10300 Tone Avenue
Cupertino, CA 95014
(408) 777-3308
Commissioners present:
Commissioners absent:
Austin, Mahoney, Roberts, Chair Hams
Staff present:
Robert Cowan, Director of Community Development; Ciddy
Wordell, City Planner; Michelle Bjurman, Planner; Carmen
Lynaugh, Public Works;
Minutes of the March I0, 1997 regular meeting:
Com. Austin moved to approve the March 10, 1997 Planning Commission
minutes as presented.
Com. Roberts
Com. Doyle
Passed 4-0-0
Chair Harris noted the letter fxom Greenbelt Alliance relative to the West Valley Hillside -all
Application No.:
Lmwalle Stegner
10745 So. DeAnza Boulevard
Sign exception to locate 4 tenant signs on west elevation of existing retail building, in accordance
with Chapter 17.04 of the Cupertino Municipal Code.
Planning Commission Meeting 2 March 24, 1997
Staff presentation: Ms. Ciddy Wordell, City Planner, explained that the sign program for the
center describes the signs, and if the exception is gxanted the signs will conform to the present
program for the center. She noted that the signs were not neon signs.
The video presentation reviewed the application to install four tenant signs on the west side of the
shopping center. Staffrecommends approval of the application for the four signs.
Ms. Wordell referred to the site plan which illustrated the location of the signs at the rear of the
building and stated that if the exception was approved, they would be allowed at 70% of each
frontage, and the signs would be similar to those in the front of the building.
The applicant was not present at the meeting.
Chair Harris opened the meeting for public input. There was no one present to wished to speak.
A brief discussion ensued regarding sign size, wherein Ms. Wordell answered Commissioners'
Com. Roberts suggesting a condition for the 18 inch maximum size. Com. Mahoney said that if
the Fast Frame sign was the same size as the others, it was appropriate. Com. Austin said she felt
that signs in the rear of the building should be permitted for ease of locating the businesses.
Chair Harris said that the signs in the rear of the center were appropriate, which allowed visibility
for the other businesses. She said she was not in favor of the sign for Fast Frame as there was not
a rear entrance, bm was in favor of the signs for the other three stores to accommodate visibility
for those businesses. She said she would like assurance the signs would be uniform size,
configuration, color, dimension as the signs on the front. Com. Austin concurred with Chair
Mr. Cowan suggested handling approval of the Fast Frame sign separate from the other three
Com. Austin moved to approve the three tenant signs other than Fast Frame; signs
to be a maximum of 18 inches; len~mh same as front for the three tenants other
than Fast Frame; if Fast Frame has a rear entrance, sign to be the same size as
Cafe Wraps.
Com. Mahoney
Com. Roberts
Com. Doyle
Passed 3-1-0
3. Status report regarding West Valley Hillsides Planning Implementation.
Staff presentation: Ms. Michelle Bjurman, Planner, reviewed the background of the item as
outlined in the attached staff report. She explained thai Cupertino's Planning Commission and
City Council adopted some s~xategies along with Los Gatos, Monte Sereno. and Saratoga for the
county lands outside of their city boundmies but within the long term growth boundmy areas. One
of the four strategies was to minimize the visual impacts for the hillside lands for new
Planning Commission Meeting 3 March 24, 1997
constmction. She said that action items 1, 2 and 3 were the implementation items for the County
of Santa Clara to complete as part of the action on the item.
Ms. Bjurman reported that Action No. 1 was the requirement for the County to require design
review for development proposed on portions of the hillside visible fi.om the valley floor within
the West Valley cities. Action taken to implement it was that they are going to be or have rezoned
almost 8,000 acres in their hillside county lands to a -dl zoning district which will trigger design
Action No. 2 mqmres revised existing or adopting new development standards in areas vis.~ble
fi.om the valley floor within the West Valley cities. This was implemented as part of an adoption
of a q:ll ordinance which occurred in December and is cunently proposed for modification.
Action No. 3 is to revise the existing design guidelines applicable to areas where design review is
required. This was also adopted in December in conjunction with the -all ordinance and is
currently being reviewed by the County planning Commission.
