BPC 09-16-2015CUPERTINO MINUTES MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BICYCLE PEDESTRIAN COMMISSION September 16th, 2015 The meeting was called to order at 7:02 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Pete Heller, Vidula Aiyer, Gary Jones, Erik Lindskog, Sean Lyn Absent: None Staff: David Stillman Others Present: Larry Dean, Scott Hughes, Craig Hofstetter ORAL COMMUNICATIONS 1. Craig Hofstetter, representing Citizens for Responsible Trails, provided background on the Stevens Creek Trail status. A joint cities working team has been formed involving city council members from Cupertino, Los Altos and Mountain View. Mr. Hofstetter also indicated that the Sunnyvale Bicycle Pedestrian commission was involved and recommended that the Cupertino BP AC get similarly involved. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS ORDERS OF THE DAY 1) Staff Report (Stillman) a. Bike Plan Update. Alta Planning and Design agreed to the scope of the contract and the contract is now signed. The final plan is due by May 2016. Only $45K was budgeted so they will focus on their strengths. They will augment using help from the BP AC, the city and members of the community. Mr. Stillman agreed to distribute the scope of the work to the commissioners. The plan includes 2 meetings with the BP AC and 1 with city council. The plan will identify and prioritize areas to focus on for improvements but will only provide planning level cost estimates. I.e., detailed engineering plans or costs will not be provided with the plan and will require further studies. 2) Received VTA BPAC Report (Wiant) APPROVAL OF MINUTES 3) The Commission approved the August 191h, 2015 minutes unanimously with one modification. OLD BUSINESS 4) Bike Plan Update a. See staff report above. b. In addition, Gail Seeds the project manager will be invited to attend an upcoming BP AC meeting to present the status and solicit inputs. 5) Updates to the BPC Items Catalog/Hot List a. It was agreed that the BPC Items Catalog and the Hot List should be merged. b. Mr. Stillman will investigate a location to host the hot list. 6) Bike Rodeo Planning -October 3, 2015 a. Chelsea Biklen has publicized the Bike Rodeo to the schools. b. The flyers have been put up in public buildings and also mailed along with to the Recology bills to approximately 18,000 residents. c. The city will cordon off the parking lot in preparation. d. As with last year's event the Rodeo will be organized and staffed by Safe Routes. e. Mr. Heller and Mr. Lyn will staff the Bike Blender from the commission along with Mr. Stillman. f. Mr. Heller will provide a shopping list for the bike blender ingredients. NEW BUSINESS 7) Crossing Guard Study a. Mr. Stillman presented the results of the crossing guard study. Although no location strictly met the "warrants" study criteria the city will propose adding 4 new crossing guards since there is budget available to do so. They are Item #7 (Vista Drive and Merrit Drive), 8 (Vista Drive/Torre A venue and Stevens Creek), 9 (McClellan at Lincoln Elementary) and 10 (Bubb and Regnart). 8) Crosswalk Improvement Study a. The city will propose changes to 3 items studied. They are Item 2 (McClellan Road and Rose Blossom Way), 5 (Torre Avenue at Library) and 9 (McClellan Road and Linda Vista Road). 9) Items for Future Agendas 10) Next Meeting -Information -October 21, 2015, 7 p.m. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 9:06 p.m.