PSC 07-10-03 City of Cul~rtino
Public Safety Commission
Regular Mceting
July 10. 2003
At 7:05pm Emma Darknell called the meeting to order at Cupertino CRy Hall, 10300 Torte
Avenue, Conference Room A. Cupertino, CA.
2. SALUTe: TO 'l'n~; FLAG
Commissioners: Barry Chang, Nolan Chcn, Emma Darknell, Philippe Dor, Hugh Riddell
Staff: Carol Atwood, Ben Lopes, and Marsha Hovey
Absent: None
Ooests: None
Commissioner Dor motioned to approve the minutes from the June 12, 2003 regular meeting.
Seconded by Riddell and motion passed unanimously,
A. Disaster Preparedness Projects - Marsha Hovey talked to the Commi$$iun about her
projects in thc area of disaster preparedness. She discussed a grant she is working un for
a Medical Reserve Co~. the Ark project with locations identified to date at G&deo Gate
Elementary, Hyde Middle School and McClellan Ranch. a disaster recovery plan for
known hazards (DMA2000), commultity outreach including an emergency preparedness
booth and first aid station at the An and Wine Festival, upcoming C,'=;RT classes and fire
and evacuation drills for City Buildings in July and August. She asked the
Commissioners to refer any potential ark sites and volunteers to her.
B. Ss~ta Clara County Fire District - Chief Bcn Lopes distributed the May Incident
Report stating that there were 4 fires in the month with an estimated fue loss of
$$30,$00. Thc 4~' of July was without incident but we are now in thc "official fire
seasun". Thc Dcpartmont has several weather st,gions in the County that calculate fire
danger and help the Dep~-:nt monitor and staff for potential fire issues. Ben
raentiuned that LAFCO is doing a study that will ,~b~ess fire coverage throughout the
County and thc most efficient and effectivc way to offcr fire ~4'vices.
C. Santa CIm-a County Sheriff - Carol Atwund disUibutcd the June Statistical Data and
Public Safety Report. /n addition, the Commission's p-,cknt includes the police activity
from the Council's weekly notes packet. Th~ major incident for Sunc is th~ homicide,
which occurre~ on June ~.~a, oo l~in~b~ll~ Co~II~.
D. Con~ner Repom - Commissioner Dor asked that thc Sheriff patrol thc widened
section of Stevens Canyon Road because the trucks are driving faster due to a false sense
of security. Commlssion~r Chang asi~l if thc~ has been an increase in broken car
windows. He has personally seen at least tluce situations in the past few weeks, and
especially at Chili's. Carol will ask John Hiroimwa to follow up.
A. Go~ls a~d Objectives for ~ year 2003/04 -
Commissioner Riddell storied the discussion on the Lincoln School sile and felt that the
access road could provide a solution to drop off and pick up traffic. He stated that they
would have m work with thc school districts and the neighborhoods but that a solution
could be implemented to decrease traffic congestion. Discussion followed. Carol will
contact both school superintendents to let them lmow of the proposed project and will
invite the Public Works Director and Assistant Director to the next meeting to comment
10. OI'~P:R
A. Emma Darknell will l~nt the Commission's goals and objectives to the City Council
on August 4a. CommiMione~s Chug ~ Dot will also be available if needed.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:08 p.m.