BPC 08-21-03CUPER TINO THE REGULAR MINUTES OF THE BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN COMMISSION Thursday August 21, 2003 Conference Room C Cupertino City Hall 10300 Torte Avenue Cupertino, CA 95014 MINUTES ATTENDANCE Mr. Joe Walton, Chair, called the meeting to order at 7:11 p.m. Staff: Mr. Goepfert, Ms. Arrants Commissioners: Present: Mr. Geoffrey Paulsen, Mr. Joe Walton, Ms. Fu Julia Fu, Mr. David Greenstein and Mr. Robert Levy. Absent: None Citizen: Ms. Anne Ng VOtITTEN COMMUNICATIONS - Email regarding pedestrian traffic signal timing. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Minutes of June 18,2003 were approved. The July meeting was cancelled. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - Resident Anne Ng, thanked Mr:Goepfert and staff for the August 16th memorial ceremony at Stevens Creek Park. A memorial plaque was uncovered in honor of Mr. Jeff Steinwedel and was attended his wife, family and many friends. OLD BUSINESS - 1. Regnart Creek Trail Mr. Goepfert updated the commissioners as to the development of this type of project. Staff will look into canvassing the water district to the possibility of the trail, acquiring funding for a feasibility study. A general discussion followed regarding concerns for public support and awareness, especially nearby or adjacent residents. Commissioner Fu suggested using the Cupertino Scene to provide public awareness. Mr. Goepfert had prepared a Memorandum to the Cupertino Bicycle and Pedestrian Commission with staff reconm~endations to the City Council for the Regnart Trail Development. Edits were made and approved in a motion, by Chair Walton, second by Commissioner Levy. A motion made to forward the memo to the City Council, by Chair Walton, second by Commissioner Levy with all in favor. This is an ongoing item and a general discussion to be continued to next meeting. 2. Bubb Road - Sidewalks on east side between Stevens Creek Boulevard and McClellan Road a. After a discussion it was suggested, by Vice Chair Greenstein that a letter is sent to the Planning Commission to include any future development requires pedestrian access. Motion was carried by Vice Chair Greenstein, second by Commissioner Levy, all in favor. 3. Cupertino Pedestrian Guidelines - a. A review and comparison of the Cupertino Pedestrian Transportation Guidelines with the VTA Pedestrian Technical Guidelines. Commissioner Levy volunteered to do the comparison. 4. Walkability a. After a discussion about pedestrian crossings and signal timing as it pertains to the general plan's level of service for traffic. Vice Chair Greenstein made a motion to send a letter to the General Plan Task Force to set a policy for a level of service D or better, except where pedestrian safety or access is compromised, Commissioner Paulsen seconded the motion, all were in favor. Staff will prepare a letter. 5. Public Transportation a. A general discussion regarding the current state of public transportation for seniors and students. Discussion ongoing and to be continued to the next meeting. 6. Walk to School Day- a. Chair Walton and Vice Chair Gmenstein prepared and sent letters to school principals in Cupertino. Greenstein will follow up on letters and City's Information Officer Kitson. NEW BUSINESS - 1. Trail Surfaces Mr. Gocpfcrt handed out a matrix of trail surfaces. A copy will bc forwarded to Parks and Recreation Director Smith for review. Councilman Lowenthal told Vice Chair Greenstein that this commission would be making trail surface recommendations about the Stevens Creek Trail to City Council. 2. Segway Demonstration - A brief discussion followed. It was decided to remain neutral at this point in time. 3.Future Items Discussion a. The Oaks b. Cupertino Senior Center- lack of sidewalks within the parking lot. c. Altrans - as a public transportation supplement. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business or public comment Chair Walton adjourned the meeting at 9:40p.m. The next Committee meeting will be on Thursday September 18th at 7:00 p.m., City Hall, Conference Room C. Respectfully submitted, Diane An-ants