Regular Meeting, May 27, 2003
Conference Room A, City Hall
10300 Torte Avenue, Cupertino, CA
7:30 p.m. (408) 777-3223
1. Minutes of the regular meeting of March 25 and April 22, 2003.
2. Evaluation from Judy Gregory, grant recipient, regarding her instrumental version of Peter
and the Wolfe (report will be available at the meeting); update on Monta Vista High
School gym mural.
2. Monthly meeting with Mayor Chang (3rd Tuesday at 5 p.m.)
· Select commissioner to attend June 17 meeting
3. Select ad hoc committee members for the Distinguished Artist of the Year award.
3. Status report on art for library construction fence (Kundargi, Lin-Kinoshita)
4. Committee Roster (information item)
5. Media coverage
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the City of Cupertino will make
reasonable efforts to accommodate persons with qualified disabilities. If you require special assistance,
please contact the city clerk's office at 408-777-3223 at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting.
Regular Meeting, April 22, 2003
Conference Room A, City Hall
10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, CA
7:30 p.m. (408) 777-3223
The meeting was canceled for lack of business.
Kimberly Smith,~ Clerk
cu eM no
Regular Meeting
March 25, 2003
At 7:35 p.m. Chairperson Shirley Lin-Kinoshita called the meeting to order in Conference Room
A, 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, and led the pledge of allegiance.
Commissioners Present: Chairperson Shirley Lin-Kinoshita, Commissioners Janet Mohr, Nancy
Canter, David Kim, Carl Orr, Rita Young, and City Clerk Kimberly Smith. Commissioners
absent: None.
1. Introduction of new commissioner David Kim
2. Minutes of the regular meeting of Feb. 25, 2003.
Orr/Canter moved to adopt the minutes as presented. The motion carried unanimously.
3. Monthly meeting with Mayor Chang (3rd Tuesday at 5 p.m.)
The March 18 meeting was cancelled. Hema Kundargi will represent the commission at the
April 15 meeting.
4. Fine Arts Grants
The ad hoc committee (Mohr, Orr, Canter) presented a report and recommendation. The
commission concurred to reconunend that the Council award grants as follows: Nupur
Dance Academy, $1,300; Janlyn Dance Company, $1,700; Jennifer Swanton
Brown/California Poets in Schools, $1,300; and Bay Area Showcase Chores, $1,200.
The ad hoc committee suggested that the Nupur Dance Academy might wish to do
outreach in schools so children would have an opportunity to talk to them about dance
history, costumes, etc.
February 25, 2003 Cupertino Fine Arts Commission Page 2
Discussion followed regarding the feasibility of using "matching" or "challenge" grants as
a means to assist fundraisers in approaching other donors.
The City Clerk was asked to modify the grant award letter to request (1) that the City of
Cupertino be credited on promotional materials; (2) that the commissioners receive direct
notice of the events; and (3) that a written evaluation is required. She was also asked to
develop a method of tracking the evaluations to insure that all are received.
Art for construction fence at library site
· Liaison requested to work with Senior Architect Terry Greene.
Ad hoc committee of Hema Kundargi and Shirley Lin-Kinoshita agreed to assist the Public
Works Department in obtaining children's artwork to be mounted on the fence surrounding
the library construction area.
General Guidelines for Selecting Public Art
· Consider additional wording to accept donations and deaccession works of art.
An ad hoc committee of Janet Mohr, Nancy Canter, and Shirley Lin-Kinoshita will review
the DeAnza College public art guidelines and report back to the commission at a later time
with suggestions for amending the city's guidelines.
Information booths/informational flyers
· Confirm materials to be handed out April 5 at Euphrat's flea market booth
· 2003 Art and Wine Festival July 19-20
The commissioners reviewed the draft Arts and Recreation flyer and offered some
suggestions. Lin-Kinoshita will make the changes and provide the master to the Clerk for
copying and delivery to the Euphrat Museum.
Orr/Young moved to rent a booth at the 2003 Art and Wine Festival, for the commission to
provide arts and recreation information. The motion carried unanimously.
The City Clerk was also asked to provide additional brochures for the booth, and to update
the older color brochure as time allowed. It was determined that the color brochure is still
sufficiently current and will be handed out at the festival as well. Some items to be
distributed may include information on the 1% for Art proposal, the sculptures Torque and
Perspectives, and the new teen arts grants.
Fine Arts grant - high school category
· Status report on distribution and response to new program
Janet Mohr reported on the status and said a cover letter will be distributed with the teen
grants package and announcement flyer. The Clerk will update the application with
deadline information and run copies. Mohr will arrange for delivery and/or mailing as
appropriate. Deadlines will remain the same as the adult grants until further notice, so the
next deadline is September 2003. At that time the commission will have a new budget and
will determine how much money to set aside for the teens.
February 25, 2003 Cupertino Fine Arts Commission Page 3
8. Committee Roster (information item)
9:40 p.m. the meeting was adjourned.
