PC 12-12-84CITY. -,OF CUI'EFt'I'a:lipy STATE .OF, ..CAI,Z q ?'.IA,, r t -i �t3
Pa tt=?, a.'.k�' pj PC-•4_5
1p3pb' oz're;'Averiu,Cupertl Cmx 5q5 4, Page'!
Telephone: (4,08)'252. 45.05" E
HELD QN DECEmBER 12, 1 .: "t .,
Viee'".0 ia1, rson Szabo callied the, Meetim� g`t6"c�x�c'1�9i� a►C �7 : C' p�
and 'apo1oglzed `fosr the lack of, Quorum on Deeember: Ip, ;19 4p ' 1
which had necessitated postponement.
0orml3aionerb Preesent : Commissioner ftc3cenz1e I
Cor=laaloner Ada a
Commissioner Sai're risen (9:40 p.n
Vice Chairperson ,S,%a bo
Commimissi.onear$-Absent: Co=lsaloner Cl;*udy.
Staff Present: Director of Pis, -MI g' a[nd Deve2:33sk'
Assistant Planning Director -Cgsart' ; . K
City Attorney7 X111a.n
MOTION: ''Coma'. Adams, to approve the MinutSix ari" the Regular
Meeting of November 26, 1984, vi:th•''the- correction '
that page 5, 5th graph, last line;. "sincie" 46 'j: �
be substituted for e.
SECOND: Comb. Mackenzie
VOTE: Passed 3-0
(Cons. Claudy and Sorensen abstn'0
.Vioe•t Chairperson Szrbo announced that r6quests had' been I
r ece::ved to postpone 'Items 1, 6 and 8 until the $egmmlaz+
.Meeting of January 14, 1985, r
MOTION: Coma. Adams, that appliu ations 15-U-68, 26-U-84
and 24V-84 be continued to tie .Meeting of
January 14, 1985.
SECOND: Cosmm. Mackenzie F
VOTE: 3�0 s
(Cow:: C:laudy' and-Sorensern absent)
a. CITY QF CUrERTINO: PUBLIC HEARINQ_ to 'con4lder an amzmeril
mm�ent to the CQ,..0eneral Commercial) z6nlp dl':stridt and
ENVIRON2��V' ENTAL RIEW: The Environm e-ntal-Aav1 - Committee
recomixendss the-,% rahti.ng of, a Ne8at1v'b Declirsition,. First
HeAring aontInued. Tentative City Cou4cil Dearing date a
4.nuarY T* 1g,05,:
:vice Chalrp*:,rdon Szabo announced a shoat cloaed hearing to .
discuss litigation matters with Counsel.
PLANNING COMMISS103 MINUTI!i, DBCEMiBXR 12, 1984 . .: -. - .. - �, :
Pajo 2
M •aq .
s^h 1
Since the Pu4lia hearing had bm�,p cictiswd �}K; t ee"pre�rLou$ gna t its
Commission cnritinued" with titeir discus'sio.t of Chacrge�4,;tci. the re,V4d
draft ordinance, and-'recosmme"ded several further changes as f011`owsr= "
x r
Se- Slon`4•e1,' liuc'- E ta�rd of .linr� S..i>ia7ternttl"gray ia'ba de]l®Cm ; �fif ss"
las viord of line Sy a rai�rie�1 its to read' 'train'j...the words '"body and
point shop operogtozxe,.,ei a to, be, exc1u4e4'.",Y4ere to be a4ded.,to th,,s_sg6tjan,
since the�dirad more 4han minor.. repairs and wet4,'0bt is
a :di'£fereAe'Zone,
5.f., all.references to delicatessena were to,twlleto�.raine
it had not been determined how to differentiate between deliratesseno.''
and .fast food. restaurants; third line "and" to be change Y�
since food might .not be prepared on the premises. :.• .� "�; ''
-, '1r'F 4. .y 5 .vLty rrt,
Section 6.f., the defiEo y ion of a drinking establishi;eot wnsl to'be delsated,
since.it appeared pz,7&v W, oly-
Netfan 6.g., "i.e.to xead ne•pl.,: s
S®ctian 18,1. , it ass, s:U dated that. the section be deleted.,an t�„�-�ud"d-
separat& Y, . F
, v �.
