PC 03-09-87.J • CTr':l OF aJPERr.rnO I S'.rATE OF CALIFORNIA 10300 Torra Avenue a.i,,.ertino I CA. 95014 (408} 252-4505 MINUI'ES OF 'lliE RroJI.AR MEEI'ING OF 'IHE PI.ANNlliG a::M1ISSION HEID 00 MARO-I 9, 1987 Meetin:;J Held in the Interim <::o.mcil Ctla:mbers, 10500 N. De Anza Blvd. SAilJI'E 'ID 'UIE FU\G; ROIL CAU,: ccnnnissioners Present: Cl'lai.nnan MackP.nzie o:mm.iasioner Ad.alns Cc:mn.i.aaioner C.la~r o:mnisslonar S:;.abo 'l: 00 P.M. Staff Present: Robert C'.ov..ran, Director of Plann.i.n:] & ~q:ment Steve Piasedtl, Assist.ant Pli!ll"ll'li.n:J Director Glenn Grigg, 'l'l:affic En:jineer APPROVAL OF MINVl'ES Pel:JcJY M. Cccl:er, Deputy City Attorney Mark caughey, Associate Planner IDI'ION: can.Claudy, Feb:ruai:y 23, cc::i. SZal?O Passed, cam. to approve the M.irnrt:.e.a of the RegUlar Meeting .of 1987, as submitted. SECOND: VOI'E: Adams absent :fOS'lroNEMENIS OR NEW PiGEND1\ rrEMS: -None WRTITEN cx::MMIJNICATICNS -Chr. Mackenzie noted a le.tter received regard.irg Collins School ORAL W1MUNICATIONS -None COh'SENT CALEN.Dl\.R. -None ITEMS RP.MOVED FR'.:M CONSENT' C:.l\.IENDAH -None -1- 3-0 PI.ANNIN:; CCMITSSIOO' MINUTES Re:Jular Maet.l.rx; of March 9, 1987 PAGE 2 PC -514 FUBLIC HEARINGS: :r:rEN l Application No(s) Applicant: Property owner: I.r.x::.ation: USE ~ (l-U-87) To e:xparrl an e>r.istir:q at.ito dealer's business offiCX*l and renovate the e.xi.'3t.inq facilities an:l aite, :i.ncluding naw auto display arrl storage areas. FIRST HF.ARING o.::w.'INUED ENVIRONMEN'I7\L f.IETERMINATICN: Net.]atiVe Declaration TENTATIVE CITY o::xJNCIL HEARilTG Il.1\.TE: March 16, 1987 (OJNI'INUED Fl°O'i THE MEEI'ING OF' FEWIJARY 9, 1987) Staff ~entatiQDl Mr. Pia.secki presented a series of exhibit.a.and noted Staff corce.rn regru.-ding zoning, parkin:J am lighting; he rev:!.ewed i::.";1.lggested corxiltions of Approval arrl the limitation of the Application to Phase I at tllis time. Mr. Cowan rXJted that Ysf Chevrolet 1·100 paid for ~blic improvements in pa.rkirig. can. Ad.ams p~-:;ent at 7:15 P.M. ~icant's Prese..l]tatiQn: Mr. Ken Abler, reipi"leE' .. entati.ve of tha CMnel."f:I, stated that he had been 'W':lrking on this Awlication for SCJ.OO time; he noted rrurprise that issues he was \mfamilhr with were presented <;\t the h.P.aring and stated he was sarewhat unprepared to discuss these issues. He addressed the following coroerns: -Servk..e stal.ls/ser.rioes to be provided; services to bra provided would be consistent with that e.xpectoo of a full dP...ale.rship. •A Lan:iscap~ concerns had been address~rl at. MAC meeti..IYJ'..:! an:l alternative suggestions for lan::lscaping the easterly portion of the property had been rul:mitted. He noted the minor nonr.x:m.formance of slightly less th;;m required width of sidewalk arrl the adjacent landscape:;!. area which was due to adjacent p.lblic illlp:rovements. -P.arkirx; d£ficit was noted at the first A.SAC hearing; this issue will be addressed in the traffic study to be presented at the next hearing of the Commission. Procedures for gathering infonnation were reviewed.. .. ' !