Ms. Bjurman reviewed Exhibit A, Comparison of Joint Hillside Agencies and Their Hillside
Regulations. She said that staff supports the County approach both to the combination of
prescriptive requirements as outlined in their -all proposed modifications as well as their design
guideline approach if there are some modifications to those guidelines and to the procedural
amendments proposed, as long as the design guidelines and the process for doing that are
vigorously applied to all cases proposed in the hillsides. Staff suggests that the Planning
Commission direct staff to write a letter to the County of Santa Clara Planning Commission
recommenffmg two changes be made as outlined in the staffreport.
Referring to the correspondence fi.om Greenbelt Alliance, Ms. Bjurman said that their suggestions
had merit; however, proposed Process No. 2 would be somewhat difficult for staff to implement.
Chair Hams opened the meeting for public input.
Ms. Beez Jones, 10398 Heney Creek Place, Cupertino, asked the Planning Commission to
support a desig~ review with guidelines. She said the landowners had been working with the
Santa Clara County planning staff and the Planning Commission for a number of months,
including attendance at workshops to discuss problems. She said that in reading the packets for
the Cupertino Planning Commission on the hillside preservation policies, she believed that the
Pl~aming Commission had not received a copy of the -dl ordinance. MS. Jones said that the
homeowners wanted to protect the hillside and the ridgeline and are not asking that support be
given to a greater dear~aty, to change the 10-160, but she said that the -all ordinance deprives the
landowner of adequate use of their lands. She pointed out that it was 20 acres, minimurn building
site in the hills and not on the flat plain vis'able from the city. With the -all ordinance, horses,
stables, swim pools and vineyards are not p~naitted because the fence limit is 30 inches high; the
square footage for an auxili~a~ building is 800 square feet. She said that on 20 acre parcels of
land there is adequate land that would not be visible from the valley floor. She said that the Santa
Clara County planners had been working during normal working hours and said there were very
few requests for building sites in the hills. Ms. Jones reported the modifications the landowners
have worked with staff and the Planning Commission on will provide the policies and strategies
that the staff und Planning Commission desire and will also allow the landowner to use their land.
She urged the Planning Commission to accept and recommend to the County design review with
Planning Commission Meeting 4 March 24, 1997
In response to a question from Com. Roberts, Ms. Jones said that the modifications recommended
were to increase the size of the amdliary buildings, and the height of the fences.
Ms. Bjurman summarized that Ms. Jones was asking for support of the revisions to -dl together
with E,v2fibit B. She said that staff is supportive of proposed revisions to -dl provided they
modify the design guidelines to strengthen the ridgeline protection.
Mr. Cowan said that the primary focus was to ensure that the houses are less visible. He
recommended that the landowners work with the County on fence height. Ms. Bjurman noted
that the participating cities did not discuss fence height or provide direction.
Mr. Clarence Stone, 16400 Bohlman Road, Saratoga, said that he represented a number of
landowners in the west hillside and has been involved with the County on the issue. He pointed
out that the property owners were not involved in the frrst 18 months of the process, but in the last
3 months have been actively involved with the County to mitigate some of their concems relative
to the -dl ordinance. He said the group was appreciative of the staff's sensitivity to the
environmental community. Mr. Stone said that there were a number of problems related to the
-dl ordinance that the County was attempting to solve and the current County staff
recommendation to be forwarded to the April 3 County Planning Commission was not prepared as
yet. He said he felt it was premature to send an endorsement of terms of the -dl ordinance to the
County when they were not yet known. He pointed out areas of Exhibit A where he felt the
information was incorrect, as well as not including many details of the -dl ordinance. He said he
felt the -dl ordinance was restrictive and unreasonable, stating an example of an individual with
20 acres only being able to build a house with a max/mum of 3800 square feet, noting that the
garage was included. He urged the Planning Commission to postpone sending a letter to the
County indicating approval of the ordinance, of which they did not have a copy. He suggested
acting on the ordinance when it has been amended.
Mr. Anant Agrawal, 22501 Rolling Hills Road, Cupertino, reviewed the process followed by the
County, noting that he was not aware of the impact on his property until the ordinance was passed
by the Planning Commission. He said that he previously supported the design review process
until he was aware of the guidelines. He noted that the process excluded the property owners and
was not a participative process. He urged the Planning Commission not to take action until the
ordinance was reviewed. He discussed the issues of fence height and light reflectivity, noting that
trying to impose a limit of 30 in the County, when Cupertino's reflecfivity was 60, was unfair.