MOTldh;'.•.. -Com. Mackenzie°y to send a Minute order to City Council recowueending
that the relationship between mini markets, eery''ices Pt ara�i� �''
' f ,end the sale^Ot-al ohglic boverage�s .be studied and,pregented r,;
as a separaty„ drdinanca,•
SECOND: " Cons., Adams
VOTE: Passed �3-0 _
(Corns. Cloudy and Sorensen absent) t Ay,r,:r•.�i,
There were no other chy}$os.
MOTION: Cam. Adams, to accept the Negative Declaration of "ties
�... Enviroume3ntal keview• Committee.
SECOND: Cam.. Mackenzie,:.sr-
VOTES Passed
(Cores. Claudy and Sorensen absent)
MOTION: Com. Adams, to'recormend adoption of the draft
CG Zoning Ordinance as presented and discussed"at-the
hearing with madxficaticas and changes as presented.
SECOND:. Com, Mackenzie- •
VOTE; Passed_" q:
(Came. Claucly., an4 Sor. enaen abpent)
Vice-,(%5irpgrs. gQgzo o commai ted that,, whiRst he was not Pk 00saphicaf-4
in favox.,..l gca.use,�le. pref�yreed different criteria, it had xiat fi n, p #ctical
for him to vote ggaLnst the tciotion.
3, ; Applications 1ice°Z•�84 "and 21-U-84 of MICHAEL WEBCR A D kidaiowe—
REZONING approximately .51 gross acres from R1-•7.5 (Ees:ljlentisl S f-44family,
7,500. eq,.,f't.' niniaram lot' size) zone to P (Planned Dava$sa�en�i:6riti�,��fydce,
Commercial a •i.,�
and Residential intent) zone or whatever xopot rmay, d
apprapviate `by 'the 'Plenning Commission, ��T:
an.,,Oxi ting, +jingle-ator�y office' building t'o-4 tworastory Rri,oe
bati,ldi,ng h :1 , 80;1 sq. ft . and. EN"�I,RPI; 1 TAL _. 1ZZj:..- ;OMe
ZAvi;rcaraahtal Review!, Committee recoxstsea,�a�
$tgativs Declaaratloan, The subject':propefty,
southwest cornea of Miller Avenue and Nhwood 74i t
Hearing. Tentative City Council hearing date n,,J.An44ryj,j.A;985
Director of Planning and Development Sisk exp lained that the
propoul-wgs Vo expand the off'ice ' buildi•ng �Vito.;thcae .ladl.ept
residential zone, neceseitatin,g the remov&l 'of', two 0xIstin;
single tamily dwellings. He stated, t at the'Uefiel�al: Plan.''- R
boundaries were not inviolate if it was to tbe ooiAmtanity !
benefit to change,them, and since Staff; felt .this, appl,ig4tion
more readily defined the land use Alnea,j they vere lr tivor:
William Plimpton, Raymond M. Rooker Architects. , said t3 ' `_
would •.be . putting in a largos landscared buffer zone, to,,,+k
a definite boundary and had looked into iepaaraa,ting East
Estates Drive by creating a 'coirmercitl, loop, or getting.,tahq
street closed off°ekatirely from outai4e,t.raa 'fic. He .,ex,,preaged
their desire to work with the residen'`.a 'and the Co=laslon to
„>rcaoly¢ thee, matter to everyone':s, satisfacvion':' Descaribi_a the
arQhttegture � he said that as..the-. area: was diverse iii "if 11- ,
a `subdtaed � bdlding of light; bronze gl_s4 ref eating, the `
landscaping had been favored.
