BPC 11-19-03CU?I: TINO
Wednesday November 19,2003
City Council Chambers
Cupertino City Flail
10300 Torre Avenue
Cupertino, CA 95014
Mr. Joe Walton, Chair, called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m.
Staff: Mr. Goepfert, Ms. Arrants
Present: Mr. Geoffrey Paulsen, Mr. Joe Walton, Ms. Julia Fu, Mr. David Greenstein and Mr.
Robert Levy.
Absent: None
SCVWD: Jason Christy
Anne Sanquini Saratoga Parks and Recreation Commissioner and Trail Subcommittee member,
updated commissioners on the status of the UPRR in Saratoga, Ms. Sanquini noted that the UPRR will be
on the December 3''d Saratoga City Council agenda. Mark Roberts, Gary Sepulveda, Jennylea Sepulveda,
all spoke regarding the Regnart Creek Trail. Resident Anne Ng brought the commissioners up-to-date on
the Stevens Creek Trail. Ms. Montenagel regarding The Oaks Development.
1. The Oaks Development-
a. Mr. Goepfert updated the commissioners on the Oaks Development. At the last Planning
Commission meeting, many residents along the street came and were opposed to the
development, however the commission approved it. Parking was also a topic, the
developer suggested diagonal parking, additionally the city will reduce the posted speed
limit to 25 miles per hour. A general discussion followed. A motion was made by Vice
Chair Greenstein to send a letter to the Planning Commission and City Council noticing
that the Bicycle and Pedestrian Commission disapproves the configuration on Mary
Avenue and there should be a better configuration to afford the safety of bicyclist coming
through the Mary Avenue Footbridge corridor; and the pedestrian experience through this
new development should give safe access to Stevens Creek Boulevard. Commissioner
Levy seconded motion, all were in favor. Staffwill prepare letter to be reviewed by all
Commissioners prior to its distribution to City Council and the Planning Commission.
2. Mary Avenue Footbridge-
a. Mr. Goepfert updated the Commission on the status of this project. Highlights include, a
field meet with CALTRANS, and SCVWD, however PG&E still needs to provide a date
for a filed meet. A workshop is scheduled with Biggs-Cardoza on December I 1. We
expect to formally sign offon an agreement with VTA. Since we have not heard from
BTA regarding an earlier grant submittal, another was submitted this month
3. Cupertino Senior Center-
a. Ongoing, continued to next meeting
1. Regnart Creek Trail - Public Meeting notification to residents within 500 feet of Regnart
a. Chair Walton gave a brief background of this item. Mr. Goepfert introduced the prepared
city video presentation and gave a brief overview noting that this trail segment in not an
identified Public Works capital improvernent project, currently does not have funding and
if accepted as a project will need ajolnt us agreement (JUA) with the SCVWD.
b. Mr. Jason Christy gave an overview of the status of the SCVWD position regarding trails
along their creeks. Mr. Christy answered general questions and comments from attending
c. Chair Walton opened the discussion up to include comments from residents attending
tonight's public meeting. Mr. Gary Sepulveda resident along the creek, residing on
Farallone Drive commented on the current library construction and is interested being
part of the trail process. Vice Chair Greenstein commented that the one reason for this
meeting is to listen first and then take the next steps. Mr. Mark Roberts, managing
general partner with R & Z Development Company and representing Campo de Lozano
homeowners to find out the status of the trail due to requirements made by the city to
orient the development toward Regnart Creek. And he needs to answer to prospective
homeowners. Mr. Roberts wonld like to know if the trail will go through, and when? Mr.
Roberts feels the trail as it is, creates a trap, due to gates on either side of the property.
Chair Walton said that he hopes the new homeowners will participate in the trail
outcome. Mr. Roberts would like to be advised of the trail's progress. Commissioner
Levy discussed an account of the Regnart Trail as it relates to the General Plan. Mrs.
Jennylea Sepulveda commented that she is concerned that the voice of those who live
along the creek will not be heard and what is the cost and what is the distance of the trail?
Chair Walton discussed funding through SCVWD trail grants. Commissioner Paulsen
discussed having a seasonal trail and input and/or concerns from public with continued
involvement, and to let staff know their contact information to continue being involved.
Vice Chair Greenstein suggested another meeting be scheduled to get additional public
input. Commissioner Paulsen suggested those attending this meeting talk to neighbors
regarding this topic. General comments by commissioners followed.
2. Walk/Bike California
a. Commissioner Paulsen briefed the commissioners on this event in Oakland, CA.
3. Advocate study and design of intersections and crossing issues -
a. Ongoing, deferred to next meeting
4. Collins Middle School
a. Mr. Goepfert discussed two recent meetings with the CUSD, the first regarding the
relocation of Collins Elementary School to Portal School and the second discussing
traffic issues for the upcoming middle school.
There being no further business or public comment Chair Walton adjourned the meeting at
9:45p.m. The next Committee meeting will be on Wednesday, December 17th at 7:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Diane Arrants