CHC 12-13-12 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CUPERTINO HOUSING COMMISSION December 13, 2012 1.CALL TO ORDER The Regular Meeting of the Cupertino Housing Commission was called to order at 9:14 a.m. by Chair Rajeev Raman 2.ROLL CALL Present: Chair Rajeev Raman, Vice Chair Krista Wilson, Housing Commissioner Jimmy Chien and Planning Commissioner Paul Brophy Absent: Commissioner Niki Maroko and Harvey Barnett Staff present: Vera Gil, Senior Planner 3.APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approve the October 11, 2012 minutes as submitted by staff with proposed amendments. Motion: Chair Raman Second: Vice-Chair Wilson Vote: 3-0 4.WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS None 5.ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None 6.NEW BUSINESS Discussion of BMR applicant/client survey as proposed by Chair Ra man Continued discussion on what needs to be achieved by the survey. Chair Raman thinks the Commission needs to think about whom they are targeting and what they want to get out of the survey. Staff suggests that each commissioner do some “homework” and put together a list of questions they are proposing. 7.COMMITTEE MEMBER REPORTS Chair Raman was unable to attend and he would like to know if other Commissioners are willing to rotate attendance. Vice Chair Wilson thinks that is a good idea. Chair Raman will e-mail the schedule to everyone. 8.ANNOUNCEMENTS None. 9.ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 9:45 a.m. SUBMITTED BY: Vera Gil, Senior Planner