10300 Torte Avenue
Cupertino, CA 95014
(408) 777-3308
Commissioners present:
Corr, Hards, Stevens; Chairperson Doyle
Commissioners absent: Kwok
Staff presant:
Robea Cowan, Director of Community Development; Ciddy Wordell,
Cily Plaaner; Colin Jung, Associate Pl~ner; Vera CAI, Plmmer ii; Rhys
Rowland, Planning Intern; Chiles Kilian, City Attorney
Minutes of the July 26, 1999, regular Planning Commission meeting:
Com. Hams moved to approve the minutes
Commission meeting as presented
Com. Stevens
Com. Kwok
Chair Doyle
Passed 3-0-1
of July 26,
1999 Planning
Application No.(s):
7-EXC-99, 22-EA-99
Brian O'Orady
10645 Cordova Road (Lot C)
Hillside Exception to construct anew 3,199 square foot residence on an existing lot.
Planning Commission decision final unless appealed
Request continuance to Planning Commission meeting of September 13, 1999
Application No.(s):
8-EXC-99, 23-EA-99
Brian O'Orady
10645 Cordova Road (Lot A)
Hillside Exception to construct a new 2,869 square foot residence on an existing lot.
Planning Commission decision final unless appealed
Request continuance to Planning Commission meeting of Septernber 13, 1999
Planning Commission Minutes 2 August 9, 1999
Application No.(s):
9-EXC-99, 24-EA-99
Brian O'Grady
10645 Cordova Road (Lot B)
Hillside Exception to construct a new 3,133 square foot residence on tm existing lot.
Planning Commission decisWn final unless appealed
Request continuance to Planning Commission meeting of September 13, 1999
Application No.(s):
8-U-99, 21-EA-99
HOK Architects
20330 Torte Avenue (for Symamee Corporation)
Use Permit to construct a 1,750 sq. ft. addition (Learning Center ) at an existing office building
Planning Commission decision final unless appealed.
Request continuance to Planning Commission meeting of September 13, 1999
Application No.(s):
5-U-99, 17-EA-99
Evershine Group (Marketplace)
19750 Stevens Creek Boulevard
Use Permit to d~nolish an existing 9,464 square foot vacant restaurant ~md construct two new
commercial buildings totaling 26,159 square feet.
Continued from Planning Commission meeting of July 26, 1999
Tentative City Council hearing date: August 16, 1999
Request continuance to Planning Commission meeting of September 13, 1999
Com. Harris moved to postpone Items 2, 3, 4, 10 end 11 to the Sep~anber 13,
1999 Planning Commission meeting
Com. Corr
Com. Kwok
Passed 4-0-0
ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: Mr. Alvin Deridder, 19146 Ann Lane, Cupertino, spoke on
behalf of the residents of the Sam Crist House, a home for independent living for handicapped
people. He discussed a potential safety problem relative to the lack of a sidewalk for wheelchair
accessibility. He suggested a tetnlx~my asphalt sidewalk be installed. Mr, Robert Cowan,
Community Development Director, said be would contact the Public Works Deparlment and if a
safety issue was involved, there may be discretionary funds available to improve the hazardous
conditions. He noted that street improvements were normally completed by the developers. Mr.
Deridder expressed his appreciation to the Planning Commission end staff for addressing the issue.
Chairperson Doyle opened the public hearing.
Application No.:
Cali~Land Associates
20030 Stevens Creek Boulevard
Request for a two-year Use Permit for a car storage lot on a vacant parcel.
Planning Commission decision final unless appealed.
Planning Commission Minutes 3 August 9, 1999
Staff presentation: The video presentation reviewed the application for a one year use permit
extension to allow continued storage of cars on 20030 Stevens Creek Boulevard, while Stevens
Creek Honda undergoes remodeling. Staff recommends approval of a one-year extension only; a
decision if reached, will be final, unless appealed within 14 calendar days. Mr. Cowan clarified
that the proposed model resolution does not provide for the one year approval, lie recommended
a 12 month extension bog~inning September 1, 1999, ending September 1, 2000.
Mr. Gaud Schmidt, Economic Analysis and Development Ent*iv, ises, provided historical
background of the parcel in question and explained the need for the storage space.
