PSC 03-13-08CUPERTINO PUBI:.IC SAFETY COMMISSION MEE'T'ING MINUTES REGULAR MEETING ' Thursday, March 13, 2008, 7:00 p.m. C O P E RT I N O Cupertino City Hall Conference Room A I. CALL TO ORDER Captain Terry Calderone called to order the regular meeting of the Cupertino Public Safety Commission at 7:02 p.m. on Thursday, March 13, 2008 in the Cupertino City Hall, 10300 Torre Avenue, Conference Room A, Cupertino, California 95014. II. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Charles Caldwell Hugh Riddell Nina Daruwalla Tamara Pow Commissioners Absent: Jeff Payne Other Present: Captain Terry Calderone, Santa Clara County Sheriff's Office Lieutenant Carl Neusel, Santa Clara County Sheriff s Office Other Absent: Santa Clara County Fire Department III. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS There were no speakers addressing the commission at this regular meeting. IV. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS There were no written communications discuss at this regular meeting. V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES There were no minutes to approve at this regular meefvtg. Captain Terry Calderone will inquire on the status of the last two (2) minutes from the previous two (2) regular meetings. The minutes may be discuss and approved on the next regular meeting. Discussions on posting agendas in a timely matter were addressed. VI. OLD BUSINESS 1. Public Safety Fair The Public Safety Commission discussed the pos~;ibility of both the Public Safety Fair and Jubilee at one event. The City of Cupertino is proposing the combination of both events, which will reduce the amount of funding required to support both fairs separately. 2. Formulation of Work Program The Formulation of Work Program is projects the City of Cupertino decides to work on to address some of the traffic complaints and improvements. The Public Safety Commission chooses one of the projects and work together with the City of Cupertino to complete the project. a. Radar Speed Signs One of these projects is the radar speeds signs around the schools. Projection to have all the schools installed with these radar speeds signs are three (3) to four (4) years in the future. Public Safety Commission projects the less expensive way is to install the electric signs that could be download from the P G & E light circuits. If the City of Cupertino could fund six (6) signs per year, installation should start with the worst school sites than to the safer schools. b. Crosswalks Discussions of crosswalks around the schools are becoming an issue. Flashing lights on the crosswalk has been effective in some areas of the city of Saratoga. Captain Terry Calderone request that this should be taken into consideration for future f~rojects. c. Flashing Speed Signs The estimated cost of flashing speed signs are currently $36,000 for two (2). Captain Terry Calderone is currently assisting on a project with the tri-school area of McClellan where funding is currently available and originally allocated for the Red Light Program and the Shuttle Program. Captain Terry Calderone have been requested to fmd alternatives to resolve some of the traffic issues of speeding, stopping and parking in the area, and crosswalk issues. It is under consideration to place two (2) of these flashing speed signs around these areas. d. Safe Routes to School The Public Safety Commission is taking under consideration the Safe Routes to School. The City of San Jose currently has this program. This program provides training in schools with current route problems for students and residents around the: school areas. e. Speed Limit Signs Discussion of speed limit signs in some of areas where signs are not posted in sufficient area and no signs posted on particular streets. Overgrown trees cover some of these signs or signs posted in the middle of the street rather than in the beginning of the street, so drivers know the speed limit when they turn onto a particular street. VII. NEW BUSINESS 1. Election of New Officers Captain Terry Calderone called to order the election for the chair and vice-chair for the Public Safety Commission. On motion by Hugh Riddell, seconded by Nina Daruwalla, to elect Charles Caldwell as chair. On the second motion by Nina Daruwalla, seconded by Charles Caldwell, to elect Hugh Riddell as vice-chair. Votes taken, all in favor. 2. Commission Member Resignation Captain Terry Calderone announced that Commissioner Jeff Payne will resign from the Public Safety Commission. 3. Heary Traffic During School Hours Discussion of heavy traffic during school hours are between 7:20 a.m. to 7:45 a.m., and stagger through to 8:40 a.m. VIII. REPORTS Santa Claza County Sheriffs Office Captain Terry Calderone gave a brief update that everS~thing seems fairly well. Response times have gone back up, we are meeting our goals for priority one (1), two (:?), three (3) calls. Several arrests have taken place that brought the crime statistics down. There has been some arrest on burglaries. There was an article written regarding the 117 burglaries we had solved. We recently arrested two (2) individuals responsible for a number of thefts from vehicles. Especially at the Cupertino Square Mall, a number of victims leave their vehicles unlocked leaving purchased items inside their vehicles. The male and female suspects took advantage of the situation and v~~ent through the parking lot for unlocked vehicles. The suspects have been doing this type of crime throughout the county in Cupertino, Saratoga, Santa Claza, Mountain View, and San Jose. They were captured on video and the deputies and detectives did a good job locating and arresting the two (2) suspects. With their arrest, it has solved a number of cases. The number of citations for January was down due to new shift plans and vacations. Speeding and moving citations have gone back up. There have been a number of directed enforcements, one azound De Anza College regarding crosswalks, speeding and red light violations. Students are running the red lights because they are late to class. Another directed enforcement at Stelling and Alves regarding crosswalks and motorist not watching for pedestrians and a number of other moving violations. Fifty-one (51) citations were issued in two (2) hours in this area. In future dates, there will be a number of directed enforcements done for crosswalk violations throughout the city. Lieutenant Carl Neusel will be creating a matrix and tasking over the placement of the radar trailer the city owns. He will have a schedule where the trailer will be place throughout the city. The trailer will be post in areas where residents complain about speeding in their neigihborhoods. The complaints and schedules will be going out on a regular basis from now on. The use of the rad~ir trailer has been effective, but speeds go back up within two weeks. The radar trailer is posted again to remind them of the speed. IX. FUTURE AGENDA FOR NEXT MEETING 1. Radar Speed Signs 2. Flashing Speed Lights 3. Safe Route to School X. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 7:55 p.m. XI. NEXT MEETING Next regular meeting schedule for Thursday, April 10, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. SUBMITTED BY: Elaine Chasuk Executive Assistant to Captain Terry Calderone March 21, 2008