PC 04-23-84n LJ • 11 U CITY OF CUPERTINO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA 10300 TORRE AVENUE TELEPHONE: (408) 252-4505 PC-438 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION HELD ON APRIL 23, 1984 IN THE"COUNCIL CHAMBERS CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA Chairperson Blaine called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers, City Hall. SALUTE TO THE FLAG ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Adams, Claudy' Koenitzer, Szabo, Chairperson Blaine ' Staff Present: Dir. of Planning & Development Sisk Assistant Planning Director Cowan Assistant City Engineer Whitten Deputy City Clerk Villarante Planner I Piasecki APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Com. Adams, seconded by Com. Koenitzer and passed unanimously to approve the minutes of March 12, 1984 as corrected. It was moved by Com. Claudy, seconded by Com. Koenitzer and passed with Com. Adams abstaining to approve the minutes of March 14, 1984 as corrected. POSTPONEMENTS OR NEW AGENDA ITEMS It was moved by Com. Claudy, seconded by Com. Adams and passed unanimously to continue agenda item 6, Interpretation of the General Plan, to the meeting of May 14, 1984 as requested by the Carl Swenson Development Co. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS Assistant Planning Director Cowan referred to the letter received from the Carl Swenson Development Co. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Application 16-TM-81 - James Arnold - Request for Extension of Tentative Map. 2. Application 17-TM-81 - James Hoffman - Request for Extension of Tentative Map. -1- • z , I I MINUTES OF THE APRIL 23, 1984 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING (PC-438) It was moved by Com. Claudy, seconded by Com. Adams .and approved - unanimously to approve extension of items 1 & 2. I ITEMS REMOVED FROM CONSENT CALENDAR: II None PUBLIC HEARINGS I' 3. Application 1-Z-84 of CITY OF CUPERTINO (OLD MONTA VISTA AREA): PREZONE AND REZONE approximately i97 acres within the Old Monta Vista® area to R1 (Residential Single -Family), A-UA (Agricultural/Recreational), P (Planned Development Residential and Planned Development Light Industrial) zoning districts or whatever zones may be deemed appropriate by the Planning Commission which are consistent with the General Plan. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The Environmental Review Committee recommends the granting of the Negative Declaration. The project boundary is generally bounded by Granada Avenue to the north, Imperial Avenue to the east, McClellan Road to the south and by the westerly Uoundary of the Blackberry Farm Golf Course to the west: First Hearing[continued. Tentative City Council hearing date - May 21, 1984. Assistant Planning Director Cowan presented a staff report to the Commission. I I' Discussion ensued between staff and Commission regarding topography of 11 Byrne Avenue and the designated flood plane area. Michael Lynch, 631 Phar Lap Avenue, San Jose, commented to the Commission that he felt the changes proposed were not consistent with the General Plan, that 'he was confused with the intent of the proposal and that he felt there would be more restrictions !with a PD Zoning of the area. He went on to state that he had requestedlpostponement of the hearing due to lack of information to the public. Assistant Planning Director Cowan gav,'e a brief explanation of the intent._ of prezoning in the area. I Dave MacLeroy, 10295 Byrne Avenue,i stated to the Commission that he was concerned with the change in the R11 to R10 zoning and requested some reassurance from staff regarding future development in the area. James Dyer, 21685.Lomita Avenue, stated to Commission that he felt the hearing should be postponed for further information and that the PD.zoning change would allow him to build on his site much easier. I. Hazel Fretwell, 10139 Byrne Avenue, commented to Commission that she concurred with Mr. MacLeroy but that she was concerned with being allowed a variance to build on her lot. Chairperson Blaine gave a brief explanation to Mrs. Fretwell regarding the variance procedure and commented on s"cond units. I, I MINUTES OF THE APRIL 23, 1984 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING (PC-438) Henry Mikulaco, Imperial Avenue, stated to Commission that he felt Monta Vista zoning should not be changed unless individuals requested the - change. David Heck, 31685 Olive Avenue, questioned 