· _;_ PIANNmG o:::MMISSION M:JMJI'ES · Re:Ju].ar Meeting of March 9, 1987 PAGE 3 PC -514 ITEM 1 (Cont'd) -Lightin;p a photo metric study will be provide.cl. He noted it was not in t.11e best interest. of the ow:1erG to have dbninishoo lighting. -Noise; he was not aware t.here was a requ.i.raoont to charge the voice call system. Efforts \t.Q!l.d .be made to ~rove the system if reqllired for. approval. of the /lf:plicatian; ha«'aver, ha was unfoonil:i.ar with. any design of a voice call isystem which could be heard an..ly on-site. Ergine ro~ test.ing: applicants were rm proposin:J any naw st:ruc.tures for en:line testing at this tboo. Bugler Alarms; ma.lfunctionb'X]' of t.he alarm system will be correct.ad. -Test driving, speeding of employees, "noon til'll0 drag races;" such incidents will result in termination of the employee. -Bus stop easenvant; there wa..o;; nD ooj iection to such with the urrlerst.an:il.ng that the insertion of this easement into landscaped area ~d rm :require additional landscaping in another area as a replacement; hc:Mev'er, the easeioont needs to .be relocated due to site in:;Jress/eqress. -Limitation of AWlica:t.ion to fhaoo I; Af.lplicar.rts ware asked to present a canpletoo. site j;>lan; this plan included the renxJba possibility of additional ser.rioe stalls; h::Msver, tru...::t\/ did IYJt want to be ba.t:'rf.ld :t'ran this possibility. He noted that it ~ld be iinpracticable or inappropriate to fully d.P..sign s.e:i:vice stalls tha:t :may 11ever be :l:iltllt. -conceptual elevations are definitive e .. noug:h for a revlew of aH'.1£!..'U:ance a11d materials to be used. -'Ih.ere will J:.ie oo di..fu"Play of vehicles on racks. cam. Szal:o camoonted that the Applicant WiJUJ..d have to o:.anply with City regulations regard.in;J outside speakP-rs arrl the proh:i..bition against. use: of a eil."en in a bugler alann. Mr. Abler agreed that nonconforming items should be brought into oonfm::mity; he disagraect with the fact that non-confonnirq i tF.mls were not made known to hi..rn rofore the Staff Report an::l this hearin:;I. Jn response to Can. claudy 1 s question, he explained the work procedures, number of service spaces, the need for an open door for sex:vice stalls am. conceded that tltls contribut.ed to the noise impact on the adjacent area. cam. Adams noted. t.'1e wrJc.ing space deficiency; Mr. Abler stated t:h:1.t it was h..ls undP ... rstan.:l.ing that the owners were lOCJSt nensitive to any deficit in customer parking. Chr. Mackenzie o:::mnent.eC. on his concel.'11 that ovt?.rflow park:in;J 'WOUld impact the neir..ft'.lborhood; 1-..e questioned the scope of tl10 traffic study ooirq conducted. 'Ihe Applicant :t-eb-p::in:ied that they we.re tak..inJ the survey themselves, reviewed. pt'.'OOe..iures to be used, m..~su:re.tnl?..nt schooule and da}"'J the survey was J:::;3fr:q t.-1ke .. n. Cam. Clau:ly questioned the validity of ta.kin:]' tli.e survc.y between 5:00-6:00 P.M. on weekdays with oo survey of Saturdays. I I' " !~ PLANN.rnG t.'.Xff:ITSSION .MINtJIES Ragular Meetin:'J Of MarCh 9 / 1987 PAGE 4 R: -514 'Ih.e I\lblic Hearing was then opened. Mr. L.B. Eurriescl, 20900 1.lveq Dr., Cupertino, noted the letter lle had subn.i.tted arxi conterrled that the statement in F',in:;Ur~, d), was fn::X):t"J."eci: on all po.in:tis. On the basis of past performance, he felt that management of Key Chevrolet c::a.tld r.o nor& c::oexiat in p.P.ace with the neighborhocd than le;Jally bound to do; ha urged the O:V:nmission to make legally biniln;J all proposed ro:J'.l.latians that wat""e rea.sc.inable arrl ~. The