Relative to the staff recommendations on the intersections where the fidgeline could be reviewed,
he questioned whether Cupertino, Saratoga, Los Gatos, or Monte Sereno used the same gnidelines.
Mr. Agrawal recommended that the rules for the 41 ordinance are applied to the properties in
Mr. Ron Crough, 5220 Leesa Ann Ct., San Jose, that the intention of the preservation strategies
was to preserve the natural visual character of the hillsides. He said that according to the
guidelines, a new development could not occur on less than 20 acres; last year there were 12
applications for new development for 8,000 acres processed by the County. He said that -dl
ordinance as presently written is poor, as acknowledged fxom the authors following input from the
homeowners, in that in its present form it extends urban use guidelines to rural guidelines, which
precludes accessory buildings for farm and abmcnltural use. He said that under the -dl
ordinance, residents could not rebuild what they presently have in the event of a fire or earthquake
or other major catastrophe. Mr. Crough said that the matrix shown was factually inaccurate. Mr.
Planning Commisff~en Meeting $ March 24, lc)C)'/
Crough explained that there were four parts to the County's attempt to implement the West Valley
hillside preservation sWategies: zoning ordinance, grading ordinance, design review guidelines,
and a noticing ordinance. He pointed out that he did not attend the previous meeting, but
understood that the Planning Commission supported the West Valley hillside strategies, but did
not understand the restrictive nature and implications supporting the text of-dl. He
recommended that the Planning Commission read the text of the document, as the matrLx shown
is misleading. Mr. Crough said that of the two areas, area A and area B of the 8,000 acres under
consideration for the last two year, area A was in the Los Gatos sphere of influence. He pointed
out that Los Gatos has had design review for 15 years and this has achieved the purpose of the
West Valley hillside preservation strategies, with an experience base to draw on and no need to
have the County reinvent laws with restrictive provisions causing a hardship to its residents. Mr.
Crough summarized that design review will preserve the natural visual character of the hillsides
and will allow the property owners to function within an urban area; and requested that if the
Planmng Commission were to make a statement about the -all ordinance, they read the pages of
the ordinance as written as well as the companion documents to view the entire picture; and that
the incorrect summa~ sheets not be used.
Ms. Joy Crough, 5220 Lessa Ann Ct., San Jose, expressed her surprise that at the previous
meeting she attended, the Planning Commission was asked to act on the ordinance when very little
information was provided. She said she appreciated the Planning Commission postponing a
decision until more information was provided. She pointed out the inaccuracies of the malxLx
and the areas that staff needed clarification on. Ms. Crough urged the Planning Commission to
research the ordinance because of the unaddressed issues, and expressed concern that a decision
would be made in support of the ordinance without having all the correct information and facts,
considering the impacts on the residents as well as the views of the hillsides.
Mr. Ed Scripps, owner of a lot on Bohlman Road, said that having a design review with
guidelines would avoid litigation to decide on what the designs should be. He said he felt the
ordinance was poorly written.
Mr. Jim Brundt, 21965 Arrowhood Lane, Saratoga, said that he met with the County and the
County does not understand the need for the planning Commission to submit a letter. The letter
sent fi.om the County to the Planning Commission was an information packet and not a
solicitation for a response on the -dl ordinance. He said it should be clarified with the County if
they are requesting a letter fi.om the Planning Commission. Mr. Brandr said that Saratoga's
position is a "hands oftT' on the County at this time because they feel it is a County problem, and
because of the restrictiveness of-dl, they have backed away fi.om it. He said that the County is
working on the process with more time to work with the residents on the process. Mr. Brandt
addressed staff~s recommendation and stated that a clear definition of visibility would be helpful;
and said that item 2 of the recommendation had serious restrictions put on homeowners. He said
that he would send a letter explaining the restrictions.
Mr. John Patmor, 10426 Aveuida Lane, Cupertino, said he planned to build a home in the -dl
zoning district. He addressed the issue of control and said he felt that control was necessary;
although he felt that it was unequal in the -all issue. He said that a numbex of the homes on his
street would not be able to pass the restrictions of the -dl as they are too large. He said that under
the current proposal, his neighbors would not be able to rebuild in the event of a catastrophe. He
urged the Planning Commission not to respond to the recommendation of approval until more
accurate information was received fxom the County.