Frederick', Miehavd,','aapplicant, expressed thedesireof-;his.'';{
partner' and himself, presently located 111-'Vaalloosto have i
a first-rate, bual.ding for their own occupaancy,':and -saw the '
proposal as an upgrade for an a anaattructive,,corner
The Commission established• 'that the fate of tie two single
family dwellings was presently undecided$ though they woul�jw::
probably be sold and moved, and also that the'rstreet 'olosu"e;
issue haad'not been discussed with the Fire Distri�at. -E
A discussion on the architecture ensued.
Michael Weber, co -applicant, said they had favored this
building style over a much less expensive one. He confirmed`
that they woul be using one-third of the building'axnd the
current tenant, Strategic, Inc., would be taking over the
Sherry �ialkingatick, Strategic, Inc., 10121 Mille�*'Avehu.-
described the location as convenient, but they Caere cramped
and required the additional space to function. aat" their
current level. however, they would not be creating extra,
traffic; she said, since the space would be used to douse, ''
equipment, --which was presently off --site. ►
Dorette Ackerman lived four houses away from the propoodd
building and did not want her daughters to have to walk_to'.-"
-scbpol: through a commercial zone. = !
'Vaughn ,Marie Rodrigues, area resident, could"not 'uatify'L'thj`j
loss of two three bedroom single famll,y' dwellings, and .said ••,.
that she and her husband would have made complaints about• the
conditions of the rentals, had they known who the owners were.
e °
Page 4 -.;.
She -vas' cone about t?e traffic pz�ablems and tha�ught such
-change-would Increases them, and that .tNocasure,s propoxod
by the a t hit(pat...would only, Increase tra. ftc bor-
hood' tet�reta: ` �'urthe:r� she :wonctsered what.: would., happ�tmt�wh*n
the building ta-a eventually sold, ,%nd eight,, -have = A more .ihtensive
us*.- -'She ' concluded that there. was much' commercial,. p*rty
availablee', along`" Stevens Creek Boulevard., and did not-�.s** the
neaaest+ity 'of enoroabhing on their residential neighborhood. , .
ioe.' Chairperson Szabo, asketd by ' Ns. ,Rodrlgueep,� confirmed
that the-Commisalon had received three letters from °.
concerrned`'re3idents, one from the Rodrigues! _
St eve' FleshmAn,,1Q171 Eaat Estates Arlve felt ° the residential
district was, currently well 'de+fined, and -the--neighbors did "not
want the -unwarranted rezoning.
Phil Lanide:s 1d141 Ki'ler Avenue, saying he ,would be very close
to the prupoxec ' building, felt It would be :vlaually appealing
and would not bring adverse traffic.' .He tha hi; 'it' alight`
give encouragement for the improvement of other commercial
buildings in the area.
Bob Burnp,, 10156. East Estaaa Drive liked `thee, design r .th<
project, but was against it because of the. In.frIngam ent . on..
a cl,e .arir; defined residential area. ,
Jiro Schaaf, 10142 East Estates Drive, d 0,o effo,rts,of
the owners and architects who had been 'very:eccomm.6datln
he said, but he still say pr�bl.ema in 11virig;neact `t®_;a,
co=ercial area,.:with the! night lighting, the, masoi.ery ,wall
and possible security problems. a_
The Commineion established with Mr. Schaaf that in,the:pant
year there had -been a fire in the 'parking "lot `of.the preaent
building, when pine needles had been 'set alight by paths
smoking there.
Ms. Rodrigues was of the opinion that whatever happened at.
the corner in question would affect the whole neighborhood,.
and thought that with Ligror Barn also lociat:?ng there,
parking problems were bound to occur.
Ann Murphy, 10159 East Estates Drive, said she would be
facing the project, and that it left the balance of the street
open to speculation. She recommended a traffic study be .
Fade of the area, and drew attention to the numbex or. ingre-ases
and egresses on such a short street.