matiilgament must not be µit in a situation of performing reasonably on goo:l will alone. In response to Cbm. Adru!1S, he rEl'ltiswed violations at this station. Ms. Janioo Burriesci 20900 Alve.:i Dr., Olpertino, stated tht1t cars with I<ey Chevrolet license plates had cnnmitted repeated incidents of speeding; she 1-.oted concern for the safely of her child. She ~ted on the pi~.rl three story .building and i ta visual inlpact on the adjacent neighborhcod. She stated that residents of the ii.eigbborhcod often were the original OW"ners of tJieir halnes am were advanc.i.rq in age. Mr. Walter H. Lisk, Sr. 1 20885 Alves Dr., ~ino, stated that ha had called Ket 01avl:blet repsatOOly with requests or canplaints and these calls were not effoc:tiw. He concun"'ed with problems cited above and noted the d'langirq traffic patterns in the neighborhood. Mr. Robert Z'Alsatti., 20916 Alves Dr., CUpertino, corcurred with the testimony already given and a<k1Ad. concern re<;~ tti.e fem: fold increr-:lSe in size of this business arrl r.:rugqested alternative traffic patterns. Ms. cecilia Magnuson, 20899 Alves Dr., Cupertfoo, st;...:lted. that her main concem was the safety of her one-year old child; she suggeste:i that Alves Drive be made into a cul-de-sac. Ms. Virginia ;"nope$, 20985 Alves Dr. r C."'Upe.rtino, stated tha'I.;-. her !rain concern was · :increased traffic in the area 1 sh.a was unfavorable to the proposed ar.pli, ..... on. Mr. Ml..lootti ad<led that problems spclom1 of by staff bad been going on for years; it was the owner's responsibility to inform the architect of tJ1e situation. Can. Clau:ly suggested consideration of a Minute order to clooe Alves Dr. He noted the follow:ln;r oonot:i:rns: -Lightin;J -ch.arqed or regulated to decrease impact on tlw neighborhood. -LoUdspea)c'&S arrl bugler alarms -same. -Roof sere.ens -same -Opsn "polish ard. get ready" canopy, opr:m mechanical service areas -same He ~.d not approve a 13€CO'f'..d sm:vice bay an1 questioned ways to conb::ul traffic on l<l. ves Drive. He a::imn"IP...nted on the general configuration of t.he front a.rd stated that the 15 ft. J.arrlscape w:l.dth was the absolute min.inn.mi to be attained. cars i,.JOUld be prohibited from driv.in:j on this area. He noted the rer-::JU}.ations of the Sign Onilncmce. P!.ANNING a::tOOSSION MINt1I'ES Regular Meetin;J Of Marcil 9, 1987 PJ\GE 5 Fe -514 ITEM 1 (Cont'd) Cam. Szabo questioned lan:lslcaplng t.'IElqU!.remants and noted that soundwal.ls would .J'X)t be affective in this :situation. cau. Adams atat.00 ha would not approve this Application unless: -noise was controlled -use of mercu11' vapor lightinq is <ilso:::int~ am. lighting spillover reduced -hazardous materials cart:rol to be spelled out in C'anditions of Approve.ti ·· street j~ to ircl.U'3e the clooin"J of Alves Drive -review of the site plan to inclll'Je traffic l'\Xitin;f patterns -screening of roof equii;:ment to be eroctect an all sides of the build.1.n:J Chr. Mackenzie cancu.."'1."'t?d reqardir:g the 1.igtrting, roof scre"'..nirq Which shc'.ild ~lude arc..l-i.itect.."Ural detail, op&.n work areas. He a.sk'1!d that: customer parkin:l ba clearly indicated ard employee parkil-q ha enfo:rced: iI1 acklition, he reque.st.00 that SUffk:ient parking be provided and the site not be un:lerparked. He noted his reservations :regrux1ing off-sitia ~.rking problems and the resulting irrpact to the residential neighborhood; he favored use of mitigatirq measures as required. can. Adams ad:led that landscapir:q an st.evens Creek Blvd. was to be 15 ft. wide: he suggested I!IO'lfing th& prcpot:l€d storage garage to the back of the prq::>e.rty to act Ml a bl.ffe.r for aomd to the adjoining neighborhood.. Com. Claud.y questiaied the use of the back area for rustaner parkin;r arv.1 noted that suggested park.inq space was .lnadequate. M'.JI'ION: c:orn. Adams moved to C.antinu.e Application l-U-87 to M.:.'U:"'Ch 23, 1987 SECJND: cam. .::>zab? VOI'E: Passed 4-0 Break 9:05 -9:16 P.M. ITEM 2 Application No(s) Aw~1c.mt: Property owner: . Location: Parcel Area (Acres) : USE PERMIT (5-U-87) ~-U-8? ard 5-F.A-87 Q:e.c;;,,,~h.Han=------·----- ,ByC'~ P~-ties . East_§!id~_of De Anza_&Jll!.1:!:'1[!:.'lr.9._L-~rPJd­ m;1te1:L1..9JLtt.t.._ No-r_tl.LQf Boll ~-·Roqg__ ~35 .D~~t_ ~~s To operate a 60 se.at restaurant with liquor service within an existiUJ commercial centi"l.r. FIRST HEARTh1G ENVIP'.JNMEN'I~ DE.TEHMINATION: NegaUve Declaration TENTATIVE CITY CX'XJNCIL HF.AR[NG DATE: 1"..o.rch 16, 1987 PI.ANNING CX.l1MISSION MINUI'ES Ra;JUJ.ar Meetirq of March 9, 1987 P.AGE 6 PC -514 rrm 2 (cont'd) . ~ ..... ' . ' • J >' ~ ".' -,. s~tion:. M'r. ca.ughey reviewed t.~ Staff J.~ arrl n:::ttOO that the major issu-e was a parking deficit; ha also callEd attention to the public improvements nq.tlred. In response to can. Claudy's camoo.nt, he suggested t.liat the oantA"'..r could bring it.self into compliance with pru:·kin;; requ.iremsnts by adjustirq seating or ~loynlElrlt level.a for all feed se:rvioa providers in the ~lex •• s's Mr. Jesse Han rv.:rt:ed that thQ. restaurant would be a W.gh quality q;::ie.ratian and traffic raqu:l.reroo..nts WO\.lld not be as great as other i:estaurants. In order t.o fim qualified chefs, he was J::leC',lU.iraj to provide both a doxmi.t.ory ai'rl l:usirq since t.has0 enq:iloyees live in san Fraocisco arrl sane of them cruld not drive; thus only 2-3 ·enployea parking spaces ~d be requi.red.. He roted the vacant ' office spaoe in this center. A reduction of seatirq for the restaurant lllnlld ma1oot the operation unprofitable. Mr. Allan Byar, p~ CMrer, respon::1ed to questions asked by the Camnissioners regarding t.be. layout of the center, vacant office spa.a:, est.llnated traffic CXlUl"lt for b..:m.ants a.rd parking areas currently un.med or un:.'Jru:Used. He stated that Mr. Han wa.s a SIJOCl.lSSful rostau.rantaur and urged that this Use Permit not be turned down on a pair.king def.kit of 4 spaces. He ;:ldded that park.in:J for the l-ef.ltaurant would be pri.naril.y durirq the eve.nirq hours when offioa parki.rq would not be utilized. can. Adams st:rJgested an anxm:iment to th.a center' a existing use pa11nit to lrodify park:irg ratios for the ofice portion; Mr. cowan m.~e.'5lt:ed. that a review of this Use Permit cai.ld be done in 6-3 rrcnths. 'Ihe Public Hearing was then cpe.ned. 