LIB 10-21-03 City of Cupertino Library Commission Regular Adjourned Meeting October 21, 2003 CALL TO ORDER At 7:05 p.m. Eno Schmidt called the meeting to order at the Saratoga Library, 13650 Saratoga Avenue, Saratoga, CA. ROLL CALL Commissioners: Eno Schmidt, Kathy Stakey, Janet Riddell and Sheila Mohan City/County Library Staff: Mary-Ann Wallace, Carol Atwood Absent: Yuhfen Diana Wu, Melinda Cervantes Guests: Richard Lowenthal MINUTES Commissioner Stakey moved to approve the minutes from the September 16, 2003 regular meeting with Commissioner Riddell's second. Motion passed unanimously. 4. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None. 5. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS None. CITY OF CUPERTINO LIBRARIAN'S REPORT a. Librarian's Report - Mary Ann gave the commission an update on the September activity. Circulation for the month was 161,455 with a gate count of 26,166, and the self- check out represented 37%, the highest in the county. The library plans to offer six baby story times for 6-18 month olds. So far this has been very successful. October 19th - 26th is Teen Read Week. b. HAPLR - The Hennen American Public Library Rating placed the Santa Clara County Library gl for excellence in services and collections for the third consecutive year for libraries serving populations of 250,000-499,000 (ranked #7 in 1999, #2 in 2000. Mary Ann distributed the report to the Commission. Only one other library in California was mentioned and that was SCC City Library in the 100,000-249,999 category. c. Library Survey Results - Mary Ann handed out the library survey results and noted that 212 patrons participated. Carol Atwood will work with Rick Kitsen to incorporate the information into the Scene and the Guide. 7. COUNTY LIBRARIAN'S REPORT a. Report on JPA Meetings - The Library JPA Board has asked polling consultant Gene Bregman to conduct a second public opinion survey to provide them with additional information prior to their October 23rd meeting. At that meeting the JPA Board will discuss the rate, term and escalator for the March 2004 Library measure. Key dates include 10/23@ 12:00pm for Library JPA/Election Committee; 10/23 @ l:30pm for Library JPA (Budget, Resolution of Intent, Measure); and 12/3 @ 2pm for Library JPA (CFD Public Hearing and call for election). Silicon Valley Reads - One Book, One Community - The library is participating in this program from August 2003 through February 2004. Patrons will be invited to vote for one of three finalists and then are encouraged to read the book prior to February. Events will be held at public libraries, bookstores, and other venues throughout the month of February to celebrate reading and literacy in Silicon Valley. Budget - The State is retuming to the VLF levels of 2 years ago but cannot implement the change for 3 months. Through the budget action, the State will not "back-fill" the amounts owing cities and counties for that 3-month period. The loss to the Library is estimated at $370,000. The State has dropped funding from a high of $58 M to $15.8 M for the Public Library Foundation (PLF). The loss in revenue to the Library is $421,000. Transaction Based Reimbursement (TBR) has been funded at $12.1 M and the Library anticipates receiving $1.4 M in revenue. JOINT POWERS AUTHORITY UPDATE Richard Lowenthal gave the Commission an update on the JPA. He stated that the new polling shows that the measure's favorability rating has dropped. Currently, the survey shows no support for an escalation clause or a measure more than 10 years. Melinda is suggesting a $44, 7 year, no escalation amount as compared to the current $34 assessment. The Board will decide at its 10/23 meeting. STATUS REPORT ON NEW LIBRARY PROJECT Richard Lowenthal discussed the new aquarium where the donor is contributing $325,000 and 5 years of maintenance. Eno suggested that the Commission read the packet report from Ralph Qualls and they can also view the presentation from the Council meeting via the web. 10. NEW BUSINESS a. Report on Dave Knapp's Commission Survey - Deferred b. Fine Arts Liaison Subcommittee - Deferred. 11. OLD BUSINESS a. Cupertino General Plan Task Force - Kathy stated that this was a very lengthy process but well worth the time. No key impacts to the library were noted. The Task Force had their last meeting on October 16th and will now take recommendations to the City Council. b. Sister City Library - Deferred. c. Friends of the Library - Kathy Stakey stated that the board gave $5,000 for the campaign and $75,000 to the Foundation for the children's room. City Council will approve the plaque for the donation at their meeting of November 3rd. She asked the Commission to send a get well card to Peggy Hamilton. d. Library Foundation - Deferred e. Mayor's Tea - Kathy stated that the Sports Center will open ahead of schedule in January 2004 and the Teen Commission is concerned with traffic issues around the Monta Vista High School campus. f. Calendar - Deferred. g. Agenda Building for Commission meetings - Deferred. 12. REPORTS BY COMMISSIONERS a. Commissioner Schmidt reported that Dorothy Stow has agreed to help Ed Hoffman in the "Keep your Library Strong" Campaign. They will need 600 volunteers from Cupertino alone. Kathy agreed to approach the Realtor Board towards obtaining their endorsement of the measure. 13. OTHER - None. 14. ADJOURNMENT OF THE MEETING The meeting was adjourned at 7:40 pm, followed by a tour of the Saratoga Library. Carol/Atwood