Mr. Plimpton explal.ned that the building was in a PD.zone
with Office Intent, and that ally changes would have -to go
through a Use Permit process again, so that the nelghbor.q.' -
concerni� in that regard should be alleviated.' die .aomme<ar}tc�d.]
that it would be better if their parking lot absorbed �
overflow of traffic in the area, rather than zhee'res=d La i
streets, and expressed a willingness to reprove the unsif*`w'
interseetion any way the Commia3ion felt best, and a will1it..,neess
to work with the neighbors on concerns of lighting,sound-walls,
sercurity, etc .
Traffic f1Q' V was, ;discussed, and Mr. Kimptozl nb�a�u�d:
Incas h�td .offs -,.peak._ .:our#.. ate e,nphasized.. tha aa£e.±dgsi
to iyaa ;af sthe. MF
ro eG.K a ip�ciellY w k a the..ni sight u , -xN V*P wkeyi'Ghar
Chey'hac nt+G itweaggd ths;number: of i g aab,aa.ec�t'•.ogrg§�eaa alt r, =.
Richwood, ,buts! had A=1 nova! :thy locatioc�, p4 one.
Com. 44ams jthpu_ght'._the graab.enclosure .could b�e.clo�ar,;.�o Chv
builditng, Mar'..` Plim ton ,agregd.-
Mr. Schaaf 'it was possible forthe' es Permlc
further, cond�t,�oned',_based on -discussions,, and,V1_gji•.Ghairpsrsoty3 a. �
Szabo adviae4m that Chia ,could be dons.
Mr. Weber, coarmagnting on the rental property, .,said' that; nobody,.:
wanted to tuy them as their own residences, because -of the :.i.ocati.oti- . _.
It was determined that the applicants now owned e`triaUgleHof i
land which Mr. Weber had described as`a triangle of no-man`s
land which was a mass.
Mr. Fleshman informed the Commission that one-.of-the'rentalo
was not'a mess, and the other wasrundown because the' owners
had not lived-inthe area, sirid' felt if the new' dwa3er$ fixad it
,up ft could, 1dok nice
V,, w ,
It was the consenssua of the Commission that the applicant8 be
asekd to'consider 'relocating -the two houses.
MOTION: Cote. Mackenzie,: to closes the Public Hearing:
SECOND: COm. adams; ;..
VOTE: Passed : Jgg0 r
(Coma. Claudy and Sorensen- absent),:
The f.,gtpmission: felt that. the zoning change was inappropriate ` `=
due to the loss of the two housing units, but agreed that they'.;
kould consider a plan to provide for,two dwelling units elsewhere,_..,.
in teh Ctiy where they would not otherwise be built.
MOTION: Com. Mackenzie, to continue Applibstions 10-Z-84 rind --
21-U-84 to the Meeting.of January 14, 198:�
SECOND: Com. Adams
VOTE:, Paebed 3-0
•(Cora¢. Claudy and Sorensen absent)
RECESS 9:20-9:30
4.' 'Application 24-U-84 of CALIFORNIA SALOONS, INC. (P.J. M1MLIGAN'S):
USE PERMIT to expand an existing 3,000 sq. ft. restaurant/bar,
ty`I,700 sq. ft. and ENVIRONMENT REVIEW, The Environmental. Review,
Conrimittee recommends the granting of a Negative Declaration.
Tbe' ubject property is located on the northeast corner of Blaney*
Avenue and Stevens Creek Boulevard in a P (Planned -Development ,'
Page 6
`Assistant Planning Director Cowan, reviewing the Staff Reports
advised that' the expansion was proposed by relocatXng' atih+airj:
tenants. He; drew the Commis lon'rs attention tq` the 'prob�,*gt
of late nlghtl noise and parkint and mentioned two"l e'tt;o'
received in that regard, and said though :the" par�cIA'X walls'
technicYalU adequate, it was obviously 'a` prdbl,s�m'
late night drinking. He mentioned that the applies. hskd
alluded to a lease involving facilities zero aa 'thyt"r,s�iat
awned by Mr. Bate, but noted that. these parking 'sp ces`' isA
to be approved as part of the Use Permit, and Stag 4jd, dot
recommend thisx, s Ince the problem would be transfe�»rs�d'°aA141
axpanded. He reminded, the Comrmission of the siderwilk"pl n
for Stex;ns Creek Boulevard and suggested the plan"'be" applied
Mere, since there was so much asphalt. However, Staff was
m recomending denial,,, he adviseds : or at least a re "ubtion
hours of operation.
