B-2016-1174 Cupertino Sanitary Approval Letter Page 2Page 2 Subject: Addition and Remodel — Approved Name: Shriram Gharpure Residence Address: 20200 Lynton Court APN: 369-35-021 Permit No. NA- Over The Counter Fees can be paid at the District office located at 20863 Stevens Creek Boulevard, Suite 100 in Cupertino, CA by cash or check (payable to "Cupertino Sanitary District"). Storm water from surface or roof drains, other general surface runoff water shall not be discharged to the sanitary sewer. All conditions, requirements and recommendations are to be completed at the (owner/developer)ls expense. If you have any questions or need additional information, please call Ivy To at 408-253-7071. U:"Adiiiiii:istratioii\Coi-responclejice - Generak ' Letters\2016\1-,etter #16-003 Cupertino Building DepartmentAddition and Remodel- 20200 Lynton Ct.-Sub 10 1 -1 1-2016,doe SUPPLYING SANITARY SEWERAGE SERVICES FOR: CITY OF CUPERTINO, PORTIONS OF THE CITIES OF SARATOGA, SUNNYVALE, Los ALTOS AND SURROUNDING UNINCORPORATED AREAS