115-PC - 12 CEQA Finding for Alternate Mitigation Measure Trans-27b.pdf FINDINGS REVISION #2(October 1, 2013) to CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT FINDINGS AND STATEMENT OF OVERRIDING CONSIDERATIONS FOR THE APPLE CAMPUS 2 PROJECT Revise Part VI, subsection CC, pages I-52 to I-53, by replacing subsection CC in its entirety with the following: AA. The proposed location of the project driveway intersection on Wolfe Road and the associated congestion would result in hazards for vehicles exiting the southernmost Wolfe Road driveway to the Cupertino Village shopping center (City of Cupertino and CEQA). The Final EIR finds that the Project would result in hazards for vehicles exiting the southernmost Wolfe Road driveway to the Cupertino Village shopping center due to congestion. The Draft EIR fully analyzes the impacts from vehicles exiting the shopping center to traffic on Wolfe Road (see Draft EIR, p. 421), and concludes that the impact on traffic safety could be significant due to vehicles exiting the shopping center without sufficient gaps and from vehicles crossing three southbound through lanes to access the left turn lanes. Mitigation Measure TRANS-27 identified in the Draft EIR, which requires that the southernmost driveway to the Cupertino Village be closed, would reduce this impact to a less-than-significant level (see Response to Comments, p. 152). At the request of the project sponsor, the City considered an alternate mitigation measure that would limit the southernmost driveway of the Cupertino Village to right-turns in only. The project sponsor requested the City to consider replacing Mitigation Measures TRANS-27 with a mitigation measure that would reduce the Wolfe Road traffic impact to a less-than-significant level without requiring closure of the southernmost driveway of the Cupertino Village. City staff and Fehr & Peers reviewed the proposed, alternate mitigation measure for its ability to mitigate the traffic safety impact and the City has concluded that Mitigation Measure TRANS-27 (Alternate), set forth below, which is hereby adopted and made a condition of project approval, would avoid or reduce this impact to less-than-significant levels. Mitigation Measure TRANS-27 (Alternate): The southernmost driveway to the Cupertino Village shall be restricted to right-turns in only. With this mitigation the impact would be less-than-significant. 509627.1 1