Planning Commission Meeting 6 March 24, 1997
Mr. Will Betchart, 17050 Montebello Road, Cupertino, said in general, he agreed with the West
Valley hillsides preservation strategy. He said he felt the package was deficient in its scope end in
the way the cities and counties have implemented it, without considering the point of view or
interests of land owners, thus falling short in their obligations to exercise responsible
governmental power· He said he felt the attitude has been that the landowners do not matter, and
that the City of Cupertino perpetuated the attitude as much or more than any other governmental
unit involved. Mr. Betchurt said he felt staff recommendation No. 2 was the latest example,
stating that development on fidgelines should be prohibited unless development elsewhere on the
properly would be more environmentally damaging. He said there was no consideration of the
cost to the landowner for the alternative development. He said that the Planning Comrmssion
could either decide to intensify and continue the adversarial relationship with the landowners, or
raise the discussion to another plain to articulate a fifth goal as the residents in the hillsides work
cooperatively with the city to achieve the other four goals in mutual interests as neighbors rather
than adversaries.
Chair Hams closed the public input portion of the meeting.
In response to Com. Roberts' question about the discrepancy between the matrix and the copy of
the -dl just received, Ms. Bjurman explained that staffhad reviewed Appendix A with the County
of Santa Clara who cunfn-med the information was correct; and noted that the focus should be on
the proposed revision to the 41 ordinance.
Mr. Cowan recommended the focus be on the basic strategy and not the details of the County -dl
ordinance. He said that those involved agreed to develop policies in each jurisdiction to protect
the hillside backdrop, noting that the City completed its hillside ordinance three years ago, and the
Cotmty is revis'mg the ordinance to accomplish that goal. He reported that it was staWs
recommendation to the City Council that the general approach was appropriate with the use of
guidelines. He said that the guidelines were appropriate with the exception of defining some
vantage points t~om the City that would be used to evaluate the degree of visibility; and that
Cupertino has strong policies on ridgeline protection, namely that unless there are environmental
reasons to the contrary, the building should be offthe ridgeline.
Ms. Bjurman confirmed that staff was requesting that the Planning Commission support the
proposed changes in Column 2, except to look at fidgeline disruption and visibility issues, in
addition to Column 2, size and accessory structure which is supported as having them not a
prescriptive requirement but to be taken care of as part of the design review process.
Com. Roberts said that he favored hillside development cuntrols that axe gmxilar to Cupertino's;
and that he was disappointed that the house size limitation was eliminate& citing an example of
the large homesites in the Saratoga hills as not well suited for the hills and obtrusive. He said
much thought went into Cupertino's restriction and the currently approved 41 ordinance was no
more restrictive than Cupertino's. He said he favored the two staff recommendations. Com.
Roberts said that he felt there should be limits and design review of accessory structures, and size
limits on houses.
Com. Mahoney said that much time was spent on what the hillside zoning should be in Cupertino,
and it was similar, with the exception of the larger lots, which would be where the individual
design review would fall into place. He said he would recommend the same things on the
ridgeline and visibility.
Planning Commission Meeting
7 March 24, 1997
Chair Hams said she supported staffs recommendation to protect the ridgeline and to identify
significant intersections. She said that she felt the accessory structures should be subject to design
Ms. Bjurman clarified that anything less than 150 square feet was exempt ~om design review;
between 150 to 500 square feet, an exemption can be requested; anything larger than that would
be reviewed through the County's design process.
Com. Austin said that she was supportive of staff's recommendation, and suggested
recommenffmg to the County that they follow Cupertino's hillside guidelines for its sphere of
Com. Mahoney moved that maff send a letter to the County Planning
Commission confirming that the -dl ord'mance is moving in the right direction
with the two additional issues addressed, namely certain site locations and
fidgeline protection.
Com. Roberts
Com. Doyle
Passed 4-0-0
Chair Hams reported that Com. Mahoney agr~ eed to serve as a representative on the Crest Award
Selection Committee on April 1.
Mr. Cowan reported that a Council appointed representative was needed on the Economic
Summit, which meets on April 29, relative to economic issues involving the government and
business community. There was consensus that Com. Mahoney serve as the Planning
Commission representative.
The meeting adjourned al 9:15 p.m. to the regular meeting of the
Planning Commission on April 14, 1997 at 6:45 p .m.
Approved: April 14, 1997
Respectfully Submitted,
Recording Secretmy