Teen 10-08-08CUPERTIINO Teen Commission Regular Meeting Wednesday, October ~~, 2008 6:45 PM Quinlan Community Center, Conference Room 10185 N. Stelling Road, Cupertino Approved Miinutes CALL TO ORDER Meeting called to order at 6:53 pm by Phillips PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Damodar, Goyal, Koganti, Merlon, Murag, Pavlovic , Ramachandian, Shah, Somasundaram, Sreepathy, Szeto, Vora Absent Commissioners: Aggarwal, Kundargi Staff Present: Phillips MINUTES FROM PREVIOUS MEETINGS- September 24, 2008 September 10, 2008 Vora motioned to approve the minutes; Murag seconds, motion passes COMMUNICATIONS a) Oral b) Written NEW BUSINESS a) Vote for Chair and Vice Chair- Daniel Pavlovic elected as Chair; Stephanie Szeto elected as Vice Chair. b) Establish sub-committee for November 7, 2008 Lounge Night- Anandi Somasundaram and . Pranati Sreepathy volunteered to head the fir:~t Lounge Night of the 2008-09 term. c) Discuss details of upcoming Team Building opportunity -Scheduling conflicts provided reason to renegotiate a team building opportunity other than what had previously been decided on. MISCELLANEOUS-NO ACTION REQUIRED a) Staff report- October 22, 2008 Teen Commission meeting will beheld in Quinlan Community Center's Music Room. d) Gary Chao; Senior Planner to discuss Main Street Cupertino plans- Commissioners asked questions about the plans and Chao's presentation. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 8:24 pm to regular Teen Commission meeting of October 22, 2008. Res u Submitted our n hil ips, Rl crea io ordinator