'Ihere we.re no speak.el::'s. MJI'ION: SECOND: VOI'E: Com. Claudy moved to close the Public Hearin;;. cam. Adams Pa...c;sed MOr:ION: cam. Szabo nvved the granting of a Neqative Declaration SECOND: o:an. Claudy VOTE: Passed 4-0 4-0 MJI'ION: cam. Szabo IIOled to recommend approval of Application 5-U-87, Con:li.. tion 1; con:il tian 2, s.econd paragraph deleted SEO)NJ): · can. Adams <• i ·~· PI.ANNING CXJMMISSIC.H MINUTES Regular Meeting Of March 9, 1987 PAGE 7 PC -514 Application No(s) Applicant: Property OWner: I..oca.tion: USE PER.MIT {10-U-87) To operate a 2,500 sq. ft. dry cleaning shcip with.i..n an existing shopping cente.r. FIRS!' HF.AR:mG ~ OCIERMJ.NATION': Categorically Exempt TENTATIVE CITY rouNCIL HEARING DATE: March 16, 1987 fil:!!t'f Prp...sentation ;_ Mr. Caughey p:i:"E>..Sf'..nted the. St.aff Report notin.J the principal oon::e .... '71 of noise control fran inte.rio:t• equipnent. 8W..l..ic;ant 's Presentation: Applicant did not wish to :make a presentation. 'Ihe Public Hear~ was t.he.n cpened. Ms. Pat.ricia 1-k:.Kay, 20388 Clay St., Cupertino, questioned. the disposal of :r.iazaxdous materials used in a dry clea.nirq establishment. Ms. Cocker reviewed ~ for haza:rdous waste disposal a.rd sug;est.ed resooroes for further information on'· this issue. Mr. Chan Lee, represent:ln3' the Afpl:Lcant, reviewed the procedw::es for disposi.m of this material. In response to Ms. McKay's question, Mr. catlghey stated that he had vi.sited tiie applicant's existing est.ablishroont to avaJ.uaw noise levels; he called attention to tlie reqµirament that the rear doors rrn.ist remain closed to prevent noise from tb2 steam pre.ss@..rs from :i.mpac..tirq the neighborhood. M:YI'ION': com. Szabo rroved to close the Public aearinJ. SEOJND: can. Adams VOTE: PasF'...,00. 4-0. MJI'ION: can. Szabo m:JVed to roc:anmen:i approval of Application lO-U-87 per Staff Report SEa:>ND: CC51l. Adams VOI'.E: Passed 4-0 PUINNING a.l1MISSION MINUTES Ps;Jtllar Meetirq of March 9, 1987 PAGE 8 PC -514 ITEM 4 Application No(s) Applicant: Property owner: r..ocation: USE FERMIT (8-U-87) ., . -· To cx:mstruct arrl operate a 4.5 acre expansion of an exibting electrical S1.lt.Gtation. FlRST HEA..'IIDlG ~ DETE.I«INATION: Ne;ative Declaration ***PI.l\NNI}K; CX'MJITSSION M."TION FINJU, UNIESS APPEAI.ill*** Staff .er_~~ Mr. Pia.~ presente:! the staff Re-po.rt am e'Xhibits; he called att:P...nt.ion to the issi.10 of gradj.rq. He not:.00. the exparded pad and cu.ta up to 20 ft. into the adjaoent. hill; :In addition, the pad 'iAICIUld be l:uilt 10 ft. higher than the exiatin;r pad. 'Il'le fill a.re.a!. w::iuld enc<:"npass two areas, the north west end with an option of utilizir-g the &JI.1th ea.o:;.t. He stats.i thc."'l.t, as requested, the applicant had prepared a visual study; ha preserrt:.ed the slides to the a:mnission and noted noise mitigati.on measures propoc.....ed by the Applicant. ~_gant's _Presentation: M.o;. Jane Battey revie-wed. the pu:i:pose of the proposed project am noUrl that the pad would not actu.a1ly be 10 ft. dbo1re the exist.ir..g pad. She suggested the follcwing "WOn:ting, "'loo north w~;t fill area will be tllla p:dJ!'la.rY eu.