Chair Doyle opened the meeting for public comment; there was no one present who wished to
Com. Stevens moved to approve Application 6-U-99 with the change to a one-year
extension, ending August 31, 2000.
Com. Corr
Com. Kwok
Passed 4-0-0
Application No.(s):
3-TM-99, 14-EA-99
Judy Chen
7359 Rainbow Drive
Tentative map to subdivide a 14,661 square foot parcel into seven lots for an approved townhouse
Continued from Planning Commission meeting of July 26, 1999
Tentative City Council hearing date: August 16, 1999
Staff presentation: The video presentation reviewed the application to subdivide a 14,461 square
foot pmcel into eight lots for an approved town]house development, as outlined in the attached staff
report. The application to demolish the existing complex was approved in late 1998; and staff
found the tentative map to be consistent with the approved use permit. Issues concerning site
drainage and tree protection were resolved and conditions were drawn up during the use permit
approval process, with the exception of a 19 inch deodora cedar located on the northwest comer of
the propeaty, which the applicant is requesting to remove. Ms. Chen's proposal is to replace the
Ixee with a 36 inch box tree. Staff recommends approval of the 8 lot subdivision based upon
conditions of approval; a decision will be forwarded to the City Council for a final decision.
Mr. Tom Sloan, project architect, answered questions relative to the tree removal and replacement.
Chair Doyle opened the meeting for public comment; there was no one present who wished to
Ms. Judy Chen, applicant, referred to the preliminary landscape plan and noted the tree placement
in the neighboring yards. She pointed out that the tree in question was blocking Utility poles and
was presently not in healthy condition.
Com. Stevens expressed concern that the neighbor who was originally concerned with the tree
removal when the project was approved, was not present, nor was there any indication the neighbor
had any input on the latest proposal for removal. Com. Corr s,xid that he felt the present tree may
Planning Commission Minutes 4 August 9, 1999
stm4ve. Com. Harris said that because of the root problems and condition of the present tree, she
was in favor of replacement of the tree with a 36 inch box tree with a growth potential of 30 feet.
Mr. Charles Kilian, City Attorney, suggested that the list provided the arborist be used to select the
appropriate t~ee, and stuff to work with the neighbor.
Com. Hams moved to approve Application 14-EA-99
Com. Stevens
Com. Kwok
Passed 4-0-0
Com. Hams moved to approve Application 3-TM-99 with the condition that the
36 inch box be selected from the general list of trees with staff approval
Com. Stevens
Com. Corr moved to mnend the motion to retain the tree in
question relative to Application 3-TM-99; however, if the tree
should die, it be replaced with a 36 inch box selected t~om the
arborist's list
SECOND: Chair Doyle
ABSENT: Com. Kwok
NOES: Coms. Harris and Stevens
VOTE: Failed
A vote was then taken on the original motion
NOES: Com. Corr and Chair Doyle
ABSENT: Com. Kwok
VOTE: Failed
Com. Hams moved to continue Application 3-TM-99 to the September 13, 1999
Plamain~ Commission meeting; to notify the adjacent neighbors on two sides of
the unit that the tree is being considered for removal at the public hearing
Com. Corr
Com. Kwok
Passed 4-0-0
Application No.(s):
7-U-99, 20-EA-99
20803 Alves Drive
Use Permit to add a 9,831 square foot addition of an indoor swim pool and aerobic studio to an
existing building.
Planning Commission decision final unless appealed
Staff presentation: The video presentation reviewed the application for a use pexmit for a swim
pool and aerobic studio al the existing YMCA facility on Alves Avenue. The applicant has agreed
to install a six foot high wood fence to screen the addition from the nearby apartment complexes.
Staff recommends approval of the swim pool and aerobic studio and feels that the parking is
adequate to support the additions. Staff suggests that the plvaming Commission include a condition
which would allow revisitation of the parking requirements if any problem arises. A decision if
reached, will be regarded as final and will not be forwarded to the City Council.
Planning Commission Minutes 5 Au~k~t 9, 1999
Ms. Vera G-il, Planner 11, clarified the proposal for thc aerobic studio, and reviewed the paxking
survey conducted by the YMCA. She noted that a condition of approval would be included to
revisit thc pinking ratio issue if necessmy. She refeaxed to the site plan and answered questions
regarding setbacks and parking.
