LIB 08-06-2014 City of Cupertino
Library Commission
Regular Meeting
August 6 2014
At 7:03 pin Commissioner Liu called the meeting to order at Cupertino City Hall,
10300 Torre Avenue, in Conference Room C Cupertino.
Commissioners: Jerry Liu, Annie Ho, Ann Stevenson, Adrian Kolb
City/County Library Staff Gayathri Kanth,Nancy Howe,Nidhi Mathur
Absent: Rose Grymes,
Guest: Jerry Tallinger
Commissioner Kolb moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of July 2,
2014. Commissioner Liu seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
A. Cupertino Community Librarian Report
Cupertino Librarian, Gayathri Kanth, reported that circulation numbers are
down,however programming is well-attended with one thousand more people
accessing programs last month compared to last year. The Library's challenge
is to connect programming with materials. Ms. Kanth believes that the
circulation numbers are down due to music streaming. Regarding outreach
events, last year there were five events with 83 people in attendance.
Compared to last year, this month there were nine events with 160 at one
event. Volunteer hours declined because the Library is asking for a three
month commitment from volunteers. The surm-ner reading program
participants exceeded those from last year. A highlight was the teen program
called, "The Crime Scene Investigator Workshop."Upcoming programs are
"Plant Mysteries,"more summer reading and the "Code First Workshop." Ms.
Kanth invited Conunissioners to another program called, "Cupertino Library:
Heart of the Community"which will be a panel of library leaders. Panelists
include Santa Clara County Librarian,Nancy Howe,past Community
Librarian of the Cupertino Library, Marianne Wallace, and Susan Fuller,
former Librarian for the Santa Clara County, as well as a former Cupertino
Community Librarian. The panel discussion will be held Sunday, August 24th
from 1:00 to 3:00 pm. Last year there were 91 programs that had over 100
attendees. A magician program had over 400 attendees. Commissioner Liu
brought up the fact that if the new Story Room had capacity of 100, there
would be programs that would not be able to be accommodated by the room.
Ms. Kanth mentioned that if the room capacity were at 100, there would be an
average of eight programs per month that would be over capacity. If the room
size would accept a capacity of 125, there would only be three programs per
month that would be over capacity. Anticipated attendance for the Library 10111
Anniversary is 4, 000 to 5, 000 people.
B. County Librarian Report
At the Saratoga Library on September 6111, there will be an attempt to break the
Guinness Book of World Records for the most number of people balancing
books on their heads. The current world record is approximately 960 and the
Saratoga Library is attempting to have 1,200 participants. Invitations were
sent out for the September 26th dinner at Hakone Gardens.
C. Friends of the Library Report
No written communications.
D. Cupertino Library Foundation Report
No written communications.
E. Others
Nidhi Mathur from the City of Cupertino brought up a prograin that fonner
Mayor, Barbara Rogers, supports called, "Design Challenge: Aging-in-Place,
Silicon Valley."There will be a design challenge on September 30111 from 9:30
am to 4:00 pm at the Quinlan Community Center to create new awareness
about aging-in-place.
F. Calendar Review
Wednesday, August 13, 4:30—5:30 pm Mayor's Meeting
Tuesday, August 19—Proclamation awarded to the Cupertino Library
Wednesday, August 27—Commissioners' Dinner
Thursday, October 30—JPA Meeting
Friday, September 26—Hakone Gardens Dinner to support the Bookmobile
A. Cupertino Poet Laureate
The Poet Laureate, Jennifer Swanton Brown, will do a monthly report of
events and outreach. Commissioner Kolb will provide that information to
the other Commissioners. Ms. Brown will contact Commissioner Stevenson to
detennine contacts who plan events, such as the Diwali Festival and the Lunar
New Year, to tie into an international poetry concept. Commissioner Liu will
put a link on the website pointing to the Poet Laureate
website. Ms. Mathur ordered business cards for Ms. Brown. Ms. Brown will
be speaking to the Commission at a future date.
B. Commission Report
Commissioner Stevenson previously forwarded a written report to the
Commissioners about the Civic Center Master Plan — Community Workshop
she attended on July 30, 2014. Different options of underground and above
ground parking were discussed.
Commissioner Liu attended the saine meeting and discussed issues about the
Teen Center, potentially moving the Emergency Operations Center to the
Sheriff s Substation and the Story Room expansion.
C. Cupertino Report
Coininissioner Liu reviewed the website with the other Commissioners. He
reported that he added library description verbiage to the website. Ms. Kanth offered to review the text.
Liu uses Google to track the number clicks to the site. He will
add news about the $10,000 library donation and provide links to new stories
about the Library. Google Analytics is used to analyze the data and provide
demographics. He showed 3,000 clicks and last month there were 7,500
visitors last month. The average time spent on the site is approximately 30
seconds. Google Plus is a social network and it has incorrect infonnation
about the Library closing time. Commissioner Liu will make corrections to the
site. Ms. Kanth will contact Google Plus to notify them about the mistakes.
C. Staff Report
Nidhi Mathur reported on update of the Cupertino City Website and
provided Commissioner's copies of wireframes of the proposed site. She will
forward a soft copy of the plans to get Commissioner's feedback. Ms. Kanth
asked if school and library information can be addressed on the site. Ms.
Mathur will incorporate that information in the design. There will also be
social media and mobile apps incorporated on the site. Ms. Mathur also
mentioned that she will be releasing an app called, Mobile 95014. She
mentioned the apps already in existence are: Trees 95014, Ready 95014, Eats
95014. The Cupertino City Council is providing the Library a proclamation
for the 10th Anniversary Celebration and will also include the Santa Clara
County Library 100th celebration. Ms. Mathur invited Commissioners to
attend the City Council meeting to see Ms. Kanth accept the proclamation on
behalf of the library. Ms. Mathur will send an email to Commissioners and
Santa Clara County Library, Nancy Howe, inviting them to the City Council
Meeting. Pictures from the event can be posted on the Library website and
A. Mayor's meeting
Commissioner Kolb emailed a written report to the Commissioners.
B. City Council presentation about library programs
The Commissioners agreed that they should provide a Library report to the
City Council; possibly October 28th. It was offered that summer reading
numbers, new programs from the County Library Report, award for Jukepop,
10th Anniversary can be discussed at the meeting.
C. Library patron survey
Commissioner Liu shared about the survey and said he would like the
feedback on what people like about the Library. He wants to capture a
geographic breakdown of the users, services they like, things they'd like to see
improved on and potentially comments about future offerings. He commented
three sections could be put in a survey where patrons could respond—Like
(what they like about the Library), Wish(improvements) and Wonder(future
possibilities). There was discussion about whether the survey should have
multiple choice questions in addition to an area for patrons to provide a free
response answer. Ms. Mathur will review past City surveys to see if there is
any information about the Cupertino Library. There was a lot of discussion
about the design of the Cupertino Library 10th Anniversary survey. To get
demographic information, it was suggested that patrons can identify their
region on a color coded map or provide landmarks that they can identify they
live near. Commissioners agreed to send survey ideas to Nidhi Mathur and she
can circulate them to all Commissioners. There will be a survey tree at the
Library Anniversary where people pick up a colored paper from a box, which
they fill out and tie onto a tree. The idea of providing an incentive for filling
out the survey was raised—book keychain with logo,banner or depiction
of the Library building.
Library survey—old business
The meeting was adjourned at 8:52 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted
/s/Nidhi Mathur
Library Commission Liaison