'Commission as to changes in the industrial zoning and closure of Imperial Avenue and commented that the zoning should remain as is. ' Chairperson Blaine attempted to clarify the principals of prezoning 'to the public and to explain that the hearing was not regarding annexation of -- parcels in the area from County to City. Henry Mikulaco, stated to the Commission that it would cost more to make an addition if the zoning in the area was changed. Mr. MacLeroy commented on the aesthetic considerations regarding the zone changes to the Commission. Jim Forsythe, McClellan Rd., stated to the Commission that when he decided to build the County had. required him to annex into the City and that he did not understand the procedure. Planner I Piasecki gave a brief explanation of .the County requirements regarding annexation of contiguous properties. Mr. Forsythe, stated to Commission that he was scared of the prezoning and • questioned if it would allow more control over leasing of properties in the area. He went on to state that he would like the zoning left alone. Assistant Planning Director Cowan gave brief explanation of the PD and PD/ML Zoning. Terry Payne, stated to the Commission that he had not heard anyone address the question of fire safety regarding the closure of Imperial Avenue. Michael Lynch stated to the Commission that he had been told by a staff member that each use change would require an informal use permit and ASAC review. Andrew Kemp, stated to Commission that he would not like to see any more development on Byrne Avenue. It was moved by Com. Claudy, seconded by Com. Koenitzer and passed unanimously to close the public hearing. It was moved by Com. Claudy, seconded by Com. Koentizer and passed unanimously to recommend the granting of a Negative Declaration. It was moved by Com. Claudy, seconded by Com. Szabo and passed with a 5-0 vote to approve the Apostolic Church - Area M of the Prezoning Map which is zoned R1-8 Santa Clara County be prezoned BQ. It was moved by Com. Claudy, seconded by Com. Szabo and passed wi-th a unanimous vote to approve Application 1-Z-84 Exhibit A to prezone the properties fronting Imperial Avenue PD with'ML and residential intent. -3- I • l MINUTES OF THE APRIL 23, 1984 PLANNING CIOMMISSION MEETING (PC-438) It was moved by, Com. Claudy, seconded lby Com. Koenitzer and passed with a. unanimous vote to approve Application [1-Z-84 section B prezoning areas A,B,C,G,H,K,N of Exhibit A first revision as per staff recommendation. It was moved by Com. Szabo, seconded by Com. Koenitzer and defeated by a 2-3 vote with Commissioners Claudy, Blaine and Adams dissenting to•prezone Byrne Avenue Area 0, P as per staff recommendation. It was moved by Com. Claudy, secondediby Com. Adams and passed with a 4-1 . vote, Com. Szabo dissenting to prezone areas 0, P redesignating it R18. It was moved by Com. Koenitzer, seconded by Com. Adams and passed with a 5-0 vote to approve Application 1-Z-84iareas F & L prezoning them to R1-7.5 as per staff recommendation. 4. Application 1-GPA-84 of the consider General Plan Amendments amendments described below: OF CUPERTINO: PUBLIC HEARING to uding, but not limited to the A. A General Plan policy which Would eliminate the current policy of recognizing all lots of record except those located in substantially unimproved paper. lot subdivisions. B. A policy which would allow slight increases in floor area intensity for older shopping centers already exceeding a .25 FAR. I C. Consider a land use policy which would grant additional square footage to the Uenaka property. I D. Amend the vertical and horizontal alignment for the Stevens Creek Boulevard Street Plan Line for the segment of Stevens Creek Boulevard located west of thel'Old Monta Vista commercial district to Foothill Boulevard. I First Hearing continued. I Chairperson Blaine gave brief explanation of the substandard lot issue. Ann Anger presented background information regarding Santa Clara County requirements for substandard lots. I She went on to state that she does not want to see Commission allow 2 stolry houses to be built on 25 ft. lots in the Monta Vista area. I Planning Commission discussion ensued jwith a consensus for approval of item A as per staff recommendations with the addition of a condition showing that the lots must be contiguous, side by side, with the lots facing the same street. I. I' Assistant Planning Director Cowan gale a brief staff report regarding item B. Jim Jackson, attorney for Alan Byer; commented to the Commission that.the smaller shopping centers should have some incentive to upgrade. � 1 U u MINUTES OF THE APRIL 23, 1984 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING (PC-438) ® Commission discussion ensued regarding the possible lack of. residential/neighborhood oriented shopping centers. 