Mr. Jonathan Lucas, architect, said that the three main goals of the project were based on a study of
the community needs: to serve the community with expanded range of bealth and fitness services;
expand the services to serve a greater age range; and to expand the services that would lend
themselves to s~angthening families. He noted that the building was designed architecturally to
blend and enhance the existing architecture. He said there were 8 bike racks provided.
Mr. Sal Portara, YMCA Property Manager, briefly discussed the Quito Road facilities, and said
that he felt that facility had less parking facilities than the Cupertino facility.
Ms. Liz Galleagos, Executive Director Northwest YMCA, briefly discussed the parking survey and
explained the high traffic pattern for the emly evening hours. She also said they were willing to
add more bike racks.
Mr. Lucas discussed the proposed roof material, and explained that it was galvanized metal with a
highly corrosive resistant paint. Relative to parking, he pointed out that their proposal exceeded
the ratio by 6 spaces.
Chair Doyle opened the meeting for public input.
Ms. Janice Newton, 20900 Alves Drive, expressed concern about the potential increase in traffic
with the addition of the swim pool, and the effects on the nearby residents. She discussed the high
volume of traffic, both vehicular and foot traffic, on Alves Drive. She pointed out that when there
is a large event at the YMCA facilities, parking spills out onto Alves Drive and negatively affects
the foot traffic and vehicular traffic on Alves; which could potentially become a &angerous
situation if more parking is not provided. Ms. Newton suggested the addition of a traffic bump on
Alves Drive, and close off Alves Drive at Stelling. She expressed concern about the increased
need for parking on Sundays and Wednesdays, and suggested that the parking issue be addressed.
Ms. Galleagos said that the YMCA no longer had bingo on Wednesdays and reviewed the facilities
usage for various programs. She noted that a community meeting would be held on August 31 to
review the plans and discuss issues of concern, and apologized that the meeting was not scheduled
Chair Doyle closed the public input portion of the meeting.
Ms. Gil said that the applicant would apply for a use permit modification relative to the facility use
on Sunday.
Chair Doyle munmafized the issues: parking, with condition of approval; traffic study; one-to-one
setback; additional bike racks; and public meeting.
Com. Stevens said that he felt they should have the oppommity to review parking as stated in the
model resolution. Relative to traffic, Public Works has been requested to conduct a traffic stndy,
m light of the additional use across the street; one-to-one setbacks appropriate; increase bike racks
to 20+; schedule a public meeting. He said he felt the issues were excellent outlines for a public
Planning Commission/v'finutcs 6 August 9, 1999
meeting, and if held earlier, neighbors would have had the opportunity to provide input. He said
that the need for a public me~ng still existed.
Com. Corr said that he felt the open slYace ~rea in the back should remain open for skatebomders as
its use has cut down the problems in the community associated with the skateboarders. He said he
would like to have the option to revisit the open space area if parking became an issue. Relative to
traffic, he said the traffic committee should address a traffic study; maintain both the one-to-one
setback and the 20 feet on the equipment road; increase bike racks; and hold a public meeting. He
said the need for a public meeting was apparent, but did not want to hold the process up until one
was held.
Com. Harris said she was in favor of the project and that the YMCA was a wonderful commumty
resource and a good neighbor. She said the traffic committee could address the traffic issues;
notifij neighbors; some mitigation has already been done in terms of resll'ictad use; was supportive
of lowering the building to maintain the one-to-one setback on the main building; 20 lent minimum
on the equipment road; and increase bike racks/spacos to 20. She said that she felt thc public
meeting should have been held for public input and if the item was not continued until a meeting
was held, she would vote against the project for that reason. Later in the meeting, Com. Harris said
that she would change her vote if a public meeting was held, as she did not want to hold up the
project. She suggested that the language be changed relative to parking, No. 4, to state "intensity
of site use".