-ea for disposal; the south e:i'3t a:rr--...a will be used if the north west area is insufficient to handle expedited mterial.11 She stated that the the area in question wtllld be planted as soon as possible. '!he Project Erqinee.r. provided technical information arrl answered questions. (Tape 2 B) Ms. Battey presente1 a cross section of elevations am called attention to the landscapirq plan presented with tl:te application, notirq the C2lk t.rees that would be re"".ained. •n-ie erqin.eer reviewed the size and elevation of the padr:l; in respori:.se to can. Adams' question, he stated tl1at there would be no PCB' s on the1' site. ' ; Ms. Battey asked for a cJ.ar.ification on Condition 1, Gracli:rq; a char)3'e in , condition 3, ?ire Hydrants, was requesu.rl. FG&E pwides on-si:te dry, · chemical fh-e f.ightin;J <~pl'f-'..nt; suggested wonli.n:;; for Condition 3, 11 FG&E nhall provide on-site dry, chemical fire extirquishers." Mr. Piasecki stated th.at word..i.ng re.ad, "FG&E shall provide a cambi.nation of dry, A , chemical ard/or fire hyiirant..!..'l as required by the City." W PI.ANNn.G a::t1MISSIOO KrnlJI'ES Regular Meeting of March 9, 1987 Pll.GE 9 PC -514 r.rE!1 4 (Cont'd) With respect to Cordition 7, Noise study, she stated that a soun1 study had racently ::ieen corrlucted at the.tr test site which d.oc:l.:rmeJ'l""....ed noise levels• In response to can. Adams I question, she ad:iressed t"ia issue Of power surges arrl peak use tin)aS and noted the l:uffer provided by' additior.al acreage beyorrl the substation. on Con:lition 4, Geologic/Seismic Safety, PG&E -were surprisOO on this COrrlition sin::e it had not been placed on them by other citie..<:J. 'Ihis issue will require :further study by PG&E staff an.'l askro for a corit.inuance of this Condition. Ma. COCker noted that if tha cacrro.isslon regarded th.is Condition c":> a minor a.me:rrlment, a vote could be taken on the Application at th.is Hearin:;; at a later date 8 a minor ameniment could be prese:ntad for approval by the Canmissian or this Application oould oo vcted on with this Condition being made subject to staff ar.-proval. Tne Public Hearirq was~ opened. ~ 'W'ere no speake~. MJI'ION: SECOND: varE: can. 1\dams lOClVed t.o clooa the Publi.c Hearing Cam. Clau:fy Passed 4-0 Com. Clal.ldy concurred with the word.lng suggested by the AwHcant:a, Condition 1, Grad.i.n:3', second sentence to read, 11 '1.'be north west flll area shown on the Informational Exhi.bit shall be the primary fill area with t:he southeast area beirq the eecon:lary fill area.11 Cllr. Mackenzie a.SJ<OO that a sentence be added statfog that, "'l'he laroscapi.n:J plan to be submitted to Staff for approval." comition 3, "PG&E shall provide a combination of dry chemical equipnent an:l,lor fire hjidrant.s as required by the City." MJI"ION: can. Adams rroved to grant a Neqatiire Declaration SEOOND: Com. Claudy VOI'E: Passed, can. Szabo abst:ain.in;J 3-0-1 IDI'ION: can. Atiam.s nx:M.'rl awroval of Application B-U-87 subject t.o the firrlir:gs a.rrl subo:mclusio.ns of th.i.s Hear~'1 and Staff Report: con:Ution l sec.and 1:..'.el'ltence to re.ad, "'Ihe north west fill area shown on the Informational Exhibit shall be the prim.ry fill area with the scuth area, beirY9 t.he secondal:y fill area. " Addition of a sentena?. to read, 11'Ihe ).ands("..apirq plan to be submi:L1:.ed to St."