Regular Meeting
February 7, 2013 at 7:00 p.m.
Community Hall, 10350 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, CA
Note: This meeting will be televised
Chairperson David Greenstein called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in
the Community Hall Council Chamber, 10350 Torre Avenue, Cupertino,
Commissioners present: David Greenstein, Darcy Paul, David Fung
Commissioners absent: Siva Budaraju, Geoff Paulsen
Staff present: Mark Linder, Katy Jensen, John Bisely, Donna
A. Chairperson
Action: Commissioner Greenstein nominated Commissioner David
Fung for Chairperson and Commissioner Paul seconded the motion.
The motion carried unanimously with Commissioners Budaraju and
Paulsen absent.
B. Vice Chairperson
Action: Commissioner Greenstein nominated Commissioner Darcy
Paul for Vice Chairperson and Commissioner Fung seconded the
motion. The motion carried unanimously with Commissioners
Budaraju and Paulsen absent.
A. Staff oral reports
Director Mark Linder reported he recently met with newly
appointed Commissioner Geoff Paulsen, who said that he is very
excited to be chosen to serve on the Parks and Recreation
Commission. Mr. Paulsen previously served on the Bike and
Pedestrian Commission.
Director Linder said this would be his last Commission meeting
because he has been chosen as the new City Manager at the City of
Campbell. He thanked the Commissioners for their service and
said it was a pleasure working with them. He said it had also been
wonderful working with the Parks and Recreation Department. He
said at the Tuesday, February 5 Council meeting that Council
approved the Mary Avenue dog park and Mark said the dog park
was the first project he worked on when he began here in 2008.
Commissioner Greenstein thanked Director Linder for all his work
on the Stevens Creek Corridor Project and complimented Mark on
his connection to the community. Commissioner Paul
congratulated Director Linder and thanked him for all his work
and service to Cupertino. Commissioner Fung also thanked Mark
for his continued work on the dog park process and complimented
him on how he promoted public involvement in the issues within
the City.
B. Commissioner contacts
Commissioner Paul said he has been participating in the
Leadership 95014 program that was revived by Director Linder.
The group recently toured Recology recycling plant and today, they
toured Kaiser Hospital. He said if people are interested in
participating in this Leadership program, they should try come to
the next session as a guest.
Commissioner Fung reported he attended the last Council Meeting
to observe the deliberations regarding the Mary Avenue dog park.
He and Commissioner Greenstein attended the monthly Mayor's
meeting with the various Commissions.
A. Regular meeting of January 3, 2013
Action: Commissioner Paul made a motion to approve the
minutes and Commissioner Fung seconded the motion. The
motion carried 2 -0 - 1 with Commissioner Greenstein abstaining
and Commissioners Budaraju and Paulsen absent.
A. Environmental Education Building update
Director Linder introduced Katy Jensen, Capital Improvement
Manager, who gave a presentation on the conceptual design of the new
Environmental Education Building and the Outdoor Gathering Shelter
in McClellan Ranch Preserve. Katy noted that in attendance in the
audience are members of the design team: Project Manager, Carmen
Lynaugh, Recreation Supervisor, Christine Hanel, City Naturalist,
Barbara Banfield, Recreation Coordinator, David Jahns, and Architect,
Henry Siegel, of Siegel and Strain Architects.
Katy gave a brief background on the EE Building and said the Stevens
Creek Corridor Master Plan and Restoration Plan, which was adopted
in June 2006, includes the area of McClellan Ranch and identifies the
general location and size for a future environmental education center.
With Council approval of the FY 2012-13 CIP Budget in June 2012,
Council funded the Outdoor Gathering Shelter project in the amount
of$125,000. On October 2, 2012, Council appropriated funding in the
amount of$1,149,000 for the Environmental Education Center and
authorized staff to contract with an architect for the design of the
facility. The architectural firm of Siegel & Strain was selected to design
the combined project as a single facility.
Katy introduced Henry Siegel, who gave a Power Point Presentation of
the project and the new conceptual design of the building and where it
will be located in McClellan Ranch Preserve.
Commissioner Greenstein asked what the size of the new building is in
relation to the size of the Ranch House. Mr. Siegel said he does not
know the actual square footage of the Ranch House is but the new
building is 2,000 square feet. He said the size of the new building is
very compatible with the existing buildings. Mr. Siegel said there is
water access and power already on the site and there will be no gas
used on site. He also said there will be a minimal amount of trenching
needed on site.
Commissioner Greenstein asked if any trees will be removed for the
building construction. Mr. Siegel said the preliminary design plans
show two palm trees and one small oak tree will possibly have to be
removed. He said the grading of the area will determine if the two
palm trees will need to be removed but it could turn out that they can
remain. Commissioner Greenstein said Cupertino residents love their
trees and the design/construction team should try to keep the trees in
Commissioner Paul asked if the building would be LEED Certified.