Chair Doyle said that parkin~ was appropriate; wording change suitable; recommend Public Works
conduct a study or safety co,,,ission address the situation; adhere to 20 foot minimum and one-
to-one setback; bike racks increased to 24. He said that relative to the public meeting, it is a
communications issue, and the YMCA has a vested interest in keeping the community informed,
mad he felt confident that the YMCA would work it out. He said he supported the resolution on the
Cum. Stevens moved to approve Application 20-EA-99
Com. Hams
Com. Kwok
Passed 4-0-0
Com. Corr moved to approve Application 7-U-99, including the amendment to the
parking and additional bike racks, and setback requirement
Com. Stevens
Com. Kwok
Passed 4-0-0
Application No.(s):
Kararam Gharanti
10093-10095 Alhambra Avenue
Use Poi,nit to construct new entty features in the required from setback at an existing duplex.
Planning Commission decision final unless appealed
Staff presentation: Thc video p~sentation reviewed the application for a use permit to construct
new enlry features at an exisiing duplex. The entry features, although enhancing the plaint front
fagade, will result in a 6 foot front setback, much shorter than the required 20 foot setback required
for an R-2 or residential duplex district. Staff feels that the two new entry features along with
Planning Commission Minutes 7 August 9, 1999
other proposed improvements will add visual interest and improve the overall appearance of the
stre~tscape within the neighborhood. However, staffrecommands that the applicati°n be continued
because they believe the design could be improved by possibly creating a hip roof instead of a
gable roof, and making the entxy both wider and shorter.
Mr. Rhys Rowland, Planning Intern, referred to photos which illustrated the surrounding
Mr. Kammn Oharanti, applicant, explained that he planned to make cosmetic changes to the entxy
features of the duplex a~d was not previously aware that the changes required a use permit. He
said it would be a financial burden if he had to demolish the existing improvements.
Com. Hams said she felt the modifications were an improvement and would be costly to change
what was already constructed. She said she did not concur with staff's recommendation regarding
the hip roof; end commented that she would be more concerned with the design if it had not
already been consm~cted. However, the t~eeway was across the street from the duplex and the
facade was an improvement, and consistent with the area.
Com. Corr said he supported the project and felt it was an improvement. He noted that the
conceptual zoning plan for the Monta Vista/Peninsula Avenue area states that due to existing lot
sizes, and/or structural location, there are no specific zoning requh~ents relative to the setbacks,
lot coverage and parking with the exception of the requirements set forth in the uniform building
Com. Stevens said he support~ the project as it was an improvement, and the area consisted of a
variety of designs.
Chair Doyle said that the design was appropriate, but it was important to be certain that it met the
minimal code requirements.
Com. Harris moved to approve Application 9-U-99
Com. Con
Com. Kwok
Passed 4-0-0
Chair Doyle declared a recess from 9:10 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Application No.(s):
4-U-99, 7-EA-99
Roman Catholic Bishop/Gate of Heaven Cemotexy
22555 Cristo Rey Drive
Use Permit to construct anew mausoleum consisting of 942 crypts.
Planning Commission decision final unless appealed
Continued from Planning Commission meeting of duly 26, 1999
Staff presentation: The video presentation reviewed the application for a use permit to construct a
new mausoleum consisting of 942 co, ts, which would include a glass walkway and interior crypts
on three elevations, hi order to mitigate the visual impact from the neighboring Rancho San
Antonio County Park, the applicant has agreed to increase the original setback from 20 feet to 40
feet along the southwest property line. In addition, landscape screening consisting of trees, shrubs
and ground cover is proposed along the southwest property line. Staff recommends approval of
Planning Commission Minutes s August 9, 1999
the application. A decision on the application will be considered final and not forwarded to City
Council, unless an appeal is filed within 14 calendar days.
Ms. Ciddy Wordell, City Planner, illustrated the location of the proposed mausoleum and the
elevations, and answered questions.
Mr. Chris Kelly, architect, said that he worked with the Parks Department and Plmming
Depafiment regarding visual issues; originally the building was 20 feet fom the property line, end
it was pushed back to 40 feet. He said that screening the building was also an issue, and provided
a brief history of the property. He discussed the t~ee plantings on the park side to create an
informal natural park, which would be maintained by diem for 4 to 5 yea~s. He added that a variety
of trees planted in a meendering manner along the fence with some natural shrubs end grasses
added to the natural appearance, rather than rigid, formal spacing. Mr. Kelly then discussed the
parking requirements and building regulations relative to cemeteries end mausoleums.
Mr. Bob Surmners, Director of Cemeteries, said that non*catholics could be buried in the cemetery,
but that approval of the clergy was needed.