Louie Feinstein, the applicant, stated that the extension
would be used for a new restaurant dining facility and
customer service area and rebutted the allegation that
P.J. Mulligan's was primarily a night time drinking estab-
liahment or a nulaance, and thought it was being penalized
for being auacese4ful., His, listed the measures he had,..taken to.
accommodate the communAtyg such as seauritys ,and c#�mplmined
ttc community did not notify him of problems , to ,give.:him a
chvn,�4 to correct them. However, he felt that over the past
six months„ problems had been oorrect'ed,.and,that.others .
mlg,`.t be caused by the nearby 7-11 store whi.jh sold beer until.
2:00 a.m.
Questioned by Como Adams., Mr. Feinate-.n informed the Commission
that 25% of his bussines,� was cusrrintly in food salees! but
stated that he wanted to bring th.1az to ' 0%s sad described the
new oyster bar, which was a sautt surrounded by
bar stools. He de-mrlbed business LJ steady, though it had
dropped in the past three of four months, tie said becauee of
Discussing the Stevens Creek Boulevard plan alluded to by ."
Staff, Mr. Feinstein sgald he could not afford to particiate
in the Plan and did not own the premises, but had arranged
with Architectural anti Site Control Committee to Ito some
internal landeepping within they center and some restr1pingw
Opening up the Hearing; to the Public, Viee Chairperson
Szabo asked for new information only, since the Commission
was aware of past problems.
Janet Hanlon, 19879 Wheaton Drive rebutted statements made
by Mr. Feinstein that the area, was lacking in restaurants,
and also that there were no parking or noise problems.
She said she dtd not want to nave to live with a security
patrol in the area,. _
James Cox, 10139 North Blaney.l, said the intersection had
en.)ngh of that type of business, and such an expansion was
not needed, especially in the light of the noise and traffic;,-
Jim McAfee, 101,�40 North Blaney,' mentioned parking problems;'.
having to, pack beer cans out of his front yard. ,He was ,.'
concerned with' the intensity from 9: 00 p.m. until :1•001a,.m.
and wanted earlier closing hours. 4.
Com. Ma^ken2le wondered if the beer cana could be coming:.:.;,;
from the .7,--I1 store mentioned.
Mr. McAfee agreed that they could be, but added that he found
such things after busy nights at P.J.'Mulligans, when he had'.
come home and found cars parked in front of his house.
Rosemary Callahan, 19954 Wheaton thought Mr. Feinstein would.
be willing to shut off the new addition as soon as dinner was
over if it was purely for food service, and added'that:the
Wheaton neighbors had never had a► problem with th serving of
lunch at P.J. Mulligan'a. She emphat*zed that. Mr. Feinstein:
would have to.go through a Public Hearing before he could:•,
use the maces across the street
John White, 10182 Bilich Place, listed the primary problems
as late night parking, trash and drag racing. He informed.,
the Commission that the neighbors had checked that the offen+
ders were patrons of P.J. Mulligan's, as .they had purposely;':'
followed parkers to see where they were going.;:He did;not'at3'
an oyster bar with bar stools as being condusiv,&:to'family<:.
dining and thought it would be used in the.evening primarily ;il
for a bar, since right now Mulligan's was turning people away
The Sheriffs Department was too busy .to.pmtrcl the area
properly, he said, and the front and side. yards In.the,are&
of Wheaton and neighboring cauldesacs were used as bathrooma*
He stated that Mr. Feinstein's private patrol had no juris-
diction on public streets, and could not control,any probltma
outside the parking lot.