Kimberly Smith, City Clerk
Kimberl /Smith
Tim Krieger
RE: MM Mural Status
Thanks very much for the update, I'll pass it along to the Fine Arts Commission.
Kimberly Smith, City Clerk
(408) 777-3217
..... Original Message .....
From: Tim Krieger [mailto:tim_krieger@fuhsd.org]
Sent: Tuesday, May 20, 2003 9:48 AM
To: kimberlys@cupertino.org
Subject: MV Mural Status
Here is the update on the mural from our student committee. We have been
having trouble arranging it with the delayed construction here at MV ....
Monta Vista Campus Commitee has decided to postpone the 3rd gym mural
project until the beginning of the 2003-2004 school year. This decision was
based on the fact that during 2004, the gym will recieve an external touch
up. The construction may possibly damage the new mural if it were to be hung
up this year. Also the coming end of the 2002-2003 school year presents a
time constraint for creating the mural. Another problem was that the
intended artists were preoccupied with the Fermont Union High School
District mural. By rescheduling the project for 2004, we will be able to
bypass these problems. Despite this setback, we wish to finish the design
and to create a list of materials so that the in the fall semester the
project can begin imediately. Both of these documents will be sent with the
update once complete.
Thank you for your patience!
-Howard Chang -Campus Committee member
Distinguished Artist Sought m
Thc Cupertino Fine Arts Commission is accepting norulnations for its annual Distinguished Artist
Award. Applications are available from the City Clerk's office, 10300 Torte Ave., Cupertino, 95014, [
or by calling (408) 777-3217.
Deadline for returning nominations to the clerk's office is Friday, May 19, by 5:30 p.m.
The award, which will be presented in the fall, is given to an artist who lives or practices his or her art
in the Cupertino area. Both performing and visual artists will be considered. I
A suhcommirtee composed of three arts commissioners will select the Distinguished Artist Award I
recipient. Among artists who have received the award are local sculptor Salvatore Pecoraro, musician I
Nile Norton, printmaker Glen Rogers Perrotto, dancers Mythili Kumar and Janet Shaw, artist Sandra I
Beard, ikebana flower-arrang/ng artist Fusako Seiga ltoyrup, artist/sculptor Brother Joseph Aspell, I
S.M., artist/caLl/grapher Sara Locsch Frank, and Makiko Ooka, singer/composer Robert L. Harrison, I
and ceramic artist Mahoko Dahte.
More information about the Distingmished Artist Award is available from the city clerk's
(408)777~3217, kimberlys@cupertino, org or by visiting ww~cupertino.org and follow/ng the links to
City Government, Commissions, Fine Arts Commission.
Library Campaign
Reaches Out to Readers
I~V the Cupertino Library Campaign, Barbara
Rogers, Chair
Construction means htcracy in Cupertino. That
is because the Torte Avenue library has been de-
molished to make way for a nexv two-story, state-
of-the-art library, on the Civic Center Plaza.
With the building project underway, the
Cupertino Library Foundation is spearheading the
Cupertino library Campaign to fund the furni-
ture, shelving, and equipment necessary to com-
plete the new hbrary facility.
This community fundraising project, like the one
done for our senior center, will once again show
how our generous community can help us sup-
port important new public buildings.
In Cuperfno, private donations have historically
supported a variety of library programs and com-
munity projects. Now the Library Foundation is
reaching out to the community to raise funds for
the interior furnishings, equipment, and materials
needed to provide the community with a state-
of-the art, lifelong learning center. This effort is
picking up steam with input and support of com-
munity leaders, city government, and the
Cupertino Library Foundation.
Cupertino is a reading city. Even in today's
interact age, the Cupertino Library averaged over
160 visits an hour last year! That's over 630,000
visits and this rate is rising. If all items were
checked-in at the same time, there would have
been no room to shelve them all in the recently
demolished Torre
Street library.
The new library will
be approximately
54,000 square feet. It
will be a vibrant com-
munity learning center
xvith a larger collection
and will feature study
rooms and an exterior courtyard. Larger adult,
teen, and children areas and browsing areas for
new materials, magazines, and newspapers will
better serve the needs of all people of all ages in
Cupertino's richly diverse community.
The Cupertino Library Campaign is a public-
private effort that follows the fundraising models
of other cities around the country as well as new
local libraries in Saratoga, San Mateo, San Carlos,
San Jose, and San Francisco.
"We have the finest I/brary in the United States
for its size. We should furnish and equip it to be
sure it stays that way for us all," said Pat Rogers,
President of the Cupertino Library. Foundation.
There are over 30 naming opportunities avail-
able for donors making gifts of more than $5,000.
A naming opportunity enables a donor to have a
family name or the name of someone being hon-
ored on a plaque posted in a section of the li-
brary. In addition, a donation program will rec-
ognize all campaign contributors.
Please e-mall www. clcampaign.org or call (408)
535-0427 to learn more about contributing to the
Cupertino Libra~ Campaign.