Mr. Kelly noted for the record diat in the future, it may be an issue for the diocese, as they may
object to the quick deed for underg~onnd water fights. He said the cemetery currently has meter
wells on site to irrigate their land, and reclaims all the storm drain water.
Mr. Kilian said that it was a standard condition imposed on all development in the city; however,
the property is unique in flint it is served by existing wells. He said Public Works is the genesis of
this condition, and he would discuss it with Mr. Viskovich whether the dry is in need of the
underground rights at this point. Ms. Wordell clarified that if the applicant had questions and
decided to pursue other means if they did not want to go along with the requirement, it would be
considered a separate matter, and if approved, it would be up to the applicant to pursue either not
building or get6ng it changed. Mr. Kilian said that it should be indicated, so that there were no
surprises, that if the application is approved with flint requirement included, it would be incumbent
upon the church to file an appeal as to that condition with the City Council, within 14 days.
Chair Doyle opened the meeting for public input; there was no one present who wished to speak.
Chair Doyle summarized the issues: height, setback, planting and access. He said it was important
to evaluate the periphery of the entire property and make sure that it meets the requirements of the
adjoining uses, and not just specifically the trail access. He said he felt staff should be directed to
work with the cemetery owners to update the vegetation plan for the site and potentially begin
implementation, as a condition of the application. Later in the meeting, he withdrew his
Mr. Kelly said that although he did not object to the suggestion, he felt that it was becoming a one-
way street, and that the developer and homeowners had more rights aM the cemetepj was losing its
rights. He said he felt the developer should be planting trees to mitigate its houses from the
cemetery views, and the cemetery would plant trees to help mitigate and be good neighbors. He
pointed out that some of the fm~nilles with buried members in the cemetery were upset aborn the
wooden fence as the view was blocked. He said that because of limited funds, the plantings cannot
be done at one time, and do plant prematurely would create an unfair fmeneial burden on the
cemetery. He said he was optimistic that the developer would include trees in their plans.
planning Commission Minutes ~ August 9, 1999
Com. Harris said she felt that parking was an issue and questioned why it was not being addressed.
Ms. Wordell said that the applicant's testimony relative to p~ng not being a problem was
acceptable, but further study could be done.
Ms. Carol Carrier, Superintendent of Gate of Heavy Cemetery, said that the level of traffic
remained stable, and corteges of cars were on the proporty for short periods of flint and thc need
for parking lots at Gate of Heaven Cemetery was not appment as only 25% of the land was
developed. She said parking was available on both sides of the road, and people generally did not
remain in the cemetery for long periods of time.
Ms. Wordell said that stuff could be directed to work with the applic~mt to evaluate the north
property pe~meter for the effeetiveaess of screening the cemetery use from the residential use.
Com. Corr moved to approve Application 7-EA-99
Com. Harris
Com. Kwok
Passed 4-0-0
Com. Con' moved to approve Application 4.U-99 in accordance with thc model
resolution and findings
Com. Stevens
Com. Kwok
Passed 4-0-0
Application No.(s):
16-U-98, 43-EA-98
Adzich Properties
10216 Pasadena Avenue
Use Permit to demolish an existing house and construct four single family ~sidences
(approximately 2,220 to 2,500 square feet) on a 12,480 square foot (net) lot.
Plannmg Commission decision final unless appealed
Staff presentation: The video presentation reviewed the application for a use permit to demolish an
exisfin4 house and comet an approximately 9,700 square foot 4-unit apartment building, Staff
will present meats on the subject of planned development zonin4 architecture and setbacks,
privacy issues and mass. Staff would prefer that the applicant submit plans for units smaller than
the proposed 2,400 sq. ft. ap~tmeat units, for smaller floor to erea ratios. Staff also believes that
the development in this area must be carefully established by way of setting the tone and
compatibility for future projects in this area. Staff feels the project is too massive and recommends
either denial of the project or a continuance if the applicant is agreeable to redesign the project,
lowering the square footage.
Mr. Colin Jung, Associale Planner, repotled that the property was located in the county, and the
zoning is a pre-zoning and any future use permit granted for any redevelopment would be
conditioned on annexation properly to the city. Referring to the fiont aid rear elevations of the
properly, Mr. Jung reviewed the proposed development. He referred to the staff report and
discussed the Planned Development zoning, architecture and setbacks, privacy issues and mass.
