staff Report, Con:iltions 1-14; Conditioo 15, modified to reflect the requ.iremen;:. of a staff selected arborist. Report to be provided prlor to ~of buildirq permit: Conditions 16-17; c:on:il.ton 18, B) l) to :read, 11 Prol/ida a min:i:i:r:fJm front yard setback depth of ten {10) feet for aJ.1 secon:i story elements." on B, add "Site plan label Eldili:iit A describes bui.J.d.:iiq envelopes; future. dellelcp:oont within the envelop sha.11 be controlle:i by the thess guide.lines." Condition 19. SECOND: can. \UTE: Passed. 4-0 • F'.t..Al-lt-miG a:MMISSICN MINtJmS RequJ_~ Meet.in;[ O'J: Man,h 23 I 1987 PAGE l3 PC -51.'S ATTEST: Dorothy Corn lus,· City Clerk Approved by the Planning Commission at the Regular Meeting of Apdl 27, 1987. n