LIB 01-07-2015 City of Cupertino Library Commission Special Meeting January 7, 2015, 7 pm MEETING MINUTES 1. CALL TO ORDER At 7:01 pm Commissioner Liu called the meeting to order at Cupertino City Hall, 10300 Torre Avenue, in Conference Room C Cupertino. 2. ROLL CALL Commissioners: Jerry Liu, Annie Ho, Rose Grymes, Ann Stevenson, Adrian Kolb City/County Library Staff. Gayathri Kanth,Nancy Howe,Nidhi Mathur Absent: Guest: 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Kolb moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of November 6, 2014. Commissioner Grymes seconded and the motion passed unanimously. 4. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS A. Cupertino Community Librarian Report Ms. Gayathri Kanth, Cupertino Librarian,provided information about library programs. Program attendance was lower than last year, even though there were more programs offered this year. In December,.the Children's Librarian held different story times and activities during the holidays. There were the usual puppet shows as well as a visit from Santa. Over 60 children read and discussed books in the Winter Children's Book Clubs. There is a new Lego Club that attracted 39 kids. Boards were provided with no instructions to encourage kids to use their imagination.Next month, they will not be provided a board and they plan to purchase other shaped Legos to see what types of projects the kids create. Every Tuesday, the garden will be open and the Librarians will be in attendance with various activities. Teen Study Days on December'7th had 140 teens in attendance, December 13th there were 214 teens, December 14th there were 160 teens. The San Jose Chamber Orchestra had a very successful program with many people in attendance. For adults there was the"Covered California"program as well as "The History and Craft of the Cocktail." The B1ueLight Cinemas hosted "Star Trek, the future and you!" and it was very well=attended with 150 attendees. Nichelle Nichols was very engaging and responsive to the audience. At the same time in the theater next door,more than 60 people attended the Shakespeare"MacBeth" film. All the Shakespeare films through the "Globe On Screen Film Series"were very successful. An upcoming event is the Lunar New Year Craft and Parade which will be a half day event with a martial arts and lion dance demo group. B. County Librarian Report County Librarian,Nancy Howe,provided a report for the County Library. She mentioned that the Foundation Commissioner and Friend's Forum will be on February 7th, and will feature photo journalist, Robert Dawson. There will be a round table of Commissioners from other cities soon. Three author visits are coining up and they will be kicking off Silicon Valley Reads. There are 120 free programs, including art lectures, immigrant CEO's, ethnic cooking night and other ways of talking about the topic of immigrants. C. Friends of the Library Report No more book donations are being accepted at this time and after the Library book sale,book donations will then be accepted again. D. Cupertino Library Foundation Report Eno Schmidt submitted the Cupertino Library Foundation report to the Library Commissioners. E. Others None F. Calendar Review Mayor's Meetings first Wednesdays of the month. January 13th: The Rosie Project presentation February 4th: Silicon Valley Reads Kickoff February 7th: Commissioner's Forum February 11th: Library Commission Meeting 5. REPOR'T'S A. Commissioner Reports Commissioner Annie Ho raised the issue of providing Erin Cooke, City of Cupertino Sustainability Manager, a Library Commission Award for Sustainability and the Commission decided-to provide the award in April to coordinate with Earth Day. Commissioner Adrian Kolb mentioned that the Poet Laureate search would need to begin in January or February. The current Poet Laureate, Jennifer Swanton Brown's term will end in October. Jennifer is planning an International Poetry Festival beginning at the end of January. Commissioner Kolb expressed her thanks to the Commissioners and City Staff for comradery during her time on the Library Commission. Commissioners Stevenson thanked Ms. Kolb for her work on the Commission and especially her support and dedication to the Poet Laureate program. Commissioner Jerry Liu attended City Council meetings regarding the GPA. The issue of a Library branch at Vallco and a free shuttle bus carne up for discussion in the City Council meeting. B. Cupertinolibrary.org site Report Commissioner Liu discussed the website. There are 7,000 sessions out of a community of 65,000 people. Google tracks user interests and categorizes the users in types of things they might want to buy. Another statistic shows the user traffic. C. Staff Reports report Results of the Bi-Annual City Quality of'Life Survey were provided to Commissioners by City of Cupertino Staff member,Nidhi Mathur. The report can be accessed on the City's website, cupertino.org. The survey is 158 pages, however Ms. Mathur provided a one-page summary of the findings regarding the Civic Center. The top reason for visiting the Civic Center was to use the Library, is listed as 69%. This item is continued to the next meeting. D. Mayor's meeting No report 6. OLD BUSINESS A. Poet Laureate continuation Item to be continued in February meeting 7. NEW BUSINESS A. Impact on the Library based on General Plan Amendment's EIR Library Commissioners brought up the idea of a self-service branch. The Draft Employee Impact Report(EIR) discusses that Library facilities are sufficient through the year 2040. Commissioner Stevenson recommended to email or call City Councilmembers and made a motion that the Commission set forth their thoughts on the environmental impact report and how in fact the Library will be impacted by changes to the General Plan as well as the questioning to the Vallco developer specifically about including the Library functional space, and recommend that the County Librarian be contacted to provide some expert input on what the Library needs, what the community needs. Commissioner Ho seconded the motion. Discussion followed. Commissioner Liu will draft a letter for the Commissioners to review with the intention of emailing the letter to City Council. 8. AGENDA BUILDING New Commissioner in February New Chairperson Program Room updates—Katy Jensen Discuss Resident Survey ADJOURN HENT The meeting was adj ourned at 8:3 3 p.m. Respectfully Submitted