Jean :sale, 19984 Wheaton Drive, supported the provi:uus speaks
and added that ' theSheriff's C,!�partment had said they' had
better things to do than tag cars. She felt that'with the sho
turnaround time of P.J. Mulligmr;'s traffic, there would be
a problem even in the people were well behaved, so was
extremely concerned about expanjion.
Ron Rohner, 10128 Myer Place went on record as.being a
married, forty year -old patron of P.J. Mulligan's. He
described Mr. Feinstein's success and saw his facility as a
good support for the business community. He did not think
that success should be penalized and had a. problem with the
business being described as a nuisance. He personally though
the traffic in Cupertino town center was a nuisance. He had
not experienced the problems with P.J. Mulligan's that others
had, though his house'was one of those most exposed.
Nelda Bell, 10175 McLaren Place, related that she and her
husband had almost run down two young men zig-sar-Sing in the
street late at night, and was opposed to the�-egpansion.
tits°. White wanted to clarify that the neighbors were not
opposed to entrepreneurship and success,but were apposed to
their quality of 2. ife and invest.meiits being adversely 4rfecte
S 4
pcw 455'
Page 7
Page 8
Richard Blackboraugh, 19994 Wheaton' Drive',` felt' that ice:"
was: .prpb4. bly 49.:s4aken4e4 .itl :the;,paa�r,ly;;htrt�rs;
to pick-up tr.-4,*1x in hio- yard- etC.'k as ; dtd;; ha v tl Re>`II1QlK1�i{7Ue(�lia
that Mr. �Fe,instia,in:',a aeagrity. could not_:evenscOntro
in the parking lot, and he was against thp,,axpaiinsion4a -' :. ,,ts , t 't �.f,:
Virgil' Higdon, '10138`Myer Place, spea)Cit4g` ba a loot ;.buzige
owner, had been concerned about the expansion, but" thought�thaj'11" 4ar,<.
Mr. Feinstein. had:a right: Co run,'a buain..ena• and ;should `nod
A <'.
penalized.:,, He mentioned :that. he had hardly ever:. been A"wakeued -11 1 .;
could be arranged, -Mr.. Feinstein:should have .the opportunity
to use it.
Mr. Coy, commented' Chat expanding a business was simiJ,%r to a cpacteCi
a family.;_in.a house; that if it got too ,big, one bad to move ;.
William Egan, Myer Place, thought he had not experienced',problems
where he was situated, felt it was ridiculous to allow expansion
of -a -business .that::had:caused'so many -problems without the .problems- '
being: taken care of' first:
MOTIONt Com. Adams., to close the;'Public clearing
SECOND:. Com. _ Mackenzie
VOTE: gassed 44>
(Com.` Claudy absent)
City Attorney Kilian established that Cam. Soren aen, ,who,Jiacd
arrived during the applicant's'presentation, should'a'betaitn'at
this point.
In discussion, the Commission felt there was'a-significa'iit parking- ='
problem that was not addressed by the application-.`!- -Arab,they
could not approve any P.J. Mulligan's.,parking,in the qr,e r; crabs ti
the street mentioned, especially since .there was au ambulance,^.,
business located there...
MOTION: Com. Adams, to recommend denial of..Application, 2,4-U V,4:
SECOND: Com. Mackenzie
VOTE: Passed 3-1 abst.
(Com. Claudy absent, Coin. Sorensen abstaining as noted)
It was announced that the Application would go to`City''-Couincil '
on December 17, 1984.
USE PERMIT to construct a 3,200 sq. ft. two-story'office bui?ding
and ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The Environmental review committee
recommends the granting of a negative declaration. The subject
property is located on the northwest corner of Peninsula Avenue
and Stevens Greek boulevard in a P ;(Planved Devetopmaent'with
Neighborhood commercial intent) zoning district. First Bearing.
Tentative City Council hearing dmre - December 17, 1984.