!lff for approval;" corrlition 2; COrrlition 3, to read, "EG&E shall provide a combina.tion of dry chemical equipment aOO,lor f:i.re hydrants as required by the Cit.'Y and the CPJttral Fire District." conditions 4 -a; SEOJND: c.a.m. Claudy VOI'E: Passed, can. Szabo abstaining 3-0··l ', .. j ; J Pl~ <Xff{ISSiaf MINUl'ES Regular Meetirq of" March 9, 1987 PAGE !.O ~ ·-514 ITD1 5 Application No(s) Af.plicant: Property ownex: I.ccation: Paroel Area (Jv:::xe£) : ----·------------ USE PERMIT (9-U-87) To construct the following: - A 15,000 sq. ft. addition to an existing shopping center -Ex:terior no.: '.ication to the exist.in:J Wildinga -Parking arrl Irlscape nvxlifications to the site FIRST HEARlliG ENVJRJNMENrAL DE.'TERMINATION: Negative DE!c.1-aration TENTATIVE CITY COJNCIL HEMING DATE: March 16, 1987 Staff Presentation: Mr. Ct::Man reviewed the Staff I~rt an:1 presented a series of e.'fu.ibi ts; he noted the unique cpportuni ty for the City to allow develcpnent ~tible with et.UTf.mt atan:iards for Sti:Nen.S o:eek Blvd. He stated that traffic patterns through the center required review and suggested mitigation 100.aSu:res \dtlch could be ai;plied. APPlic;cgnt' s ~~.:ti9.nl Mr. Derrrds Kc-..bza, Arr.hi tect, noted the redesign of the site and made himself available for questiarJS. Mr. I.any Yamaoka, App.lie.ant, stabrl that use of the site as a short cut to avoid traffic signals an:i congestion on Stevena Ct"'eek Blvd. was brought to light by the 'fiaffic Study and surprised. the applicants who 1iJeXe not aware this was occurrin;J. He was tui.able to suggest:. mitigation of this problem, if in fact, it was a problem; applic.ants did not want a center so difficult to access t!i.at c.:l1$tame.rs would avoid the entire ce.~.x:. In response to ~ions acliressed by the ~ssioners, he discussed in:Jress/egress t.o" the site. · cam. Szabo rr;b:rl th.:"\t the acljao:>..nt residential neighbo:rhood W'OU.ld not be impac:.ted by this aha.rt cut since traffic was XOCJVirq back to Stevens Creek Blvd~ Com. C..1-audy .o:::ncurred. 'Ihe Public Hearirg was then opened. Mr, I.¥le '.fq;:ham, l.0154 N. Portal Ave., Cupertino, requested .information on typee. of uses for the exr<U1ded oentm:.·, re.i:.Ul.t~ trafflc impact, any ~treet improvements necessary an::l the pot:P..ntial bl~ of pedP...strian access fran1 the n>..ar of the property. Mr. G. Munga1, 10286 N. Portal Ave., C.\1pe.rtino, note::l that Port.al Ave. would be swampe::l by traffic due to this expansion and t.he rec.e.nt dec::ision req-ardirq the At,Jple day care center. Cam. Szabo re~stated h.is comffie.nt that the project would not affe<..t Portal Jr.ve., noting that traffic would be yo~ to Stevens creek Blvd. ' :! PI.ANNING <Xl1MISSICN MTIIDl'ES Regulax MaetID::,J of March 9, 1987 PAGE 11 K: -514 ITEM 5 (Cont'd) Mr.. Jim Mru:'.tin, 103.25 Plumtroa :r..n., eupertino, stated that th.is i,ipplication appeared to have tha potential for oignificant increei.se in. traffic gemerate'.::1; ha favored the needs of the l:."SSiclecnta and suggestecl. ways to keep traffic on Steven.a creek Blvd. 'Ihe l\pplic.mt ask.eel for adclitiooal in.formation ~ the :r~ of a cash bond and di.sct.l.SSed traffic p..'ittarns at thi.s location, notin:J that this area is a c.or:gootOO area for traffic. Diacussion among th.a Q:.:m\iss:i.one..rs regard:l:rq b:affic patterns and ~iblf.! remedies. Charqas in use of the n:ar alley an the ptuparty ~ caneidered. In COrrlition 22 of the 1'kx3.el Resolution, can. l\Q.aros asked that tl-te first senterx::e of th.a second paragra~ be retained; the ?