Katy said they are targeting for LEED Silver consistency, but they are
not applying for LEED Certification because it is a budgetary concern
as it is a very expensive process. She will be presenting to Council in
two weeks and said they will highlight this certification so that it could
possibly be considered.
Commissioner Fung asked if there are any materials used in the project
that will be sustainable. Mr. Siegel said they always use as many
sustainable materials as possible on their projects.
Katy said the project is on schedule to meet the following milestones:
Bid the construction contract: August 2013
Council award of the construction contract September 2013
Start of construction October 2013
Completion of construction December 2014
Chair Fung received a speaker card and asked Todd Kubiak to come
forward. Mr. Kubiak said he noticed that the building design showed
the windows on the north side of the building and he asked why not
have the windows on the south side of the building to have more
allowance for sun for natural lighting and to help heat to the building.
Mr. Siegel said there are many windows on the south side also but the
rendering does not that side of the building . He said the classroom
will have windows on all four sides and it is their intention to make
the entire building as "day-lit" as possible. If the budget allows, they
will install lights that will automatically go off when there is sufficient
daylight in the building. He said all major spaces within the building
will have windows facing north and south and the windows will be
designed to keep the heat in during wintertime and deflect the sun
during the summer months.
Commissioner Greenstein said this building is a long time coming and
he is happy that it will finally be built and he thinks it will be
cherished by Cupertino residents and staff.
Chair Fung commended the architects on the building design and
commended the staff on their work on obtaining the grant and
facilitating the building project.
B. Parks maintenance and geese issue
Public Works Supervisor, John Bisely reported on behalf of Roger Lee.
John said they are beginning a pilot program at Memorial Park, this
week or next, with Losee's Goose Control to try using controlled dogs
to getting rid of the geese. He said they will try this method, as well as
using a small laser, that they borrowed from the City of Campbell, to
point near the geese. When they tried the laser, the geese immediately
flew away.
Commissioner Greenstein asked how often the maintenance crews will
be deploying the laser method and John said the crews are instructed
to wave the laser whenever they see any geese attempting to land. The
Losee's dog method will be used Monday through Friday, two to three
times per day. The Public Works Department will be posting signs at
Memorial Park to let the public know what the dogs are doing there.
The number of times per week the dogs are used will taper off until
there are no more geese and then the maintenance crews will only call
Losee's as needed. However, the laser method will continue to be
used as the geese begin to return to the park.
Commissioner Paul asked if the laser method could be harmful to
geese or humans and John said yes and that it why they don't shine it
directly on the geese, but they only shine the beam within a 100 yards
or so as to scare them away. John also said that only a few of the
maintenance workers will be trained on using the laser so only they
will be asked to use the laser method.
A. Consider non-profits' grants policy and process
Director Linder said there was a typo in his staff report and said the
first sentence in the second paragraph, should refer to KMTV Channel
15, not Channel 65.
He reported that Cupertino has a few processes in place that provide
grants to non-profit organizations serving low income families, fine
arts, and groups that provide services to the general public. But
typically, a unique group will approach the Council at the first meeting
in June, to ask for money to help their particular group or
organization. There isn't an actual application or evaluation process for
these unique groups to apply prior to coming to the Council meeting.
Staff feels it is important to have an application process for these
groups that are seeking funds from the City. This recommendation
would go to Council for action during the budget process.
The process would include the following elements:
• Council establishes the amount of funding for non-profit
organizations that serve the wider Cupertino community
• A date is established when applications are available
• A date is set when applications are due
• Applications include information about the organization, its
budget, its purpose, and how the funds from Cupertino will be
used, how the services align with City Council priorities, and
how the funds will benefit the Cupertino community
• Applications will go to the staff member whose Commission
will review, evaluate, and prepare a recommendation for the
City Council
• Council will make the final decisions as part of the budget
Chair Fung said there should be a set amount of money by the
Council that is available for these grants. Chair Fung also said that
groups should have an up to date non-profit designation. He also
said it could depend on how much money in a given budget year
would be available for the Council to set aside for these grants. He
suggested that groups who have been previous recipients, should
have preference in applying and report how the money received
was used.
Action: Commission Greenstein made a motion to approve this
recommendation and send to Council. Commissioner Paul
seconded the motion.
Note: Chair Fung suggested that the recommendation include the
suggestion of having the groups and organizations that have
received grant funding, submit a report as to how the money was
The motion carried unanimously with Commissioners Budaraju
and Paulsen absent.
10. ADJOURNMENT—Chair Fung adjourned the meeting at 8:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
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Donna Henriques, Administrative Assistant
Minutes approved at the April 4, 2013 regular meeting