Assistant Planning Director Cowan briefly outlined :the staff report,,„:;
stating that the proposal was consistent: with the Old Monta Vista " "`
Design Guidelines and the Montaa Vista Plan and that staff recommended
Richard. ChildressM 11701 Regnart-Canyon_Drive, -de scribead Page "9
his other developments -in the area .and advised t,4,,�
particular building was to be his office, '���,ht+�•:r&1lrg44:�Xi i
theme because of the situation. t
MOTION: ' 'Cozn. `'Maokenxie, to close the Pub' `Hearing;,
SECOND: Coma Adams
VOTE: Passed 4-0
(Com. Claudy absent)
MOTION: Coma Adams, to approve Application 25-U-.84,
subject to Conditions 1-19 and the findings;:
of the Staff Report.
SECOND: Com. Sorensen'
VOTE: Passed 4' 6'
.(Coma. Claudy absent)
It was'announeed the Application would go to City Council on
December 17,'1984.
PAGONIS): USE PERMIT to expand,.an existing 3,890 sq. ft.
single -story office building.into.a two-story building Ith',
5,780 sq. ft. total and FNVIRQ AL"REVIEW: The Environ-';
mental Review Committee recommends' the Sm ating 'of - a Negative
Declaration. The subject property is located on -the _went ,;i
side of Torre Avenue approximately 225 ft. north of Piicific4
Drive in a P (Planned Development with Offices intent) zoning
district. Pit -at Hearing. Tentative City Council h- wing
date -- December 17, 1984.
Director of Planning and Development Sisk, giving Staff;
Report, mentioned the existing problem of a shortagu.,In•,
parking, due to new regulations fear medical/dental facilitiri
which led Staff to recommend denial ,of expansion. He dial
not know of -,any -parking problems in the'complex,':he.zald,-:
though a letter had been received from Mr. Boone,, property ;
owner to the south, on the :natter.
William Plimpton, Raymond H, Hooker, Architects, addressing.
the parking, said their surveys showed an averages of
approximately 71% occupancy, with a peak occupancy of only
90%. He advised that there would'not be an increase in
Dr. Gary Pagonis, applicant, confirmed their main reason for
expansion was cramped quarters, and described their difficul-
ties. He advised that there might be a consolidation of star
to obviate clerks working in the evenings, so that one day
time person might replace them.
The Commission thought that some parking spaces could be
restriped to compact, but realized that thl5would not cover
the ahort4ger and decided to contlnueb the application to allo
the applicant the opportunity to find more spaces.
MOTION: Com. Mackenzie to continue Application 27-U-814
to the Meeting of January 14, 1985
SECOND: Com. Adams
VOTE: Passed 14-0
(Com. Claudy absent)
Page 10
4 N'UTLS, DSOCEMBER 12, 1984
FLA11-11NING =3413-1101. 11-,11
9. Aprplidat ion '3-4-e 4 of LAWR X: C." QVY jq o no r-.,�pdI.0 cut on
of',:rodf -'I-Ine--,-; Southeast corner ,or'41Xverddo,Avenue,,4,
Anza,.T Soulevai+d."
Director of PlanqlnZ and Development. p
Silk -ex ;4ne(l-the main
chanSd*16r-"ii! .;added "parapet 'was due'. t6 -ta-., ri �6req!4irer`en "'In
the Uniform Building Cocle.
Lindsay Davidson, Pacific tJrban,Desir,-n,,referred`to their
letter of, Decembei7 7, 1984 and described the qm changes�,r�qulred
, a
in transferri:ng �fra conceptg6l a to�"'wolx`Icinl Is,,, rawinS. lie
describedth& parapet as the be,Lt, t,o the fire issue
and,..4Ldvlued that it wou4 not be readily, ,..vS:a ble, $prom, the. ,-.,street o
IMOTION: Com. Adams, to approve the Minute Order "for
amendinp, ,Condition 15 of"Appllcation ' 3,U-84",
including additional modif icat Ions, -.21 at ed.; In
Pacific Urban Design lett'e'r' of December 7, 1.98-4,r--
SECOND: 'Com. Sorensen
VOTE: passed', 44
(Com. Claudy absent)
Rom f."
City Clerk