-U""pOSa. of the ~reposed traffic erb..ldy arrl the best mc:rthods to acquire the intomation ~.sinxl Wlould :be clarified. MJr.ION: Can. Claudy movOO. to close the Public Hearin-;J SECOND: Can. Szabo 'VOr.E: Passed MJTION: c.an. Claudy noved to grant a Ne-;ative Declaration SECOND: cam. Szabo VOI'E: Passed 4-0 4-o· MJTION: can. Claudy moved to reic.::.crnmc>..nd approval of ~licatlon 9-U-87 subject to the oonclu.s.ions and subcon::::lusions of this haarirq and the Staff Report, Conditions 1-19; 0.'ml.lition 21 to be number 20, with Exhibit A :m::x:lified to show that the gat.€8 at the ea.."lt end of the sh,Ofpirq O?..nter and alon:J the rear of the s.hr..pping center located to permit acx:ess to the rear of New York Fabrics store; Corrl.ition 22 to be numbered 21, with W:.>.letion of the first paragraph, deletion of the secon:i sent.erx=e of tlw saoond paragrar;b., delete the final paragraph, a&:lirg a sentence to state tln.t the ooject.ive is to .il1SU.re that the.re he no significant increase in tratfic on Portal Ave. and due to use of this center as a short cut. 'Iha results of the '.I'raffic .survey shall b8 reviewed informally arid H appi"'::lpriat.e the Use Permit reviewed. '!he Applicant may be rnquir.dd to take any appropriate stei-"'S to mitigate t.raffi, · on Portal Ave. SEcnND: Can. Adams VOI'E: Passed 4-0 QlD OOSilIBSS -None NEW EUSINESS -Just Fr;,>.sh Restaurant (formerly sandpiper) -Mo:iification to a predously approved us.a pe.nn.i.t. The pror ... erty .is located at 21255 Stevens creek Boulevard '('Ihe. oaks Shq:pirig Cent.er) • ' '1; l~ •":: PI.ANNm3 o:::MMISSION MINCJI'F...S Regular Meetirq Of March 9, 1987 PAGE 12 PC -514 ITEM 6 {Cont'd) ; " ~ff Pres.antatiQili. Mr. Piaoe::ki stated tliat t:his was a request for a minor ~. O..tn. Mackenzie questicned whathE!l:t" both ln:lcor an:i outdoor seatJ.n;J had been camted. MJI'IOO: can. Clal.Xiy m.:JVed to adq;lt a I~ution allowirq a . minor noi.iflcatlan to a Us:.t Permit, OOnditim l.; cao::lition ?. to read, "'Iha total :n~ :::.t ~ seats (indoor Cb-id outdo:.~) shall not woc:ead aoo as stated in ccnditic:n e of Applicati-on 20-U-86. SEO:iID: Ccm. Szabo VOI'E: Passed 4-·0 ITEM 7 -Application 5-U-86 -Bat.eh l3rothBrm -Modification to a previously appi."OVed use permit. 'Iha property ia located at the southweat corner of Foothill Boo.lavard am. st.evens crook BQJ.leval'd. Staff Prese.nt:ati.Qn: Mr. !?iesecki reviei.r.'ed the b'taf f Report and presented color samples for roofin:J material. IDI'ION: can. S;,>;abo !OC1Ved approvnl of Application 5-fJ-86 per 'c.hia Mbdel ResolutJ:::,.n SECOND: cam. CJ.audy VOTE: Passed 4-0 OIHER BJSINESS: ITEM 8 Staf t: Prese.rrt:;atign: Ccmni.ssion UNFmISHED RJSINESS -Nana RE.FORT OF PI.ANNING o:.JMMT.SSIOO -Com. Sza.00 a.skJeCI. for infc.rmat.ion on the construction of a b:.•tL">e or secorrl unit located on Baxter arrl Cr:estt.m. -Orr. ¥.ackenzie asked for information on t.ha cul-de-sac on Mariani Dr. REPORl' OF Pl.ANNING DIRECIUR -Written He.port submitted. D!.SaJSSION OF NEWSPAPFR CLIPPINGS a. Ugly Buildings Blot 'Iha Landscape: San Jose Me.rcU.ey News b. Apple Gets Greel1 L:l.ght For Day care: a..q:Y<?..rtino Courier PIJ®r.[NG a:M-IISSICN MiNurEs Raju,1ar Meetinq of March 9, 1987 PAGE 13 PC -514 ADJOURNMi.:m': Having 0:1ncluded its bt.1.Sfue.-..:iS, the Planrlirq Carnnission adjo..irnOO 1at · 11: 56 P.M. · to th2 next Regular Meeting of :MaJ:x-.h 23, 1987 at 7:00 P.M. A~ by tl1e Planrlirq Ccmnission At '<;the. Regular r of F•bruary 23 '.. \ ~ .. , . . ) ' I 1967: ·t ~: