PSC 05-09-2013 CUPERTINO PUBLIC S�AFETY COMMISSION REGULAR MEE'TING MINUTES Thursday, May 9;, 2013, 7:00 p.m. Cupertino City Hall, I�onference Room A I. CALL TO ORDER Commissioner Nguyen called to order the regular i�neeting of the Cupertino Public Safety Commission at approximately 7:03 p.m. on Thursday, May 9, 2�)13 in the Cupertino City Hall, Conference Room A, located at 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, Califor��ia 95014. II. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Daniel Nguyen Robert McCoy Lily Lim Commissioners Absent: Andy Huang Nina Daruwalla Staff Present: Captain Ken Binder, :ianta Clara County Sheriff's Office Battalion Chief Carol Miller, Santa Clara County Fire Department Staff Absent: None Others Present: None III. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Captain Binder begins by introducing the new As:;istant Division Commander at West Valley Patrol, Lt. Neil Valenzuela. The Lieutenant mentions that a large portion of his twelve years in the Sheriff's Office have been assigned to Cupertino as a Deputy ancl later as an Investigator, and he is glad to be back. Commissioner McCoy talks about an App called Pulse Points, now used in many nearby cities. He brought it up to the TICC, but they expressed r��servations surrounding possible liability issues and referred further discussion to the PSC. TICC: commissioners also questioned whether citizen responders would be CPR certified, how to pinpoint locations, and how to obtain permission from County Dispatch to use the information it gatriers. Commissioner McCoy states that it is a free downloadable App, paid through a foundation with large support from EI Camino Hospital, which will send alerts of sudden cardiac arrest emergenci��s in nearby public areas. He believes it is a good service, attempting to connect people who know C;PR with victims until emergency services arrive. Rick Kitson is aware of the App since he also attende�� the TICC meeting, and Commissioner McCoy gave product literature to the City Manager for review. Chief Miller adds that County Dispatch is a contr:3cted agency, not internal to the Fire Department, so permission would have to be sought directly. Sfie wonders how it might tie into Fire's unique CAD system, and how it would handle territory bouridary drops that would necessitate building bridges between independent CAD systems. Most importantly, she mentions that AED units need to be well maintained so that they will likely work when needed. The Commissioners are not sure who is in charge of the Cupertino AED units or where they are all located. Chief Miller surmises that regardless of variations in training or effectiveness, it is bettE�r for victims to start receiving AED assistance and/or at least CPR as soon as possible, so the App is probably a good item to consider. 1 Commissioner McCoy asks that further discussion of the Pulse Points App be added to the agenda for the next PSC meeting while he prepares a rriore thorough presentation. Commissioner Nguyen suggests asking the company that produces the ��pp for referrals, so Commissioner McCoy may seek advice on how other cities began using the App and whether it has been beneficial. IV. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS There are no written communications to report at this regular meeting. V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. April 11, 2013 ACTION: YES VOTE: YES MOTION: McCoy SECONDED: Nguyen 2 of 3 to 0 Commissioner McCoy motioned to approve the minutes of April 11, 2013; Commissioner Nguyen seconded the motion; votes taken, Commissioner Lim abstained, all else in favor to approve the minutes of April 11, 2013. VI. OLD BUSINESS 1. Discussion of WaIk/Bike/Carpool (WBC)to School project, ongoing (Nguyen/Lim) ACTION: YES VOTE: NO MOTION: N/A SECiJNDED: N/A 0 to 0 The Commissioners and Captain Binder discuss the continued uncertainty regarding W/B/C program funding, the parameters on how it m��y be used and how exactly it is to be divided with the Teen Commission. 2. Boltage Program progress/updates (NguyE�n/Lim) ACTION: YES VOTE: NO MOTION: N/A SEC��NDED: N/A 0 to 0 Leslie Reed from Kennedy Middle School has submitted a funding request for$950.00, with invoice attached from the Boltage company. This annual fee is to cover the operating expense for the installed device and is due by July 30, 2013. C;ommissioner Nguyen instructs Commissioner Lim to tell Ms. Reed three things. First, Ms. Reed shc�uld complete the official grant application form, and perhaps submit a request at the same time for the incentive products she plans to order for Boltage promotion at Kennedy next year. Secondly, request that Ms. Reed submit the Boltage device statistics for Kennedy and possibly Lincoln scl�ools.Thirdly, ask whether she plans to continue in this capacity next school year. Commissioner Nguyen reports that he is awaiting communication from Fran at Reignart. Commissioner Lim adds that Ms. Reed once remarked that she believes the Boltage program wouid be more effective at the elementary sci-iool level to instill walking and biking in kids' routines earlier, but Commissioner Nguyen counters that parents of middle school children are more likely to allow their children to do so. � 3. Report on Surveys to Schools (Nguyen) ACTION: YES VOTE: NO MOTION: N/A SECONDED: N/A 0 to 0 Captain Binder reports that the planned week for issuing the Surveys to Schools conflicted with scheduled STAR testing, but the SRO's will make sure the surveys are filled out and returned before school ends for the year. 4. Discuss participation in the Alert SCC Proc�ram and the CAS Program (Huang) ACTION: YES VOTE: NO MOTION: N/A SEC(�NDED: N/A 0 to 0 Commissioner Nguyen notes that Rick Kitson is not in attendance to review the new CAS policy as planned. Commissioner McCoy reports that ti1r. Kitson attended the TICC meeting and stated that the policy has been drafted but is awaiting approval from the City Attorney's Office. Commissioner McCoy adds that Mr. Kitson intends to give an official policy presentation to the PSC and TICC after the policy is approved. He then notes th;�t the City Manager needs to be brought up to speed on all CAS functions and capabilities, since he was under the impression that it was simply an emergency alert system. 5. Discuss CERT items relevant to the PSC (hlcCoy) ACTION: YES VOTE: NO MOTION: N/A SECc�NDED: N/A 0 to 0 There is no discussion of CERT items at this regular meeting. VII. NEW BUSINESS ACTION: YES VOTE: NO MOTION: N/A SECI�NDED: N/A 0 to 0 There is no official new business to discuss at this regular meeting. VIII. REPORTS 1. Santa Clara County Fire Department B.C. Miller informs the PSC that the April Fire Report is not available yet due to illnesses, but offers to forward it by email or present the report for both months at the next PSC meeting. She does mention that there were no significant struc:tural fires in Cupertino during April and the month overall was uneventful. 2. Santa Clara County Sheriff's Office Captain Binder reviewed the April report. RE�sponse times in Cupertino were under the required amount of time for Priority 2 and 3 calls for sE:rvice. However, there were only six Priority 1 calls in April, one of which affected the overall averag�e response time to 5.72 minutes. The call involved a house alarm, which turned out to be a false al��rm. Among selected crimes, April saw an increase� in residential burglaries, but commercial and vehicle burglaries remained about the same. Grand theft went down by one, and the numbers for other crimes such as auto theft, vandalism, domesti�;violence and assaults remained low. Looking at the numbers of combined patrol and traffic citations issued, there were 355 moving citations, 157 speeding citations, and 478 citations for other violations. There were only 8 DUI arrests, down from 15 in March, and only one� of which included an accident. Injury accidents also went down to 10 from 16, and there were 29 other accidents. Captain Binder mentioned that the Sheriff's Office held a few pedestrian safety training classes for the elderly, including a class in Mandarin. Tl�e Sheriff's Office also has more planned at various retirement communities and at the Senior Center. 3. Commission Reports Commissioner McCoy reports that the Teen �:,ommission was approached by `walkfriendly.org' to help make Cupertino a nationally recognized vvalk-friendly city, like Long Beach or San Diego. They plan to check the guidelines, and find out wha�r kind of improvements might be necessary. Commissioner Nguyen reports that the Mayoi's Meeting was short; representatives from only half the commissions were there. The Housing Commission is reviewing possible organizations to which they may award CDB (community development block) grants. The TICC is promoting the local community channel KNTB, encouraging local groups to utilize it for advertising and capturing a larger audience. The Bicycle-Pedestrian Commission recently hosted a Bike to Work Day with a refresher station near the Quinlan Center. ThE; Planning Commission has held no regular meetings recently. The Parks and Recreation Commis:�ion discussed installing an environmental education center and dedicated classroom for third gradE:rs to visit and explore. IX. FUTURE AGENDA FOR NEXT REGULAR MEEl'ING 1. Walk/Bike/Carpool to School Project, ongoing 2. Boltage Program progress/updates 3. Report on Survey to Schools 4. Discuss progress on participation in AlertSCC and CAS Programs 5. Discuss CERT items relevant to the PSC 6. Discuss "Pulse Point" App as new business X. ADJOURNMENT This regular meeting adjourned at 8:03 p.m. L. XI. NEXT MEETING The next regular meeting is scheduled for Thurs��ay, June 13, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. SUBMITTED BY: Jennifer Roth Executive Assistant West Valley Patrol Division Santa Clara County Office of the Sheriff May 13, 2013 APPROVED BY: �,. ' � ���_, � � Daniel Nguyen, Coin ission Chair Date <;