Mr. Bob Schwenke, representing the applicant, referred to the first floor and second floor site plans
and explained the proposed development, and rationale for he 0.76 FAR. He added that the plans
were revised to meet the Central Fire District's requirements, and said he felt the project would be
Commission ~ut~s ~0 ,~u~us~ 9, ~999
an asset to the community. Mr. Schwenke answered Commissioners' questions relative to the
proposed project.
Chair Doyle opened the meeting for public input; there was no one present who wished to speak.
Com. Harris said she felt it was a key project and should be considered with the overall community
in mind, including staff input on how it should be d~valoped in terms of density. She said that a
large range existed between 4 units to the acre and 12 units to the acre, a~d pointed out that
maximizing the potential with the densest project does not necessarily yield the greatest benefit to
the eommanity. Com. Harris said she felt the project was too dense, a~d emphasized the need for
smaller houses in the affordable price range. She said she would prefer to see 2 or 3 units with
more lawn space.
Com. Corr concurred that the project was too dense and expressed concern about the starkness of
the rear elevation.
Com. Stevens said that the project should be carefully considered; however, he felt small houses
were not economical. He said that the proposal was a unique proposal, and a definite compromise
in that nothing existed between an apartment and a house. He said he could not support the present
proposal, but felt it was headed in the fight direction.
Chair Doyle said he felt they were trying to develop too large an envelope and should revert
toward an R3. He said that .76 FAR was too high and .5 was more reasonable. He said that
although the quality of the proposal was excellent, the density was too high.
Mr. Schwenke said that reducing to 3 units would create a disparity m size availability between the
two front units and the single in the back, and would not help the process. He suggested a
workshop to discuss working with the lots, which would provide a better understanding of the
direction for the other paseels in the area_
There was a brief discussion about the possibility of a tour of different areas, or creating a video
which would address how to incorporate compatible projects in small areas.
Mr. Robext Adzich, representing the Adzich family, said that the original proposal included fou~
sepasate detached units with parkin~g space between. He said the plans were available for review.
Com. Harris explained that the consensus was for a smaller building envelope, smaller FAR for the
site with lower density.
Com. Harris moved to continue Application 16-U-98 and 43-EA-98 to the
September 27, 1999 p!annin~ Commission meeting
Com. Corr
Com. Kwok
Passed 44)-0
Application No.:
Amendment to Tree Ordinance (Chapter 14.12)
City of Cupertino
_ Consideration of amendments to add protection of trees required for privacy protection and
landscape screening on R-1 lots.
Tentative City Council hearing date: September 7, 1999
Continued.from Planning Commission meeting of July 26, 1999
There was a brief discussion regarding the modifications to thc l~ee ordinance discussed at the prior
Com. Harris moved to submit a recommeedation to the City Council on the
amendment to the a'ee ordinance as noted in the staff report of August 9, 1999;
including the deletion of "or proposed" on Page 378-4 of tbe current rules;
inclusion of redwoods; that the corrected numbers for the c~rolmferences listed on
thc exhibit illustrated on the board be used; and that it be stated that the
circumference is conlrol, and circumference be measured at the height
Com. Corr
Com. Kwok
Passed 4-0-0
REPORT OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION: Com. Harris reported that she was meeting
with the design review cotmaittee for the second time to review a house, and noted that there was
a residential design review commiRee whose mandate was to review the second stories and the new
rules. She suggested that the City Council be asked to fold m all the residential review wiih the
residential committee because they would become specialists on c~0mmllnity input on residential
issues and the other coamfittee should handle all the other erchitectural issues. Ms. Wordell
clarified that a public hearing would have to be noticed for a future meeiing. Following a brief
discussion there was consensus that a minute order be sent to the City Council noticing September
27, 1999 for the public hearing to address the issue.
AI~OURNMENT: The meefin~ adjourned at 11:40 p.m. to the Special Joint meeting with City
Council at 6 p.m. on August 30, 1999 at Qninlan Center, 10185 Stelling Road, Cupertino.
Recording Seeretary
Approved as presented: September 13, 1999