0 It was moved by Com. Claudy, seconded by Com. Adams and passed unanimously to approve a minute order to the City Council requesting a hearing for General Plan changes regarding offices in small commercial areas. . Commission discussion ensued regarding item B. Jim Jackson stated to the Commission that they should consider the staff recommendation regarding flexibility at each.site and commented that they should look at each case individually. It was the consensus of the Commission to approve the staff recommendation for item B stating that they would like to retain the small neighborhood shopping centers by allowing increase in the FAR and requiring upgrades in landscaping and to.continue discussion of item B for 2 weeks. Mr. Uenaka requested a 30-day continuance of item C from the Commission. Chairperson Blaine stated that item C regarding the Uenaka property would be continued for 30 days. Recess: 10:05 p.m. to 10:17 p.m. Assistant City Engineer Whitten gave a brief staff report regarding item D. Mr. MacLeroy requested an explanation of the changes. from the Commission. The Commission consensus was in favor of the staff recommendations for item D. . It was moved by Com. Koenitzer, seconded by Com. Adams to continue Application 1-GPA-84 of the City of Cupertino to the meeting of May 29. Mr. Critchfield questioned Commission as to the amount of time needed to. pass the General Plan Amendment. Director of Planning and Development Sisk stated that the Commission could consider the items separately in order to expedite the process. Com. Koenitzer withdrew the motion on the floor. It was moved by Com. Claudy, seconded by Com. Adams and passed unanimously to continue items A & D to the meeting of May 14 and to be considered separately. It was moved by Com. Claudy, seconded by Com. Adams and passed unanimously to continue items B & C to the meeting of May 29. -5- u MINUTES OF THE APRIL 23, 1984 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING (PC-438) 5. CITY OF CUPERTINO: PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER AMENDING THE OFF-STREET" PARKING ORDINANCE AS FOLLOWS: 6 I . 1. Change off-street parking ratiois foi° various uses. 2. Change stall dimensions and percentage of regular, compact, and handicapped parking stalls required for various uses. 3. Provide a policy on shared paring for mixed use developments. 4. Provide alternative parking lstall arrangements in parking structures. I ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The Environmental Review Committee recommends the granting of a Negative Declaration. First Hearing continued'. I. Planner I Piasecki presented a staff report to the Commission stating that staff would like Commission to provide guidance regarding the parking issue. Ann Anger stated to the Commission that 2 door cars are very wide for compact spaces. Mark Kroll, 10080 N. Wolfe Rd., stated Ito the Commission that parking was a very emotional issue and that he felt they should consider; 1. Structured parking with long term parking stalls being 8161, wide, 2. 60% compact ratios, 3. 3.25 spaces per thousand sq. ft. of rentable space as adequate parking. He went on to state) that the stall length of 171611 has worked and that shared parking should be considered. I Assistant City Engineer Whitten stated to the Commission that the decreased stall widths would increase the need for increased isle width for turning radius. Commission discussion ensued regarding inclusion of compact parking spaces and R&D versus office uses. I' It was moved by Com. Claudy, seconded by Com. Adams and passed unanimously to continue discussion of the off-street parking ordinance to the meeting of May 29. UNFINISHED BUSINESS None. NEW BUSINESS None REPORT OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION None 0 T 9 MINUTES OF THE APRIL 23, 1984 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING (PC-438) REPORT OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR None Meeting was adjourned at 11:25 p.m. Attested: Approved: /s/Dorothy Cornelius /s/Sharon Blaine Dorothy Cornelius Sharon Blaine City Clerk Chairperson -7-